Euclidean Time Biblio for Philosophy of Science Archive [1] Quantum Concepts in Space and Time ; Penrose, R., C.J. Isham; Oxford University Press, 1986 [2] Can a quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete? A. Einst ein, P. Podolsky , N. Rosen Physical Review, Vol. 47 ; May 15,1935 [3] Quantum Theory and Measurement: J.A. Wheeler and W.H. Zurek, Princeton UP, 1983 [4] The Principle of Relativity; Original Papers by Lorentz, Einstein, Minkowski, Weyl ; Dover , 1 952 [5 ] Relativity and Geometry; Roberto Torretti, Dover 1981 [6 ] Hilbert’s Sixth Problem: Mathematical Treatment of the Axioms of Physics; A.S. Wightman; Symposia Vol 28, 1976; American Mathematical Society [7] Space and Time in Special Relati vity; N Mermin ; McGraw-Hill , 1968 [8] From Being to Becoming; Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences; Ilya Prigogine; W.H. Freeman, 1969 (?) [9] Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science; H. Weyl. Atheneum, 1963 [10] The Pre-Soc ratics ; editor P. Wheelwright; Odyssey Press,1966 [11]Quantum Theory and Measurement: J.A. Wheeler and W.H. Zurek, Princeton UP, 1983.