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Physics Needs Philosophy. Philosophy Needs Physics.

Rovelli, Carlo (2018) Physics Needs Philosophy. Philosophy Needs Physics. Foundations of Physics, 48. pp. 481-491. ISSN 0015-9018


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Contrary to claims about the irrelevance of philosophy for science, I argue that philosophy has had, and still has, far more influence on physics than is commonly assumed. I maintain that the current anti-philosophical ideology has had damaging effects on the fertility of science. I also suggest that recent important empirical results, such as the detection of the Higgs particle and gravitational waves, and the failure to detect supersymmetry where many expected to find it, question the validity of certain philosophical assumptions common among theoretical physicists, inviting us to engage in a clearer philosophical reflection on scientific method.

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Item Type: Published Article or Volume
Rovelli, Carlorovelli@cpt.univ-mrs.fr0000-0003-1724-9737
Additional Information: Expanded version of a keynote talk given at the London School of Economics on 17 July 2016, in the context of the XVIII UK-European Conference on the Foundations of Physics.
Keywords: Philosophy of physics, Aristotle, Popper, Kuhn
Subjects: General Issues > History of Philosophy of Science
Depositing User: Carlo Rovelli
Date Deposited: 17 May 2018 21:05
Last Modified: 11 Jul 2024 13:13
Item ID: 14678
Journal or Publication Title: Foundations of Physics
DOI or Unique Handle: 10.1007/s10701-018-0167-y
Subjects: General Issues > History of Philosophy of Science
Date: 3 May 2018
Page Range: pp. 481-491
Volume: 48
ISSN: 0015-9018

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