PhilSci Archive

Browse Open Access Books

To facilitate their preservation, the Phil-Sci Archive has a section for depositing books that have been published by an academic imprint (subject to peer review). Manuscript monographs can be also deposited in accordance with our standard policies (

Authors can deposit the published version of their PDFs, provided that their Creative Commons publication license permits it - most CC licenses do. The submission procedure mirrors the procedure for depositing article preprints,but requires the author to choose "Open Access book" as the item type and to supply the necessary metadata (including the ISBN, DOI and URL of the publisher's version of record).

If you are negotiating a publishing contract for a monograph, you may consider asking the press for permission to post the accepted version on this repository. This would not need to amount to a full CC license, but could be included as a subclause of your publishing contract

Here is a list of OA books already deposited at the Phi-Sci Archive.