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To understand the origin of life we must first understand the role of normativity

Froese, Tom (2021) To understand the origin of life we must first understand the role of normativity. [Preprint]

Deacon commentary v1.3 - revised.pdf

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Deacon develops a minimal model of a nonparasitic virus to explore how nucleotide sequences came to be characterized by a code-like informational at the origin of life. The model serves to problematize the concept of biological normativity because it highlights two common yet typically implicit assumptions: (1) that life could consist as an inert form, were it not for extrinsic sources of physical instability, and (2) that life could have originated as a singular self-contained individual. I propose that the origin of life, the genetic code, and biological normativity more generally, lead us to reject this passive individualism.

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Item Type: Preprint
Froese, Tomtom.froese@oist.jp0000-0002-9899-5274
Additional Information: Accepted commentary on the target article by Terrence Deacon in Biosemiotics
Keywords: autopoiesis, enactive cognitive science, embodied cognition, genetic code, artificial life, synthetic biology
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Biology > Function/Teleology
Specific Sciences > Complex Systems
Depositing User: Dr. Tom Froese
Date Deposited: 14 Nov 2021 01:45
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2021 01:45
Item ID: 19846
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Biology > Function/Teleology
Specific Sciences > Complex Systems
Date: 2021

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