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On the Evolutionary Defense of Scientific Antirealism

Park, Seungbae (2014) On the Evolutionary Defense of Scientific Antirealism.


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Van Fraassen (1980) claims that successful theories exist today because successful theories survive and unsuccessful ones die. Wray (2007, 2010) appeals to Stanford’s new pessimistic induction (2006), arguing that van Fraassen’s selectionist explanation is better than the realist explanation that successful theories exist because they are approximately true. I argue that if the pessimistic induction is correct, then the evolutionary explanation is neither true nor empirically adequate, and that realism is better than selectionism because realism explains more phenomena in science than selectionism.

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Item Type: Published Article or Volume
Park, Seungbae
Keywords: Evolutionary Theory, Pessimistic Induction, Scientific Realism, Success of Science
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Biology > Evolutionary Theory
General Issues > Realism/Anti-realism
Depositing User: Dr. Seungbae Park
Date Deposited: 21 Jan 2019 01:24
Last Modified: 21 Jan 2019 01:24
Item ID: 15610
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Biology > Evolutionary Theory
General Issues > Realism/Anti-realism
Date: 2014

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