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The Multiple Dimensions of Multiple Determination

Coko, Klodian (2020) The Multiple Dimensions of Multiple Determination. [Preprint]

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Multiple determination is the epistemic strategy of establishing the same result by means of multiple, independent procedures. It is an important strategy praised by both philosophers of science and practicing scientists. Despite the heavy appeal to multiple determination, little analysis has been provided regarding the specific grounds upon which its epistemic virtues rest. In this article I distinguish between the various dimensions of multiple determination and show how they can be used to evaluate the epistemic force of the strategy in particular cases. Distinguishing between the various dimensions helps to resolve the disagreements regarding the relevance and epistemic import of multiple determination for scientific research. It also suggests a fruitful mode of interaction between the philosophy of science and historical accounts of scientific practice.

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Item Type: Preprint
Coko, Klodianklodian.coko.hps@gmail.com0000-0003-3076-8494
Keywords: Multiple Determination, Robustness, Scientific Method, No-coincidence Argument
Subjects: General Issues > Evidence
General Issues > Experimentation
Depositing User: Dr. Klodian Coko
Date Deposited: 28 Apr 2020 19:52
Last Modified: 28 Apr 2020 19:52
Item ID: 17126
Subjects: General Issues > Evidence
General Issues > Experimentation
Date: 28 April 2020

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