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Can 'Eugenics' be Defended?

Veit, Walter and Anomaly, Jonathan and Agar, Nicholas and Singer, Peter and Fleischmann, Diana and Minerva, Francesca (2021) Can 'Eugenics' be Defended? Monash Bioethics Review.

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In recent years, bioethical discourse around the topic of ‘genetic enhancement’ has become increasingly politicized. We fear that there has been too much focus on the semantic question of whether we should call - or in this case perhaps it would be better to say brand - particular practices and emerging bio-technologies such as CRISPR ‘eugenicist’ or ‘eugenic’, rather than the more philosophically important question of how we should view them from the perspective of ethics and policy. Here, we address the question of whether ‘eugenics’ can be defended and how proponents and critics of enhancement should engage with each other

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Item Type: Published Article or Volume
Veit, Walterwrwveit@gmail.com0000-0001-7701-8995
Anomaly, Jonathan
Agar, Nicholas
Singer, Peter
Fleischmann, Diana
Minerva, Francesca
Keywords: Ethics; eugenics; enhancement; human enhancement; embryo selection; gene editing; CRISPR
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Medicine > Biomedical Ethics
General Issues > Ethical Issues
Depositing User: Dr. Walter Veit
Date Deposited: 03 Jun 2021 14:18
Last Modified: 03 Jun 2021 14:18
Item ID: 19147
Journal or Publication Title: Monash Bioethics Review
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Medicine > Biomedical Ethics
General Issues > Ethical Issues
Date: 2021

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