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Science and Justice: Beyond the New Orthodoxy of Value-Laden Science Preprint

Ludwig, David (2023) Science and Justice: Beyond the New Orthodoxy of Value-Laden Science Preprint. [Preprint]

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Science and Justice - Beyond the New Orthodoxy of Value-Laden Science - preprint.pdf

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The interface of science and society is fraught with contradictions. Scientific research is indispensable for addressing social-environmental crises but also a driving factor in producing many of these crises and deepening global inequality. These contradictions are fundamental in the sense that they are not only the product of epistemically corrupted research but also of the well-established mainstream of the science system. Current debates about the relation between science and society risk obscuring these contradictions through a narrow focus on anti-science populism and epistemic corruption in the context of issues such as climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic. In moving beyond the narrow focus of this “New Orthodoxy”, this chapter argues for an expansion of philosophical debates from values to justice in science. An account of just science is outlined through three dimensions of effects of the science system on (1) the distribution of benefits and burdens, (2) the recognition of affected stakeholders, and (3) their political representation at the interface of science and society.

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Item Type: Preprint
Keywords: Values; Justice; Political Philosophy of Science; Science and Society
Subjects: General Issues > Feminist Approaches
General Issues > Science and Society
General Issues > Science and Policy
General Issues > Values In Science
Depositing User: Dr David Ludwig
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2023 13:58
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2023 13:58
Item ID: 21660
Subjects: General Issues > Feminist Approaches
General Issues > Science and Society
General Issues > Science and Policy
General Issues > Values In Science
Date: 2023

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