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Bell's Theorem Begs the Question

Christian, Joy (2024) Bell's Theorem Begs the Question. [Preprint]

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I demonstrate that Bell's theorem is based on circular reasoning and thus a fundamentally flawed argument. It unjustifiably assumes the additivity of expectation values for dispersion-free states of contextual hidden variable theories for non-commuting observables involved in Bell-test experiments, which is tautologous to assuming the bounds of ±2 on the Bell-CHSH sum of expectation values. Its premises thus assume in a different guise the bounds of ±2 it sets out to prove. Once this oversight is ameliorated from Bell's argument by identifying the impediment that leads to it and local realism is implemented correctly, the bounds on the Bell-CHSH sum of expectation values work out to be ±2√2 instead of ±2, thereby mitigating the conclusion of Bell's theorem. Consequently, what is ruled out by any of the Bell test experiments is not local realism but the linear additivity of expectation values, which does not hold for non-commuting observables in any hidden variable theories to begin with. I also identify similar oversight in the GHZ variant of Bell’s theorem, invalidating its claim of having found an inconsistency in the premisses of the argument by EPR for completing quantum mechanics. Conceptually, the oversight in both Bell’s theorem and its GHZ variant traces back to the oversight in von Neumann’s theorem against hidden variable theories identified by Grete Hermann in the 1930s.

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Item Type: Preprint
Christian, Joyjjc@bu.edu0000-0002-8741-6943
Keywords: Bell’s theorem, local realism, Bell-CHSH inequalities, quantum correlations, Bell-test experiments, EPR paradox
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Physics
Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Mechanics
Depositing User: Dr. Joy Christian
Date Deposited: 03 Aug 2024 15:38
Last Modified: 03 Aug 2024 15:38
Item ID: 23738
Official URL:
DOI or Unique Handle: 10.48550/arXiv.2302.09519
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Physics
Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Mechanics
Date: 22 July 2024

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