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Philosophical Foundations of Loop Quantum Gravity

Rovelli, Carlo and Vidotto, Francesca (2022) Philosophical Foundations of Loop Quantum Gravity. [Preprint]

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Understanding the quantum aspects of gravity is not only a matter of equations and experiments. Gravity is intimately connected with the structure of space and time, and understanding quantum gravity requires us to find a conceptual structure appropriate to make sense of the quantum aspects of space and time. In the course of the last decades, an extensive discussion on this problem has led to a clear conceptual picture, that provides a coherent conceptual foundation of today's Loop Quantum Gravity. We review this foundation, addressing issues such as the sense in which space and time are emergent, the notion of locality, the role of truncation that enables physical computations on finite graphs, the problem of time, and the characterization of the observable quantities in quantum gravity.

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Item Type: Preprint
Rovelli, Carlorovelli.carlo@gmail.com0000-0003-1724-9737
Vidotto, Francescavidottof@gmail.com0000-0002-9883-0808
Additional Information: ublished as a chapter in the "Handbook of Quantum Gravity'', edited by Cosimo Bambi, Leonardo Modesto and Ilya Shapiro, 2023, Springer, reproduced with permission of Springer.
Keywords: emergence, spacetime, problem of time, observables in quantum gravity, loop quantum gravity
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Gravity
Depositing User: Carlo Rovelli
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2024 12:07
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2024 12:07
Item ID: 23969
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Gravity
Date: 12 November 2022

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