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Virtues of Inter- and Transdisciplinarity: A Historical Analysis of the Emergence, Consolidation and Saturation of Virtue Discourses

ten Hagen, Sjang and Horn, Annemarie (2024) Virtues of Inter- and Transdisciplinarity: A Historical Analysis of the Emergence, Consolidation and Saturation of Virtue Discourses. [Preprint]

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[img] Text (Revised submission for a forthcoming special issue on the Philosophy of Interdisciplinarity)
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Do the production of disciplinary knowledge, on the one hand, and inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge, on the other, require different sets of attitudes, mindsets, or personal qualities? In this article, we begin to answer this question by focusing on several foundational texts on inter- and transdisciplinary (ITD) studies published between the 1970s and the early 2000s. We found that virtues such as reflexivity, responsibility, and creativity were prominent in both early and in more recent ITD literature. Although additional virtues – including open-mindedness, flexibility and teamwork – came into focus later, the virtues that were considered important seem surprisingly stable over time. However, the basis for these claims has changed between the periods studied. Over time, the texts became less prescriptive and argumentative, and became more descriptive, relying on literature reviews and empirical studies to support claims about required and desirable qualities of ITD scholars. This shift in the way ITD and its virtues are being talked about is consistent with studies of ITD entering a stage of mainstreaming and consolidation as a distinct research field. We argue that this also puts the field at risk of developing blind spots for collective assumptions. We thereore take our findings as a call for the continued critical examination of ITD virtues, both from within and outside the field of ITD studies. Finally, as a step forward we suggest in-depth ethnographic studies to gain insights into ITD practices grounded in theory and philosophical argumentation, and move beyond self-report based research that may feed reproduction.

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Item Type: Preprint
ten Hagen, Sjangs.l.tenhagen@uu.nl0000-0003-3423-5847
Keywords: Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, virtues, attitudes, competencies, philosophy of inter-disciplinarity
Subjects: General Issues > History of Philosophy of Science
General Issues > Rhetoric of Science
General Issues > Values In Science
Depositing User: Dr. Sjang L. ten Hagen
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2024 13:09
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2024 13:09
Item ID: 24337
Subjects: General Issues > History of Philosophy of Science
General Issues > Rhetoric of Science
General Issues > Values In Science
Date: October 2024

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