PhilSci Archive

2024 Archive Board

Composition of the board on Jan 1, 2024

Zvi Biener
Nora Boyd
Julia Bursten
Sina Fazelpour
Joyce Havstad
Elaine Landry
Sabina Leonelli
Chiara Lisciandra
Edouard Machery
Michael Miller
John D. Norton
Rose Novick
Wendy Parker
William Penn
Collin Rice
Bryan W. Roberts
Carlos Santana
Elay Shech
Justin Sytsma
David Teira
Serife Tekin
C. Kenneth Waters
David Wallace
Zina Ward
Jim Weatherall
Joeri Witteveen

Officers of the Board

Executive Committee: Zvi Biener (Editor-in-Chief), Sabina Leonelli, and Bryan Roberts
Coordinator of PhilMath-Archive: Elaine Landry
Conferences and Volumes: Michael Miller
Promotions and Outreach: Julia Bursten
Website Quality: Justin Sytsma
Open Access Book and Journal Support: David Tiera
Coalitions S. Support: David Teira
Advisor to the Archive Manager: William Penn
Consultants to the Archive Manager: Gal Ben-Porath, Harrison Payne
Archive Manager: Nuhu Osman Attach
Archive Assistant: Ramy Amin