Foundations of Physics (2022)
Vol. 52 | | No. 95 | | |
Dieks, Dennis
Perspectival Quantum Realism.
Foundations of Physics, 52 (95).
ISSN 1572-9516
| | No. 3 | | |
Poletti, Marcello
On the strangeness of quantum mechanics.
Foundations of Physics, 52 (3).
| | No. 1 | | |
Martens, Niels C.M.
Dark Matter Realism.
Foundations of Physics, 52 (1).
ISSN 0015-9018
| | No. Unknown | | |
Lazarovici, Dustin and Reichert, Paula
The Point of Primitive Ontology.
Foundations of Physics, 52.
ISSN 1572-9516
| Vol. Unknown | | |
Williams, Porter
Entanglement, Complexity, and Causal Asymmetry in
Quantum Theories.
Foundations of Physics.
| | |
Gao, Shan
Is retrocausal quantum mechanics consistent with special relativity?
Foundations of Physics.
ISSN 0015-9018
| | |
Gao, Shan
On Bell's Everett (?) theory.
Foundations of Physics.
ISSN 0015-9018
| | |
Lopez, Cristian
Spontaneous Collapse Theories and Temporal Primitivism about Time’s Direction.
Foundations of Physics.
ISSN 0015-9018