Number of items at this level: 32.
Allzén, Simon
Dark Matter: Explanatory Unification and Historical Continuity.
Bocchi, Federica and Bokulich, Alisa and Castillo Brache, Leticia and Grand-Pierre, Gloria and Watkins, Aja
Are We in a Sixth Mass Extinction?
The Challenges of Answering and Value of Asking.
Currie, Adrian
Narratives, Events & Monotremes: The Philosophy of History in Practice.
Currie, Adrian
Of Records & Ruins: Metaphors about the Deep Past.
Currie, Adrian
Scientific Knowledge & the Deep Past: History Matters.
Currie, Adrian
Stepping Forwards by Looking Back: Underdetermination, Epistemic Scarcity & Legacy Data.
Currie, Adrian and Swaim, Daniel G.
Past Facts & the Nature of History.
Farrell, Margaret
Causal properties of narrative explanations tell us what they are and where we’ll find them.
Glass, David and Schupbach, Jonah N.
Conjunctive Explanations: When Are Two Explanations Better than One?
Jessop, Adrienne
Mendel in and after his time.
Jessop, Adrienne P
Mendel and Lederberg: The first steps towards classical and molecular genetics.
Koskinen, Inkeri
Objectivity in contexts: Withholding epistemic judgement as a strategy for mitigating collective bias.
Lehmkuhl, Dennis and Röken, Christian and Doboszewski, Juliusz
On Penrose's Analogy between Curved Spacetime Regions and Optical Lenses.
Meneganzin, Andra and Currie, Adrian
Not Wasted on the Young:
Childhood, Trait Complexes & Human Behavioral Ecology.
Meneganzin, Andra and Killin, Anton
Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Reconsidering Neanderthal Aesthetic Capacity.
Pinto de Oliveira, J. C.
Historiography, Teleology, and Kuhn’s Last Writings.
Susan, S. G.
Mach on Analogy in Science.
Van Bouwel, Jeroen
Dimensions of the Methodological Individualism/Holism Debate.
Virmajoki, Veli
Review of Paul A. Roth’s The Philosophical Structure of Historical Explanation.
Virmajoki, Veli
What Should We Require from an Account of Explanation in Historiography?
Conference or Workshop Item
Brewer, Matthew
When Should Absence of Evidence Be Evidence of Absence?: A Case Study from Paleogeology.
Castillo Brache, Leticia
Parachute Science in Paleontology as Distributive Epistemic Injustice.
Valde, Katherine
When Will Scientific Disagreement Bear Fruit?: A Case Study About Angiosperm Origins.
Watkins, Aja
The Epistemic Value of the Living Fossils Concept.
Published Article or Volume
Becker Arenhart, Jonas Rafael and Medeiros Costa, Vítor
Quasi-truth and incomplete information in historical sciences.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (1).
pp. 113-137.
ISSN 2171-679X
Desmond, Hugh
Symmetry breaking and the emergence of path-dependence.
Synthese, 194 (10).
pp. 4101-4131.
ISSN 0039-7857
Leonelli, Sabina
Chapman and Wylie's Evidential Reasoning in Archaeology.
BJPS Review of Books.
Marinucci, Ludovica
Christiaan Huygens' ‘Verisimilia de planetis’ and its Relevance for Interpreting the ‘Cosmotheoros’. With its First English Translation.
Miyake, Teru
Adrian Currie's Rock, Bone, and Ruin.
BJPS Review of Books.
Perpinyà, Max Bautista and Pence, Charles H.
David Sepkoski, Catastrophic Thinking.
BJPS Review of Books.
Witteveen, Joeri
Golden spikes, scientific types, and the ma(r)king of deep time.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 106.
pp. 70-85.
Open Access Book
Leonelli, Sabina and Tempini, N
Data Journeys in the Sciences.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 10:30:12 2025 EST.