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Entropy cost of "Erasure" in Physically Irreversible Processes

Kastner, Ruth and Schlatter, Andreas (2023) Entropy cost of "Erasure" in Physically Irreversible Processes. [Preprint]

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A restricted form of Landauer’s Principle, independent of computational considerations, is shown to hold for thermal systems by reference to the joint entropy associated with conjugate observables. It is shown that the source of the compensating entropy for irreversible physical processes is due to the ontological uncertainty attending values of such mutually incompatible observables, rather than due to epistemic uncertainty as traditionally assumed in the information-theoretic approach. In particular, it is explicitly shown that erasure of logical (epistemic) information via reset operations is not equivalent to erasure of thermodynamic entropy, so that the traditional, information-theoretic form of Landauer's Principle is not supported by the physics. A further implication of the analysis is that there is no Maxwell's Demon in the real world. information via reset operations is not equivalent to erasure of thermodynamic entropy, so that the traditional, information-theoretic form of Landauer's Principle is not supported by the physics. A further implication of the analysis is that there is no Maxwell's Demon in the real world.

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Item Type: Preprint
Schlatter, Andreas
Keywords: Landauer's Principle, Entropy, Thermodynamics, Uncertainty Principle
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Mechanics
Specific Sciences > Physics > Statistical Mechanics/Thermodynamics
Depositing User: Ruth E. Kastner
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2023 19:46
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2023 19:46
Item ID: 22643
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Mechanics
Specific Sciences > Physics > Statistical Mechanics/Thermodynamics
Date: 9 October 2023

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