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Ontology and the mathematization of the scientific enterprise

Krause, Décio and Arenhart, Jonas R. B. and da Costa, Newton C. A. (2015) Ontology and the mathematization of the scientific enterprise. [Preprint]

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In this basically expository paper we discuss the role of logic and mathematics
in researches concerning the ontology of scientific theories, and we
consider the particular case of quantum mechanics. We argue that systems
of logic in general, and classical logic in particular, may contribute
substantially with the ontology of any theory that has this logic in its
base. In the case of quantum mechanics, however, from the point of view
of philosophical discussions concerning identity and individuality, those
contributions may not be welcome for a specific interpretation, and an
alternative system of logic perhaps could be used instead of a classical
system. In this sense, we argue that the logic and ontology of a scientific
theory may be seen as mutually influencing each other. On the one hand,
logic contributes to shape the general features of the ontology of a theory;
on the other hand, the theory also puts constraints on the possible
understanding of ontology and, respectively, on possible systems of logic
that may be the underlying logic of the theory.

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Item Type: Preprint
Krause, Dé
Arenhart, Jonas R. B.jonas.becker2@gmail.cpm
da Costa, Newton C.
Keywords: Logic; classical ontology; quantum ontology; quantum mechanics; identity.
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Mathematics
Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Mechanics
General Issues > Structure of Theories
Depositing User: Prof. Décio Krause
Date Deposited: 16 Feb 2015 15:27
Last Modified: 16 Feb 2015 15:27
Item ID: 11326
Subjects: Specific Sciences > Mathematics
Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Mechanics
General Issues > Structure of Theories
Date: 16 February 2015

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