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Memory and Entropy

Rovelli, Carlo (2020) Memory and Entropy. [Preprint]


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I study the physical nature of traces (or memories). Surprisingly, (i) systems separation with (ii) temperature differences and (iii) long thermalization times, are sufficient conditions to produce macroscopic traces. Traces of the past are ubiquitous because these conditions are largely satisfied in our universe. I quantify these thermodynamical conditions for memory and derive an expression for the maximum amount of information stored in such memories, as a function of the relevant thermodynamical parameters. This mechanism transforms low entropy into available information.

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Item Type: Preprint
Rovelli, Carlorovelli@cpt.univ-mrs.fr0000-0003-1724-9737
Keywords: Traces, Memories, Past Hypothesis, Second Law, Entropy, Information.
Subjects: General Issues > Causation
Specific Sciences > Complex Systems
Specific Sciences > Probability/Statistics
Specific Sciences > Physics > Statistical Mechanics/Thermodynamics
Depositing User: Carlo ROVELLI
Date Deposited: 16 Mar 2020 03:47
Last Modified: 11 Jul 2024 13:09
Item ID: 17004
Subjects: General Issues > Causation
Specific Sciences > Complex Systems
Specific Sciences > Probability/Statistics
Specific Sciences > Physics > Statistical Mechanics/Thermodynamics
Date: 13 March 2020

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