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Spacetime Emergence in Quantum Gravity: Functionalism and the Hard Problem

Le Bihan, Baptiste (2019) Spacetime Emergence in Quantum Gravity: Functionalism and the Hard Problem. [Preprint]

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Spacetime functionalism is the view that spacetime is a functional structure implemented by a more fundamental ontology. Lam and Wüthrich have recently argued that spacetime functionalism helps to solve the epistemological problem of empirical coherence in quantum gravity and suggested that it also (dis)solves the hard problem of spacetime, namely the problem of offering a picture consistent with the emergence of spacetime from a non-spatio-temporal structure. First, I will deny that spacetime functionalism solves the hard problem by showing that it comes in various species, each entailing a different attitude towards, or answer to, the hard problem. Second, I will argue that the existence of an explanatory gap, which grounds the hard problem, has not been correctly taken into account in the literature.

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Item Type: Preprint
Le Bihan, Baptistebaptiste.lebihan@unige.ch0000-0002-1245-1373
Additional Information: Forthcoming in Synthese
Keywords: spacetime emergence, quantum gravity, functionalism, hard problem, empirical coherence, loop quantum gravity
Subjects: General Issues > Explanation
Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Gravity
General Issues > Reductionism/Holism
Specific Sciences > Physics > Relativity Theory
Depositing User: Dr. Baptiste Le Bihan
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2019 04:55
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2019 04:55
Item ID: 16560
Subjects: General Issues > Explanation
Specific Sciences > Physics > Quantum Gravity
General Issues > Reductionism/Holism
Specific Sciences > Physics > Relativity Theory
Date: 18 October 2019

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