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The Method of Resolving the Inconsistencies that Stymie Scientific fields

Ola, Paul (2023) The Method of Resolving the Inconsistencies that Stymie Scientific fields. [Preprint]

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The history of physics teaches us that the resolution of inconsistencies that stymie scientific fields is the reliable path to breakthroughs. What it does not teach us is the method by which Albert Einstein resolved inconsistencies in the process of developing General Relativity and how this method can be employed to resolve other inconsistencies that stymie scientific fields. Upon acquiring the capacity to use the method to resolve the inconsistencies that stymie public health after 13 years of the necessary philosophical and empirical immersion, it was found to be one in which the scientist forges a path to knowledge of reality by means of thought that begins in experimental results (pure thought) rather than thought that is founded on assumptions that are made about reality with the goal of giving greater explanatory and predictive power to theories. It was discovered that mathematics is not a “microscope” that has the capacity to uncover knowledge of reality by illuminating experimental results but rather a language into which the universal language of pure thought must be translated or in which such thought must be conducted if the doubtlessness of each step taken towards knowledge of reality will be ascertained before arrival at concepts and the principles that interrelate them. Thus, the mathematical equivalent of the universal language of pure thought, such as the non-Euclidean geometry of General Relativity, which increases the likelihood that the scientist will forge a path to empirical knowledge is analogous to the pictorial language in maps by which ancient voyagers ascertained the doubtlessness of their steps and increased the likelihood of success long before arrival at the destinations where they confirmed such doubtlessness. But fluency in the universal language of pure thought must be achieved when the realities to be understood are those to which paths cannot be forged in any known mathematics, such as the quantum reality which Einstein sought in the bid to unify knowledge in physics and that which must be grasped for the unification of the mono-causal theory of a disease, such as the germ theory, and the multi-causal theory of the same disease that takes into account the many factors epidemiology has linked with the outcome of the event which the former attributes to a specific factor. Together, these results reveal that the focus of scientists who aim to resolve the inconsistencies that stymie their fields must be such fluency in this non-mathematical language of pure thought which will permit them not only to forge paths to knowledge of reality when its mathematical equivalents do not already exist but also to communicate effectively with the mathematicians who will develop such equivalents. The absence of such knowledge which must guide interpretation of data if results are to be accurate, rather than the ineffectiveness of mathematical, computational and other tools employed, lies at the root of the problems that scientific fields presently face.

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Item Type: Preprint
Ola, Paul0000-0001-7303-8905
Keywords: Philosophy of Science; Experimental philosophy; Empirical philosophy; Mathematics; Experimental method; Empirical method
Subjects: General Issues > Theory/Observation
Depositing User: Paul Ola
Date Deposited: 18 Mar 2023 13:13
Last Modified: 18 Mar 2023 13:13
Item ID: 21888
DOI or Unique Handle: 10.31219/
Subjects: General Issues > Theory/Observation
Date: 6 March 2023

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