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Coordination of Space and Unity of Science

Liu, Chuang (2000) Coordination of Space and Unity of Science. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


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In this essay, I explore a metaphor in geometry for the debate between the unity and the disunity of science, namely, the possibility of putting a global coordinate system (or a chart) on a manifold. I explain why the former is a good metaphor that shows what it means (and takes in principle) for science to be unified. I then go through some of the existing literature on the unity/disunity debate and show how the metaphor sheds light on some of the views and arguments.

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Item Type: Other
Liu, Chuang
Keywords: geometry, unification, disunity of science, foundationalism, pluralism, reduction
Subjects: General Issues > Explanation
General Issues > Philosophers of Science
General Issues > Reductionism/Holism
Depositing User: Chuang Liu
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2001
Last Modified: 07 Oct 2010 15:10
Item ID: 388
Public Domain: No
Subjects: General Issues > Explanation
General Issues > Philosophers of Science
General Issues > Reductionism/Holism
Date: November 2000

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