PhilSci Archive

Preprint Volumes

PhilSci-Archive is now offering beautiful PDF preprint volumes for anyone organizing a conference or putting together a volume in the philosophy of science.

As with our traditional Conference and Volumes sections, PhilSci-Archive will create a special section for your conference or volume, as in this example.

Conference or volume participants are given instructions on how to upload their papers to that section. At the organizer's request, PhilSci-Archive will then generate a PDF volume containing all the uploaded papers, with a table of contents linking to each one. Here is the PDF that was generated from the previous example:

Example PhilSci-Archive Preprint Volume

PhilSci-Archive preprint volumes are a free service to the philosophy of science community. Creating a preprint volume for your event is easy and painless. Just follow these steps:

  1. Contact PhilSci-Archive at to request a designated section for your conference or volume.
  2. Send your participants instructions on how to post their papers, and set a deadline.
  3. Contact PhilSci-Archive again ( to request that your PDF preprint volume be compiled.

Your preprint volume will be automatically created, and posted by an editor on your conference or volume section within 48 hours.