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  • Conferences and Volumes (59)
    • [2020] PSA2020: The 27th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association (Baltimore, MD; 18-22 Nov 2020) (59)
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Number of items at this level: 59.


-Preprint Volume-, Philsci-Archive (2020) PSA 2020. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Aaby, Bendik (2020) The ecological dimension of natural selection. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Abrams, Marshall (2021) Pseudorandomness in Simulations and Nature. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ahn, Soohyun (2020) Can Morally Superior Values Produce Beneficial Outcomes in Science? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Akagi, Mikio and Gooding, Frederick W. (2021) Microaggressions and Objectivity: Experimental Measures and Lived Experience. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Balaguer, Mark (2021) How to Make Presentism Consistent with Special Relativity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Barker, Matthew J. and Slater, Matthew H. (2020) Classificatory norms in scientific practice: the unobjective but rational *chemical element*. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bartha, Paul (2021) Prospects for Analogue Confirmation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bechtel, William (2021) Discovering control mechanisms: The controllers of dynein. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bobadilla, Hernan (2022) What is at Stake in the Formalization of a Chronostratigraphic Unit? A Case Study on the Anthropocene. Philosophy of Science, 89 (5). pp. 1024-1033.

Bollhagen, Andrew (2020) The "Inch-Worm Episode": Reconstituting the Phenomenon of Kinesin Motility. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bursten, Julia and Kendig, Catherine (2020) Growing Knowledge: Epistemic Objects in Agricultural Extension Work. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Casini, Lorenzo and Moneta, Alessio and Capasso, Marco (2020) Variable Definition and Independent Components. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Curry, Devin Sanchez (2020) g as bridge model. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Curtis-Trudel, Andre E (2020) Implementation as Resemblance. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Dacey, Mike (2020) Anecdotal Experiments: evaluating evidence with few animals. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Davis, Cruz (2020) Structural Humility. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Dethier, Corey (2021) Climate Models and the Irrelevance of Chaos. Philosophy of Science, 88 (5). pp. 997-1007.

DiMarco, Marina (2020) Wishful Intelligibility, Black Boxes, and Epidemiological Explanation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Dinh, Phuong (Phoebe) and Danks, David (2020) Causal Pluralism in Philosophy: Empirical Challenges and Alternative Proposals. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Dougherty, John (2020) The substantial role of Weyl symmetry in deriving general relativity from string theory. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Downes, Stephen M. and Forber, Patrick (2021) Joint Agency and the Uniquely Human Cooperation Hypothesis. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Elliott, Kevin (2022) Open Science for Non-Specialists: Making Open Science Meaningful Outside the Scientific Community. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Fang, Wei (2021) Toward Mechanism 2.1: A Dynamic Causal Approach. Philosophy of Science, 88 (5). pp. 796-809. ISSN 1539-767X

Favela, Luis (2020) “It takes two to make a thing go right”: The coevolution of technological and mathematical tools in neuroscience. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fischer, Enno (2020) Causation and the Problem of Disagreement. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fletcher, Samuel C. (2022) Replication Is for Meta-Analysis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fraser, Doreen (2022) Justifying the use of purely formal analogies in physics. In: UNSPECIFIED.


GIlton, Marian J. R. (2021) Viewing quantum charge from the classical vantage point. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Garson, Justin (2020) Edmond Goblot’s (1858-1935) Selected Effects Theory of Function: A Reappraisal. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Grimsley, Christopher (2020) Causal and Non-Causal Explanations of Artificial Intelligence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Grunt-Mejer, Katarzyna/K. (2021) That Obscure Concept of Desire: ideological wars over the pharmacological enhancement of female sexual desire. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Harvard, Stephanie (2020) Representational Risk. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hunt, Josh (2020) Understanding and Equivalent Reformulations. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Isaac, Alistair M. C. (2021) Escape from Zanzibar: The Epistemic Value of Precision in Measurement. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Kish Bar-On, Kati (2020) How Much Change is Too Much Change? Rethinking the Reasons Behind the Lack of Reception to Brouwer’s Intuitionism. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Klein, Colin (2021) Explaining Neural Transitions through Resource Constraints. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Koberinski, Adam (2021) "Fundamental" "constants" and precision tests of the standard model. In: UNSPECIFIED.


LaCroix, Travis (2021) Reflexivity, Functional Reference, and Modularity: Alternative Targets for Language Origins. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Leonelli, Sabina (2021) Open Science and Epistemic Diversity: Friends or Foes? In: UNSPECIFIED.


Massimi, Michela (2021) Epistemic severing and epistemic trademarking. Two garden varieties of epistemic injustice in science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Maxwell, Matthew J. (2020) The Evidence-Observation Distinction in Observation Selection Effects. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Miller, Michael (2020) Infrared Cancellation and Measurement. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Pronskikh, Vitaly (2020) Engineering roles and identities in the scientific community: toward participatory justice. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Reijula, Samuli and Kuorikoski, Jaakko (2021) The diversity-ability trade-off in scientific problem solving. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Rosenstock, Sarita (2020) Learning from the Shape of Data. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ross, Lauren N. and Woodward, James (2021) Irreversible (One-hit) and Reversible (Sustaining) Causation. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Sarwar, Ameer (2020) Perspectives on Causal Specificity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Schneider, Mike D. (2020) Creativity in the social epistemology of science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Schurz, Gerhard (2020) Tacking by Conjunction, Genuine Confirmation and Bayesian Convergence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Silberstein, Michael and Stuckey, W. M. (2021) Beyond Causal Explanation: Einstein’s Principle Not Reichenbach’s. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Slowik, Edward (2024) Emergent Spatial Ontologies in the Early Modern Period. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Teira, David (2021) On the limits of cultural relativism as a debiasing method. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Thompson, Morgan (2020) Epistemic Risk in the Triangulation Argument for Implicit Attitudes. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Watkins, Aja (2020) The Epistemic Value of the Living Fossils Concept. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wilson, Alastair (2021) Counterpossible Reasoning in Physics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Winning, Jason (2021) Open-Ended Control vs. Closed-Ended Control: Limits of Mechanistic Explanation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wu, Tung-Ying (2020) Structural Decision Theory. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Zednik, Carlos and Boelsen, Hannes (2020) The Exploratory Role of Explainable Artificial Intelligence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 17 03:32:54 2025 EDT.