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  • Conferences and Volumes (49)
    • [2018] PSA 2018: The 26th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association (Seattle, WA; 1-4 November 2018) (49)
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Number of items at this level: 49.


-Preprint Volume-, Philsci-Archive (2018) PSA 2018. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Andreas, Holger (2018) Explanatory Conditionals. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ardourel, Vincent and Barberousse, Anouk and Imbert, Cyrille (2018) Inferential power, formalisms, and scientific models. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Akagi, Mikio (2018) Representation Re-construed: Answering the Job Description Challenge with a Construal-based Notion of Natural Representation. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Bialek, Max (2018) Comparing Systems Without Single Language Privileging. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Boyer-Kassem, Thomas and Imbert, Cyrille (2018) Explaining Scientific Collaboration: a General Functional Account. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Chen, Ruey-Lin (2018) Individuating Genes as Types or Individuals: Philosophical Implications on Individuality, Kinds, and Gene Concepts. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chua, Eugene (2018) The Verdict is Out: Against the Internal View of the Gauge/Gravity Duality. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Dewar, Neil (2018) Supervenience, Reduction, and Translation. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Egg, Matthias (2018) Dissolving the Measurement Problem Is Not an Option for the Realist. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Eronen, Markus (2018) Causal Discovery and the Problem of Psychological Interventions. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Esser, Stephen (2018) QTAIM and the Interactive Conception of Chemical Bonding. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Fang, Wei (2019) Mixed-Effects Modeling and Non-Reductive Explanation. [Preprint]

Fazekas, Peter and Kertesz, Gergely (2018) Are higher mechanistic levels causally autonomous? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Feest, Uljana (2018) Why Replication is Overrated. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Franco, Paul L. (2018) Speech Act Theory and the Multiple Aims of Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Franklin, Alexander (2018) Universality Reduced. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Garson, Justin (2018) There Are No Ahistorical Theories of Function. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Gouvea, Devin (2018) Reframing the Homology Problem. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Greslehner, Gregor P. (2018) What do molecular biologists mean when they say 'structure determines function'? In: UNSPECIFIED.


Heesen, Remco and Bright, Liam Kofi (2020) Is Peer Review a Good Idea? The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. ISSN 1464-3537


Isaac, Alistair M. C. (2018) Epistemic Loops and Measurement Realism. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Jadreškić, Daria (2018) Time-sensitivity in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

John, Stephen (2018) Anti-anti-vaxx: the fairness-based obligation to defer to the expert consensus. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Keyser, Vadim (2018) Methodology at the Intersection between Intervention and Representation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Keyser, Vadim (2018) Methodology at the Intersection between Intervention and Representation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kurth, Charlie (2018) Are Emotions Psychological Constructions? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kästner, Lena (2018) Identifying Causes in Psychiatry. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Lacey, Hugh (2018) How trustworthy and authoritative is scientific input into public policy deliberations? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lee, Carole J. (2020) The Reference Class Problem for Credit Valuation in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lewis, Peter J. (2018) Pragmatism and the content of quantum mechanics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lin, Chia-Hua (2018) Tool Migration: A Framework for Analyzing Cross-disciplinary Use of Mathematical Constructs. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Martínez, Manolo (2018) Representations are Rate-Distortion Sweet Spots. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Massimi, Michela (2019) Two kinds of exploratory models. In: UNSPECIFIED.

McCoy, C.D. (2019) Did the Universe Have a Chance? Philosophy of Science, 86 (5). pp. 1262-1272.

McDonald, Jennifer (2020) Strong Proportionality and Causal Claims. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Miller, Michael E. (2019) Fundamental, yet imprecise? In: UNSPECIFIED.


Otsuka, Jun (2018) Species as models. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Ratti, Emanuele and López-Rubio, Ezequiel (2018) Mechanistic Models and the Explanatory Limits of Machine Learning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Rebecca, Korf (2018) Respecting Public Investment: The Problems with Democratic Endorsement as a Criterion for Legitimate Value Influence in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Shech, Elay (2018) Historical Inductions Meet the Material Theory. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Sprenger, Jan (2019) Degree of Corroboration: An Antidote to the Replication Crisis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Steinert-Threlkeld, Shane (2019) Towards the Emergence of Non-trivial Compositionality. [Preprint]

Sterkenburg, Tom F. (2019) The Meta-Inductive Justification of Induction: The Pool of Strategies. Philosophy of Science.

Swaim, Daniel G. (2018) The Roles of Possibility and Mechanism in Narrative Explanation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Schroeder, S. Andrew (2018) A Better Foundation for Public Trust in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Yeh, Hsiao-Fan and Chen, Ruey-Lin (2018) Intervention as both Test and Exploration: Reexamining the PaJaMo Experiment based on Aims and Modes of Interventions. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Zhao, Kino (2018) A statistical learning approach to a problem of induction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Zhao, Kino (2018) A statistical learning approach to a problem of induction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 17 03:33:06 2025 EDT.