Number of items: 76.
Norton, John D.
A Simple Minkowskian Time-Travel Spacetime.
Myrvold, Wayne C. and Norton, John D.
On Norton’s “…Shook…” and Myrvold’s “Shakin’ …”.
Norton, John D.
Lotteries, Bookmaking and Ancient Randomizers: Local and Global Analyses of Chance.
Norton, John D.
How Analogy Helped Create the New Science of Thermodynamics.
Norton, John D.
Chance Combinatorics: The Theory that History Forgot.
Norton, John D.
How to Make Possibility Safe for Empiricists.
Norton, John D. and Parker, Matthew W.
An Infinite Lottery Paradox.
Norton, John D.
Weeding Landauer's Garden.
Norton, John D.
Einstein’s Conflicting Heuristics: The Discovery of General Relativity.
Norton, John D.
Eternal Inflation: When Probabilities Fail.
Norton, John D.
Maxwell's Demon Does Not Compute.
Norton, John D.
How to Build an Infinite Lottery Machine.
Norton, John D.
The Impossible Process: Thermodynamic Reversibility.
Norton, John D.
Thermodynamically Reversible Processes in Statistical Physics.
Norton, John D.
A Demonstration of the Incompleteness of Calculi of Inductive Inference.
Norton, John D.
How Einstein Did Not Discover.
Norton, John D.
You are not a Boltzmann brain.
Norton, John D.
The Ideal of the Completeness of Calculi of Inductive Inference: An Introductory Guide to its Failure.
Norton, John D.
A Material Defense of Inductive Inference.
Norton, John D.
Invariance of Galileo’s Law of Fall under a Change of the Unit of Time.
Norton, John D.
The Simplest Exorcism of Maxwell's Demon: The Quantum Version.
Norton, John D.
Brownian Computation is Thermodynamically Irreversible.
Beisbart, Claus and Norton, John D.
Why Monte Carlo Simulations are Inferences and not Experiments.
Norton, John D.
Challenges to Bayesian Confirmation Theory.
Norton, John D.
Chasing the Light: Einstein's Most Famous Thought Experiment.
Norton, John D.
Cosmic Confusions: Not Supporting versus Supporting Not-.
Norton, John D.
Dense and Sparse Meaning Spaces.
Norton, John D.
Paradoxes of Sailing.
Norton, John D.
Philosophy in Einstein's Science.
Norton, John D.
What can we Learn about the Ontology of Space and Time from the Theory of Relativity.
Norton, John D.
Infinite Idealizations.
Norton, John D.
Waiting for Landauer.
Norton, John D.
Approximation and Idealization: Why the Difference Matters.
Norton, John D.
Little Boxes: The Simplest Demonstration of the Failure of Einstein’s Attempt to Show the Incompleteness of Quantum Theory.
Norton, John D.
A Material Solution to the Problem of Induction.
Norton, John D.
Disbelief as the Dual of Belief.
Norton, John D.
Einstein’s Miraculous Argument of 1905: The Thermodynamic Grounding of Light Quanta.
Norton, John D.
Discovering the Relativity of Simultaneity How did Einstein take "The Step"?
Norton, John D.
Do the Causal Principles of Modern Physics Contradict Causal Anti-Fundamentalism?
Norton, John D.
Probability Disassembled.
Norton, John D.
Atoms, Entropy, Quanta: Einstein’s Miraculous Argument of 1905.
Norton, John D.
How Hume and Mach Helped Einstein Find Special Relativity.
Norton, John D.
Einstein’s Investigations of Galilean Covariant Electrodynamics prior to 1905.
Norton, John D.
Eaters of the Lotus: Landauer's Principle and the Return of Maxwell's Demon.
Norton, John D.
A Little Survey of Induction.
Norton, John D.
The Formal Equivalence of Grue and Green and How It Undoes the New Riddle of Induction.
Norton, John D.
Must Evidence Underdetermine Theory?
Norton, John D.
Causation as Folk Science.
Norton, John D.
A Material Theory of Induction.
Norton, John D.
A Material Theory of Induction.
Norton, John D.
Why Thought Experiments Do Not Transcend Empiricism.
Norton, John D.
On Thought Experiments: Is There More to the Argument?
Norton, John D.
Einstein's Triumph over the Spacetime Coordinate System:.
Norton, John D.
General Covariance, Gauge Theories and the Kretschmann Objection.
Norton, John D.
What Can We Learn About the Ontology of Space and Time from the Theory of Relativity? A Synopsis.
Conference or Workshop Item
Norton, John D.
How NOT to Build an Infinite Lottery Machine.
Norton, John D.
The Worst Thought Experiment.
Norton, John D.
Curie’s Truism.
Norton, John D.
The Burning Fuse Model of Unbecoming in Time.
Norton, John D.
The End of the Thermodynamics of Computation: A No Go Result.
Norton, John D.
Einstein as the Greatest of the Nineteenth Century Physicists.
Norton, John D.
The Inductive Significance of Observationally Indistinguishable Spacetimes.
Norton, John D.
Is There an Independent Principle of Causality in Physics? A Comment on Matthias Frisch, “Causal Reasoning in Physics.”.
Norton, John D.
There are No Universal Rules for Induction.
Norton, John D.
History of Science and the Material Theory of Induction: Einstein’s Quanta, Mercury’s Perihelion.
Norton, John D.
Why Constructive Relativity Fails.
Norton, John D.
The Dome: An Unexpectedly Simple Failure of Determinism.
Norton, John D.
Ignorance and Indifference.
Norton, John D.
Induction without Probabilities.
Published Article or Volume
Norton, John D.
Einstein Against Singularities: Analysis versus Geometry.
Philosophy of Physics 2(1): 13, 1–73., 2 (1).
pp. 1-73.
Norton, John D.
Replicability of Experiment.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (2).
pp. 229-248.
ISSN 2171-679X
Norton, John D. and Roberts, Bryan W.
Galileo's Refutation of the Speed-Distance Law of Fall Rehabilitated.
Centaurus, 54 (2).
pp. 148-164.
Norton, John D. and Roberts, Bryan W.
The Scaling of Speeds and Distances in Galileo’s Two New Sciences: A reply to Palmerino and Laird.
Centaurus, 54 (2).
pp. 182-191.
Open Access Book
Norton, John D.
The Large-Scale Structure of Inductive Inference.
University of Calgary Press/BSPSopen, Calgary.
ISBN 978-1-77385-541-7
Norton, John D.
The Material Theory of Induction.
BSPS Open Series
BSPS Open / University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Canada.
ISBN ISBN 9781773852539 (softcover) | ISBN 9781773852751 (international hardcover) | ISBN 9781773852546 (open access PDF) | ISBN 9781773852553 (PDF) | ISBN 9781773852560 (EPUB)
Norton, John D.
Causation as Folk Science (The Italian Translation).
This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 10:01:22 2025 EST.