Number of items at this level: 120.
Amitani, Yuichi
Did Social Interactions Shape the Reflective Mind?
Anderson, Michael L and Champion, Heather
Some dilemmas for an account of neural representation: A reply to Poldrack.
Anderson Jr., Robert / M. and Davis, Alexandra / T.
Reconciling temporal experience with physical time: an integration of phenomenology, neuropsychology, and physics.
Barack, David L
Mental Kinematics.
Barack, David L
Mental Machines.
Barack, David L
What Is Foraging?
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
A Critique of Olfactory Objects.
Frontiers in Psychology.
ISSN 1664-1078
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
The Value of Failure in Science: The Story of Grandmother Cells in Neuroscience.
Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Birch, Jonathan
Medical AI, Inductive Risk, and the Communication of Uncertainty: The Case of Disorders of Consciousness.
Bitbol, Michel
The Tangled Dialectic of Body and Consciousness: A Metaphysical Counterpart of Radical Neurophenomenology.
Constructivist Foundations.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Autism and the Preference for Imaginary Worlds.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Evolutionary Biology Meets Consciousness.
Burnston, Daniel and Haueis, Philipp
Evolving Concepts of "Hierarchy" in Systems Neuroscience.
Neural Mechanisms: New Challenges in Philosophy of Neuroscience.
Chis-Ciure, Robert
The Transcendental Deduction of Integrated Information Theory: Connecting the Axioms, Postulates, and Identity Through Categories.
Chis-Ciure, Robert and Ellia, Francesco
Facing up to the Hard Problem as an Integrated Information Theorist.
Coelho Mollo, Dimitri
Being Clear on Content: commentary on Hutto and Satne.
Coelho Mollo, Dimitri
Why go for a computation-based approach to cognitive representation.
Colombo, Matteo
Gualtiero Piccinini's Neurocognitive Mechanisms.
BJPS Review of Books.
Constant, Axel and Clark, Andy and Friston J, Karl
Representation Wars: Enacting an Armistice through Active Inference.
Curry, Devin Sanchez
g as bridge model.
Davies-Barton, Tyeson and Raja, Vicente and Baggs, Edward and Anderson, Michael L
Debt-free intelligence: Ecological information in minds and machines.
Derakhshani, Maaneli
Another thing in this universe that cannot be an illusion.
Sam Harris: Critical Responses (Critical Responses, 2), edited by Sandra Woien. Publisher: Carus Books, January 10, 2023. ISBN: 9781637700242.
pp. 223-234.
Desmond, Hugh and Huneman, Philippe
The Integrated Information Theory of Agency.
Dewhurst, Joe
Folk psychological and neurocognitive ontologies.
Dewhurst, Joe and Isaac, Alistair M. C.
Mechanism Hierarchy Realism and Function Perspectivalism.
Dhein, Kelle
In Defense of Instinct Concepts.
Dhein, Kelle
What Makes Neurophysiology Meaningful? Semantic Content Ascriptions in Insect Navigation Research.
Dhein, Kelle
The cognitive map debate in insects: A historical perspective on what is at stake.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 98.
pp. 62-79.
ISSN 00393681
Dolega, Krzysztof and Dewhurst, Joe
Fame in the Predictive Brain:
A deflationary approach to explaining consciousness in the
prediction error minimization framework.
Dorato, Mauro and Wittmann, Marc
The phenomenology and cognitive neuroscience of experienced temporality.
Elber-Dorozko, Lotem
Can neuroscientists ask the wrong questions? On why etiological considerations are essential when modeling cognition.
Ellia, Francesco and Chis-Ciure, Robert
Consciousness and Complexity: Neurobiological Naturalism and Integrated Information Theory.
Facchin, Marco
Are generative models structural representations?
Facchin, Marco
Are generative models structural representations?
Facchin, Marco
Neural Representations Unobserved - or: a dilemma for the cognitive neuroscience revolution.
Facchin, Marco
There is no "inference within a model".
Facchin, Marco
Troubles with mathematical contents.
Facchin, Marco
Why can’t we say what cognition is (at least for the time being).
Facchin, Marco and Viola, Marco and Zanin, Elia
Retiring the “Cinderella view”: the spinal cord as an intrabodily cognitive extension.
Faries, Frank and Raja, Vicente
Black Boxes and Theory Deserts: Deep Networks and Epistemic Opacity in the Cognitive Sciences.
Fischborn, Marcelo
The Evolutionary Roots of Moral Responsibility.
Philosophy of Science.
pp. 1-27.
ISSN 0031-8248
Fischborn, Marcelo
Libet-style experiments, neuroscience, and libertarian free will.
Philosophical Psychology, 29 (4).
pp. 494-502.
ISSN 0951-5089
Fischborn, Marcelo
Questions for a Science of Moral Responsibility.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 9 (2).
pp. 381-394.
ISSN 1878-5158
Fresco, Nir
Long-Arm Functional Individuation of Computation.
Gao, Shan
Does quantum cognition imply quantum minds?
Journal of Consciousness Studies, 28 (3-4).
pp. 100-111.
Garson, Justin and Papineau, David
Teleosemantics, Selection, and Novel Contents.
Gomez-Marin, Alex
Computational neuroscience needs theoretical ethology: correcting an anthropomorphic bias.
Gozzano, Simone
Locating and Representing Pain.
Philosophical Investigation, 42 (4).
pp. 313-332.
Gozzano, Simone
Phenomenal Roles: A Dispositional Account of Bodily Pain.
Greslehner, Gregor P. and Boem, Federico and Chiu, Lynn and Konsman, Jan Pieter
Philosophical perspectives on neuroendocrine-immune interactions: the building block model and complementary ecological approaches.
Neuroendocrine-Immune System Interactions. Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology, vol 13.
Gładziejewski, Paweł
Perceptual justification in the Bayesian brain: A foundherentist account.
Hacohen, Ori
The Problem with Appealing to History in Defining Neural Representations.
Hacohen, Ori
What Are Neural Representations? A Cummins Functions Approach.
Haueis, Philipp
The Death of the Cortical Column? Patchwork structure and conceptual retirement in neuroscientific practice.
Haueis, Philipp
Descriptive multiscale modeling in data-driven neuroscience.
Haueis, Philipp
Exploratory concept formation and tool development in neuroscience.
Haueis, Philipp and Kästner, Lena
Mechanistic Inquiry and Scientific Pursuit: The Case of Visual Processing.
Hemmo, Meir and Shenker, Orly R.
Why Functionalism Is a Form of ‘Token-Dualism’.
Hipolito, Ines and Baltieri, Manuel and Friston J, Karl and Ramstead, Maxwell J. D.
Embodied Skillful Performance: Where the Action Is.
Hipolito, Ines and Baltieri, Manuel and Friston J, Karl and Ramstead, Maxwell J. D.
Embodied Skillful Performance: Where the Action Is.
Hochstein, Eric
Learning to Appreciate the Gray Areas: A Critical Notice of Anil Gupta’s “Conscious Experience”.
Hochstein, Eric
When No Laughing Matter is No Laughing Matter: The Challenges in Developing a Cognitive Theory of Humor.
The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook, 2 (1).
pp. 87-110.
Ian, Phillips and Simon, Brown
Hakwan Lau, In Consciousness We Trust.
BJPS Review of Books.
Ivy, Spencer and Mroczko-Wasowicz, Aleksandra
Framing Effects in Object Perception.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
Jaeger, Gregg
A Realist View of the Quantum World.
Jurjako, Marko
Klein, Colin
Explaining Neural Transitions through Resource Constraints.
Korbak, Tomasz
Unsupervised learning and the natural origins of content.
Kostic, Daniel
General Theory of Topological Explanations and Explanatory Asymmetry.
Kostic, Daniel and Hilgetag, Claus and Tittgemeyer, Marc
Unifying the essential concepts of biological networks: biological insights and philosophical foundations.
Lee, Jonny
What is cognitive about ‘plant cognition’?
López-Rubio, Ezequiel
Throwing light on black boxes: emergence of visual categories from deep learning.
Maimon, Amber and Hemmo, Meir
Does Neuroplasticity Support the Hypothesis of Multiple Realizability?
Maley, Corey J.
How (and Why) to Think that the Brain is Literally a Computer.
Mann, Stephen Francis and Pain, Ross and Kirchhoff, Michael
Free Energy: A User's Guide.
Biology & Philosophy.
ISSN 1572-8404
Marvan, Tomáš and Havlík, Marek
Is Predictive Processing a Theory of Consciousness?
Miłkowski, Marcin and Clowes, Robert and Rucińska, Zuzanna and Przegalińska, Aleksandra and Zawidzki, Tadeusz and Krueger, Joel and Gies, Adam and McGann, Marek and Afeltowicz, Łukasz and Wachowski, Witold and Stjernberg, Fredrik and Loughlin, Victor and Hohol, Mateusz
From Wide Cognition to Mechanisms: A Silent Revolution.
Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
ISSN 1664-1078
Najenson, Jonathan
Memory Systems and the Mnemic Character of Procedural Memory.
Negro, Niccolo
(Dis)confirming theories of consciousness and their predictions.
Nešić, Janko
Ecological-enactive account of autism spectrum disorder.
Nešić, Janko
Towards a Neutral-Structuralist Theory of Consciousness and Selfhood.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
Pain, Ross and Mann, Stephen Francis
Teleosemantics, Structural Resemblance and Predictive Processing.
Piccinini, Gualtiero
Embodied (4EA) Cognitive Computational Neuroscience.
Piccinini, Gualtiero and Hetherington, Stephen
Knowing That as Knowing How: A Neurocognitive Practicalism.
Piekarski, Michał
Incorporating (variational) free energy models into mechanisms:
the case of predictive processing under the free energy principle.
Pitts, J. Brian
On Two Slights to Noether's First Theorem: Mental Causation and General Relativity.
Rethinking the Concept of Laws of Nature: Natural Order in the Light of Contemporary Science.
Poldrack, Russell A.
The physics of representation.
Rabinowitz, Avi
A Brain’s Self-identification as "Materialist" or “Non-Materialist” (dualist, panpsyschist, idealist etc) as an unwitting indication of its deep structure/wiring category rather than a statement of its philosophical stance.
A survey associated with the article will identify relevant candidates for a brain- experiment.
Raja, Vicente and Valluri, Dinesh and Baggs, Edward and Chemero, Anthony and Anderson, Michael L.
The Markov Blanket Trick: On the Scope of the Free Energy Principle and Active Inference.
Ramstead, Maxwell J. D. and Kirchhoff, Michael D. and Friston, Karl J.
A tale of two densities: Active inference is enactive inference.
Ramstead, Maxwell J. D. and Wiese, Wanja and Miller, Mark and Friston, Karl J.
Deep neurophenomenology: An active inference account of some features of conscious experience and of their disturbance in major depressive disorder.
Rathkopf, Charles
Neural Reuse and the Nature of Evolutionary Constraints.
Rathkopf, Charles
Neural Reuse and the Nature of Evolutionary Constraints.
Richmond, A. and Bowen, J. G. and Kayssi, L. F. and Küçük, K. and Ravikumar, V. and Şahin, Y. and Anderson, Michael L
Imposing vs finding unity.
Richmond, Andrew
How Computation Explains.
Richmond, Andrew
What is a Theory of Neural Representation For?
Robins, Sarah
Fixed Engrams and Neural Dynamics.
Roloff, J
The Indispensability of Relational, Adapted, and Derived Proper Functions.
Ross, Lauren N. and Jirsa, Viktor and McIntosh, Anthony
The Possibility Space Concept in Neuroscience:
Possibilities, Constraints, and Explanation.
Roush, Sherrilyn
Simulation and Understanding Other Minds.
Nous - Philosophical Issues, 26.
Salom, Igor
The hard problem and the measurement problem: a no-go theorem and potential consequences.
Shenker, Orly and Hemmo, Meir
The Multiple-Computations Theorem and the physics of singling out a computation.
Skokowski, Paul
Observing a Superposition.
Skokowski, Paul
Sensing Qualia.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 16 (795405).
pp. 1-16.
Thagard, Paul
Darwin and the Golden Rule: How To Distinguish Differences of Degree from Differences of Kind Using Mechanisms.
Thompson, Evan
Could All Life Be Sentient?
Thompson, Jessica A. F.
Towards a common theory of explanation for artificial and biological intelligence.
Tozzi, Arturo and Peters, James
Tsou, Jonathan Y.
Philosophy of Psychiatry.
Veit, Walter
Revisiting the Intentionality All-Stars.
Veit, Walter
Towards a Comparative Study of Animal Consciousness.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Social Robots and the Intentional Stance.
Vernazzani, Alfredo and Coelho Mollo, Dimitri
The Formats of Cognitive Representation: A Computational Account.
van Es, Thomas and Hipolito, Ines
Free-Energy Principle, Computationalism and Realism: a Tragedy.
Wadle, Douglas
The Contributions of the Bodily Senses to Body Representations in the Brain.
Wadle, Douglas
Restricted Auditory Aspatialism.
Waller, Robyn
Weighing in on decisions in the brain: Neural representations of pre-awarenss practical intention.
Whiteley, CMK
Natural Kinds of Sleep Experience.
Williams, Daniel and Montagnese, Marcella
Bayesian Psychiatry and the Social Focus of Delusions.
Wright, Jessey
Saving Data Analysis: Epistemic Friction and Progress in Neuroimaging Research.
This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 09:56:32 2025 EST.