Items where Subject is "Specific Sciences > Mathematics > History of Philosophy"
Group by: Creators | Item Type Number of items at this level: 51. AAcero, Juan José (2017) Alberto Moretti, Eleonora Orlando y Nora Stigol, comp. 2016. A medio siglo de Formas lógicas, realidad y significado de Thomas Moro Simpson. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3). pp. 387-389. ISSN 2171-679X Alemañ-Berenguer, Rafael-Andrés (2020) Neutral Monism on Minds, Brains, and Machines. [Preprint] Arsiwalla, Xerxes (2024) Qualia and the Formal Structure of Meaning. [Preprint] BBacelar Valente, Mario (2017) Conventionality in Einstein's practical geometry. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (2). pp. 177-190. ISSN 2171-679X Bentzen, Bruno (2023) Frege's theory of types. Manuscrito. Rev. Int. Fil.,. ISSN 0100-6045 Bentzen, Bruno (2020) Sense, reference, and computation. Perspectiva Filosofica, 47 (2). pp. 179-203. ISSN 2357-9986 Bertran-San-Millán, Joan (2022) Peano's Structuralism and the Birth of Formal Languages. [Preprint] Biener, Zvi (2018) Newton’s Regulae Philosophandi. Oxford Handbook of Isaac Newton. Bonatti, Nicola (2022) A Reassessment of Cantorian Abstraction based on the ε-operator. [Preprint] Brown, James Robert (2021) Rigour and Thought Experiments: Burgess and Norton. [Preprint] CCostreie, Sorin (2018) The geometrical basis of arithmetical knowledge: Frege & Dehaene. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (2). pp. 361-370. ISSN 2171-679X DDarnell, Eamon and Thomas-Bolduc, Aaron (2018) Is Hume's Principle Analytic? [Preprint] Darnell, Eamon and Thomas-Bolduc, Aaron (2018) Takeuti's Well-Ordering Proof: Finitistically Fine? [Preprint] Demeter, Tamás (2017) Hume on the Social Construction of Mathematical Knowledge. [Preprint] EEhrlich, Philip (2021) Are Points (Necessarily) Unextended? [Preprint] Elkind, Landon (2022) Computer Verification for Historians of Philosophy. [Preprint] FFerreirós, José (2023) Conceptual Structuralism. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 54. pp. 125-148. ISSN 0925-4560 Ferreirós, José (2004) The Motives behind Cantor’s Set Theory – Physical, Biological, and Philosophical Questions. Science in Context, 17 (1). pp. 49-83. Ferreirós, José (2011) On Dedekind's Logicism. [Preprint] GGiovanelli, Marco (2022) Motivational Kantianism: Cassirer's Late Shift Towards d Regulative Conception of the A Priori. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 95. pp. 118-125. Giovanelli, Marco (2025) Parallel Convergences: Cassirer and Vienna Indeterminism. [Preprint] Giovanelli, Marco (2024) 'The Tensor Calculus Knows Physics Better Than the Physicist': Bachelard on the Role of 'Covariant Differentiation' in Relativity Theory. [Preprint] Giovanelli, Marco (2024) The philosophical coming of age of science. Euler's role in Cassirer's early philosophy of space and time. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 108. pp. 55-63. ISSN 00393681 Gonçalves, Bernardo (2021) Can machines think? The controversy that led to the Turing test. [Preprint] Gonçalves, Bernardo (2021) Machines will think: structure and interpretation of Alan Turing’s imitation game. The Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations of the University of São Paulo. pp. 1-291. HHalák, Jan (2021) Mathematics Embodied: Merleau-Ponty on Geometry and Algebra as Fields of Motor Enaction. [Preprint] Huggett, Nick Through the Looking Glass and What Immanuel Found There. UNSPECIFIED. IIrfan, Ajvazi (2022) The Discourse of Universalism, Moral Relativism & Utilitarianism. [Preprint] KKish Bar-On, Kati (2022) Connecting the revolutionary with the conventional: Rethinking the differences between the works of Brouwer, Heyting, and Weyl. [Preprint] Kish Bar-On, Kati (2022) From Philosophical Traditions to Scientific Developments: Reconsidering the Response to Brouwer’s Intuitionism. [Preprint] Kish Bar-On, Kati (2024) Mathematics and Society Reunited: The Social Aspects of Brouwer’s Intuitionism. [Preprint] Koshkin, Sergiy (2022) Is Peirce's reduction thesis gerrymandered? Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 58 (4). pp. 271-300. ISSN 1558-9587 Koshkin, Sergiy (2023) Logical reduction of relations: from relational databases to Peirce's reduction thesis. Logic Journal of the IGPL. ISSN 1367-0751 Koshkin, Sergiy (2020) Wittgenstein, Peirce, and paradoxes of mathematical proof. Analytic Philosophy. ISSN 2153-960X Kovac, Srecko (2018) On causality as the fundamental concept of Gödel's philosophy. [Preprint] LLandry, Elaine (2017) Plato Was NOT A Mathematical Platonist. [Preprint] Landsman, Klaas (2024) Is mathematics a game? [Preprint] Legg, Catherine (2015) Grasping Mathematical Reality. Cuadernos de Sistematica Peirceana, 7. pp. 7-26. ISSN 978-958-46-4548-7 MMerriam, Paul and Habeeb, M. A. Z. (2025) Resolving Paradoxes Through Presentist Fragmentalism: Eight Key Thought Experiments. [Preprint] NNakano, Anderson (2020) On Ramsey's reason to amend Principia Mathematica's logicism and Wittgenstein's reaction. [Preprint] Nefdt, Ryan M. (2018) Inferentialism and Structuralism: A Tale of Two Theories. [Preprint] PParker, Matthew W. (2017) Gödel's Argument for Cantorian Cardinality. Noûs. Persichetti, Alessio (2019) The later Wittgenstein’s guide to contradictions. [Preprint] SSarma, Gopal P. (2015) The Art of Memory and the Growth of the Scientific Method. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 13 (3). pp. 373-396. Smith, Jr, James Andrew (2019) Quine on Naturalism, Nominalism, and Philosophy's Place within Science. [Preprint] TTanswell, Fenner Stanley and Larvor, Brendan and Rittberg, Colin Jakob (2024) Kneebone and Lakatos: at the roots of a dialectical philosophy of mathematics. [Preprint] Toader, Iulian D. (2024) Rules and Meaning in Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint] Tsementzis, Dimitris and Halvorson, Hans (2016) Foundations and Philosophy. [Preprint] WWilson, Mark (2007) Frege's Mathematical Setting. [Preprint] YYee, Adrian K. (2023) Edgeworth’s Mathematization of Social Well-Being. [Preprint] ÁÁsgeir, Berg (2023) Was Wittgenstein a radical conventionalist? [Preprint] |