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Aaby, Bendik and Ramsey, Grant (2019) Three Kinds of Niche Construction. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. ISSN 1464-3537

Almassi, Ben (2024) Revaluations of 'Paiute Forestry': Prescribed Burning as Traditional and Scientific Ecological Knowledge. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Barberousse, Anouk (2021) Biodiversity databanks and scientific exploration. Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 8 (2). pp. 32-43. ISSN 2295-8029

Bausman, William (2018) ¬¬¬¬Modeling: Neutral, Null, and Baseline. [Preprint]

Bausman, William / C and Halina, Marta (2018) Not Null Enough: Pseudo-Null Hypotheses in Community Ecology and Comparative Psychology. [Preprint]

Bausman, William C (2020) The Aims and Structures of Ecological Research Programs. [Preprint]

Bausman, William C (2021) The Role of Starting Points to Order Investigation: Why and How to Enrich the Logic of Research Questions. [Preprint]

Bocchi, Federica (2024) Biodiversity Skepticism and Measurement Practices. [Preprint]

Bocchi, Federica (2024) Metrics in Biodiversity Conservation and the Value-Free Ideal. [Preprint]

Bocchi, Federica and Bokulich, Alisa and Castillo Brache, Leticia and Grand-Pierre, Gloria and Watkins, Aja (2022) Are We in a Sixth Mass Extinction? The Challenges of Answering and Value of Asking. [Preprint]

Bocking, Stephen (2007) Wild or Farmed? Seeking Effective Science in a Controversial Environment. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 48-57. ISSN 1913 0465

Botero, Maria (2009) More than Designing an Ethogram, The Implications of Choosing a Methodology in Primatology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Brown, Harvey R. The theory of the rise of sap in trees: some historical and conceptual remarks. Springer, Basel.

Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter (2022) Longtermism and Animals. [Preprint]

Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter (2022) More than Zombies: Considering the Animal Subject in De-Extinction. [Preprint]


Callender, Craig (2021) On the Horns of a Dilemma: Let the Northern White Rhino Vanish or Intervene? [Preprint]

Coninx, Sabrina (2023) The Dark Side of Niche Construction: Challenges in Modern Medicine & Healthcare. [Preprint]

Conix, Stijn and Cuypers, Vincent and Pence, Charles H. (2024) Measuring and Explaining Disagreement in Bird Taxonomy. European Journal of Taxonomy, 943 (1). pp. 288-307.

Currie, Adrian (2018) Big Dragons on Small Islands: generality and particularity in science. (review of Angela Potochnik's Idealization and the Aims of Science). [Preprint]

Currie, Adrian (2018) Bottled Understanding: the role of lab-work in ecology. [Preprint]


Desjardins, Eric and Donhauser, Justin and Barker, Gillian (2018) Ecological Historicity, Functional Goals, and Novelty in the Anthropocene. Environmental Values.

Desmond, Hugh (2021) The Selectionist Rationale for Evolutionary Progress. [Preprint]

Deulofeu, Roger and Suárez, Javier (2018) When Mechanisms Are Not Enough: The Origin of Eukaryotes and Scientific Explanation. Philosophy of Science, 9. pp. 95-115. ISSN 2365-4228

Deulofeu, Roger and Suárez, Javier and Pérez-Cervera, Alberto (2019) Explaining the behaviour of random ecological networks. The stability of the microbiome as a case of integrative pluralism. [Preprint]

Donhauser, Justin (2017) Differentiating and defusing theoretical Ecology's criticisms: A rejoinder to Sagoff's reply to Donhauser (2016). Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 63 (Supple). 70 - 79.

Donhauser, Justin (2023) Five lessons from teleology-neutrality and metaphor in ecology: Bottom-up and top-down all at once. [Preprint]

Donhauser, Justin (2016) Making Ecological Values Make Sense: Toward More Operationalizable Ecological Legislation. Ethics and the Environment, 21 (2). pp. 1-25.

Donhauser, Justin (2016) Theoretical ecology as etiological from the start. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 60. 67 - 76.

Díez, José and Suárez, Javier (2023) How do networks explain? A neo-Hempelian approach to network explanations of the ecology of the microbiome. [Preprint]


El-Hani, Charbel and Ludwig, David and Poliseli, Luana (2022) Beyond the divide between indigenous and academic knowledge: Causal and mechanistic explanations in a Brazilian fishing community. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 91. pp. 296-306.

Elliott, Kevin and McKaughan, Daniel (2013) Non-Epistemic Values and the Multiple Goals of Science. [Preprint]

Elliott, Steve (2019) Research Problems. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. ISSN 0007-0882

Elliott-Graves, Alkistis (2020) The Future of Predictive Ecology. [Preprint]

Elliott-Graves, Alkistis (2018) Generality and Causal Interdependence in Ecology. [Preprint]

Elliott-Graves, Alkistis (2020) The Value of Imprecise Prediction. [Preprint]

Elliott-Graves, Alkistis (2022) What are general models about? [Preprint]

Elliott-Graves, Alkistis (2020) What is a Target System? [Preprint]


Fenton-Glynn, Luke (2014) Ceteris Paribus Laws and Minutis Rectis Laws. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fábregas-Tejeda, Alejandro and Grant, Ramsey (2024) Driftability and niche construction. Synthese, 204 (162). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1573-0964


Giroux, Élodie (2021) L’exposome : vers une science intégrative des expositions ? Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 8 (3). pp. 9-28. ISSN 2295-8029

Gregorius, Hans-Rolf and Gillet, Elizabeth M. (2021) The concept of evenness/unevenness – Less evenness or more unevenness? [Preprint]


Havstad, Joyce C (2019) Let Me Tell You ‘Bout the Birds and the Bee-Mimicking Flies and Bambiraptor. [Preprint]

Hazelwood, Caleb (2023) An Emerging Dilemma for Reciprocal Causation. [Preprint]

Hazelwood, Caleb (2021) The Species Category as a Scientific Kind. Synthese.

Heger, Tina (2022) What are ecological mechanisms? Suggestions for a fine-grained description of causal mechanisms in invasion ecology. [Preprint]

Hoffman, Kate Nicole (2023) Justifying Nature-based Solutions. [Preprint]


Jones, Elis (2021) Distinguishing regeneration from degradation in coral ecosystems: the role of value. [Preprint]

Jones, Elis (2024) Exploring the socio-ecology of science: the case of coral reefs. [Preprint]

Justus, James (2006) Ecological and Lyapunov Stability. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Justus, James (2004) Qualitative Scientific Modeling and Loop Analysis. In: UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)

Justus, James (2004) Qualitative Scientific Modeling and Loop Analysis. In: UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)


Kaiser, Marie I. and Morrow, Katie H. (2024) On the Epistemic Roles of the Individualized Niche Concept in Ecology, Behavioral and Evolutionary Biology. [Preprint]

Kostic, Daniel and Hilgetag, Claus and Tittgemeyer, Marc (2020) Unifying the essential concepts of biological networks: biological insights and philosophical foundations. [Preprint]

Kostyrka, Gladys (2015) Disease ecology and the concept of emerging infectious disease: its impact on the epidemiology of rabies virus, 1990s-2010s. [Preprint]

Kostyrka, Gladys (2015) Interspecies transmission and viral epidemics: integration of molecular and ecological approaches in the epidemiology of two RNA viruses (1989-2010s). [Preprint]

Krohs, Ulrich (2022) Darwin’s empirical claim and the janiform character of fitness proxies. [Preprint]


Lean, Christopher (2019) Can Communities Cause? [Preprint]

Lean, Christopher (2020) General Unificatory Theories in Community Ecology. [Preprint]

Lean, Christopher (2016) Indexically Structured Ecological Communities. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lean, Christopher (2018) Indexically Structured Ecological Communities (Phil sci Published). [Preprint]

Lean, Christopher (2021) Invasive Species Increase Biodiversity and, Therefore, Services: An Argument of Equivocations. [Preprint]

Lean, Christopher (2020) Invasive Species and Natural Function in Ecology. [Preprint]

Lean, Christopher (2017) Preserving the Tree of Life. [Preprint]

Lean, Christopher (2023) Synthetic Biology and the Goals of Conservation. [Preprint]

Lean, Christopher and Doolittle, W. Ford and Bielawski, Joseph (2022) Community-level evolutionary processes: Linking community genetics with replicator-interactor theory. [Preprint]

Lean, Christopher and Jones, Christopher (2023) The Evolution of Multispecies Populations: A Multilevel Selection Perspective. [Preprint]

Linquist, Stefan (2015) Against Lawton’s contingency thesis, or, why the reported demise of community ecology is greatly exaggerated. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Linquist, Stefan and Cottenie, Karl and Elliott, Tyler and Saylor, Brent and Kremer, Stefan and Gregory, T. Ryan (2015) Applying ecological models to communities of genetic elements: the case of neutral theory. [Preprint]

Linquist, Stefan and Saylor, Brent and Cottenie, Karl and Elliott, Tyler A. and Kremer, Stefan C. and Gregory, T. Ryan (2013) Distinguishing ecological from evolutionary approaches to transposable elements. [Preprint]

Ludwig, David (2018) Does Cognition Still Matter in Ethnobiology? Ethnobiology Letters.

Ludwig, David and El-Hani, Charbel (2019) Philosophy of Ethnobiology: Understanding Knowledge Integration and Its Limitations. [Preprint]

Ludwig, David and Poliseli, Luana (2018) Relating traditional and academic ecological knowledge: mechanistic and holistic epistemologies across cultures. Biology & Philosophy, 33 (43). ISSN 1572-8404


Makineni, Vamsi and Sarkar, Sahotra (2021) ‘Biodiversity’ as a Primarily Normative and Inseparable Thick Concept. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2013) Environmental Ethics. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2012) Exploring the Status of Population Genetics: The Role of Ecology. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2014) How the Concept of 'Population' Resolves Concepts of 'Environment'. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Millstein, Roberta L. (2015) Is Aldo Leopold's 'Land Community' an Individual? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Millstein, Roberta L. (2015) Re-examining the Darwinian Basis for Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2014) Types of Experiments and Causal Process Tracing: What Happened on the Kaibab Plateau in the 1920s? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Millstein, Roberta L. (2017) Debunking Myths About Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2020) Defending a Leopoldian basis for biodiversity: a response to Newman, Varner, and Linquist. Biology & Philosophy, 35 (12). ISSN 1572-8404

Millstein, Roberta L. (2019) Functions and Functioning in Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic and in Ecology. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2016) Is Aldo Leopold's ‘Land Community’ an Individual? [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2024) The Land Is Our Community: Aldo Leopold’s Environmental Ethic for the New Millennium. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. ISBN 9780226834481

Millstein, Roberta L. (2019) Types of Experiments and Causal Process Tracing: What Happened on the Kaibab Plateau in the 1920s. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2017) Understanding Leopold’s Concept of ‘Interdependence’ for Environmental Ethics and Conservation Biology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Millstein, Roberta L. (2023) The coevolution of descriptive and evaluative beliefs in Aldo Leopold's thinking. [Preprint]

Mitchell, Sandra D. (2000) The Import of Uncertainty. [Preprint]

Morrow, Katie H. (2022) A Causal-Role Account of Ecological Role Functions. [Preprint]

Morrow, Katie H. (2023) Neutral and Niche Theory in Community Ecology: A Framework for Comparing Model Realism. [Preprint]

Morrow, Katie H. (2024) Niches and Niche Models. [Preprint]

Morrow, Katie H. (2023) A scale problem with the ecosystem services argument for protecting biodiversity. [Preprint]

Munoz, François and huneman, philippe (2016) From the neutral theory to a comprehensive and multiscale theory of ecological equivalence. [Preprint]


Ndhlovu, Andrew and Durand, Pierre and Ramsey, Grant (2020) Programmed cell death as a black queen in microbial communities. Molecular Ecology. pp. 1-10.


O'Malley, Maureen A. and Parke, Emily C. (2018) Microbes, mathematics, and models. [Preprint]


Panebianco, Fabrizio and Serrelli, Emanuele (2013) Eco-phenotypic physiologies: a new kind of modeling for unifying evolution, ecology and cultural transmission. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pence, Charles H. (2023) Putting Ambiguity to Work: Biodiversity and Rules of Engagement for Vagueness in Science. [Preprint]

Pernu, Tuomas K. and Helanterä, Heikki (2019) Social evolution and the two elements of causation. Oikos, 128. pp. 905-911.

Perpinyà, Max Bautista and Pence, Charles H. (2023) David Sepkoski, Catastrophic Thinking. BJPS Review of Books.

Plutynski, A (2008) "Ecology and the Environment". Oxford Handbook in Philosophy of Biology.

Poliseli, Luana (2020) The emergence of scientific understanding in current ecological research practice. [Preprint]

Poliseli, Luana and Coutinho, Jeferson and Viana, Blandina and Russo, Federica and El-Hani, Charbel (2022) Philosophy of science in practice in ecological model building. [Preprint]

Potochnik, Angela and McGill, Brian (2012) The Limitations of Hierarchical Organization. [Preprint]

Powers, Jack (2014) Atrazine Research and Criteria of Characterizational Adequacy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pradeu, Thomas and Kostyrka, Gladys and Dupré, John (2016) Understanding viruses: Philosophical investigations. Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences. ISSN 1879-2499

Pradeu, Thomas (2016) The many faces of biological individuality. Biology and Philosophy, 31 (6). pp. 761-773.

Pradeu, Thomas and Daignan‐Fornier, Bertrand and Ewald, Andrew and Germain, Pierre‐Luc and Okasha, Samir and Plutynski, Anya and Benzekry, Sébastien and Bertolaso, Marta and Bissell, Mina and Brown, Joel S. and Chin‐Yee, Benjamin and Chin‐Yee, Ian and Clevers, Hans and Cognet, Laurent and Darrason, Marie and Farge, Emmanuel and Feunteun, Jean and Galon, Jérôme and Giroux, Elodie and Green, Sara and Gross, Fridolin and Jaulin, Fanny and Knight, Rob and Laconi, Ezio and Larmonier, Nicolas and Maley, Carlo and Mantovani, Alberto and Moreau, Violaine and Nassoy, Pierre and Rondeau, Elena and Santamaria, David and Sawai, Catherine M. and Seluanov, Andrei and Sepich‐Poore, Gregory D. and Sisirak, Vanja and Solary, Eric and Yvonnet, Sarah and Laplane, Lucie (2023) Reuniting philosophy and science to advance cancer research. Biological Reviews. ISSN 1464-7931


Raerinne, Jani and Baedke, Jan (2015) Exclusions, Explanations, and Exceptions: On the Causal and Lawlike Status of the Competitive Exclusion Principle. Philosophy and Theory in Biology, 7. ISSN 1949-0739

Ronai, Isobel and Greslehner, Gregor P. and Boem, Federico and Carlisle, Judith and Stencel, Adrian and Suárez, Javier and Bayir, Saliha and Bretting, Wiebke and Formosinho, Joana and Guerrero, Anna C. and Morgan, William H. and Prigot-Maurice, Cybèle and Rodeck, Salome and Vasse, Marie and Wallis, Jacqueline M. and Zacks, Oryan (2020) "Microbiota, symbiosis and individuality summer school" meeting report. Microbiome, 8. p. 117.

Ross, Lauren N. (2018) Causal concepts in biology: How pathways differ from mechanisms and why it matters. [Preprint]

Roughgarden, Joan (2012) Individual Based Models in Ecology: An Evaluation, or How Not to Ruin a Good Thing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Rouse, Joseph (2024) Niches and Niche Construction in Biology and Scientific Practice. [Preprint]

Räz, Tim (2016) The Volterra Principle Generalized. [Preprint]


Sarkar, Sahotra (2001) Defining 'Biodiversity'; Assessing Biodiversity. [Preprint]

Scholl, Raphael and Räz, Tim (2013) Modeling causal structures: Volterra's struggle and Darwin's success. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 3 (1). pp. 115-132. ISSN 1879-4912

Scholl, Raphael (2016) Spot the difference: Causal contrasts in scientific diagrams. [Preprint]

Schwenkenbecker, Anne and Hewitt, Chad and Heesen, Remco and Campbell, Marnie and Fritsch, Oliver and Knight, Andrew and Nash, Erin (2023) Epistemology of ignorance: the contribution of philosophy to the science-policy interface of marine biosecurity. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2296-7745

Shavit, Ayelet (2014) You Can't Go Home Again - or Can you? 'Replication' Indeterminacy and 'Location' Incommensurability in Three Biological Re-Surveys. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Sholl, Jonathan (2022) Everything in Moderation or Moderating Everything? Nutrient balancing in the context of evolution and cancer metabolism. [Preprint]

Steen, David, A. and Barrett, Kyle and Clarke, Ellen and Guyer, Craig (2017) Conceptualizing Communities as Natural Entities: A Philosophical Argument with Basic and Applied Implications. [Preprint]

Sterner, Beckett and Elliott, Steve (2023) How Data Governance Principles Influence Participation in Biodiversity Science. [Preprint]

Sterner, Beckett and Elliott, Steve and Gilbert, Ed and Franz, Nico (2020) Data Integration without Unification. [Preprint]

Suárez, Javier (2016) Bacterial species pluralism in the light of medicine and endosymbiosis. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 31 (1). pp. 91-105. ISSN 0495-4548

Suárez, Javier (2018) The importance of symbiosis in philosophy of biology: an analysis of the current debate on biological individuality and its historical roots. Symbiosis, 76 (2). pp. 77-96.

Suárez, Javier (2020) The stability of traits conception of the hologenome: An evolutionary account of holobiont individuality. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 42 (11).

Suárez, Javier and Stencel, Adrian (2020) A part‐dependent account of biological individuality: why holobionts are individuals and ecosystems simultaneously. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 95. pp. 1308-1324.

Suárez, Javier and Triviño, Vanessa (2019) A metaphysical approach to holobiont individuality: Holobionts as emergent individuals. Quaderns de Filosofia, 6 (1). pp. 59-76.


Takacs, Peter and Bourrat, Pierrick (2022) The Arithmetic Mean of What? A Cautionary Tale About the Use of the Geometric Mean as a Measure of Fitness. [Preprint]

Tauber, Alfred I. (2016) Immunity in Context: Science and Society in Dialogue. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 31 (2). pp. 207-224. ISSN 2171-679X

Thinius, Alex and Trappes, Rose (2024) Sex Traits and Individual Differences: Stabilising and Destabilising Binary Categories in Biological Practice. [Preprint]

Trappes, Rose (2024) Data Synthesis for Big Questions: From Animal Tracks to Ecological Models. Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 16 (1). p. 4. ISSN 2475-3025

Trappes, Rose (2021) Defining the Niche for Niche Construction: Evolutionary and Ecological Niches. [Preprint]

Trappes, Rose (2021) Defining the Niche for Niche Construction: Evolutionary and Ecological Niches. Biology & Philosophy, 36 (3). p. 31. ISSN 1572-8404

Trappes, Rose (2023) How Tracking Technology is Transforming Animal Ecology: Epistemic Values, Interdisciplinarity, and Technology-Driven Scientific Change. Synthese, 201. p. 128. ISSN 1573-0964

Trappes, Rose (2022) Individual Differences, Uniqueness, and Individuality in Behavioural Ecology. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 96. pp. 18-26. ISSN 00393681

Trappes, Rose (2024) The easy difference: Sex in behavioural ecology. Purple Brains: Feminisms at the Limits of Philosophy. pp. 98-105.

Turner, Derek (2019) In Defense of Living Fossils. [Preprint]


V S, Ananth and D K K, Vamsi (2021) Achieving Minimum-Time Biological Conservation and Pest Management for Additional Food provided Predator-Prey Systems involving Inhibitory Effect : A Qualitative Investigation. [Preprint]

Veit, Walter (2022) Complexity and the Evolution of Consciousness. [Preprint]

Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather (2021) Extending animal welfare science to include wild animals. [Preprint]

Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather (2022) The Scaffolded Evolution of Human Communication. [Preprint]

Verpooten, Jan (2024) Behavioural ecology of sexual autonomy and the case of protection against risky courtship. [Preprint]


Watkins, Aja and Ohnesorge, Miguel (2023) Naomi Oreskes, Science on a Mission. BJPS Review of Books.

Weber, Marcel (1999) The Aim and Structure of Ecological Theory. Philosophy of Science, 66. pp. 71-93. ISSN 1539-767X

Weisberg, Michael and Reisman, Kenneth (2008) The Robust Volterra Principle. [Preprint]

Wilson, Brad (2009) Experiments in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wilson, Brad (2009) From Laws to Models and Mechanisms: Ecology in the Twentieth Century. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Xu, Shipeng and Wang, Luxin (2023) On the Philosophical Foundation of Graph Ecology. [Preprint]


Zhang, Mingjun (2020) The use and limitations of null-model-based hypothesis testing. Biology & Philosophy, 35 (2). pp. 1-22. ISSN 0169-3867

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