Number of items at this level: 58.
Alexander, J. McKenzie
Random Boolean Networks and Evolutionary Game Theory.
Arntzenius, Frank
Is Quantum Mechanics Pointless?
Bain, Jonathan
Eintein Algebras and the Hole Argument.
Barrett, Jeffrey A.
Are Our Best Physical Theories (Probably and/or Approximately) True?
Bostrom, Nick
Are Cosmological Theories Compatible with All Possible Evidence: A Missing Methodological Link.
Breuer, Thomas
Another No-Go Theorem for Hidden Variable Models of Inaccurate Spin 1 Measurements.
Breuer, Thomas
A No-Go Theorem for Hidden Variable Models of Inaccurate Spin Measurements.
Brigandt, Ingo
Species Pluralism Does Not Imply Species Eliminativism.
Bueno, Otávio
Is It Possible to Nominalize Quantum Mechanics?
Chakravartty, Anjan
The Structuralist Conception of Objects.
Chang, Hasok
Preservative Realism and Its Discontents: Revisiting Caloric.
Chen, Xiang
Object and Event Concepts: A Cognitive Mechanism of Incommensurability.
Darling, Karen Merikangas
Motivational Realism: The Natural Classification for Pierre Duhem.
Domski, Mary
The Constructible and the Intelligible in Newton's Philosophy of Geometry.
de Melo-Martín, Inmaculada
When is Biology Destiny? Biological Determinism and Social Responsibility.
Elgin, Mehmet
Biology and A Priori Laws.
Feest, Uljana
Functional Analysis and the Autonomy of Psychology.
Forster, Malcolm R. and Krioukov, Alexei
How to See Through the Ideal Gas Law in Terms of the Concepts of Quantum Mechanics.
French, Steven
A Model-Theoretic Account of Representation.
Gannett, Lisa
Making Populations: Bounding Genes in Space and in Time.
Garson, Justin
The Introduction of Information into Neurobiology.
Glymour, Bruce
On The Metaphysics of Probabilistic Causation: Lessons from Social Epidemiology.
Gordon, Bruce L.
Ontology Schmontology? Identity, Individuation and Fock Space.
Guala, Francesco
Experimental Localism and External Validity.
Harris, Todd
Data Models and the Acquisition and Manipulation of Data.
Hemmo, Meir
Remarks on the Direction of Time in Quantum Mechanics.
Hoefer, Carl
For Fundamentalism.
Jenkins, Zack
Do You Need to Believe in Orbitals to Use Them?: Realism and the Autonomy of Chemistry.
Kaplan, Jonathan and Pigliucci, Massimo
On the Concept of Biological Race and Its Applicability to Humans.
Kieseppä, I. A.
AIC and Large Samples.
Knuuttila, Tarja and Voutilainen, Atro
A Parser as an Epistemic Artefact: A Material View on Models.
Kutach, Douglas
Time Travel and Consistency Constraints.
Lewis, Peter J.
Quantum Mechanics and Ordinary Language: The Fuzzy Link.
Liu, Chuang
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: Its Meaning From a Simple Classical Model.
Love, Alan C.
Evolvability, Dispositions, and Intrinsicality.
Lyons, Timothy D.
Explaining the Success of a Scientific Theory.
Magnus, P. D.
Underdetermination and the Problem of Identical Rivals.
Mikkelson, Gregory M.
Ecological Kinds and Ecological Laws.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Interpretations of Probability in Evolutionary Theory.
Muntersbjorn, Madeline M.
Francis Bacon`s Philosophy of Science: machina intellectus and forma indita.
Myrvold, Wayne C.
A Loophole in Bell`s Theorem? Parameter Dependence in the Hess-Philipp Model.
North, Jill
Understanding the Time-Asymmetry of Radiation.
Odenbaugh, Jay
Complex Systems, Trade-Offs and Theoretical Population Biology: Richard Levin`s 'Strategy of Model Building in Population Biology' Revisited.
Richardson, Robert C.
Engineering Design and Adaptation.
Robert, Jason Scott
Constant Factors and Hedgeless Hedges: On Heuristics and Biases Developmental Biology.
Root, Michael
The Use of Race as Proxy in Medicine for Genetic Differences.
Rueger, Alexander
Reduction, Autonomy and Causal Exclusion Among Physical Properties.
Ruetsche, Laura
A Matter of Degree: Putting Unitary Equivalence to Work.
Rynasiewicz, Robert
Field Unification in the Maxwell-Lorentz Theory with Absolute Space.
Scarantino, Andrea M.
Affordances Explained.
Sesardic, Neven
Heritability and Indirect Causation.
Stanford, P. Kyle
No Refuge for Realism: Selective Confirmation and the History of Science.
Stump, David J.
Defending Conventions as Functionally A Priori Knowledge.
Timpson, C. G.
The Applicability of the Shannon Information in Quantum Mechanics and Zeilinger`s Foundational Principle.
Votsis, Ioannis
Is Structure Not Enough?
Vranas, Peter B. M.
Hempel`s Raven Paradox: A Lacuna in the Standard Bayesian Solution.
Weinstein, Steven
Objectivity, Information, and Maxwell`s Demon.
Yi, Sang Wook
Reduction of Thermodynamics.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 16:33:11 2025 EDT.