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Number of items at this level: 58.


Alexander, J. McKenzie (2002) Random Boolean Networks and Evolutionary Game Theory. [Preprint]

Arntzenius, Frank (2002) Is Quantum Mechanics Pointless? [Preprint]


Bain, Jonathan (2002) Eintein Algebras and the Hole Argument. [Preprint]

Barrett, Jeffrey A. (2002) Are Our Best Physical Theories (Probably and/or Approximately) True? [Preprint]

Bostrom, Nick (2002) Are Cosmological Theories Compatible with All Possible Evidence: A Missing Methodological Link. [Preprint]

Breuer, Thomas (2002) Another No-Go Theorem for Hidden Variable Models of Inaccurate Spin 1 Measurements. [Preprint]

Breuer, Thomas (2002) A No-Go Theorem for Hidden Variable Models of Inaccurate Spin Measurements. [Preprint]

Brigandt, Ingo (2002) Species Pluralism Does Not Imply Species Eliminativism. [Preprint]

Bueno, Otávio (2002) Is It Possible to Nominalize Quantum Mechanics? [Preprint]


Chakravartty, Anjan (2002) The Structuralist Conception of Objects. [Preprint]

Chang, Hasok (2002) Preservative Realism and Its Discontents: Revisiting Caloric. [Preprint]

Chen, Xiang (2002) Object and Event Concepts: A Cognitive Mechanism of Incommensurability. [Preprint]


Darling, Karen Merikangas (2002) Motivational Realism: The Natural Classification for Pierre Duhem. [Preprint]

Domski, Mary (2002) The Constructible and the Intelligible in Newton's Philosophy of Geometry. [Preprint]

de Melo-Martín, Inmaculada (2002) When is Biology Destiny? Biological Determinism and Social Responsibility. [Preprint]


Elgin, Mehmet (2002) Biology and A Priori Laws. [Preprint]


Feest, Uljana (2002) Functional Analysis and the Autonomy of Psychology. [Preprint]

Forster, Malcolm R. and Krioukov, Alexei (2002) How to See Through the Ideal Gas Law in Terms of the Concepts of Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

French, Steven (2002) A Model-Theoretic Account of Representation. [Preprint]


Gannett, Lisa (2002) Making Populations: Bounding Genes in Space and in Time. [Preprint]

Garson, Justin (2002) The Introduction of Information into Neurobiology. [Preprint]

Glymour, Bruce (2002) On The Metaphysics of Probabilistic Causation: Lessons from Social Epidemiology. [Preprint]

Gordon, Bruce L. (2002) Ontology Schmontology? Identity, Individuation and Fock Space. [Preprint]

Guala, Francesco (2002) Experimental Localism and External Validity. [Preprint]


Harris, Todd (2002) Data Models and the Acquisition and Manipulation of Data. [Preprint]

Hemmo, Meir (2002) Remarks on the Direction of Time in Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Hoefer, Carl (2002) For Fundamentalism. [Preprint]


Jenkins, Zack (2002) Do You Need to Believe in Orbitals to Use Them?: Realism and the Autonomy of Chemistry. [Preprint]


Kaplan, Jonathan and Pigliucci, Massimo (2002) On the Concept of Biological Race and Its Applicability to Humans. [Preprint]

Kieseppä, I. A. (2002) AIC and Large Samples. [Preprint]

Knuuttila, Tarja and Voutilainen, Atro (2002) A Parser as an Epistemic Artefact: A Material View on Models. [Preprint]

Kutach, Douglas (2002) Time Travel and Consistency Constraints. [Preprint]


Lewis, Peter J. (2002) Quantum Mechanics and Ordinary Language: The Fuzzy Link. [Preprint]

Liu, Chuang (2002) Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: Its Meaning From a Simple Classical Model. [Preprint]

Love, Alan C. (2002) Evolvability, Dispositions, and Intrinsicality. [Preprint]

Lyons, Timothy D. (2002) Explaining the Success of a Scientific Theory. [Preprint]


Magnus, P. D. (2002) Underdetermination and the Problem of Identical Rivals. [Preprint]

Mikkelson, Gregory M. (2002) Ecological Kinds and Ecological Laws. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2002) Interpretations of Probability in Evolutionary Theory. [Preprint]

Muntersbjorn, Madeline M. (2002) Francis Bacon`s Philosophy of Science: machina intellectus and forma indita. [Preprint]

Myrvold, Wayne C. (2002) A Loophole in Bell`s Theorem? Parameter Dependence in the Hess-Philipp Model. [Preprint]


North, Jill (2002) Understanding the Time-Asymmetry of Radiation. [Preprint]


Odenbaugh, Jay (2002) Complex Systems, Trade-Offs and Theoretical Population Biology: Richard Levin`s 'Strategy of Model Building in Population Biology' Revisited. [Preprint]


Richardson, Robert C. (2002) Engineering Design and Adaptation. [Preprint]

Robert, Jason Scott (2002) Constant Factors and Hedgeless Hedges: On Heuristics and Biases Developmental Biology. [Preprint]

Root, Michael (2002) The Use of Race as Proxy in Medicine for Genetic Differences. [Preprint]

Rueger, Alexander (2002) Reduction, Autonomy and Causal Exclusion Among Physical Properties. [Preprint]

Ruetsche, Laura (2002) A Matter of Degree: Putting Unitary Equivalence to Work. [Preprint]

Rynasiewicz, Robert (2002) Field Unification in the Maxwell-Lorentz Theory with Absolute Space. [Preprint]


Scarantino, Andrea M. (2002) Affordances Explained. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Sesardic, Neven (2002) Heritability and Indirect Causation. [Preprint]

Stanford, P. Kyle (2002) No Refuge for Realism: Selective Confirmation and the History of Science. [Preprint]

Stump, David J. (2002) Defending Conventions as Functionally A Priori Knowledge. [Preprint]


Timpson, C. G. (2002) The Applicability of the Shannon Information in Quantum Mechanics and Zeilinger`s Foundational Principle. [Preprint]


Votsis, Ioannis (2002) Is Structure Not Enough? [Preprint]

Vranas, Peter B. M. (2002) Hempel`s Raven Paradox: A Lacuna in the Standard Bayesian Solution. [Preprint]


Weinstein, Steven (2002) Objectivity, Information, and Maxwell`s Demon. [Preprint]


Yi, Sang Wook (2002) Reduction of Thermodynamics. [Preprint]

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 16:33:11 2025 EDT.