Number of items at this level: 95.
Acuña, Pablo
Artificial Examples of Empirical Equivalence.
Arslan, Aran and Zenker, Frank
Cohen’s Convention, the Seriousness of Errors, and the Body of Knowledge in Behavioral Science.
Synthese, 204.
ISSN 1573-0964
Avner, Ash and Justin, Clarke-Doane
Intuition and Observation.
Bacelar Valente, Mario
Conventionality in Einstein's practical geometry.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (2).
pp. 177-190.
ISSN 2171-679X
Baker, David John and Halvorson, Hans and Swanson, Noel
The Conventionality of Parastatistics.
Barker, Matthew J. and Velasco, Joel D.
Deep Conventionalism about Evolutionary Groups.
Barker, Matthew J. and Slater, Matthew H.
Classificatory norms in scientific practice:
the unobjective but rational *chemical element*.
Barrett, Jeffrey A.
On the Coevolution of Theory and Language and the Nature of Successful Inquiry.
Erkenntnis, 79 (4).
pp. 821-834.
Barrett, Jeffrey A.
On the Evolution of Truth.
Brendel, Mátyás
Carnap and the Rationality of Theory Choice.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Does Utilitarianism Need a Rethink?
Catton, Philip
The Most Measured Understanding of Spacetime.
Caulton, Adam
The Role of Symmetry in the Interpretation of Physical Theories.
Clarke-Doane, Justin
Mathemtics and Metaphilosophy.
Cambridge Elements.
Csatári, Ferenc
Some Remarks on the Physicalist Account of Mathematics.
Dawid, Richard
String Dualities and Empirical Equivalence.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
ISSN 1355-2198
Dewar, Neil
Equivalence and Convention.
Dieks, Dennis
The Adolescence of Relativity: Einstein, Minkowski, and the Philosophy of Space and Time.
Dieks, Dennis
Reichenbach and the Conventionality of Distant Simultaneity in Perspective.
Dürr, Patrick and Read, James
Reconsidering Conventionalism: An Invitation to a Sophisticated Philosophy for Modern (Space-)Times.
E. Szabó, László
Formal Systems as Physical Objects: A Physicalist Account of Mathematical Truth.
Farr, Matt
Conventionalism about time direction.
Farr, Matt
What's so special about initial conditions? Understanding the past hypothesis in directionless time.
Frigg, Roman and Nguyen, James
Models and Representation.
Frisch, Mathias
The Babylonian conception and conventionalism about laws in physics.
Giovanelli, Marco
"But One Must not Legalize the Mentioned Sin". Phenomenological vs. Dynamical Treatment of Rods and Clocks in Einstein's Thought.
Giovanelli, Marco
"But One Must not Legalize the Mentioned Sin". Phenomenological vs. Dynamical Treatment of Rods and Clocks in Einstein's Thought.
Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 48.
pp. 20-44.
ISSN 13552198
Giovanelli, Marco
Collision of Traditions. The Emergence of Logical Empiricism Between
the Riemannian and Helmholtzian Traditions.
Giovanelli, Marco
Erich Kretschmann as a Proto-Logical-Empiricist: Adventures and Misadventures of the Point-Coincidence Argument.
Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
ISSN 13552198
Giovanelli, Marco
Talking at Cross-Purposes. How Einstein and Logical Empiricists never Agreed on what they were Disagreeing about.
Giovanelli, Marco
‘. . . But I Still Can’t Get Rid of a Sense of Artificiality’: The Reichenbach-Einstein Debate on the Geometrization of the Electromagnetic Field.
Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 54.
pp. 35-51.
ISSN 13552198
Giovanelli, Marco
Coordination, Geometrization, Unification. An Overview of the Reichenbach-Einstein Debate on the Unified Field Theory Program.
Philosophers and Einstein Relativity The Earl Philosophical Reception of the Relativistic Revolution.
pp. 147-192.
Giovanelli, Marco
‘Geometrization of Physics’ vs. ‘Physicalization of Geometry.’ The Untranslated Appendix to Reichenbach’s Philosophie der Raum-Zeit-Lehre.
Giovanelli, Marco
Geometrization vs. Unification. The Reichenbach-Einstein Quarrel about the Fernparallelismus Field Theory.
Synthese, 213.
ISSN 1573-0964
Giovanelli, Marco
The Sensation and the Stimulus: Psychophysics and the Prehistory of the Marburg School.
Perspectives on Science, 25.
Gomori, Marton
On the Very Idea of Distant Correlations.
Grünbaum, Adolf
David Malament and the Conventionality of Simultaneity: A Reply.
Gu, Zhiwei
The time-lag argument and simultaneity.
Hardcastle, Gary
Quine’s 1934 “Lectures on Carnap”.
Helbig, Phillip
Sonne und Mond, or, the good, the bad, and the ugly: comments on the debate between MOND and ΛCDM.
The Observatory, 140 (1279).
pp. 225-247.
ISSN 0029-7704
Holder, Justin
Poincaré’s Radical Ontology.
Ivanova, Milena
Poincaré’s Aesthetics of Science.
Ivanova, Milena and Farr, Matt
Conventional Principles in Science: On the Foundations and Development of the Relativized A Priori.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 52 (B).
pp. 111-113.
Jalloh, Mahmoud
Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa’s Contributions to Dimensional Analysis.
Lutz, Sebastian
Artificial Language Philosophy of Science.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1879-4912
Lutz, Sebastian
Carnap on Empirical Significance.
Lutz, Sebastian
Choosing the Analytic Component of Theories.
Lutz, Sebastian
Criteria of Empirical Significance: A Success Story.
Lutz, Sebastian
Criteria of Empirical Significance: Foundations, Relations, Applications.
Zeno Institute of Philosophy, Utrecht University.
Lutz, Sebastian
The Semantics of Scientific Theories.
Lutz, Sebastian and Hartmann, Stephan
Conventional and Objective Invariance: Debs and Redhead on Symmetry.
Lutz, Sebastian
Armchair Philosophy Naturalized.
Magal, Oran
Is logic just last in line for the execution? Logic, holism, and the constitutive a priori.
Maxwell, Nicholas
What’s Wrong With Aim-Oriented Empiricism?
Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum, 3 (2).
pp. 5-31.
ISSN 2228-2009
Merritt, David
Cosmology and Convention.
Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 57.
pp. 41-52.
ISSN 13552198
Miller, Ryan
Looking for Levels.
Nasmith, Benjamin B
Presentism in a World Denied Instantaneous Signals.
Norton, John D.
How Hume and Mach Helped Einstein Find Special Relativity.
Norton, John D.
Must Evidence Underdetermine Theory?
O'Connor, Cailin
Measuring Conventionality.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
Parker, Matthew W.
Philosophical Method and Galileo's Paradox of Infinity.
Picazo Jaque, Claudia
Utterance content, speaker’s intentions and linguistic liability.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3).
pp. 329-345.
ISSN 2171-679X
Pitts, J. Brian
Einstein's Physical Strategy, Energy Conservation, Symmetries, and Stability: "but Grossmann & I believed that the conservation laws were not satisfied".
Pitts, J. Brian
Permanent Underdetermination from Approximate Empirical Equivalence in Field Theory: Massless and Massive Scalar Gravity, Neutrino, Electromagnetic, Yang-Mills and Gravitational Theories.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science , 62.
pp. 259-299.
Pitts, J. Brian
Space-time Philosophy Reconstructed via Massive Nordström Scalar Gravities? Laws vs. Geometry, Conventionality, and Underdetermination.
Pitts, J. Brian
Why the Big Bang Singularity does not Help the Kalam Cosmological Argument for Theism.
Pitts, J. Brian
Cosmological Constant Λ vs. Massive Gravitons: A Case Study in General Relativity Exceptionalism vs. Particle Physics Egalitarianism.
Pitts, J. Brian
Historical and Philosophical Insights about General Relativity and Space-time from Particle Physics.
New Directions in Logic and the Philosophy of Science: SILFS volume 3.
pp. 291-301.
Pitts, J. Brian
Kant, Schlick and Friedman on Space, Time and Gravity in Light of Three Lessons from Particle Physics.
Pitts, J. Brian
Space-time Constructivism vs. Modal Provincialism: Or, How Special Relativistic Theories Needn't Show Minkowski Chronogeometry.
Pitts, J. Brian
What Represents Space-time? And What Follows for Substantivalism vs. Relationalism and Gravitational Energy?
Psillos, Stathis
Conventions and Relations in Poincaré’s Philosophy of Science.
Pérez-Navarro, Eduardo
No matter who: What makes one a relativist?
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (2).
pp. 231-242.
ISSN 2171-679X
Rynasiewicz, Robert
Reichenbach's Epsilon Definition of Simultaneity in Historical and Philosophical Perspective.
(In Press)
Rynasiewicz, Robert
Simultaneity, Convention, and Gauge Freedom.
Samaroo, Ryan
Friedman's Thesis.
Soler, Léna
Tacit Aspects of Experimental Practices: What Epistemological Consequences?
Stone, Abraham
On the Completion and Generalization of Intuitive Space in Der Raum: Husserlian and Drieschian Elements.
Stump, David J.
French Conventionalism.
Surovell, Jonathan
Carnap's Response to the Charge that Verificationism is Self-Undermining.
Szabo, Laszlo E.
Empirical Foundation of Space and Time.
Szabo, Laszlo E.
Lorentzian theories vs. Einsteinian special relativity - a logico-empiricist reconstruction.
Szabo, Laszlo E.
Lorentzian theories vs. Einsteinian special relativity - a logico-empiricist reconstruction.
Szabó, László E.
Intrinsic, extrinsic, and the constitutive a priori.
Foundations of Physics.
ISSN 1572-9516
Tasdan, Ufuk I and Thebault, Karim P Y
Spacetime Conventionalism Revisited.
Thebault, Karim P Y
On Mach On Time.
Tsou, Jonathan Y.
Social Construction, HPC kinds, and the Projectability of Human Categories.
Walter, Scott A.
Figures of light in the early history of relativity (1905-1914).
Beyond Einstein: Perspectives on Geometry, Gravitation, and Cosmology in the Twentieth Century (Einstein Studies 14).
pp. 3-50.
Walter, Scott A.
Poincaré on clocks in motion.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 47 (1).
pp. 131-141.
ISSN 1355-2198
Weatherall, James Owen
Are Newtonian Gravitation and Geometrized Newtonian Gravitation Theoretically Equivalent?
Weatherall, James Owen
Are Newtonian Gravitation and Geometrized Newtonian Gravitation Theoretically Equivalent?
Weatherall, James Owen and Manchak, John Byron
The Geometry of Conventionality.
Weatherall, James Owen and Manchak, John Byron
The Geometry of Conventionality.
Wilson, Rob
Kinmaking, Progeneration, and Ethnography.
Witteveen, Joeri
Golden spikes, scientific types, and the ma(r)king of deep time.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 106.
pp. 70-85.
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 17:01:33 2025 EDT.