Number of items at this level: 163.
Accorinti, Hernán Lucas and Fortin, Sebastian and Herrera, Manuel and Jaimes Arriaga, Jesús Alberto
The case of phonons: explanatory or ontological priority.
Arnold, Eckhart and Kästner, Johannes
When can a Computer Simulation act as Substitute for an Experiment? A Case-Study from Chemisty.
Beck, Pieter T. L.
Patience, Diligence, and Humility: Epistemic Virtues and Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century Dutch Republic.
Bishop, Robert C and Atmanspacher, Harald
Contextual Emergence in the Description of Properties.
Bursten, Julia
Surface Tension: Conceptual Challenges in Modeling Nanoscale Material Surfaces.
Cairns, Monte
Electronegativity as a New Case for Emergence and a New Problem for Reductionism.
Callaerts, Nephtali and Hocquet, Alexandre and Wieber, Frederic
“Conducted properly, published incorrectly”: the evolving status of gel electrophoresis images along instrumental transformations in times of reproducibility crisis.
Chen, Ruey-Lin and Hricko, Jonathon
Experimental Individuation and Philosophical Retail Arguments.
Ducheyne, Steffen
Earley, Joseph
How Philosophy of Mind Needs Philosophy of Chemistry.
Earley, Joseph
How Philosophy of Mind Needs Philosophy of Chemistry.
Earley, Joseph E.
Three Concepts of Chemical Closure and their Epistemological Significance.
Elliott, Kevin
Epistemic and Methodological Iteration in Scientific Research.
Esser, Stephen
Relational quantum mechanics, causal composition, and molecular structure.
Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia and Martínez González, Juan Camilo
Isomerism and decoherence.
Fortin, Sebastian and Labarca, Martín and Lombardi, Olimpia
On the ontological status of molecular structure: is it possible to reconcile molecular chemistry with quantum mechanics?
Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia
Is the problem of molecular structure just the quantum measurement problem?
Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia
What is the electron density?
Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia and Martínez, Juan Camilo
The relationship between chemistry and physics from the perspective of Bohmian mechanics.
Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia and Martínez González, Juan Camilo
A new application of the modal-Hamiltonian interpretation of quantum mechanics: the problem of optical isomerism.
Gao, Shan
Is an electron a charge cloud? A reexamination of Schrödinger's charge density hypothesis.
Goodwin, William
How do Structural Formulas Embody the Theory of Organic Chemistry?
Goodwin, William
Implementation and Innovation in Total Synthesis.
Goodwin, William
Visual Representations in Science.
Goodwin, William Mark
Scientific Understanding and Synthetic Design.
Gómez Julián, José Mauricio
Han, HyeJeong
Taking model pursuit seriously.
Hasse, Hans and Lenhard, Johannes
Boon and Bane: On the role of Adjustable Parameters in Simulation Models.
Hasse, Hans and Lenhard, Johannes
Traveling With TARDIS.
Parameterization and Transferability in Molecular Modeling and Simulation.
Havstad, Joyce C
Complexity Begets Crosscutting, Dooms Hierarchy (Another Paper on Natural Kinds).
Hettema, Hinne
Is Quantum Chemistry a Degenerating Research Programme?
Hettema, Hinne
Is Quantum Chemistry a Degenerating Research Programme?
Hettema, Hinne
A note on Michael Weisberg’s: Challenges to the Structural Conception of Chemical Bonding.
Hijmans, Sarah
Analogy and Composition in Early Nineteenth-Century Chemistry: The Case of Aluminium.
Hoefer, Carl and Marti, Genoveva
Water has a microstructural essence after all.
Huggett, Nick and Ladyman, James and Thebault, Karim P Y
On the Quantum Theory of Molecules: Rigour, Idealization, and Uncertainty.
Husmann, Julian and Näger, Paul M.
Physical Composition by Bonding.
Jaimes Arriaga, Jesús Alberto and Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia
A new chapter in the problem of the reduction of chemistry to physics: The Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules.
Ladyman, James and Thebault, Karim P Y
Open Systems and Autonomy.
Lamza, Lukasz
Six Phases of Cosmic Chemistry.
Lenhard, Johannes
Autonomy and Automation.
Computational modeling, reduction, and explanation in quantum chemistry.
Livengood, Jonathan and Edwards, Adam
Calibrating Chromatography: How Tswett Broke the Experimenters' Regress.
Lombardi, Olimpia and Labarca, Martín
The Ontological Autonomy of the Chemical World.
Scientific understanding through big data: From ignorance to insights to understanding.
Matthiessen, Dana
Crystallizing Techniques: Sample Preparations, Technical Knowledge, and the Characterization of Blood Crystals, 1840-1909.
Militello, Guglielmo and Moreno, Alvaro
Structural and organisational for being a machine.
Miller, Ryan
The Irreducibility of Chemistry to
Everettian Quantum Mechanics.
Mitchell, Sandra D.
Instrumental Perspectivism: Is AI Machine Learning Technology like NMR Spectroscopy?
Myrvold, Wayne C.
“— It would be possible to do a lengthy dialectical number on this;”.
Primas, Hans
Emergence in exact natural science.
Ross, Lauren N.
Causal Explanation and the Periodic Table.
Scerri, Eric
Philosophy of Chemistry - A New Interdisciplinary Field?
Scerri, Eric
Some aspects of the metaphysics of chemistry and the nature of the elements.
Scerri, Eric
What if the periodic table starts and ends with triads?
Scerri, Eric and McIntyre, Lee
The Case for Philosophy of Chemistry.
Scerri, Eric
The Dual Sense of the Term “Element, Attempts to Derive the Madelung Rule and the Optimal Form of the Periodic Table, if any.
Scerri, Eric
Hasok Chang on the Nature of Acids.
Scerri, Eric
The Periodic Table and the Turn to Practice.
Scerri, Eric
Principles and Parameters in Physics and Chemistry.
Scerri, Eric
Response to Barnes' Critique of Scerri and Worrall,.
Scerri, Eric
A brief response to Seifert.
Scerri, Eric
A commentary on Weisberg’s critique of the ‘structural conception’ of chemical bonding.
Schindler, Samuel
Novelty, coherence, and Mendeleev's periodic table.
Schummer, Joachim
Gestalt Switch in Molecular Image Perception: The Aesthetic Origin of Molecular Nanotechnology in Supramolecular Chemistry.
Seifert, Vanessa A.
The Chemical Bond is a Real Pattern.
Seifert, Vanessa A.
Philosophy of Chemistry: Concepts, ideas and open questions.
Seifert, Vanessa A.
The Strong Emergence of Molecular Structure.
Seifert, Vanessa A.
The many laws in the periodic table.
Sharlow, Mark
Chemical Possibility and Modal Semantics.
Sterrett, S. G.
Physically Similar Systems: a history of the concept.
Sterrett, S. G.
Relations Between Units and Relations Between Quantities.
Thyssen, Pieter
Mendeleev’s periodic law and the 19th century debates on atomism.
Thyssen, Pieter and Binnemans, Koen
Mendeleev and the rare-earth crisis.
Vogt, Thomas
The Value of Vague Ideas in the Development of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements.
Weisberg, Michael
Qualitative Theory and Chemical Explanation.
Wieber, Frederic and Hocquet, Alexandre
Computational Chemistry as Voodoo Quantum Mechanics : Models, Parameterization, and Software.
Conference or Workshop Item
Arnold, Eckhart
Tools of Toys? On Specific Challenges for Modeling and the Epistemology of Models and Computer Simulations in the Social Sciences.
Banchetti-Robino, Marina Paola
Ontological Tensions in 16th and 17th Century Chemistry: Between Mechanism and Vitalism.
Barker, Matthew J. and Slater, Matthew H.
Classificatory norms in scientific practice:
the unobjective but rational *chemical element*.
Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette
Chemistry, an ontology-free science?
Bishop, Robert
Patching Physics and Chemistry Together.
Bursten, Julia R.
Reconsidering Explanation: Lessons from Nanosynthesis.
Doppelt, Gerald
Does Structural Realism Provide the Best Explanation of the Predictive Success of Science?
Esser, Stephen
QTAIM and the Interactive Conception of Chemical Bonding.
Fisher, Grant
Diagnostics and the 'deconstruction' of models.
Goodwin, William
Harré, Rom and Llored, Jean-Pierre
Mereologies as the Grammars of Chemical Discourses.
Hendry, Robin
The Physicists, the Chemists and the Pragmatics of Explanation.
(In Press)
Hricko, Jonathon
Hypothetical Entities and Realistic Interpretation: The Case of the Muriatic Radical.
Hricko, Jonathon
How and How Not to Be Whiggish About 'Phlogiston'.
Krohs, Ulrich
A priori measurable worlds.
Lewowicz, Lucía
The term phlogiston and the notion of "failure to refer".
Needham, Paul
The Phase Rule and the Notion of Substance.
Scerri, Eric
Principles and Parameters in Physics and Chemistry.
(In Press)
Scerri, Eric
Reduction and Emergence in Chemistry - Two Recent Approches.
Schurz, Gerhard
Structural Correspondence, Indirect Reference, and Partial Truth: Phlogiston Theory and Newtonian Mechanics.
Weisberg, Michael
Challenges to the Structural Conception of Chemical Bonding.
Wieber, Frederic
Theoretical technologies in an “experimental” setting: empirical modeling of proteinic objects and simulation of their dynamics within scientific collaborations around a supercomputer.
Published Article or Volume
Accorinti, Hernán Lucas and Martínez, Juan Camilo
About the Independence of Models with respect to Theories: a case study of quantum chemistry.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 31 (2).
pp. 225-245.
ISSN 2171-679X
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
How to be rational about empirical success in ongoing science: The case of the quantum nose and its critics.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
Barwich, Ann-Sophie and Bschir, Karim
The Manipulability of What? The History of G-Protein Coupled Receptors.
Biology & Philosophy.
ISSN 1572-8404
Barwich, Ann-Sophie and Bschir, Karim
The Manipulability of What? The History of G-Protein Coupled Receptors.
Biology & Philosophy.
ISSN 1572-8404
Barwich, Ann-Sophie and Rodriguez, Matthew
Fashion fades, Chanel No.^^5 remains: Epistemology between Style and Technology.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 43 (4).
Birch, Jonathan
Robust Processes and Teleological Language.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1879-4912
Bursten, Julia
Scerri and Fisher's Essays in the Philosophy of Chemistry.
BJPS Review of Books.
Córdoba, Mariana and Martínez, Juan Camilo
Los orbitales cuánticos y la autonomía del mundo químico.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 29 (2).
pp. 261-279.
ISSN 2171-679X
Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia and Martínez, Juan Camilo
Let us build better boats. An answer to Jeffrey Seeman's "Moving beyond insularity in the history, philosophy, and sociology of chemistry".
Foundations of Chemistry, 20 (3).
pp. 261-264.
ISSN 1386-4238
Franklin, Alexander and Seifert, Vanessa A.
The Problem of Molecular Structure Just Is The Measurement Problem.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Hocquet, Alexandre and Wieber, Frederic
Epistemic issues in computational reproducibility: software as the elephant in the room.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1879-4912
Hocquet, Alexandre and Wieber, Frederic
“Only the Initiates Will Have the Secrets Revealed”: Computational Chemists and the Openness of Scientific Software.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 39 (4).
pp. 40-58.
ISSN 1058-6180
Hricko, Jonathon
Retail Realism, the Individuation of Theoretical Entities, and the Case of the Muriatic Radical.
Individuation, Process, and Scientific Practices.
pp. 259-278.
Hricko, Jonathon
Scientific Rationality: Phlogiston as a Case Study.
Rationality: Constraints and Contexts.
pp. 37-59.
Labarca, Martín Gabriel and Martínez González, Juan Camilo
On the membership of group 3 of the periodic table: A new approach.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 297-310.
ISSN 2171-679X
Lamza, Lukasz
How much history can chemistry take?
HYLE--International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, 16 (2).
pp. 104-120.
Lamza, Lukasz
Six Phases of Cosmic Chemistry.
HYLE--International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, 20 (1).
pp. 165-192.
ISSN 1433-5158
Mahootian, Farzad
Metaphor in Chemistry: An Examination of Chemical Metaphor.
Philosophy of Chemistry: Growth of a New Discipline (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 306).
pp. 121-139.
Martínez González, Juan Camilo and Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia
Why molecular structure cannot be strictly reduced to quantum mechanics.
Foundations of Chemistry, 21 (1).
pp. 31-45.
ISSN 1386-4238
Miller, Ryan
Chemical Reduction and Quantum Interpretation: A Case for Thomistic Emergence.
Foundations of Chemistry.
ISSN 1386-4238
Scerri, Eric
Book review of Eric Scerri's The Periodic table, Its Story and Its Significance, OUP, 2007.
KNowledge Organization (35).
pp. 251-255.
Scerri, Eric
Book review of “The Periodic Table, Past Present and Future by G. Rayner-Canham.
Foundations of Chemistry, 23.
pp. 293-295.
ISSN 1386-4238
Scerri, Eric
Can Quantum Ideas Explain Chemistry’s Greatest Icon?
Nature Magazine, 565.
pp. 557-558.
Scerri, Eric
Causation, Electronic Configurations and the Periodic Table.
Synthese, 198.
pp. 9709-9720.
Scerri, Eric
The Changing Views of a
Philosopher of Chemistry on the
Question of Reduction.
Essays in the Philosophy of Chemistry,.
pp. 125-143.
Scerri, Eric
Chemistry Goes Abstract.
Nature Chemistry, 1.
pp. 679-680.
Scerri, Eric
A Commentary on Robin Hendry’s Views on Molecular Structure, Emergence and Chemical Bonding.
New Mechanism: Explanation, Emergence and Reduction.
pp. 161-177.
Scerri, Eric
Comments on a recent defence of constructivism in chemical education.
Chemistry Education in New Zealand (Nov').
pp. 15-18.
Scerri, Eric
Cracks in the Periodic Table.
Scientific American.
pp. 32-37.
Scerri, Eric
Five ideas in chemical education that must die,.
Foundations of Chemistry, 21.
pp. 61-69.
ISSN 1386-4238
Scerri, Eric
Forum: Philosophy of Classification.
Knowledge Organization, 38.
pp. 9-24.
Scerri, Eric
The Gulf Between Chemistry and Philosophy of Chemistry, Then and Now.
Structural Chemistry, 28.
pp. 1599-1605.
Scerri, Eric
How Ab Initio is Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry?
Foundations of Chemistry, 6.
pp. 93-116.
Scerri, Eric
How and why the Periodic Table should be elevated to a higher status in chemistry courses, and a very brief history of the periodic table.
pp. 9-20.
Scerri, Eric
How was Nicholson’s highly inconsistent atomic theory able to yield explanatory as well as predictive success?
Contemporary Scientific Realism: The Challenge from the History of Science.
Scerri, Eric
In praise of chemical triads.
Foundations of Chemistry, 24.
pp. 285-300.
ISSN 1386-4238
Scerri, Eric
In response to “Super-Saturated Chemistry”.
Inference, International Review of Science, 3 (1).
Scerri, Eric
Integrating the History and Philosophy of Science and restoring the centrality of the Periodic Table into a college general chemistry course.
Chimica Nella Scuola, 4, 16-23, 2021., 4.
pp. 16-23.
Scerri, Eric
Is it time to get real?
New Scientist.
pp. 30-31.
Scerri, Eric
Laws of nature according to some philosophers of science
and according to chemists.
Foundations of Chemistry, 26 (3).
pp. 327-341.
Scerri, Eric
On Chemical Natural Kinds.
Journal for the General Philosophy of Science, 51.
pp. 427-445.
Scerri, Eric
Provisional report on Discussions on Group 3 of the Periodic Table.
Chemistry International, 31.
pp. 31-34.
Scerri, Eric
Reassessing the Notion of a Kuhnian Revolution
What Happened in Twentieth-Century Chemistry.
B. Wray (ed.), Interpreting Kuhn,.
pp. 124-141.
Scerri, Eric
Various forms of the periodic table including the left‑step table, the regularization of atomic number triads and first‑member anomalies.
Chem Texts, 6 (8).
Scerri, Eric
A critique of Weisberg’s view on the periodic table
and some speculations on the nature of classifications.
Foundations of Chemistry, 14.
pp. 275-284.
ISSN 1386-4238
Scerri, Eric
The discovery of the periodic table as a case of simultaneous discovery.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 373.
ISSN 0962-8436
Scerri, Eric
The impact of twentieth century physics on the periodic table and some remaining questions in the twenty-first century,.
150 Years of the Periodic Table - A Commemorative Symposium.
pp. 409-423.
Scerri, Eric
A new response to Wray and an attempt to widen the conversation,.
Substantia, 7 (1).
pp. 35-43.
Scerri, Eric
A review of research on the history and philosophy of the periodic table.
Journal of Science Education, 12.
pp. 4-7.
Scerri, Eric and Ghibaudi, Elena
Introduction to book: What Is a Chemical Element?
What is a chemical element?.
Scerri, Eric and Reznik, David
The tree of life and the table of the elements.
OUP Blog.
Seifert, Vanessa A.
The role of idealisations in describing an isolated molecule.
Foundations of Chemistry.
pp. 15-29.
ISSN 1386-4238
Seifert, Vanessa A.
The value of laws in chemistry.
Foundations of Chemistry, 26.
pp. 355-368.
ISSN 1386-4238
Suárez, Mauricio and Sánchez-Gómez, Pedro J.
Reactivity in Chemistry: The Propensity View.
Tahko, Tuomas E.
Where Do You Get Your Protein? Or: Biochemical Realization.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Wieber, Frederic and Hocquet, Alexandre
Models, parameterization, and software: epistemic opacity in computational chemistry.
Perspectives on Science, 28 (5).
pp. 610-629.
ISSN 1063-6145
Open Access Book
Seifert, Vanessa A.
Chemistry's Metaphysics.
Elements in Metaphysics
Cambridge University Press.
Tahko, Tuomas E.
Unity of Science.
Elements in Philosophy of Science
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781108581417
Earley, Joseph
Process Structural Realism, Instance Ontology, and Societal Order.
Maudlin, Tim
Earth, Air, Fire and Water: A Charitable Reading of Ancient Greek Chemistry
(With a Warning About Bad Translations.
Maudlin, Tim
Earth, Air, Fire and Water: A Charitable Reading of Ancient Greek Chemistry
(With a Warning About Bad Translations.
Scerri, Eric
On the Continuity of Reference of the Elements. A Response to Hendry.
Scerri, Eric
Response to Vollmer's Review of "Of Minds and Molecules".
Scerri, Eric
On the Continuity of Reference of the Elements: A Response to Hendry.
Wilson, Jessica
Metaphysical Emergence: Weak and Strong.
unpublished stable ms..
This list was generated on Sun Mar 2 20:43:33 2025 EST.