Number of items at this level: 235.
Andrews, Mel
Making Reification Concrete: A Response to Bruineberg et al.
Andrews, Mel
The Math is not the Territory: Navigating the Free Energy Principle.
Azhar, Feraz
Polytopes as vehicles of informational content in feedforward neural networks.
Barack, David L
Cognitive Recycling.
Barack, David L
Mental Kinematics.
Barack, David L
What Is Foraging?
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
Imaging the living brain: Reductionism revisited in times of dynamical systems.
Barwich, Ann-Sophie and Firestein, Stuart and Dietrich, Michael R.
Wider than the Sky: An Alternative to “Mapping” the World onto the Brain.
Beard, Alex and Colombo, Matteo and Wright, Cory
The Heuristic Identity Theory and Brain Reward Function:
A Case of Mistaken Identity Theory.
Bechtel, William
From molecules to behavior and the clinic: Integration in Chronobiology.
Bechtel, William
Investigating Neural Representations: The Tale of Place Cells.
Bechtel, William and Huang, Linus T.
Decentering Cognition.
Bogen, Jim and Machamer, Peter
Mechanistic Information and Causal Continuity.
Brette, Romain
Brains as computers: metaphor, analogy, theory or fact?
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Autism and the Preference for Imaginary Worlds.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Longtermism and Animals.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Regulating Possibly Sentient Human Cerebral Organoids.
Bruineberg, Jelle and Dolega, Krzysztof and Dewhurst, Joe and Baltieri, Manuel
The Emperor’s New Markov Blankets.
Buckner, Cameron
Deep Learning: A Philosophical Introduction.
Burnston, Daniel C.
Getting over Atomism: Functional Decomposition in Complex Neural Systems.
Burock, Marc
Evidence for Information Processing in the Brain.
Burock, Marc
Information and the function of neurons.
Burock, Marc
Over‐Interpreting Functional Neuroimages.
Colaço, David
Recharacterizing Scientific Phenomena.
Colaço, David
Rip it up and start again: The rejection of a characterization of a phenomenon.
Colaço, David and Bickle, John and Walters, Bradley
When should researchers cite study differences in response to a failure to replicate?
D'Ambrosio, Paolo and Colagè, Ivan
Extending Epigenesis: From Phenotypic Plasticity to the Bio-Cultural Feedback.
Datteri, Edoardo and Laudisa, Federico
Large-scale simulations of brain mechanisms: beyond the synthetic method.
Datteri, Edoardo
The epistemic value of brain-machine systems for the study of the brain.
David, Colaço
Rethinking the Role of Theory in Exploratory Experimentation.
Deng, Natalja
Commentary: “Physical Time within Human Time” and “Bridging the Neuroscience and Physics of Time”.
Dorato, Mauro and Wittmann, Marc
The phenomenology and cognitive neuroscience of experienced temporality.
Elber-Dorozko, Lotem and Shagrir, Oron
Integrating computation into the mechanistic hierarchy in the cognitive and neural sciences.
Facchin, Marco
Neural Representations Unobserved - or: a dilemma for the cognitive neuroscience revolution.
Facchin, Marco and Viola, Marco and Zanin, Elia
Retiring the “Cinderella view”: the spinal cord as an intrabodily cognitive extension.
Faries, Frank and Raja, Vicente
Black Boxes and Theory Deserts: Deep Networks and Epistemic Opacity in the Cognitive Sciences.
Favela, Luis H.
The Dynamical Renaissance in Neuroscience.
Favela, Luis H. and Machery, Edouard
The Untenable Status Quo: The Concept of Representation in the Neural and Psychological Sciences.
Francken, J.C. and Slors, M. and Craver, C.F.
Cognitive Ontology and the Search for Neural Mechanisms: Three Foundational Problems.
Froese, Tom and Sykes, John
The pragmatics, embodiment, and efficacy of lived experience: Assessing the core tenets of Varela’s neurophenomenology.
Garrido Wainer, Juan Manuel
Understanding the development and use of tools in neuroscience. The case of the tungsten microelectrode.
Garrido Wainer, Juan Manuel and Fardella Cisternas, Carla and Espinosa Cristia, Juan Felipe
Arche-writing and data production in theory-oriented scientific practice. The case of free-viewing as experimental system to test the temporal correlation hypothesis.
Garrido Wainer, Juan Manuel and Hirmas Montecinos, Natalia and Espinosa-Cristia, Juan Felipe and Trujillo Osorio, Nicolás
Free-Viewing as Experimental System to Test the Temporal Correlation Hypothesis: A Case of Theory-Generative Experimental Practice.
Garrido Wainer, Juan Manuel and Hirmas Montecinos, Natalia and Trujillo Osorio, Nicolás
The policy of testing hypotheses in Chilean science. The role of a hypothesis-driven research funding programme in the installation of a hypothesis-driven experimental system in visual neuroscience.
Garson, Justin
Against Organizational Functions.
Garson, Justin
A generalized selected effects theory of function.
Geerse, Roos
Semanticizing the brain: Reiteration as a key concept in understanding representation and behavior.
Geerse, Roos
Semanticizing the brain: Reiteration as a key concept in understanding representation and behavior.
Glennerster, A and Stazicker, J
Perception and action without 3D coordinate frames.
Gomez-Marin, Alex
Causal circuit explanations of behavior: Are necessity and sufficiency necessary and sufficient?
Gomez-Marin, Alex and Arnau, Juan
The False Problem of Consciousness.
Gough, Joe
‘Mind’ and ‘mental’: extended, pluralistic, eliminated.
Grossi, Giordana
Hardwiring: Innateness in the Age of the Brain.
Grujicic, Bojana
Deep convolutional neural networks are not mechanistic explanations of object recognition.
Grujicic, Bojana and Illari, Phyllis
Using deep neural networks and similarity metrics to predict and control brain responses.
Guest, Olivia and Martin, Andrea
Are Neurocognitive Representations 'Small Cakes'?
Gładziejewski, Paweł and Miłkowski, Marcin
Structural representations: causally relevant and different from detectors.
Haider, Sawsan
Grey Matter’s Grey Areas: Privacy in the Age of Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Hardy-Vallée, Benoit
Decision-Making: A Neuroeconomic Perspective.
Harinen, Totte
Mutual Manipulability and Causal Inbetweenness.
Haueis, Philipp
Beyond cognitive myopia: a patchwork approach to the concept of neural function.
Haueis, Philipp and Kästner, Lena
Mechanistic Inquiry and Scientific Pursuit: The Case of Visual Processing.
Hermida, Margarida
Thought experiments, sentience, and animalism.
Hochstein, Eric
Integration without Integrated Models or Theories.
Hochstein, Eric
Learning to Appreciate the Gray Areas: A Critical Notice of Anil Gupta’s “Conscious Experience”.
Hochstein, Eric
Mechanistic Mayhem: Minding our Musings on Mechanisms.
Huang, Linus Ta-Lun and Bechtel, William
A Phylogenetic Perspective on Distributed Decision-Making Mechanisms.
Jones, Max
Numerals and Neural Reuse.
Kirchhoff, Michael and Kiverstein, Julian and Robertson, Ian
The Literalist Fallacy & the Free Energy Principle: Model-building, Scientific Realism and Instrumentalism.
Kiverstein, Julian and Kirchhoff, Michael
Scientific Realism about Friston blankets without Literalism.
Knox, Eleanor
Novel Explanation in the Special Sciences: Lessons from physics.
Kostic, Daniel
Topological Explanations: An Opinionated Appraisal.
Kostic, Daniel and Halffman, Willem
Mapping Explanatory Language in Neuroscience.
Kostic, Daniel and Khalifa, Kareem
Decoupling Topological Explanations from Mechanisms.
Kästner, Lena and Crook, Barnaby
Don't Fear the Bogeyman: On Why There is No Prediction-Understanding Trade-Off for Deep Learning in Neuroscience.
Kästner, Lena and Crook, Barnaby
Explaining AI Through Mechanistic Interpretability.
Lee, Ju Young
Neuronal Agnosticism and Constructive Empiricism.
List, Christian and Menzies, Peter
My brain made me do it: The exclusion argument against free will, and what’s wrong with it.
Lundie, Michael
Systemic functional adaptedness and domain-general cognition: broadening the scope of evolutionary psychology.
Maimon, Amber and Hemmo, Meir
Does Neuroplasticity Support the Hypothesis of Multiple Realizability?
Manolo, Martínez and Marc, Artiga
Neural Oscillations as Representations.
McCabe, Gordon
Reeh-Schlieder, space-time foam, and the implications for neuroscience.
Meloni, Maurizio and Reynolds, Jack
Thinking embodiment with genetics: epigenetics and postgenomic biology in embodied cognition and enactivism.
Negro, Niccolo
(Dis)confirming theories of consciousness and their predictions.
Nemati, Nedah
Rethinking Neuroscientific Methodology: Lived Experience in Behavioral Studies.
Noichl, Maximilian
How localized are computational templates? A machine learning approach.
Northcott, Robert
Free will is not a testable hypothesis.
Okon, Elias and Sebastián, Miguel Ángel
A Consciousness-Based Quantum Objective Collapse Model.
Patel, Shivam
Thought Insertion without Thought.
Pence, David
Potential Controversies: Causation and the Hodgkin and Huxley Equations.
Piccinini, Gualtiero
Embodied (4EA) Cognitive Computational Neuroscience.
Pitts, J. Brian
Conservation Laws and the Philosophy of Mind: Opening the Black Box, Finding a Mirror.
Pitts, J. Brian
General Relativity, Mental Causation, and Energy
Pitts, J. Brian
The Mind-Body Problem and Conservation Laws: The Growth of Physical Understanding?
Prieto, Guido I. and Fábregas-Tejeda, Alejandro
Representing with model organisms: A refined DEKI account.
Ramirez-Bermudez, Jesus and Atocha, Aliseda and Perez-Gay Juárez, Fernanda
Ramsey, Grant
Trait bin and trait cluster accounts of human nature.
Ramstead, Maxwell J. D. and Kirchhoff, Michael D. and Constant, Axel and Friston, Karl J.
Multiscale Integration: Beyond Internalism and Externalism.
Rathkopf, Charles
Localization and Intrinsic Function.
Rathkopf, Charles
Neural Information and the Problem of Objectivity.
Rathkopf, Charles
What kind of information is brain information?
Richmond, Andrew
Computational Externalism.
Richmond, Andrew
What is a Theory of Neural Representation For?
Richmond, Andrew
What really lives in the swamp? Kinds and the illustration of scientific reasoning.
Ritchie, J. Brendan and Kaplan, David M. and Klein, Colin
Decoding the Brain: Neural Representation and the Limits of Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Ross, Lauren N.
Dynamical Models and Explanation in Neuroscience.
Ross, Lauren N.
Causal concepts in biology: How pathways differ from mechanisms and why it matters.
Ross, Lauren N.
Explanation in Biology.
Ross, Lauren N.
Tracers in neuroscience: Causation, constraints, and connectivity.
Ross, Lauren N. and Jirsa, Viktor and McIntosh, Anthony
The Possibility Space Concept in Neuroscience:
Possibilities, Constraints, and Explanation.
Sarma, Gopal P.
Collecting Systematic, Introspective Reports of Pharmacological Effects and Side-Effects.
Sengupta, Rakesh
How embodied is time?
Sharlow, Mark
I Am an Abstraction, Therefore I Am.
Sharlow, Mark
Qualia and the Problem of Universals.
Sharlow, Mark
Yes, We Have Conscious Will.
Sirtes, Daniel
A Pragmatic-Ontic Account of Mechanistic Explanation.
Skokowski, Paul
Observing a Superposition.
Stotz, Karola and Allen, Colin
From cell-surface receptors to higher learning: a whole world of experience.
Stuart, Michael T. and Kozlov, Anatolii
Moving Targets and Models of Nothing: A New Sense of Abstraction for Philosophy of Science.
Sullivan, Jacqueline
Optogenetics, Pluralism and Progress.
Sytsma, Justin
The Proper Province of Philosophy: Conceptual Analysis and Empirical Investigation.
Sytsma, Justin
Searching for Evidence of Phenomenal Consciousness in NCC Research.
Thagard, Paul
Energy Requirements Undermine Substrate Independence and Mind-Body Functionalism.
Thinius, Alex and Trappes, Rose
Sex Traits and Individual Differences: Stabilising and Destabilising Binary Categories in Biological Practice.
Thobani, Imran
A Triviality Worry for the Internal Model Principle.
Thompson, Evan
Could All Life Be Sentient?
Tsou, Jonathan Y.
Social Construction, HPC kinds, and the Projectability of Human Categories.
Veit, Walter
Complexity and the Evolution of Consciousness.
Veit, Walter
Evolving Resolve.
Veit, Walter
Revisiting the Intentionality All-Stars.
Veit, Walter
The Role of Consciousness in Adaptive Behavior: Précis of
A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Defending Sentientism.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Has the Socio-Political Role of Neuroethics Been Neglected?
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Life, Mind, Agency: Why Markov Blankets Fail the Test of Evolution.
Vicente, Raja and Edward, Baggs and Anthony, Chemero and Michael L., Anderson
Trick or treat: A response to commentaries on “The Markov blanket trick”.
Vinding, Mikkel C.
Investigating Causal Effects of Mental Events in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Wajnerman Paz, Abel
An efficient coding approach to the debate on grounded cognition.
Wallace, Rodrick
Culture and the Trajectories of Developmental Pathology: Insights from Control and Information Theories.
Waller, Robyn
Weighing in on decisions in the brain: Neural representations of pre-awarenss practical intention.
Weiskopf, Daniel
The Predictive Turn in Neuroscience.
Williams, Daniel
Is the Brain an Organ for Prediction Error Minimization?
Woodward, James
Emotion Versus Cognition in Moral Decision-Making: A Dubious Dichotomy.
Woodward, James
Explanation in Neurobiology: An Interventionist Perspective.
Woodward, James and Allman, John
Moral Intuition: Its Neural Substrates and Normative Significance.
Wright, Jessey
Saving Data Analysis: Epistemic Friction and Progress in Neuroimaging Research.
Yan, Karen and Tsai, Meng-Li and Huang, Tsung-Ren
Improving the Quality of Case-Based Research in the Philosophy of
Contemporary Sciences.
Yan, Karen and Tsai, Meng-Li and Huang, Tsung-Ren
A Scientometric Approach to the Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: Entrenched Biomedical Standardisation and Citation-Exemplar.
Zednik, Carlos
Heuristics, Descriptions, and the Scope of Mechanistic Explanation.
Zednik, Carlos
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience.
Zednik, Carlos
Models and Mechanisms in Network Neuroscience.
Conference or Workshop Item
Amin, Ramy
The Philosopher’s Error: Levels, Causation, and Constraints.
Boccignone, Giuseppe and Cordeschi, Roberto
Bayesian models and simulations in cognitive science.
Bogen, Jim
The Hodgkin-Huxley Equations and the Concrete Model; Comments on Craver, Schaffner, and Weber.
Chirimuuta, M.
Crash Testing an Engineering Framework in Neuroscience:
Does the Idea of Robustness Break Down?
Chirimuuta, M.
Reorienting Realism.
Colaço, David and Najenson, Jonathan
Where memory resides: Is there a rivalry between molecular and synaptic models of memory?
Elber-Dorozko, Lotem
Can neuroscientists ask the wrong questions? On why etiological considerations are essential when modeling cognition.
Eronen, Markus
No Levels, No Problems: Downward Causation in Neuroscience.
Favela, Luis
“It takes two to make a thing go right”: The coevolution of technological and mathematical tools in neuroscience.
Griesel, Carsten
The Type-Token Distinction and the Mind and Brain Sciences.
Grunt-Mejer, Katarzyna/K.
That Obscure Concept of Desire: ideological wars over the pharmacological enhancement of female sexual desire.
Hartner, Daniel
From Desire to Subjective Value: On the Neural Mechanisms of Moral Motivation.
Keeley, Brian L.
What kinds of kind are the senses?
Kistler, Max
Mechanisms and Downward Causation.
Levy, Arnon and Bechtel, William
Towards Mechanism 2.0: Expanding the Scope of Mechanistic Explanation.
Piccinini, Gualtiero
The Resilience of Computationalism.
Rebekka A., Klein
THE (NEURO-)BIOLOGY OF ALTRUISTIC PUNISHMENT A Philosophical Investigation of a Concept of Human Social Behavior.
Schaffner, Kenneth
Theories, Models, and Equations in Biology: The Heuristic Search for Emergent Simplifications in Neurobiology.
Silberstein, Michael and Chemero, Tony
Constraints on Localization and Decomposition as Explanatory Strategies in the Biological Sciences.
Sytsma, Justin
Is phenomenal consciousness a problem for the brain sciences?
Sytsma, Justin
Phenomenological Obviousness and the New Science of Consciousness.
Tabery, James
Difference Mechanisms.
Ward, Chuck
Evolutionary Psychology and the Problem of Neural Plasticity.
Weber, Marcel
Causes without Mechanisms: Experimental Regularities, Physical Laws, and Neuroscientific Explanation.
Zednik, Carlos
Are Systems Neuroscience Explanations Mechanistic?
Published Article or Volume
Atanasova, Nina
Validating Animal Models.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (2).
pp. 163-181.
ISSN 2171-679X
Barack, David L
Bickle et al, The Tools of Neuroscience Experiment.
BJPS Review of Books.
Barberis, Sergio Daniel
Wiring optimization explanation in neuroscience:
What is special about it?
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 89-110.
ISSN 2171-679X
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
Measuring the World: Olfaction as a Process Model of Perception.
Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology.
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
The Value of Failure in Science: The Story of Grandmother Cells in Neuroscience.
Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo
Using neurons to maintain autonomy: Learning from C. elegans.
BioSystems, 232.
ISSN 0303-2647
Bich, Leonardo
Integrating multicelular systems: Physiological control and degrees of biological individuality.
Acta Biotheoretica, 72 (1).
ISSN 0001-5342
Bitbol, Michel
The Tangled Dialectic of Body and Consciousness: A Metaphysical Counterpart of Radical Neurophenomenology.
Constructivist Foundations.
Brzović, Zdenka and Jurjako, Marko and Sustar, Predrag
The Kindness of Psychopaths.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 31 (2).
pp. 189-211.
ISSN 0269-8595
Burnston, Daniel
Mazviita Chirimuuta, The Brain Abstracted.
BJPS Review of Books.
Colaço, David
When remediating one artifact results in another: control,
confounders, and correction.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 46 (5).
Cucu, Alin C. and Pitts, J. Brian
How Dualists Should (Not) Respond to
the Objection from Energy Conservation.
Mind & Matter, 17 (1).
pp. 95-121.
De Brigard, Felipe
Luiz Pessoa, The Entangled Brain.
BJPS Review of Books.
Dewhurst, Joe
David M. Kaplan's Explanation and Integration in Mind and Brain Science.
BJPS Review of Books.
Donhauser, Justin
Invisible disagreement: an inverted qualia argument for realism.
Philosophical Studies, 174 (3).
pp. 593-606.
Elber-Dorozko, Lotem
Manipulation is key – On why non-mechanistic explanations in the cognitive sciences also describe relations of manipulation and control.
ISSN 1573-0964
Fang, Wei
Toward Mechanism 2.1: A Dynamic Causal Approach.
Philosophy of Science, 88 (5).
pp. 796-809.
ISSN 1539-767X
Figdor, Carrie
Muhammad Ali Khalidi, Cognitive Ontology.
BJPS Review of Books.
Hatfield, Gary
The Brain's "New" Science: Psychology, Neurophysiology, and Constraint.
Philosophy of Science, 67 (Suppl).
ISSN 0031-8248
Hensel, Witold M.
Double Trouble? The Communication Dimension of the Reproducibility Crisis in Experimental Psychology and
European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 10 (3).
ISSN 1879-4912
Hochstein, Eric
Categorizing the Mental.
Philosophical Quarterly.
Hochstein, Eric
Giving up on Convergence and Autonomy: Why the Theories of Psychology and Neuroscience are Codependent as well as Irreconcilable.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
pp. 1-10.
Hochstein, Eric
One mechanism, many models: a distributed theory of mechanistic explanation.
pp. 1-21.
Hochstein, Eric
How metaphysical commitments shape the study of psychological mechanisms.
Theory & Psychology.
pp. 1-22.
Hochstein, Eric
Why One Model is Never Enough: A Defense of Explanatory Holism.
Biology & Philosophy, 32.
pp. 1105-1125.
ISSN 1572-8404
Huang, Linus Ta-Lun and Bich, Leonardo and Bechtel, William
Model Organisms for Studying Decision-Making: a Phylogenetically Expanded Perspective.
Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1539-767X
Ian, Phillips and Simon, Brown
Hakwan Lau, In Consciousness We Trust.
BJPS Review of Books.
Jurjako, Marko and Malatesti, Luca and Brazil, Inti
Some Ethical Considerations About the Use of Biomarkers for the Classification of Adult Antisocial Individuals.
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.
ISSN 1499-9013
Kostic, Daniel and Khalifa, Kareem
The Directionality of Topological Explanations.
Lara, Francisco
Oxytocin, Empathy and Human Enhancement.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3).
pp. 367-384.
ISSN 2171-679X
Lemoine, Maël and Pradeu, Thomas
Dissecting the Meanings of “Physiology” to Assess the Vitality of the Discipline.
Physiology, 33 (4).
pp. 236-245.
ISSN 1548-9213
Loaiza, Juan R.
Emotions and the problem of variability.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
Lombardi, Olimpia and Lopez, Cristian
What Does ‘Information’ Mean in Integrated information Theory?
Entropy, 20 (894).
ISSN 1099-4300
López-Corredoira, Martín
Against free will in the contemporary natural sciences.
Free Will: Interpretations, Implementations and Assessments.
McKaughan, Daniel and Elliott, Kevin
Backtracking and the Ethics of Framing: Lessons from Voles and Vasopressin.
Accountability in Research, 20 (3).
pp. 206-226.
Meunier, Robert
Project knowledge and its resituation in the design of research projects: Seymour Benzer's behavioral genetics, 1965-1974.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A.
Miłkowski, Marcin
From Computer Metaphor to Computational Modeling: The Evolution of Computationalism.
Minds and Machines, 28 (3).
pp. 515-541.
ISSN 0924-6495
Miłkowski, Marcin and Hensel, Witold M. and Hohol, Mateusz
Replicability or reproducibility? On the replication crisis in computational neuroscience and sharing only relevant detail.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 45 (3).
pp. 163-172.
ISSN 0929-5313
Muñoz, José Manuel
Mental causation and neuroscience: The semantic pruning model.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (3).
pp. 379-399.
ISSN 2171-679X
Pernu, Tuomas K.
Mental causation via neuroprosthetics? A critical analysis.
ISSN 1573-0964
Pitts, J. Brian
On Two Slights to Noether's First Theorem: Mental Causation and General Relativity.
Rethinking the Concept of Laws of Nature: Natural Order in the Light of Contemporary Science.
Pokropski, Marek and Suffczynski, Piotr
First-person constraints on dynamic-mechanistic explanations in neuroscience: The case of migraine and epilepsy models.
Synthese, 202 (5).
ISSN 1573-0964
Pradeu, Thomas
The many faces of biological individuality.
Biology and Philosophy, 31 (6).
pp. 761-773.
Rickles, Dean
Some Philosophical Problems of Music Theory (and some Music-Theoretic Problems of Philosophy).
Thinking about Science, Reflecting on Art.
pp. 119-139.
Romero, Felipe
Why There Isn't Intel-Level Causation in Mechanisms.
Synthese, 192 (11).
pp. 3731-3755.
Romero, Felipe and Craver, Carl
The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology.
Roush, Sherrilyn
Simulation and Understanding Other Minds.
Nous - Philosophical Issues, 26.
Sarma, Gopal P. and Faundez, Victor
Integrative biological simulation praxis: Considerations from physics, philosophy, and data/model curation practices.
Cellular Logistics, 7 (4).
Sarma, Gopal P. and Hay, Nick J.
Mammalian Value Systems.
Informatica, 41 (4).
pp. 441-449.
Sarma, Gopal P. and Hay, Nick J.
Mammalian Value Systems.
Informatica, 41 (4).
pp. 441-449.
Scholl, Raphael
Confessions of a Complexity Skeptic.
Serban, Maria and Holm, Sune
Constitutive relevance and interlevel experiments.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Skokowski, Paul
Sensing Qualia.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 16 (795405).
pp. 1-16.
Smortchkova, Joulia
Carrie Figdor's Pieces of Mind.
BJPS Review of Books.
Veit, Walter
Preview of A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
Vervoort, Louis and Blusiewicz, Tomasz
Free will and (in)determinism in the brain: a case for naturalized philosophy.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (3).
pp. 345-364.
ISSN 2171-679X
Wajnerman Paz, Abel
Pluralistic Mechanism.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (2).
pp. 161-175.
ISSN 2171-679X
Ward, Zina B.
Cognitive Variation: The Philosophical Landscape.
Philosophy Compass.
Ward, Zina B.
Muscles or Movements? Representation in the Nascent Brain Sciences.
Journal of the History of Biology.
Ward, Zina B.
Registration Pluralism and the Cartographic Approach to Data Aggregation Across Brains.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 01:40:40 2025 EDT.