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  • Conferences and Volumes (67)
    • [2022] PSA 2022: The 28th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association (Pittsburgh, PA, November 10-13 2022) (67)
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Number of items at this level: 67.


Abrams, Marshall (2022) Random foraging and perceived randomness. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Allzén, Simon (2022) Modest Scientific Realism and Belief in Astronomical Entities. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Baker, David John (2022) The Epiphenomena Argument for Symmetry-to-Reality Inference. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Belot, Gordon (2023) That Does Not Compute: David Lewis on Credence and Chance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bennett, Marissa and Miller, Michael (2023) The conventionality of real valued quantities. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bradner, Alexandra (2022) Collaborating with Administrators and Students to Restructure Your Bioethics Course to Meet Best Practices in UDL and Trauma-informed Pedagogy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Brancazio, Nick (2022) Easy Alliances: The Methodology of Minimally Cognitive Behavior (MMCB) and Basal Cognition. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Branch, T.Y. and Douglas, Heather (2023) Rethinking the Conceptual Space for Science in Society after the VFI. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Browning, Heather (2022) Validating indicators of subjective animal welfare (preprint). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bursten, Julia and Dhein, Kelle (2022) Multiscale Modeling in Neuroethology: The Significance of the Mesoscale. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Calderón, Francisco (2024) The Causal Axioms of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: A Diagnostic. [Preprint]

Cejka, Timotej (2022) Reflexivity of Predictions as a Statistical Bias. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chirimuuta, M. (2022) Reorienting Realism. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chua, Eugene (2022) T Falls Apart: On the Status of Classical Temperature in Relativity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Colaço, David and Najenson, Jonathan (2022) Where memory resides: Is there a rivalry between molecular and synaptic models of memory? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Crüwell, Sophia (2023) The Psychologist’s Green Thumb. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Curry, Devin Sanchez (2022) Scientific Psychology for Folk Craft: The Case of IQ. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Curtis-Trudel, Andre E (2022) Mathematical Explanation in Computer Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.


D'Alessandro, William and Lehet, Ellen (2022) Mathematical Explanation and Understanding: A Noetic Account. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Davey, Kevin (2022) Bad News for Inference to the Best Explanation, but Good News for the Epistemology of Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Dethier, Corey (2022) Against "Possibilist" Interpretations of Climate Models. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Dewar, Neil (2022) Equivalence and Convention. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DiMarco, Marina (2022) Cooperative Epistemic Trustworthiness. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DiMarco, Marina (2022) Cooperative Epistemic Trustworthiness. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Duede, Eamon (2022) Deep Learning Opacity in Scientific Discovery. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Elber-Dorozko, Lotem (2022) Can neuroscientists ask the wrong questions? On why etiological considerations are essential when modeling cognition. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Elliott, Steve and Eosco, Gina and Newcomb, Laura and Conran, Joseph (2023) Institutional Values Influence the Design and Evaluation of Transition Knowledge in Funding Proposals at NOAA. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Erasmus, Adrian (2022) The Bias Dynamics Model: Correcting for Meta-Biases in Therapeutic Prediction. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Fischer, Enno (2022) Naturalness and the forward-looking justification of scientific principles. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fuller, Gareth (2022) Robustness and Replication: Models, Experiments, and Confirmation. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Goldwasser, Seth (2022) Finding Normality in Abnormality: On the Ascription of Normal Function to Cancer. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Hanley, Brian J. (2022) Fast and Slow Causation: An Interventionist Account of Speed of Change. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Haueis, Philipp (2022) Revising scientific concepts with multiple meanings: beyond pluralism and eliminativism. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Heydon, Emily (2022) Exploring an Evolutionary Paradox: An Analysis of the "Spite Effect" and the "Nearly Neutral Effect" in Synergistic Models of Finite Populations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hildebrand, Tyler (2023) The Ideology of Pragmatic Humeanism. [Preprint]


Jacobs, Caspar (2022) Are Dynamic Shifts Dynamical Symmetries? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Jäntgen, Ina (2022) How to measure effect sizes for rational decision-making. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Jäntgen, Ina (2022) How to measure effect sizes for rational decision-making. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Kinney, David (2022) Causal History, Statistical Relevance, and Explanatory Power. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Knox, Bennett (2022) The Institutional Definition of Psychiatric Condition and the Role of Well-Being in Psychiatry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Koberinski, Adam (2023) What good is Haag's no-go theorem? What axiomatic methods can teach us about particle physics. In: UNSPECIFIED.


LaCroix, Travis (2022) Information and Meaning in the Evolution of Compositional Signals. In: UNSPECIFIED.

LeBrun, Alex (2022) On dispensability and indispensability. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lewis, Peter J. and Fallis, Don and Fitelson, Branden (2022) Accuracy-first epistemology and scientific progress. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lisciandra, Chiara (2024) Citation Metrics: A Philosophy of Science Perspective. [Preprint]


Magnus, P.D. (2022) Scurvy and the ontology of natural kinds. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Manchak, JB (2022) On the (In?)Stability of Spacetime Inextendibility. In: UNSPECIFIED.

McDonald, Jennifer (2022) Apt Causal Models and The Relativity of Actual Causation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Miller, Ryan (2022) Mereological Atomism's Quantum Problems. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Ohnesorge, Miguel (2022) The Epistemic Privilege of Measurement: Motivating a Functionalist Account. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ohnesorge, Miguel (2022) The Epistemic Privilege of Measurement: Motivating a Functionalist Account. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Onnis, Erica (2022) Constraining structures and the emergence of macro-levels of organization. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Ray, Faron (2022) Two Types of Explainability for Machine Learning Models. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ruetsche, Laura (2022) UnBorn: Probability in Bohmian Mechanics. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Schupbach, Jonah N. (2022) On the Logical Structure of Best Explanations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Solomon, Monica (2022) Newton’s Bucket Experiment: Fictional or Real? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Sung, Richard and Holman, Bennett (2022) Against Evidentiary Pluralism in Pharmaceutical Regulation. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Taylor, Henry (2022) What is it like to be a baby? Natural Kinds and infant consciousness. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Vieland, Veronica J and Seok, Sang-Cheol (2022) Absolutely 0 Evidence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

van Basshuysen, Philippe (2022) Austinian Model Evaluation. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Ward, Barry (2022) Informational Virtues, Causal Inference, and Inference to the Best Explanation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Waszek, David and Imbert, Cyrille (2022) Are larger studies always better? Sample size and data pooling effects in research communities. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Weinberger, Naftali (2022) The Insufficiency of Statistics for Detecting Racial Discrimination by Police. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wilkenfeld, Daniel (2022) Understanding Abstracting Structural Explanations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wu, Jingyi (2023) Better than Best: Epistemic Landscapes and Diversity of Practice in Science. [Preprint]


Yu, Haomiao (2021) A Virtue Epistemology of Scientific Explanation and Understanding. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Zhang, Zhexi (2022) Representational Enactivism. In: UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 14:10:58 2025 EDT.