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Items where Year is 2007

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Number of items: 358.


Abbott, Russ (2007) Bits don’t have error bars. [Preprint]

Afriat, Alexander (2007) A priori prejudice in Weyl's unintended unification of gravitation and electricity. [Preprint]

Afriat, Alexander (2007) A priori prejudice in Weyl's unintended unification of gravitation and electricity. [Preprint]

Arntzenius, Frank (2007) No Regrets. [Preprint]

Arntzenius, Frank (2007) No Regrets. [Preprint]

Arntzenius, Frank and Greaves, Hilary (2007) Time reversal in classical electromagnetism. [Preprint]

Arntzenius, Frank and Greaves, Hilary (2007) Time reversal in classical electromagnetism. [Preprint]

Atkinson, David and Peijnenburg, Jeanne (2007) Reichenbach's Posits Reposited. [Preprint]

Atkinson, David and Peijnenburg, Jeanne and Kuipers, Theo (2007) How to Confirm the Disconfirmed. On conjunction fallacies and robust confirmation. [Preprint]

Bacciagaluppi, Guido (2007) Is logic empirical? [Preprint]

Bacciagaluppi, Guido (2007) Probability and time symmetry in classical Markov processes. [Preprint]

Baumgartner, Michael (2007) Regularity Theories Reassessed. [Preprint]

Belot, Gordon (2007) An Elementary Notion of Gauge Equivalence. [Preprint]

Belot, Gordon (2007) Some Background to the Absolute-Relational Debate. [Preprint]

Bitbol, Michel (2007) Physical Relations or Functional Relations ? A non-metaphysical construal of Rovelli’s Relational Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Borges, Wagner and Stern, Julio Michael (2007) The Rules of Logic Composition for the Bayesian Epistemic e-Values. [Preprint]

Bradley, D. J. (2007) Four Problems about Self-Locating Evidence. [Preprint]

Bub, Jeffrey and Pitowsky, Itamar (2007) Two Dogmas About Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Butterfield, Jeremy (2007) Reconsidering Relativistic Causality. [Preprint]

Butterfield, Jeremy (2007) Stochastic Einstein Locality Revisited. [Preprint]

Callender, Craig (2007) The Common Now. [Preprint]

Callender, Craig (2007) The Emergence and Interpretation of Probability in Bohmian Mechanics. [Preprint]

Callender, Craig (2007) Finding 'Real' Time in Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Campisi, Michele (2007) Mechanical Proof of the Second Law of Thermodynamics Based on Volume Entropy. [Preprint]

Catren, Gabriel (2007) Can Classical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete? [Preprint]

Catren, Gabriel (2007) Geometric Foundations of Classical Yang-Mills Theory. [Preprint]

Catren, Gabriel (2007) On Classical and Quantum Objectivity. [Preprint]

Chemero, Tony and Silberstein, Michael (2007) After the Philosophy of Mind: Replacing Scholasticism with Science. [Preprint]

Christian, Joy (2007) Disproof of Bell's Theorem by Clifford Algebra Valued Local Variables. [Preprint]

Christian, Joy (2007) Disproof of Bell's Theorem by Clifford Algebra Valued Local Variables. [Preprint]

Christian, Joy (2007) Disproof of Bell's Theorem: Further Consolidations. [Preprint]

Clément, Vidal (2007) An Enduring Philosophical Agenda. Worldview Construction as a Philosophical Method. [Preprint]

Contessa, Gabriele (2007) Representation, Interpretation, and Surrogative Reasoning. [Preprint]

Davies, E Brian (2007) The Mechanical Philosophy 1660 - 1675. [Preprint]

Dickson, Michael (2007) Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Dieks, Dennis (2007) Probability in modal interpretations of quantum mechanics. [Preprint]

Dieks, Dennis and Lam, Sander (2007) Complementarity in the Bohr-Einstein Photon Box. [Preprint]

Dieks, Dennis and Versteegh, Marijn (2007) Identical Particles and Weak Discernibility. [Preprint]

Dieks, Dennis and Versteegh, Marijn (2007) Identical Quantum Particles and Weak Discernibility. [Preprint]

Dietrich, Michael R. and Millstein, Roberta L. (2007) The Role of Causal Processes in the Neutral and Nearly Neutral Theories. [Preprint]

Domenech, Graciela and Freytes, Hector and de Ronde, Christian (2007) The Contextual Character of Modal Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Domenech, Graciela and Holik, Federico (2007) A discussion on particle number and quantum indistinguishability. [Preprint]

Dorato, Mauro (2007) Is Structural Spacetime Realism Relationism in Disguise? The supererogatory nature of the substantivalism/relationism debate. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2007) The General Scholium: Some Notes on Newton's Published and Unpublished Endeavours. [Preprint]

E. Szabó, László (2007) The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument and the Bell Inequalities. [Preprint]

E. Szabó, László (2007) Objective probability-like things with and without objective indeterminism. [Preprint]

Elga, Adam (2007) How to disagree about how to disagree. [Preprint]

Esfeld, Michael (2007) Cartwright on wholism. [Preprint]

Esfeld, Michael (2007) Metaphysics of science between metaphysics and science. [Preprint]

Esfeld, Michael and Sachse, Christian (2007) Theory reduction by means of functional sub-types. [Preprint]

Faye, Jan (2007) Identity, Space-time, and Cosmology. [Preprint]

Faye, Jan (2007) Niels Bohr and the Vienna Circle. [Preprint]

Faye, Jan (2007) Tenses, Changes, and Space-Time. [Preprint]

Fleming, Gordon N. (2007) Correlation coefficients and Robertson-Schroedinger uncertainty relations. [Preprint]

Floridi, Luciano (2007) A Defence of Informational Structural Realism. [Preprint]

Franceschi, Paul (2007) Le paradoxe des deux enveloppes et le choix de l'indifférence. [Preprint]

Frigg, Roman (2007) Models and Fiction. [Preprint]

Frigg, Roman (2007) Probability in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics. [Preprint]

Frigg, Roman (2007) Typicality and the Approach to Equilibrium in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics. [Preprint]

Frigg, Roman and Hoefer, Carl (2007) Probability in GRW Theory. [Preprint]

Frigg, Roman and Reiss, Julian (2007) The Philosophy of Simulation: Hot New Issues or Same Old Stew? [Preprint]

Giulini, Domenico (2007) Concepts of Symmetry in the Work of Wolfgang Pauli. [Preprint]

Giulini, Domenico (2007) Electron Spin or ``Classically Non-Describable Two-Valuedness''. [Preprint]

Giulini, Domenico (2007) Superselection Rules. [Preprint]

Glennan, Stuart (2007) Mechanisms, Causes and the Layered Model of the World. [Preprint]

Goldberg, David E. (2007) Why Philosophy? Why Now? Engineering Responds to the Crisis of a Creative Era. [Preprint]

Goodwin, William Mark (2007) Scientific Understanding and Synthetic Design. [Preprint]

Greaves, Hilary (2007) On the Everettian epistemic problem. [Preprint]

Greaves, Hilary (2007) Towards a geometrical understanding of the CPT theorem. [Preprint]

Griffiths, Paul Edmund and Machery, Edouard and Linquist, Stefan (2007) The Vernacular Concept of Innateness. [Preprint]

Groisman, Berry (2007) What is Dialectic? Some remarks on Popper’s criticism. [Preprint]

Groisman, Berry (2007) The end of Sleeping Beauty’s nightmare. [Preprint]

Groisman, Berry (2007) The end of Sleeping Beauty’s nightmare. [Preprint]

Grüne-Yanoff, Till (2007) The Explanatory Potential of Artificial Societies. [Preprint]

Guay, Alexandre (2007) Appareil, Image et Particule. [Preprint]

Hagar, Amit and Korolev, Alex (2007) Quantum Hypercomputation - Hype or Computation? [Preprint]

Hardy-Vallée, Benoit (2007) Decision-Making: A Neuroeconomic Perspective. [Preprint]

Harrington, James (2007) Predicate-term negation and the indeterminacy of the future. [Preprint]

Harrington, James (2007) Tense Logic in Einstein-Minkowski Space-time. [Preprint]

Hartmann, Stephan (2007) Modeling High-Temperature Superconductivity: Correspondence at Bay? [Preprint]

Hartmann, Stephan (2007) Modeling in Philosophy of Science. [Preprint]

Hartmann, Stephan and Pigozzi, Gabriella and Sprenger, Jan (2007) Reliable Methods of Judgment Aggregation. [Preprint]

Healey, Richard (2007) Perfect Symmetries. [Preprint]

Hettema, Hinne (2007) Is Quantum Chemistry a Degenerating Research Programme? [Preprint]

Hettema, Hinne (2007) Is Quantum Chemistry a Degenerating Research Programme? [Preprint]

Hettema, Hinne (2007) A note on Michael Weisberg’s: Challenges to the Structural Conception of Chemical Bonding. [Preprint]

Hoefer, Carl (2007) The Third Way on Objective Probability: A Skeptic's Guide to Objective Chance. [Preprint]

Hofer-Szabó, Gábor (2007) Separate- versus common-common-cause-type derivations of the Bell inequalities. [Preprint]

Kallfelz, William (2007) Embedding Fundamental Aspects of the Relational Blockworld Interpretation in Geometric (or Clifford) Algebra. [Preprint]

Karola, Stotz and Griffiths, Paul E. (2007) Biohumanities: Rethinking the relationship between biosciences, philosophy and history of science, and society. [Preprint]

Kirilyuk, Andrei (2007) The Last Scientific Revolution. [Preprint]

Krause, Decio (2007) Entity, but no Identity. [Preprint]

Kryukov, Alexey (2007) The EPR experiment: A paradox-free definition of reality. [Preprint]

Kryukov, Alexey (2007) Geometric derivation of quantum uncertainty. [Preprint]

Kryukov, Alexey (2007) The double-slit experiment: A paradox-free kinematic description. [Preprint]

Lavis, David (2007) Boltzmann, Gibbs and the Concept of Equilibrium. [Preprint]

Lewis, Peter J. (2007) How Bohm’s Theory Solves the Measurement Problem. [Preprint]

Longy, Françoise (2007) Artifacts and Organisms: A Case for a New Etiological Theory of Functions. [Preprint]

Majid, Shahn (2007) Algebraic Approach to Quantum Gravity: relative realism. [Preprint]

Malaterre, Christophe (2007) Organicism and Reductionism in Cancer Research: Towards a Systemic Approach. [Preprint]

Manchak, John Byron (2007) On Force in Cartesian Physics. [Preprint]

Manchak, John Byron (2007) “Time Travel” in Godel Spacetime: Why It Doesn’t Pay to Work Out All the Kinks. [Preprint]

Maroney, Owen (2007) Does a computer have an arrow of time? [Preprint]

Matzkin, A. (2007) Classical statistical distributions can violate Bell's inequalities. [Preprint]

Matzkin, A. and Nurock, V. (2007) Are Bohmian trajectories real? On the dynamical mismatch between de Broglie-Bohm and classical dynamics in semiclassical systems. [Preprint]

Maxwell, Nicholas (2007) Is the Quantum World Composed of Propensitons? [Preprint]

McCabe, Gordon (2007) How to create a universe. [Preprint]

McCabe, Gordon (2007) Joining inner space to outer space. [Preprint]

McCabe, Gordon (2007) Mathematics and explanation in astronomy and astrophysics. [Preprint]

Michel, Bitbol (2007) ONTOLOGY, MATTER AND EMERGENCE. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2007) Concepts of Drift and Selection in “The Great Snail Debate” of the 1950s and Early 1960s. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2007) Distinguishing Drift and Selection Empirically: “The Great Snail Debate” of the 1950s. [Preprint]

Monton, Bradley (2007) Common-Sense Realism and the Unimaginable Otherness of Science. [Preprint]

Monton, Bradley (2007) Design Inferences in an Infinite Universe. [Preprint]

Monton, Bradley (2007) McTaggart and Contemporary Physics. [Preprint]

Monton, Bradley (2007) Time Travel Without Causal Loops. [Preprint]

Muller, Thomas (2007) A branching space-times view on quantum error correction. [Preprint]

Murzi, Mauro (2007) Changes in a scientific concept: what is a planet? [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2007) Disbelief as the Dual of Belief. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2007) Einstein’s Miraculous Argument of 1905: The Thermodynamic Grounding of Light Quanta. [Preprint]

Pitts, J. Brian (2007) Why the Big Bang Singularity does not Help the Kalam Cosmological Argument for Theism. [Preprint]

Pollock, John (2007) Probable Probabilities. [Preprint]

Pollock, John (2007) What am I? Virtual Machines and the Mind/Body Problem. [Preprint]

Potochnik, Angela (2007) Optimality Modeling and Explanatory Generality. [Preprint]

Price, Huw (2007) The Effective Indexical. [Preprint]

Psillos, Stathis (2007) How to be a Scientific Realist: A Proposal to Empiricists. [Preprint]

Psillos, Stathis (2007) The Next Best Thing: Causation and Regularity. [Preprint]

Rodin, Andrei (2007) On Categorical Theory-Building: Beyond the Formal. [Preprint]

Sankey, Howard (2007) Azande Witchcraft, Epistemological Relativism and the Problem of the Criterion. [Preprint]

Sankey, Howard (2007) Scientific Realism and the Inevitability of Science. [Preprint]

Sankey, Howard (2007) Semantic Incommensurability and Scientific Realism. [Preprint]

Sauer, Tilman (2007) An Einstein manuscript on the EPR paradox for spin observables. [Preprint]

Sauer, Tilman (2007) Einstein's Unified Field Theory Program. [Preprint]

Saunders, Simon (2007) Mirroring as an a priori symmetry. [Preprint]

Saunders, Simon and Wallace, David (2007) Branching and Uncertainty. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2007) The Heuristic Account and the Periodic Table. [Preprint]

Schupbach, Jonah N. (2007) On the Alleged Impossibility of Bayesian Coherentism. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) As True as "You Think": Preserving the Core of Folk Psychology. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) "Charge without Charge" in the Stochastic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) Chemical Possibility and Modal Semantics. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) Generalizing "Charge without Charge" to Obtain Classical Analogs of Short-Range Interactions. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) I Am an Abstraction, Therefore I Am. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) Phonetic Possibility and Modal Logic. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) Qualia and the Problem of Universals. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) The Quantum Mechanical Path Integral: Toward a Realistic Interpretation. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) What Branching Spacetime Might Do for Physics. [Preprint]

Sharlow, Mark (2007) Yes, We Have Conscious Will. [Preprint]

Silagadze, Zurab (2007) Maxwell's demon through the looking glass. [Preprint]

Skow, Bradford (2007) Sklar's Maneuver. [Preprint]

Slowik, Edward (2007) Newton's Metaphysics of Space: A “Tertium Quid” betwixt Substantivalism and Relationism, or merely A “God of the (Rational Mechanical) Gaps”? [Preprint]

Sprenger, Jan (2007) Probability, Rational Single-Case Decisions and the Monty Hall Problem. [Preprint]

Staley, Kent (2007) Probability in Fine-Tuning Design Arguments. [Preprint]

Stenger, Victor J. (2007) Where do the laws of physics come from? [Preprint]

Stotz, Karola (2007) Experimental Philosophy of Biology: Notes from the Field. [Preprint]

Stotz, Karola and Griffiths, Paul E. (2007) Biohumanities: Rethinking the relationship between biosciences, philosophy and history of science, and society. [Preprint]

Suárez, Mauricio (2007) Causal Inference in Quantum Mechanics: A Reassessment. [Preprint]

Suárez, Mauricio and Cartwright, Nancy (2007) Theories: Tools versus Models. [Preprint]

Suárez, Mauricio and San Pedro, Iñaki (2007) EPR, Robustness and the Causal Markov Condition. [Preprint]

Tabery, James (2007) Biometric and Developmental Gene-Environment Interaction: Looking Back, Moving Forward. [Preprint]

Thomson-Jones, Martin (2007) Missing Systems and the Face Value Practice. [Preprint]

Vickers, Peter (2007) Frisch, Muller and Belot on an Inconsistency in Classical Electrodynamics. [Preprint]

Vickers, Peter (2007) Was the Early Calculus an Inconsistent Theory? [Preprint]

Wallace, David (2007) The Quantum Measurement Problem: State of Play. [Preprint]

Waters, C. Kenneth (2007) Causes that Make a Difference. [Preprint]

Waters, C. Kenneth (2007) The Nature and Context of Exploratory Experimentation: An Introduction to Three Case Studies of Exploratory Research. [Preprint]

Weber, Marcel (2007) The Crux of Crucial Experiments: Duhem’s Problems and Inference to the Best Explanation. [Preprint]

Weinert, Friedel (2007) Invariance, Symmetries and Structural Realism. [Preprint]

Weinert, Friedel (2007) Realism and Relativity. [Preprint]

Westman, Hans and Sonego, Sebastiano (2007) Coordinates, observables and symmetry in relativity. [Preprint]

Westman, Hans and Sonego, Sebastiano (2007) Events and observables in generally invariant spacetime theories. [Preprint]

Wilkins, John S. (2007) The Concept and Causes of Microbial Species. [Preprint]

Wilson, Mark (2007) Determinism and the Mystery of the Missing Physics. [Preprint]

Wilson, Mark (2007) Duhem Before Breakfast. [Preprint]

Wilson, Mark (2007) Frege's Mathematical Setting. [Preprint]

Wilson, Mark (2007) Ghost World: A Context for Frege's Context Principle. [Preprint]

Woodward, James (2007) Experimental Investigations of Social Preferences. [Preprint]

Wronski, Leszek and Placek, Tomasz (2007) On Infinite EPR-like Correlations. [Preprint]

da Costa, Newton C. A. and Krause, Décio (2007) Logical and Philosophical Remarks on Quasi-Set Theory. [Preprint]

de Ronde, Christian (2007) Interpreting the Quantum Wave Function in Terms of ‘Interacting Faculties’. [Preprint]

glymour, clark (2007) Nancy Cartwright and Bayes Net Methods: An Introduction. [Preprint]

van Dongen, Jeroen (2007) Emil Rupp, Albert Einstein and the canal ray experiments on wave-particle duality: Scientific fraud and theoretical bias. [Preprint]

van Dongen, Jeroen (2007) The interpretation of the Einstein-Rupp experiments and their influence on the history of quantum mechanics. [Preprint]

Conference or Workshop Item

Andersen, Hanne (2007) History and Philosophy of Modern Epidemiology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Arabatzis, Theodore (2007) Hidden entities and experimental practice: towards a two-way traffic between history and philosophy of science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Arthur, Richard T. W. (2007) Time, Inertia and the Relativity Principle. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bain, Jonathan (2007) Condensed Matter Physics and the Nature of Spacetime. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Barberousse, Anouk (2007) A Case of Irrationality? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Barberousse, Anouk and Franceschelli, Sara and Imbert, Cyrille (2007) Cellular Automata, Modeling, and Computation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Barbey, Aron and Wolff, Phillip (2007) Learning Causal Structure from Reasoning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Baumann, Caroline M. (2007) Reconsidering Gilbert’s Account of Norm-Guided Behaviour. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ben-Yami, Hanoch (2007) Apparent Simultaneity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette (2007) Chemistry, an ontology-free science? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Birk, Elisabeth (2007) The Use of Examples. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Blanc, Floriane (2007) Analyzing an aspect of the inaugural lectures of the Paris Museum of Natural History: An appropriate concept of representation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Blanc, Floriane (2007) Analyzing an aspect of the inaugural lectures of the Paris Museum of Natural History: An appropriate concept of representation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Boccignone, Giuseppe and Cordeschi, Roberto (2007) Bayesian models and simulations in cognitive science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Boscá Díaz-Pintado, María C. (2007) Updating the wave-particle duality. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bouchard, Yves (2007) Epistemic Closure in Context. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Brigandt, Ingo (2007) Typology now: Homology and developmental constraints explain evolvability. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Brigandt, Ingo and Griffiths, Paul Edmund (2007) The Importance of Homology for Biology and Philosophy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Brown, Matthew (2007) Relational Quantum Mechanics and the Determinacy Problem. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Carrier, Martin (2007) Theories for Use: On the Bearing of Basic Science on Practical Problems. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chakravartty, Anjan (2007) Truth and Representation in Science: Two Inspirations from Art. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chang, Hasok (2007) Beyond Case-Studies: History As Philosophy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Christopoulou, Demetra (2007) How to deal with Janus'face of natural numbers? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Conference, Synopsis (2007) Synopsis: Causality, Mechanisms, and Psychology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Corbett, John Vincent (2007) The causal story of the double slit experiment in quantum real numbers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Craig, David (2007) A Theory of Theories. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Crupi, Vincenzo and Fitelson, Branden and Tentori, Katya (2007) Probability, Confirmation, and the Conjunction Fallacy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Domski, Mary (2007) The God of Matter, The God of Geometry: The Connection Between Descartes' Math and Metaphysics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ereshefsky, Marc (2007) Psychological Categories as Homologies: Lessons from Ethology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fagan, Melinda (2007) Social epistemology of scientific inquiry: beyond historical vs. philosophical case studies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fahmi, Marco (2007) The Ontological Commitments of Mathematical Models. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Faye, Jan (2007) Interpretation in the Natural Sciences. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Frisch, Mathias (2007) Causal Reasoning in Physics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Geerdt, Magiels (2007) Jan IngenHousz, or why don't we know who discovered photosynthesis? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Griffiths, Paul Edmund (2007) The Phenomena of Homology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Gruene-Yanoff, Till (2007) Agent-Based Models As Policy Decision Tools. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hagar, Amit (2007) Length Matters (I) - The Einstein--Swann Correspondence and the Constructive Approach to the Special Theory of Relativity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hagar, Amit (2007) Length Matters (I): The Einstein-Swann Correspondence and the Constructive Approach to STR. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Healey, Richard (2007) Gauge Symmetry and the Theta Vacuum. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Healey, Richard (2007) Gauge Theory and the Theta Vacuum. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hindriks, Frank (2007) Concretization, Explanation, and Mechanisms. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hudson, Robert (2007) Model-Independence vs. Robustness. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Huggett, Nick (2007) Why the Parts of Absolute Space are Immobile. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2007) Submission Instructions for PhilSci Archive: [2007] EPSA07: 1st Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (Madrid, 15-17 November, 2007). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2007) Submission Instructions for [2007] 15th UK and European Meeting on the Foundations of Physics (Leeds, 29-31 March 2007). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2007) Submission Instructions for [2007] LSE-Pitt Conference: Confirmation, Induction and Science (London, 8-10 March, 2007). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2007) Submission Instructions for [2007] Models and Simulations 2 (Tilburg, NL). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2007) Submission Instructions, Acknowledgment, and Disclaimer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2007) Submission instructions for [2007] Newton and/as Philosophy (Leiden, 21-25 June, 2007). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2007) Submission instructions for [2007] Symposium on Time and Relativity (Minneapolis, MN, 25-27 October, 2007). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Jaroszkiewicz, George (2007) The physical basis of quantum relativity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Karaca, Koray (2007) Theory Construction and Experimentation in High Energy Particle Physics, Circa 1960-1970. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kinouchi, Renato (2007) Peirce in the long run: remarks on knowledge a ulteriori. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kistler, Max (2007) Mechanisms and Downward Causation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Korolev, Alexandre (2007) The Norton-Type Lipschitz-Indeterministic Systems and Elastic Phenomena: Indeterminism as an Artefact of Infinite Idealizations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kowalenko, Robert (2007) A Curve-Fitting Approach to Ceteris Paribus-Laws. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kryukov, Alexey (2007) On the measurement problem for a two-level quantum system. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kuorikoski, Jaakko and Lehtinen, Aki and Marchionni, Caterina (2007) Economics as robustness analysis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lam, Vincent (2007) The singular nature of space-time. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lehtinen, Aki (2007) A farewell to IIA. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Liu, Chuang (2007) Idealization, Confirmation, and Scientific Realism. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Love, Alan (2007) Functional Homology and Homology of Function: Biological Concepts and Philosophical Consequences. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lund, Matthew (2007) N.R. Hanson on the Relation Between Philosophy and History of Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Malament, David (2007) Norton's Slippery Slope. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Marcum, James (2007) Newton’s Experimentum Crucis vs. Goethe’s Series of Experiments: Implications for the Underdetermination Thesis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Marcus, Russell (2007) Intrinsic Explanation and Field's Dispensabilist Strategy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Matthen, Mohan (2007) Defining Vision: What Homology Thinking Contributes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Maxwell, Nicholas (2007) The Problem of Induction and Metaphysical Assumptions Concerning the Comprehensibility and Knowability of the Universe. In: UNSPECIFIED.

McEvoy, John (2007) Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Historiogrphy of Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

McMullin, Ernan (2007) Integrating History and Philosophy of Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Michael, John (2007) Simulation as an epistemic tool between theory and practice: A comparison of the relationship between theory and simulation in science and folk psychology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Miller, David Marshall (2007) Using Representations of Space to Study Early Modern Physical Science: An Example of Philosophy in the Service of History. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Morganti, Matteo (2007) Individual particles, properties and quantum statistics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Norton, John D. (2007) History of Science and the Material Theory of Induction: Einstein’s Quanta, Mercury’s Perihelion. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Norton, John D. (2007) Why Constructive Relativity Fails. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Palmieri, Paolo (2007) Galileo’s Experiments with Pendulums: Then and Now. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Perovic, Slobodan (2007) Why were two theories (Matrix Mechanics and Wave Mechanics) deemed logically distinct, and yet equivalent, in Quantum Mechanics? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Persson, Johannes (2007) Mechanism-as-activity and the threat of polygenic effects. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pincock, Chris (2007) Modeling Reality. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pitts, J. Brian (2007) Absolute Objects, Counterexamples and General Covariance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Plaud, Sabine (2007) On Photographs and Phonographs: New Techniques of Recording and their Influence on Mach’s Conception of Knowledge. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Raatikainen, Panu (2007) Causation, Exclusion, and the Special Sciences. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ruphy, Stéphanie (2007) Learning from a simulated universe: the limits of realistic modeling in astrophysics and cosmology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Saatsi, Juha (2007) Material Theory of Induction and Scientific Realism. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Santos-Sousa, Mario (2007) Natural Mathematics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Schindler, Samuel (2007) Model, Theory, and Evidence in the Discovery of the DNA Structure. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Staley, Kent (2007) Can Error-Statistical Inference Function Securely? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Stotz, Karola (2007) How (not) to be a reductionist in a complex universe. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Titelbaum, Michael (2007) Unlearning What You Have Learned. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Vincenzo, Crupi and Branden, Fitelson and Katya, Tentori (2007) Probability, Confirmation, and the Conjunction Fallacy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Votsis, Ioannis (2007) Making Contact with Observations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Votsis, Ioannis (2007) Making Contact with Observations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Weber, Marcel (2007) The Crux of Crucial Experiments: Confirmation in Molecular Biology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Weinert, Friedel (2007) Realism and Relativity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Weisberg, Michael (2007) Challenges to the Structural Conception of Chemical Bonding. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wills, Ian (2007) Edison, Science and Artefacts. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wolff, Phillip (2007) Representing Causation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wolff, Phillip (2007) Representing Causation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Woodward, James (2007) Causation With a Human Face. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Woodward, James (2007) Sensitive and Insensitive Causation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Woodward, Jim (2007) Interventionist Theories of Causation in Psychological Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Zhang, Jiji and Spirtes, Peter (2007) Detection of Unfaithfulness and Robust Causal Inference. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Zilhão, António (2007) Incontinence, Honouring Sunk Costs, and Rationality. In: UNSPECIFIED.

shea, william (2007) Galileo Then and Now. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Published Article or Volume

Agassi, Joseph (2007) On the Ethics of Medical Care under Resource Constraints. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). ISSN 1913-0465

Aliseda, Atocha (2007) Abductive Reasoning: Challenges Ahead. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 261-270. ISSN 2171-679X

Almassi, Ben (2007) Experts, Evidence, and Epistemic Independence. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 58-66. ISSN 1913 0465

Arrieta Urtizberea, Agustín (2007) Pérez Otero, Esbozo de la Filosofía de Kripke. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 113-115. ISSN 2171-679X

Bagnoli, Carla (2007) The Authority of Reflection. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 2171-679X

Barrio, Eduardo Alejandro (2007) Modelos, autoaplicación y máxima generalidad. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (2). pp. 133-152. ISSN 2171-679X

Bensusan, Hilan and de Pinedo, Manuel (2007) When my Own Beliefs are not First-Personal Enough. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 35-41. ISSN 2171-679X

Bich, Leonardo and Damiano, Luisa (2007) Theoretical and Artificial Construction of the Living: Redefining the Approach from an Autopoietic Point of View. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 34. pp. 459-464. ISSN 2948-2976

Bocking, Stephen (2007) Wild or Farmed? Seeking Effective Science in a Controversial Environment. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 48-57. ISSN 1913 0465

Coll Mármol, Jesús (2007) Conceptual schemes and empiricism: what Davidson saw and McDowell missed. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (2). pp. 153-165. ISSN 2171-679X

Corbí, Josep E. (2007) The Mud of Experience and Kinds of Awareness. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 5-15. ISSN 2171-679X

De Donato-Rodríguez, Xavier (2007) Idealization, Abduction, and Progressive Scientific Change. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 331-338. ISSN 2171-679X

Echeverría, Javier (2007) Moulines, La Philosophie des sciences: l’invention d’une discipline (fin XIXème – début XXIème siècle). THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 116-118. ISSN 2171-679X

Espinoza, Miguel (2007) La reducción de lo posible. René Thom y el determinismo causal. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (2). pp. 233-251. ISSN 2171-679X

Fontes da Costa, Palmira (2007) Anatomical Expertise and the Hermaphroditic Body. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 78-85. ISSN 1913 046

Frigg, Roman and Hoefer, Carl (2007) Probability in GRW Theory. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 38 (2). pp. 371-389.

Fuller, Steve (2007) Science Democratised = Expertise Decommissioned. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 25-35. ISSN 1913 0465

García Rodríguez, Ángel (2007) The Nonconceptual in Concept Acquisition. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 93-110. ISSN 2171-679X

Huber, Franz (2007) The Consistency Argument for Ranking Functions. Studia Logica, 86 (2). pp. 299-329.

Huber, Franz (2007) The Logic of Theory Assessment. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 36 (5). pp. 511-538.

Huber, Franz (2007) The Plausibility-Informativeness Theory. New Waves in Epistemology. pp. 164-191.

Hull, James (2007) The Expert Professor: C.R. Young and the Toronto Building Code. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 86-94. ISSN 1913 046

Iranzo, Valeriano (2007) Abduction and Inference to the Best Explanation. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 339-346. ISSN 2171-679X

Lewowicz, Lucía (2007) Carrasco, En el cielo sólo las estrellas. Conversaciones con Roberto Torretti. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 121-122. ISSN 2171-679X

Lynch, Michael (2007) Expertise, Skepticism and Cynicism: Lessons from Science & Technology Studies. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 1913 0465

Magnani, Lorenzo (2007) Logic and Abduction: Cognitive Externalizations in Demonstrative Environments. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 275-284. ISSN 2171-679X

Marraud, Hubert (2007) La analogía como transferencia argumentativa. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (2). pp. 167-188. ISSN 2171-679X

Martin, Aaron K. and Whitley, Edgar A. (2007) Managing Public Expectations of Technological Systems: A Case Study of a Problematic Government Project. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 67-77. ISSN 1913 0465

Martin-Nielsen, Janet (2007) An Engineer’s View of an Ideal Society: The Economic Reforms of C.H. Douglas, 1916-1920. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). ISSN 1913-0465

Meheus, Joke and Provijn, Dagmar (2007) Abduction through Semantic Tableaux versus Abduction through Goal-Directed Proofs. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 295-304. ISSN 2171-679X

Moran, Richard (2007) Replies to Critics. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 53-77. ISSN 2171-679X

Méndez, José M and Salto, Francisco and Robles, Gemma (2007) El sistema Bp+ : una lógica positiva mínima para la negación mínima. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 81-91. ISSN 2171-679X

Nepomuceno-Fernández, Ángel and Soler-Toscano, Fernando (2007) Metamodeling abduction. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 285-293. ISSN 2171-679X

Niiniluoto, Ilkka (2007) Structural Rules for Abduction. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 325-329. ISSN 2171-679X

Peñalva, José (2007) González, Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 119-120. ISSN 2171-679X

Pinto, Sílvio (2007) Dos aspectos del razonamiento abductivo. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 319-324. ISSN 2171-679X

Pinto, Sílvio (2007) Un argumento trascendental para la inducción. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (2). pp. 189-211. ISSN 2171-679X

Plutynski, A (2007) Drift: A Historical and Conceptual Overview. Biological Theory, 2 (1). pp. 156-167. ISSN 1555-5550

Plutynski, A (2007) Neutralism. Neutralism. pp. 129-141.

Prades, Josep L (2007) Endorsement, Reasons and Intentional Action. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 25-33. ISSN 2171-679X

Pérez Ransanz, Ana Rosa (2007) ¿Qué queda de la distinción entre contexto de descubrimiento y contexto de justificación? THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 347-350. ISSN 2171-679X

Romdenh-Romluc, Komarine (2007) Suppressed Belief. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 2171-679X

Ross, Sage Rogers (2007) We Cannot Allow a Wikipedia Gap! Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). ISSN 1913-0465

Roush, Sherrilyn (2007) Constructive Empiricism and the Role of Social Values in Science. Value-Free Science: Ideals and Illusions. pp. 164-187.

Schrenk, Markus (2007) Can Capacities rescue us from cp Laws. Dispositions in Philosophy and Science.. pp. 221-247.

Solís Santos, Carlos (2007) El atomismo inane de Galileo. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (2). pp. 213-231. ISSN 2171-679X

Tol, Deanne van (2007) Mothers, Babies, and the Colonial State: The Introduction of Maternal and Infant Welfare Services in Nigeria, 1925-1945. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). ISSN 1913-0465

Torretti, Roberto (2007) Getting rid of the Ether: Could Physics have achieved it sooner, with better assistance from Philosophy? THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 3353-374. ISSN 2171-679X

Turner, Stephen (2007) Political Epistemology, Experts, and the Aggregation of Knowledge. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 36-47. ISSN 1913 0465

Van Benthem, Johan (2007) Abduction at the interface of Logic and Philosophy of Science. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 271-273. ISSN 2171-679X

Van Dyck, Maarten (2007) Constructive Empiricism Without Underdetermination. Images of Empiricism: essays on science and stances, with a reply by Bas C. van Fraassen. pp. 11-33.

Woods, John (2007) Ignorance and Semantic Tableaux: Aliseda on Abduction. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 22 (3). pp. 305-318. ISSN 2171-679X


Andersen, Hanne (2007) Demarcating misconduct from misinterpretations and mistakes. UNSPECIFIED.

Bitbol, Michel (2007) Ontology, Matter and Emergence. UNSPECIFIED.

Butterfield, Jeremy and Earman, John (2007) Introduction to The Philosophy of Physics: Volume 2 of the North-Holland series, the Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. UNSPECIFIED.

Chemero, Tony and Silberstein, Michael (2007) Defending Extended Cognition. UNSPECIFIED.

Cooperman, Joshua Harris (2007) A Theory of the Universe from Contemporary Physics: Evaluating Smolin's Argument for the Elimination of 'Ideal Elements'. UNSPECIFIED.


Frisch, Mathias (2007) Discussion Note: Conceptual Problems in Classical Electrodynamics. UNSPECIFIED.

Frisch, Mathias (2007) Does a Low-Entropy Constraint Prevent Us from Influencing the Past? UNSPECIFIED.

Gibson, Ian (2007) Time, Objects, and Identity. UNSPECIFIED.

Lyre, Holger (2007) Structural Realism and Abductive-Transcendental Arguments. UNSPECIFIED.

Merlin, Francesca (2007) On Griffiths and Gray's concept of expanded and diffused inheritance. UNSPECIFIED.

Peterson, Daniel and Silberstein, Michael (2007) Relativity of Simultaneity and Eternalism: In Defense of Blockworld. UNSPECIFIED.

Petkov, Vesselin (2007) Relativity, Dimensionality, and Existence. UNSPECIFIED.

Silberstein, Michael and Stuckey, W.M. and Cifone, Michael (2007) An Argument for 4D Blockworld from a Geometric Interpretation of Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics. UNSPECIFIED.


Stuckey, W. M. and Silberstein, Michael and Cifone, Michael (2007) The Relational Blockworld Interpretation of Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics. UNSPECIFIED.

Stuckey, W.M. (2007) Implications for a spatially discrete transition amplitude in the twin-slit experiment. UNSPECIFIED.

Stuckey, William Mark and Silbserstein, Michael and Cifone, Michael (2007) Reconciling Spacetime and the Quantum: Relational Blockworld and the Quantum Liar Paradox. UNSPECIFIED.

Tappenden, Paul (2007) Saunders and Wallace on Everett and Lewis. UNSPECIFIED.

Wayne, Andrew (2007) A Trope-Bundle Ontology for Field Theory. Elsevier.

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