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Items where Year is 2008

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Number of items: 323.

Abbott, Russ (2008) The reductionist blind spot. [Preprint]

Abrams, Marshall (2008) The Unity of Fitness. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Afriat, Alexander (2008) Duhem, Quine and the other dogma. [Preprint]

Afriat, Alexander (2008) How Weyl stumbled across electricity while pursuing mathematical justice. [Preprint]

Afriat, Alexander and Caccese, Ermenegildo (2008) The relativity of inertia and reality of nothing. [Preprint]

Alemañ-Berenguer, Rafael-Andrés (2008) Quantum Mechanics versus Special Relativity: A forgotten conflict. UNSPECIFIED.

Allori, Valia and Zanghi, Nino (2008) On the Classical Limit of Quantum Mechanics. Foundations of Physics, 10.1007/s10701-008-9259-4 (2008).

Amitani, Yuichi (2008) The Frequency Hypothesis and Evolutionary Arguments. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Andersen, Holly (2008) Causation and the Awareness of Agency. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Andreas, Holger (2008) Another Solution to the Problem of Theoretical Terms. Erkenntnis, 69. pp. 315-333.

Andréka, Hajnal and Madarász X., Judit and Németi, István and Székely, Gergely (2008) Axiomatizing relativistic dynamics without conservation postulates. [Preprint]

Antonopoulos, Constantin (2008) Einstein’s “true” discontinuity: With an application to Zeno. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (3). pp. 229-249. ISSN 2171-679X

Atkinson, David and Peijnenburg, Jeanne (2008) Probabilistic Justification and the Regress Problem. Studia Logica, 89 (3). pp. 333-341.

Ayala, Francisco (2008) What the Biological Sciences Can and Cannot Contribute to Ethics. [Preprint]

Bacelar Valente, Mario (2008) The Dirac equation as a path to the concept of quanta, and its role in quantum electrodynamics. [Preprint]

Bacelar Valente, Mario (2008) Photons and temporality in quantum electrodynamics. [Preprint]

Bacelar Valente, Mario (2008) The relation between classical and quantum electrodynamics. [Preprint]

Bacelar Valente, Mario (2008) The renormalization of charge and temporality in quantum electrodynamics. [Preprint]

Baily, Charles (2008) Atomic Modeling in the Early 20th Century: 1904-1913. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Baker, David (2008) Against Field Interpretations of Quantum Field Theory. [Preprint]

Baker, David (2008) Against Field Interpretations of Quantum Field Theory. [Preprint]

Baker, David and Halvorson, Hans (2008) Antimatter. [Preprint]

Ballinger, Clint (2008) Classifying Contingency in the Social Sciences: Diachronic, Synchronic, and Deterministic Contingency. [Preprint]

Ballinger, Clint (2008) Determinism and the Antiquated Deontology of the Social Sciences. [Preprint]

Ballinger, Clint (2008) Determinism and the Antiquated Deontology of the Social Sciences. [Preprint]

Ballinger, Clint (2008) Initial Conditions and the ‘Open Systems’ Argument against Laws of Nature. [Preprint]

Barrett, Jeffrey A. (2008) Approximate Truth and Descriptive Nesting. [Preprint]

Batterman, Robert (2008) On the Explanatory Role of Mathematics in Empirical Science. [Preprint]

Beebe, James (2008) Can Rationalist Abductivism Solve the Problem of Induction? [Preprint]

Bich, Leonardo and Damiano, Luisa (2008) Order in the Nothing: Autopoiesis and the Organizational Characterization of the Living. Physics of Emergence and Organization. pp. 343-373.


Bitbol, Michel (2008) Is Consciousness primary? UNSPECIFIED.

Borgoni, Cristina (2008) Interpretando la Paradoja de Moore: la irracionalidad de una oración mooreana. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (2). pp. 145-161. ISSN 2171-679X

Brigandt, Ingo (2008) Beyond Reduction and Pluralism: Toward an Epistemology of Explanatory Integration in Biology. [Preprint]

Brigandt, Ingo (2008) Natural Kinds in Evolution and Systematics: Metaphysical and Epistemological Considerations. [Preprint]

Broncano, Fernando (2008) Trusting others. The epistemological authority of testimony. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (1). pp. 11-22. ISSN 2171-679X

Broncano, Fernando and Vega Encabo, Jesús (2008) Introduction: Testimony and Trust in Contemporary Epistemology. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (1). pp. 5-9. ISSN 2171-679X

Brown, Harvey R. and Myrvold, Wayne (2008) Boltzmann's H-theorem, its limitations, and the birth of (fully) statistical mechanics. [Preprint]

Brown, Matthew J. (2008) Inquiry, Evidence, and Experiment: The ``Experimenter's Regress'' Dissolved. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Burian, Richard (2008) Selection Does Not Operate Primarily on Genes. [Preprint]

Burian, Richard M. (2008) On microRNA and the Need for Exploratory Experimentation in Post-Genomic Molecular Biology. [Preprint]

Busch, Paul (2008) Book review: Physical Theory and its Interpretation - Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Bub. [Preprint]

Busch, Paul (2008) Effect (Compendium entry). [Preprint]

Busch, Paul and Falkenburg, Brigitte (2008) Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relation (Compendium entry). [Preprint]

Busch, Paul and Jaeger, Gregg (2008) Welcher-Weg Experiment (Compendium entry). [Preprint]

Busch, Paul and Lahti, Pekka (2008) Lueders Rule (Compendium Entry). [Preprint]

Busch, Paul and Lahti, Pekka (2008) Measurement Theory (Compendium Entry). [Preprint]

Busch, Paul and Lahti, Pekka (2008) Observable (Compendium entry). [Preprint]

Cala Vitery, Favio Ernesto (2008) Sobre la dinámica relacional del espaciotiempo y la conservación de la energía en la Teoría General de la Relatividad. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (2). pp. 175-193. ISSN 2171-679X

Callender, Craig (2008) The Past Hypothesis Meets Gravity. [Preprint]

Calvo, Paco and Symons, John (2008) Radical embodiment and morphological computation: Against the autonomy of (some) special sciences. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Caponi, Gustavo (2008) Selección interna: el control de la filogenia por la ontogenia en una perspectiva variacional. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (2). pp. 195-218. ISSN 2171-679X

Caponigro, Michele (2008) Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: a critical survey. [Preprint]

Carrara, Massimiliano and Fassio, Davide (2008) Reductionism and Perfectibility of Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Casanueva, Mario and Méndez, Diego (2008) Teoría y experimento en Genética Mendeliana: una exposición en imágenes. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (3). pp. 285-306. ISSN 2171-679X

Catren, Gabriel (2008) Can Classical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? [Preprint]

Catren, Gabriel (2008) Geometric Foundations of Classical Yang-Mills Theory. [Preprint]

Catren, Gabriel (2008) On Classical and Quantum Objectivity. [Preprint]

Christian, Joy (2008) Can Bell’s Prescription for Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? [Preprint]

Crozier, Gillian (2008) Acoustic adaptation in bird songs: A case study in cultural selection. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Davey, Kevin (2008) What is Gibb's Canonical Distribution? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Dawid, Richard (2008) Moritz Schlick and Bas van Fraassen: Two Different Perspectives on Causality and Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]


Dawid, Richard (2008) Scientific Prediction and the Underdetermination of Scientific Theory Building. [Preprint]

Delabre, Laurent (2008) Sleeping Beauty: Debate on a Paradox. [Preprint]

Dietrich, Franz (2008) The premises of Condorcet's jury theorem are not simultaneously justified. UNSPECIFIED.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2008) The aggregation of propositional attitudes: towards a general theory. [Preprint]

Domenech, Graciela and Holik, Federico and Krause, Décio (2008) Quasi-spaces an the foundation of quantum mechanics. [Preprint]


Drouet, Isabelle (2008) Is determinism more favorable than indeterminism for the causal Markov condition? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ducheyne, Steffen (2008) J.S. Mill’s Canons of Induction: from True Causes to Provisional Ones. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2008) Kant and Whewell on Bridging Principles between Metaphysics and Science. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2008) Some Worries for Norton’s Material Theory of Induction. [Preprint]

Décio, Krause and Otávio, Bueno (2008) Scientific Theories, Models, and the Semantic Approach. [Preprint]

Earley, Joseph (2008) How Philosophy of Mind Needs Philosophy of Chemistry. [Preprint]

Earley, Joseph (2008) How Philosophy of Mind Needs Philosophy of Chemistry. [Preprint]

Earley, Joseph (2008) Process Structural Realism, Instance Ontology, and Societal Order. UNSPECIFIED.

Elliott, Kevin (2008) Varieties of Exploratory Experimentation in Nanotoxicology. [Preprint]

Eriksson, Björn (2008) The Methods of Ethics. Conflicts Built to Last. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Farmakis, Lefteris (2008) Is the subjective interpretation of quantum probabilities really inconsistent? THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (2). pp. 163-173. ISSN 2171-679X

Faulkner, Paul (2008) Cooperation and trust in conversational exchanges. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (1). pp. 23-34. ISSN 2171-679X

Fenton, Andrew (2008) Re-conceiving nonhuman animal knowledge through contemporary primate cognitive studies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ferreirós, José and García-Pérez, Manuel J. (2008) ¿“Natural” y “Euclidiana”? Reflexiones sobre la geometría práctica y sus raíces cognitivas. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (2). pp. 325-344. ISSN 2171-679X

Finkelstein, J. (2008) Sleeping Beauty: theme and variations. [Preprint]

Floridi, Luciano (2008) Against Digital Ontology. [Preprint]

Floridi, Luciano (2008) Understanding Epistemic Relevance. [Preprint]

Fonseca, João (2008) On the non-elimination of mental states by adopting a ruthless-reductive stance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Franceschi, Paul (2008) An Ontological Solution to the Sleeping Beauty Problem. [Preprint]

Franklin, Allan (2008) Are the Laws of Physics Inevitable? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fraser, Doreen (2008) The fate of 'particles' in quantum field theories with interactions. [Preprint]

Fricker, Miranda (2008) Forum on Miranda Fricker’s Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (1). pp. 69-71. ISSN 2171-679X

Fricker, Miranda (2008) Replies to critics. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (1). pp. 81-86. ISSN 2171-679X

Frigg, Roman (2008) Chance in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics. Philosophy of Science , 75 (5). pp. 670-681.

Frigg, Roman (2008) A Field Guide to Recent Work on the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics. [Preprint]

Frisch, Mathias (2008) Causal Reasoning in Physics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Frost-Arnold, Greg (2008) The Limits of Scientific Explanation and the No-Miracles Argument. In: UNSPECIFIED.

García Díaz, Paloma (2008) Los límites del principio de indeterminación radical en Latour y el giro político de su filosofía de la ciencia. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (3). pp. 319-336. ISSN 2171-679X

Garvey, Brian (2008) Free will, compatibilism and the human nature wars. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Gelfert, Axel (2008) Rigorous Results, Cross-Model Justification, and the Transfer of Empirical Warrant: The Case of Many-Body Models in Physics. [Preprint]

Giere, Ronald N (2008) An Agent-Based Conception of Models and Scientific Representation. [Preprint]

Giere, Ronald N (2008) Why Scientific Models are not Works of Fiction. [Preprint]

Gil, Francisco Javier (2008) Perfectioning trust, reinforcing testimony. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (1). pp. 73-76. ISSN 2171-679X

Gildenhuys, Peter (2008) Causal Equations without Ceteris Paribus Clauses. [Preprint]

Gildenhuys, Peter (2008) An Explication of the Causal Dimension of Drift. [Preprint]

Goldberg, David E. (2008) What Engineers Donʼt Learn and Why They Don Learn It: and How Philosophy Might Be Able to Help. [Preprint]

González Fisac, Jesús (2008) Tomasini Bassols, Filosofía y matemáticas. Ensayos en torno a Wittgenstein. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (2). pp. 251-253. ISSN 2171-679X

Goodwin, William (2008) How do Structural Formulas Embody the Theory of Organic Chemistry? [Preprint]

Goodwin, William (2008) How does the Theologizing of Physics Contribute to Global Warming? [Preprint]

Goodwin, William (2008) Implementation and Innovation in Total Synthesis. [Preprint]

Goodwin, William (2008) Visual Representations in Science. [Preprint]

Grasshoff, Gerd and Wuethrich, Adrian (2008) Bell-type Inequalities from Separate Common Causes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Greaves, Hilary and Myrvold, Wayne (2008) Everett and evidence. [Preprint]

Griesel, Carsten (2008) The Type-Token Distinction and the Mind and Brain Sciences. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Griffiths, Paul and Tabery, James (2008) Behavioral Genetics and Development: Historical and Conceptual Causes of Controversy. [Preprint]

Griffiths, Paul E. and Machery, Edouard and Linquist, Stefan (2008) The Vernacular Concept of Innateness. [Preprint]

Griffiths, Paul Edmund (2008) In what sense does 'nothing make sense except in the light of evolution'? [Preprint]

Grinbaum, Alexei (2008) On the eve of the LHC: conceptual questions in high-energy physics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Grønfeldt Winther, Rasmus (2008) Prediction in Selectionist Evolutionary Theory. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Guala, Francesco (2008) Are There Lewis Conventions? [Preprint]

Guay, Alexandre (2008) Conceptual Foundations of Yang–Mills Theories. [Preprint]

Guay, Alexandre (2008) A Partial Elucidation of the Gauge Principle. [Preprint]

Guay, Alexandre and Hepburn, Brian (2008) Symmetry and its Formalisms: Mathematical aspects. [Preprint]

Gwiazda, Jeremy (2008) The probability of an infinite sequence of heads. [Preprint]

Hartmann, Stephan and Sprenger, Jan (2008) Judgment Aggregation and the Problem of Tracking the Truth. [Preprint]

Healey, Richard (2008) Perfect Symmetries. [Preprint]

Heunen, Chris and Landsman, Klaas and Spitters, Bas (2008) The principle of general tovariance. [Preprint]

Howick, Jeremy (2008) Against A Priori Judgements of Bad Methodology: Questioning Double-Blinding as a Universal Methodological Virtue of Clinical Trials. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Huber, Franz (2008) Assessing Theories, Bayes Style. Synthese, 161 (1). pp. 89-118.

Huber, Franz (2008) Hempel’s Logic of Confirmation. Philosophical Studies, 139 (2). pp. 181-189.

Huber, Franz (2008) Inductive Logic. Encyclopedia of American Philosophy. pp. 475-478.

Huber, Franz (2008) Milne's Argument for the Log-Ratio Measure. Philosophy of Science, 75 (4). pp. 413-420.

Huber, Franz (2008) Reply to Crupi et al.’s ‘Confirmation by Uncertain Evidence’ ([2008]). British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 59 (2). pp. 213-215.

Ibarra, Andoni (2008) In Memoriam: Igor Aristegi (1980-2008) From Literature to Science – through Philosophy. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (3). pp. 261-264. ISSN 2171-679X

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission Instructions for [2008] 24th Regional Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science (Boulder, Oct. 10-12, 2008). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission Instructions for [2008] FEW:Fifth Annual Formal Epistemology Workshop (Madison, May 14–18, 2008). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission Instructions for [2008] Making Philosophy of Science More Socially Relevant (Pacific APA, Pasadena, CA, March 19-20, 2008). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission instructions for [2008] Biological Explanations of Behavior: Philosophical Perspectives (Hannover, Germany; 12-15 June, 2008). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission instructions for [2008] Causation Workshop (Pittsburgh, PA; January 26, 2008). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission instructions for [2008] Perspective in Physics and Philosophy, Paris 16-19 June. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission instructions for [2008] Philosophy of Science Assoc. 21st Biennial Mtg (Pittsburgh, PA). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission instructions for [2008] Reduction and the Special Sciences (Tilburg, April 10-12, 2008). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission instructions for [2008] Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Underdetermination Workshop (Düsseldorf April 10-12, 2008). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Instructions, Submission (2008) Submission instructions for [2008] Third International Conference on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime. (Montreal, June 13-15, 2008.). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Iranzo, Valeraino (2008) Bayesianism and inference to the best explanation. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (1). pp. 89-106. ISSN 2171-679X

Isaac, Alistair (2008) Prospects for Naturalizing Color, or ``What's blue and yellow and green all over?''. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Jackson, John (2008) Definitional Argument in Evolutionary Psychology and Cultural Anthropology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Janssen, Hanneke (2008) Reconstructing Reality: Environment-Induced Decoherence, the Measurement Problem, and the Emergence of Definiteness in Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Janssen, Michel (2008) Drawing the Line Between Kinematics and Dynamics in Special Relativity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Janssen, Michel (2008) 'No Success like Failure ...': Einstein's Quest for General Relativity, 1907-1920. [Preprint]

Jantzen, Benjamin and Danks, David (2008) Biological Codes and Topological Causation. [Preprint]

Jones, Nicholaos (2008) Against Pluralistic and Inexact Ontologies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Jones, Nicholaos (2008) General relativity and the standard model: Why evidence for one does not disconfirm the other. [Preprint]

Kanellou, Aspassia (2008) On the distinction between Content Realism and Realism about Intentional States. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kaplan, Jonathan (2008) The Paradox of Stasis and the Nature of Explanations in Evolutionary Biology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Karakostas, Vassilios (2008) Nonseparability, Potentiality and the Context-Dependence of Quantum Objects. UNSPECIFIED.

Knox, Eleanor (2008) Flavour-Oscillation Clocks and the Geometricity of General Relativity. [Preprint]

Kraemer, Eric (2008) Function, Gene and Behavior. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Krause, Decio and Feitosa, Hercules de Araujo (2008) Algebraic aspects of quantum indiscernibility. [Preprint]

Kronfeldner, Maria E. (2008) "If there is nothing beyond the organic ...": Heredity and Culture at the Boundaries of Anthropology in the Work of Alfred L. Kroeber. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kryukov, Alexey (2008) Nine theorems on the unification of quantum mechanics and relativity. [Preprint]

Kuorikoski, Jaakko (2008) Varieties of Modularity for Causal and Constitutive Explanations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Landsman, Nicolaas P. (2008) Macroscopic observables and the Born rule. I. Long run frequencies. [Preprint]

Laudisa, Federico (2008) Non-local realistic theories and the scope of the Bell theorem.

Le Bihan, Soazig (2008) Defending the Semantic View: What it takes. European Journal for Philosophy of Science.

Le Bihan, Soazig (2008) Understanding Quantum Phenomena. UNSPECIFIED.

Legg, Catherine (2008) Argument-Forms Which Turn Invalid Over Infinite Domains: Physicalism as Supertask? Contemporary Pragmatism, 5 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 9042024852

Leon, Antonio (2008) Criticism of Benacerraf's criticism of modern eleatics. [Preprint]

Leonelli, Sabina (2008) On the Locality of Data and Claims about Phenomena. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lewis, Peter J (2008) Reply to Papineau and Durà-Vilà. [Preprint]

Lewis, Peter J. (2008) Probability, Self-Location and Quantum Branching. In: UNSPECIFIED.

List, Christian (2008) Group Communication and the Transformation of Judgments: An Impossibility Result. [Preprint]

List, Christian (2008) Judgment aggregation: a short introduction. [Preprint]

List, Christian and Menzies, Peter (2008) Non-Reductive Physicalism and the Limits of the Exclusion Principle. [Preprint]

Lombardi, Olimpia and Castagnino, Mario (2008) A modal-Hamiltonian interpretation of quantum mechanics. [Preprint]

Longy, Françoise (2008) Natural Selection as a Cause: Probability, Chance, and Selective Biases. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Luján, José Luis and Todt, Oliver (2008) Ciencia precautoria y la “fabricación de incertidumbre". THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (3). pp. 307-317. ISSN 2171-679X

Lyre, Holger (2008) Does the Higgs Mechanism Exist? [Preprint]

López Corredoira, Martín (2008) Sociology of Modern Cosmology. [Preprint]

López Corredoira, Martín and Castro Perelman, Carlos and Campanario, Juan Miguel and Martin, Brian and Kundt, Wolfgang and Herndon, J. Marvin and Apostol, Marian and Arp, Halton C. and Van Flandern, Tom and Kirilyuk, Andrei P. and Bauer, Henry H. (2008) Against the Tide. A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done. UNSPECIFIED.

López de Sa, Dan (2008) Defending “Restricted Particularism” from Jackson, Pettit & Smith. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (2). pp. 133-143. ISSN 2171-679X

Mahler, Guenter and Ellis, George (2008) Plato's Cave Revisited: Science at the Interface. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Manchak, John (2008) Is Prediction Possible in General Relativity? [Preprint]

Manchak, John (2008) Is Spacetime Hole-Free? [Preprint]

Manchak, John Byron (2008) Can We Know the Global Structure of Spacetime? [Preprint]

Marti, Genoveva (2008) Against Semantic Multiculturalism. [Preprint]

Maxwell, Nicholas (2008) Do We Need a Scientific Revolution? [Preprint]

McCabe, Gordon (2008) The Duality of the Universe. [Preprint]

Medina, Luis Carlos (2008) Bostock, Space, Time, Matter and Form: Essays on Aristotle’s Physics. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (2). pp. 247-249. ISSN 2171-679X

Millstein, Roberta L. (2008) Hsp90-Induced Evolution: Adaptationist, Neutralist, and Developmentalist Scenarios. [Preprint]

Monton, Bradley (2008) Design Inferences in an Infinite Universe. [Preprint]

Monton, Bradley (2008) Prolegomena to Any Future Physics-Based Metaphysics. [Preprint]

Myrvold, Wayne (2008) Chasing Chimeras. [Preprint]

Myrvold, Wayne (2008) From Physics to Information Theory and Back. [Preprint]

Norsen, Travis (2008) Local Causality and Completeness: Bell vs. Jarrett. [Preprint]

North, Jill (2008) Two Views on Time Reversal. UNSPECIFIED.

Northcott, Robert (2008) Innateness and Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Northcott, Robert (2008) Can ANOVA measure causal strength? Quarterly Review of Biology, 83 (1). pp. 47-55.

Northcott, Robert (2008) Causation and contrast classes. Philosophical Studies, 139 (1). pp. 111-123. ISSN 0031-8116

Northcott, Robert (2008) Weighted explanations in history. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 38 (1). pp. 76-96.

Norton, John D. (2008) Is There an Independent Principle of Causality in Physics? A Comment on Matthias Frisch, “Causal Reasoning in Physics.”. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Norton, John D. (2008) There are No Universal Rules for Induction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Nounou, Antigone M. (2008) One real gauge potential is one too many. [Preprint]

O'Flanagan, Ruadhan (2008) Judgment. [Preprint]

O'Malley, Maureen (2008) Exploratory experimentation and scientific practice: Metagenomics and the proteorhodopsin case. [Preprint]

Olmos, Paula (2008) Situated practices of testimony. A rhetorical approach. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (1). pp. 57-68. ISSN 2171-679X

Origgi, Gloria (2008) Trust, authority and epistemic responsibility. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 2171-679X

Pamparacuatro Martín, Javier (2008) La cuestión de la aserción en La Logique ou l’art de penser y la Grammaire générale et raisonnée. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23 (3). pp. 267-283. ISSN 2171-679X

Papineau, David and Durà-Vilà, Víctor (2008) Reply to Lewis: metaphysics versus epistemology. [Preprint]

Papineau, David and Durà-Vilà, Víctor (2008) A thirder and an Everettian: a reply to Lewis's 'Quantum Sleeping Beauty'. UNSPECIFIED.

Parker, Matthew W. (2008) Computing the Uncomputable, or, The Discrete Charm of Second-order Simulacra. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Parker, Matthew W. (2008) Philosophical Method and Galileo's Paradox of Infinity. [Preprint]

Perovic, Slobodan and Radenovic, Ljiljana (2008) Is Nativism In Psychology Reconcilable With The Parity Thesis in Biology? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Perovic, Slobodan and Radenovic, Ljiljana (2008) Is Nativism In Psychology Reconcilable With The Parity Thesis in Biology? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Petkov, Vesselin (2008) Conventionality of Simultaneity and Reality. [Preprint]

Petrov, Assen (2008) Ten Reasons for Pursuing Multi-Commutative Quantum Theories. [Preprint]

Piccinini, Gualtiero (2008) The Resilience of Computationalism. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pietsch, Wolfgang (2008) Two electrodynamics between plurality and reduction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Plutynski, A (2008) "Ecology and the Environment". Oxford Handbook in Philosophy of Biology.

Plutynski, A (2008) The Modern Synthesis. [Preprint]

Plutynski, A (2008) The Rise and Fall of the Adaptive Landscape? [Preprint]

Price, Huw (2008) Decisions, Decisions, Decisions: Can Savage Salvage Everettian Probability? [Preprint]

Price, Huw (2008) René Descartes Lectures, Tilburg, 2008. UNSPECIFIED.

Price, Huw (2008) Toy Models for Retrocausality. [Preprint]

Price, Huw and Weslake, Brad (2008) The Time-Asymmetry of Causation. [Preprint]


Rebekka A., Klein (2008) THE (NEURO-)BIOLOGY OF ALTRUISTIC PUNISHMENT A Philosophical Investigation of a Concept of Human Social Behavior. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Reiss, Julian (2008) Counterfactuals, Thought Experiments and Singular Causal Analysis in History. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Rescher, Nicholas (2008) Underdetermination. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Reydon, Thomas (2008) How to Fix Kind Membership: A Problem for HPC-Theory and a Solution. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Rickles, Dean (2008) Econophysics and Financial Market Complexity. [Preprint]

Rickles, Dean (2008) Quantum Gravity: A Primer for Philosophers. [Preprint]

Rickles, Dean (2008) Who's Afraid of Background Independence? [Preprint]

Roberts, John (2008) A Puzzle about Laws, Symmetries and Measurability. [Preprint]

Rodin, Andrei (2008) Did Lobachevsky have a model of his Imaginary geometry? [Preprint]

Rosa, Rodolfo (2008) The Merli-Missiroli-Pozzi Two-Slit Electron Interference Experiment. [Preprint]

Ross, Don (2008) Syndrome Stabilization in Psychiatry: Pathological Gambling as a Case Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Rudge, David (2008) How Did Kettlewell’s Experiment End? In: UNSPECIFIED.

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