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Acero, Juan José (2017) Alberto Moretti, Eleonora Orlando y Nora Stigol, comp. 2016. A medio siglo de Formas lógicas, realidad y significado de Thomas Moro Simpson. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3). pp. 387-389. ISSN 2171-679X

Aguilera, Mariela (2020) Heterogeneous inferences with maps. Synthese. ISSN 1573-0964

Aguilera, Mariela (2020) Heterogeneous inferences with maps. Synthese. ISSN 1573-0964

Andreas, Holger (2020) Notes on Implicit Definitions and Truth-Value Semantics: Commentary on Hans Halvorson’s "The Logic in Philosophy of Science" (APA 2020 Symposium). [Preprint]

Andrei, Rodin (2024) Vladimir Voevodsky on the concept of mathematical structure in his letter exchange with Andrei Rodin. [Preprint]

Arenhart, Jonas R. B. and Krause, Décio (2019) Quasi-truth and defective knowledge in science: a critical examination. [Preprint]

Asghari, Amir (2018) Equivalence: An Attempt at a History of the Idea. [Preprint]

Avigad, Jeremy (2023) The design of mathematical language. [Preprint]

Avner, Ash and Justin, Clarke-Doane (2023) Intuition and Observation. [Preprint]

Avon, Mauro (2020) A different approach to logic: absolute logic. [Preprint]


Bacelar Valente, Mario (2020) On the formal justification of informal proofs. [Preprint]

Bacelar Valente, Mario (2022) The correctness of reasoning, logical models, and the faithfulness problem. Principia: an international journal of epistemology, 26 (3). pp. 429-447.

Baron, Sam (2017) Mathematical Explanation by Law. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.

Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans (2015) Quine's Conjecture on Many-Sorted Logic. [Preprint]

Barrett, Thomas William (2017) What Do Symmetries Tell Us About Structure? [Preprint]

Bartlett, Steven James (2021) A Primer on Bartlett's CRITIQUE OF IMPURE REASON. Willamette University, Salem, OR.

Barton, Neil (2018) Forcing and the Universe of Sets: Must we lose insight? [Preprint]

Barton, Neil (2019) Forcing and the Universe of Sets: Must we lose insight? [Preprint]

Barton, Neil (2017) Independence and Ignorance: How agnotology informs set-theoretic pluralism. [Preprint]

Barton, Neil (2018) Large Cardinals and the Iterative Conception of Set. [Preprint]

Barton, Neil (2016) Multiversism and Concepts of Set: How much relativism is acceptable? [Preprint]

Barton, Neil (2016) Richness and Reflection. [Preprint]

Barton, Neil and Friedman, Sy-David (2017) Maximality and Ontology: How axiom content varies across philosophical frameworks. [Preprint]

Barton, Neil and Friedman, Sy-David (2019) Set Theory and Structures. [Preprint]

Bentzen, Bruno (2019) Frege on Referentiality and Julius Caesar in Grundgesetze Section 10. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 60 (4). pp. 617-637.

Bentzen, Bruno (2023) Frege's theory of types. Manuscrito. Rev. Int. Fil.,. ISSN 0100-6045

Bentzen, Bruno (2021) Naive cubical type theory. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 31. pp. 1205-1231.

Bentzen, Bruno (2020) On different ways of being equal. Erkenntnis, 87 (4). pp. 1809-1830. ISSN 0165-0106

Bentzen, Bruno (2023) Propositions as intentions. Husserl Studies. pp. 1-18.

Bentzen, Bruno (2020) Sense, reference, and computation. Perspectiva Filosofica, 47 (2). pp. 179-203. ISSN 2357-9986

Bertran-San-Millán, Joan (2022) Peano's Structuralism and the Birth of Formal Languages. [Preprint]

Bianchi, Andrea (2017) On a logical argument against the naturalizability of reference. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (2). pp. 145-160. ISSN 2171-679X

Blumson, Ben (2023) Dialetheism and Distributed Sorites. [Preprint]

Bonatti, Nicola (2022) A Reassessment of Cantorian Abstraction based on the ε-operator. [Preprint]

Bonzio, Stefano and Fano, Vincenzo and Graziani, Pierluigi (2022) A LOGICAL MODELING OF SEVERE IGNORANCE. [Preprint]

Bordg, Anthony (2019) Univalent Foundations and the UniMath Library. The Architecture of Mathematics. in Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics, Synthese Library, 407.

Bright, Liam Kofi (2021) Logical Nihilism Suggests Evidential Nihilism. [Preprint]

Brunet, Tyler D. P. (2023) Categorial Modal Realism. [Preprint]

Butterfield, Jeremy and Gomes, Henrique (2020) Functionalism as a Species of Reduction. [Preprint]


Cano-Jorge, Fernando and Estrada-González, Luis (2022) A relevantist's glance at Bell's theorem. [Preprint]

Carlson, Matthew (2022) Anti-Exceptionalism and the Justification of Basic Logical Principles. [Preprint]

Carnielli, Walter and Rodrigues, Abilio (2017) An epistemic approach to paraconsistency: a logic of evidence and truth. [Preprint]

Caterina, Gianluca and Gangle, Rocco and Tohme, Fernando (2022) Native diagrammatic soundness and completeness proofs for Peirce's Existential Graphs (Alpha). [Preprint]

Chen, Eddy Keming (2021) Fundamental Nomic Vagueness. [Preprint]

Clarke-Doane, Justin (2022) Mathemtics and Metaphilosophy. Cambridge Elements.

Cobreros, P and La Rosa, E and Tranchini, L (2020) (I Can’t Get No) Antisatisfaction. [Preprint]

Colclough, Thomas M. (2024) Components of arithmetic theory acceptance. Synthese, 203. ISSN 1573-0964

Corfield, David (2018) Modal homotopy type theory. [Preprint]

Costa-Leite, Alexandre (2018) Oppositions in a line segment. South American Journal of Logic, 4 (1). pp. 185-193. ISSN 2446-6719

Costa-Leite, Alexandre (2020) Oppositions in a point. [Preprint]

Csatári, Ferenc (2024) In Defense of a Constructive Truth Concept. [Preprint]


Darnell, Eamon and Thomas-Bolduc, Aaron (2018) Is Hume's Principle Analytic? [Preprint]

Darnell, Eamon and Thomas-Bolduc, Aaron (2018) Takeuti's Well-Ordering Proof: Finitistically Fine? [Preprint]

Del Santo, Flavio and Gisin, Nicolas (2024) Creative and geometric times in physics, mathematics, logic, and philosophy. [Preprint]

Dentamaro, Dario and Loregian, Fosco (2020) Categorical Ontology I - Existence. [Preprint]

Dentamaro, Dario and Loregian, Fosco (2020) Functorial Erkennen. [Preprint]

Dewar, Neil (2018) Algebraic structuralism. [Preprint]

Dewar, Neil (2022) Equivalence and Convention. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Dewar, Neil (2018) On translating between logics. [Preprint]

Dewar, Neil (2018) Supervenience, Reduction, and Translation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Duzi, Marie (2017) If structured propositions are logical procedures then how are procedures individuated? [Preprint]

da Costa, Newton C. A. and Krause, Décio (2020) Suppes predicate for classes of structures and the notion of transportability. [Preprint]

de Barros, Acacio and Holik, Federico and Krause, Décio (2017) Contextuality and Indistinguishability. [Preprint]

de Lorenzo, Javier and Ibarra, Andoni (2020) The fanciful optimism of Miguel Sánchez-Mazas. Let us calculate... = Freedom and Justice. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (3). pp. 255-265. ISSN 2171-679X


Eastaugh, Benedict (2018) Computational reverse mathematics and foundational analysis. [Preprint]

Eastaugh, Benedict (2018) Set existence principles and closure conditions: unravelling the standard view of reverse mathematics. [Preprint]

Egorychev, Ilya (2021) Space of thought: categorial structure and gluing axiom. [Preprint]

Ehrlich, Philip (2021) Are Points (Necessarily) Unextended? [Preprint]

Ellerman, David (2019) A Graph-theoretic Method to Define any Boolean Operation on Partitions. [Preprint]

Ellerman, David (2017) Logical Information Theory: New Logical Foundations for Information Theory. [Preprint]

Ellerman, David (2024) A New Approach to Understanding Quantum Mechanics: Illustrated Using a Pedagogical Model over Z2. Applied Math, 4 (2). 468-494..

Ellerman, David (2017) The Quantum Logic of Direct-Sum Decompositions: The Dual to the Quantum Logic of Subspaces. [Preprint]

Elohim, David (2017) Forms of Luminosity: Epistemic Modality and Hyperintensionality in Mathematics. [Preprint]

Elohim, David (2019) Hyperintensional Ω-Logic. Matteo Vincenzo D'Alfonso and Don Berkich (eds.), \textit{On the Cognitive, Ethical, and Scientific Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence}. pp. 65-82.

Erfanifar, T (2023) Existential Quantifiers and Contemporary Logic.

Erfanifar, T (2022) Existential Quantifiers in the contemporary philosophy. [Preprint]

Erfanifar, T (2023) Unraveling the philosophy of existential Quantifier. [Preprint]

Eva, Benjamin and Hartmann, Stephan (2018) Bayesian Argumentation and the Value of Logical Validity. [Preprint]

Eva, Benjamin and Ozawa, Masanao and Doering, Andreas (2018) A Bridge Between Q-Worlds. [Preprint]


Ferrari, Francesco Maria (2021) An argument against Nominalism. [Preprint]

Ferreirós, José (2004) On Quine, van Heijenoort, and modern logic: review of "From Frege to Gödel". Historia Mathematica, 31. pp. 119-124. ISSN 03150860

Fletcher, Samuel C. and Knobe, Joshua and Wheeler, Gregory and Woodcock, Brian A. (2021) Changing Use of Formal Methods in Philosophy: Late 2000s vs. Late 2010s. [Preprint]

Franklin, James (2016) Logical probability and the strength of mathematical conjectures. Mathematical Intelligencer, 38 (3). pp. 14-19. ISSN 1866-7414

Friedman, Sy-David and Ternullo, Claudio (2020) Maximality Principles in the Hyperuniverse Programme. Foundations of Science. ISSN 1233-1821

Friend, Michèle and Khaled, Mohamed and Lefever, Koen and Székely, Gergely (2018) Distances between formal theories. [Preprint]


García Murga, Fernando (2017) On Adversative Coordinative Conjunctions. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3). pp. 303-327. ISSN 2171-679X

Gascón, José Ángel (2020) How to argue with coherence. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (3). pp. 327-344. ISSN 2171-679X

Gauch,Jr., Hugh G. (2019) The Resources, Powers, and Limits of Science. [Preprint]

Gil Sanchez, Michał and Gyenis, Zalán and Wronski, Leszek (2022) Probability and symmetric logic. [Preprint]

Gyenis, Zalán (2018) Finite Jeffrey logic is not finitely axiomatizable. [Preprint]

Gyenis, Zalán (2018) On the modal logic of Jeffrey conditionalization. [Preprint]

Gyenis, Zalán (2018) Standard Bayes logic is not finitely axiomatizable. [Preprint]

Gyenis, Zalán and Rédei, Miklós and Brown, William (2018) The modal logic of Bayesian belief revision. [Preprint]


Heartspring, William (2019) Modal logic NL for common language. [Preprint]

Heartspring, William (2019) A tautological interpretation of Godel's ontological proof. [Preprint]

Hewitt, Carl (2019) For Cybersecurity, Computer Science Must Rely on Strong Types. [Preprint]

Hewitt, Carl (2019) For Cybersecurity, Computer Science Must Rely on Strongly-Typed Actors. [Preprint]

Hewitt, Carl (2019) For Cybersecurity, Computer Science Must Rely on Strongly-Typed Actors. [Preprint]

Hewitt, Carl (2019) For Cybersecurity, Computer Science Must Rely on the Opposite of Gödel’s Results. [Preprint]

Hewitt, Simon (2017) Frege's theorem in plural logic. [Preprint]

Heylen, Jan (2019) Apophatic Finitism and Infinitism. Logique et Analyse, 247. pp. 319-337.

Heylen, Jan (2014) Closure of A Priori Knowability Under A Priori Knowable Material Implication. Erkenntnis, 80 (2). pp. 359-380.

Heylen, Jan (2014) The Epistemic Significance of Numerals. Synthese. pp. 1-27.

Heylen, Jan (2013) Modal-Epistemic Arithmetic and the Problem of Quantifying In. Synthese, 190 (1). pp. 89-111.

Heylen, Jan and Horsten, Leon (2017) Truth and existence. Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 6 (2). pp. 106-114.

Horvat, Sebastian and Toader, Iulian D. (2023) An Alleged Tension Between non-Classical Logics and Applied Classical Mathematics. [Preprint]

Horvat, Sebastian and Toader, Iulian Danut (2023) An Alleged Tension between Quantum Logic and Applied Classical Mathematics. [Preprint]

Horvat, Sebastian and Toader, Iulian Danut (2023) Quantum logic and meaning. [Preprint]

Hsiung, Ming (2018) What Paradoxes Depends on. [Preprint]

Hudetz, Laurenz (2018) Definable Categorical Equivalence. [Preprint]

Hudetz, Laurenz and Crawford, Neil (2022) Variation semantics: when counterfactuals in explanations of algorithmic decisions are true. [Preprint]


Icefield, William (2020) On inference from non-instantiated properties. [Preprint]


Jorge, Juan Pablo and Holik, Federico and Krause, Décio (2023) Un acercamiento a las semánticas Nmatriciales basadas en QST. Principia: an international journal of epistemology, 27 (3). ISSN 1414-4247

Jorge, Juan Pablo and Vázquez, Hernán Luis and Holik, Federico (2024) Valuaciones de complejidad: un marco semántico general para lenguajes proposicionales. [Preprint]


Kant, Deborah (2023) The hidden use of new axioms. [Preprint]

Kearney, Peter (2020) Mathematical determinacy and internal categoricity. [Preprint]

Ketland, Jeffrey (2022) Boolos’s Curious Inference in Isabelle/HOL. Archive of Formal Proofs.

Ketland, Jeffrey (2020) Computation and Indispensability. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 30.

Ketland, Jeffrey (2020) Foundations of Applied Mathematics I. [Preprint]

Khaan, Hinna (2024) Nothingness and Paraconsistent Logic. The Latin American Journal of Philosophy, 50 (1).

Kish Bar-On, Kati (2022) Connecting the revolutionary with the conventional: Rethinking the differences between the works of Brouwer, Heyting, and Weyl. [Preprint]

Kish Bar-On, Kati (2022) From Philosophical Traditions to Scientific Developments: Reconsidering the Response to Brouwer’s Intuitionism. [Preprint]

Koshkin, Sergiy (2024) Functional completeness and primitive positive decomposition of relations on finite domains. Logic Journal of the IGPL. ISSN 1367-0751

Koshkin, Sergiy (2022) Is Peirce's reduction thesis gerrymandered? Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 58 (4). pp. 271-300. ISSN 1558-9587

Koshkin, Sergiy (2023) Logical reduction of relations: from relational databases to Peirce's reduction thesis. Logic Journal of the IGPL. ISSN 1367-0751

Kovac, Srecko (2018) On causality as the fundamental concept of Gödel's philosophy. [Preprint]

Kozdęba, Agnieszka and Tyszka, Apoloniusz (2022) Statements and open problems on decidable sets X⊆N that contain informal notions and refer to the current knowledge on X. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2021) Non-Reflexive Logics: Logics that Derogate the Standard Theory of Identity. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2024) On Dieks against the Received View. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2022) On the discrepancies between quantum logic and classical logic. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2022) Prolongments of "Ensaio": Schrödinger Logics and Quasi-Set Theory. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2022) Quantifying over indiscernibles. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2018) Quantum Mechanics, Ontology, and Non-Reflexive Logics. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2024) A new theory of quasi-sets without atoms: a reply to Adonai Sant'Anna. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2023) The underlying logic is mandatory also in discussing the philosophy of quantum physics. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2023) The underlying logic is mandatory also in discussing the philosophy of quantum physics. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio and Arenhart, Jonas R. B. (2020) Identical particles in quantum mechanics: favouring the Received View. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio and Arenhart, Jonas R. B. and Bueno, Otávio (2020) The Non-Individuals Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Kurpaska, Sławomir and Tyszka, Apoloniusz (2019) Semi-formally stated open problems on computable sets X={n \in N: \phi(n)}, where \phi(n) has the same intuitive meaning for every n \in N and the finiteness (infiniteness) of X remains conjectured. [Preprint]

Kurpaska, Sławomir and Tyszka, Apoloniusz (2020) The physical impossibility of machine computations on sufficiently large integers inspires an open problem that concerns abstract computable sets X⊆N and cannot be formalized in the set theory ZFC as it refers to our current knowledge on X. [Preprint]

Kurpaska, Sławomir and Tyszka, Apoloniusz (2020) The physical limits of computation inspire an open problem that concerns abstract computable sets X⊆N and cannot be formalized in the set theory ZFC as it refers to our current knowledge on X. [Preprint]


Lampert, Timm (2017) Turing's Fallacies. [Preprint]

Landgrebe, Jobst and Smith, Barry (2019) Making AI meaningful again. Synthese. ISSN 1573-0964

Landsman, Klaas (2020) Indeterminism and Undecidability. [Preprint]

Lefever, Koen and Székely, Gergely (2017) Comparing classical and relativistic kinematics in first-order logic. [Preprint]

Lefever, Koen and Székely, Gergely (2018) On Generalization of Definitional Equivalence to Languages with Non-Disjoint Signatures. [Preprint]

Lefever, Koen and Székely, Gergely (2025) On variable non-dependence of first-order formulas. [Preprint]

Liu, Yang (2017) Frege's Begriffsschrift is First-order Complete. [Preprint]


Maffezioli, Paolo and Varzi, Achille C (2018) Intuitionistic Mereology. [Preprint]

Martínez-Ordaz, María del Rosario (2022) A methodological shift in favor of (some) paraconsistency in the sciences. [Preprint]

Massolo, Alba (2023) The normative role of logic for reasoning. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 38 (2). pp. 137-154. ISSN 2171-679X

Mazurek, Leszek (2020) Division by zero. [Preprint]

Mitsch, Chris (2023) Why Should Identity Be Harmonious? [Preprint]

Mulder, Ruward A. and Muller, F.A. (2022) Modal-Logical Reconstructions of Thought Experiments. [Preprint]

Muñoz Pérez, M. (2023) The Continuum Hypothesis: schisms and other isms. [Preprint]

Muñoz Pérez, M. (2022) Wittgenstein on decisions and the mathematical practice. [Preprint]


Nefdt, Ryan M. (2018) Inferentialism and Structuralism: A Tale of Two Theories. [Preprint]


Oldofredi, Andrea (2020) Classical Logic in Quantum Context. [Preprint]

Oldofredi, Andrea and Carcassi, Gabriele and Aidala, Christine A (2022) On the Common Logical Structure of Classical and Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Oliver, Alex and Smiley, Timothy (2024) Sets and classes in plural logic. [Preprint]

Oliver, Alex and Smiley, Timothy (2022) Snyder and Shapiro's critique of pseudo-singularity. [Preprint]


Parker, Matthew W. (2003) Undecidability in Rn: Riddled Basins, the KAM Tori, and the Stability of the Solar System. Philosophy of Science, 70 (2). pp. 359-382.

Patton, Lydia (2018) Laws of Thought and Laws of Logic After Kant. Logic from Kant to Russell.

Perevalov, Eugene (2021) What is information after all? How the founder of modern dialectical logic could help the founder of cybernetics answer this question. [Preprint]

Persichetti, Alessio (2019) The later Wittgenstein’s guide to contradictions. [Preprint]

Poggiolesi, Francesca and Francez, Nissim (2021) Towards a generalization of the logic of grounding. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (1). pp. 5-24. ISSN 2171-679X

Povich, Mark (2024) The Symbolic Approach to the Omega Rule. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Raidl, Eric (2019) Quick Completeness for the Evidential Conditional. [Preprint]

Redhead, Michael (2019) A Simplified Version of Gödel’s Theorem. [Preprint]

Redmond, Juan (2021) A free dialogical logic for surrogate reasoning: generation of hypothesis without ontological commitments. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (3). pp. 297-320. ISSN 2171-679X

Rodin, Andrei (2024) Does Identity Have Sense? [Preprint]

Rodin, Andrei (2023) Kolmogorov's Calculus of Problems and Its Legacy. [Preprint]

Rodin, Andrei and Krupski, Vladimir (2017) Knowing-How and the Deduction Theorem. [Preprint]

Rodrigues, Abilio and Bueno-Soler, Juliana and Carnielli, Walter (2020) Measuring evidence: a probabilistic approach to an extension of Belnap-Dunn Logic. [Preprint]

Rott, Hans (2020) Notes on contraposing conditionals. [Preprint]


Saba, Walid (2019) On the Winograd Schema: Situating Language Understanding in the Data-Information-Knowledge Continuum. [Preprint]

Salmón, Nathan (2018) A Paradox about Sets of Properties. [Preprint]

Samaroo, Ryan (2018) The Principle of Equivalence as a Criterion of Identity. [Preprint]

Sant'Anna, Adonai (2018) Epistemology of quasi-sets. [Preprint]

Sant'Anna, Adonai and Bueno, Otávio and de França, Márcio (2019) Follow the Flow: sets, relations, and categories as special cases of functions with no domain. UNSPECIFIED.

Sant'Anna, Adonai and Bueno, Otávio and de França, Márcio and Brodzinski, Renato (2020) Flow: the Axiom of Choice is independent from the Partition Principle. [Preprint]

Sarma, Gopal P. and Hay, Nick J. (2017) Robust Computer Algebra, Theorem Proving, and Oracle AI. Informatica, 41 (4). pp. 451-461.

Saudek, Daniel (2021) Implication as inclusion and the causal asymmetry. [Preprint]

Sezgin, Meliha and Kern-Isberner, Gabriele and Rott, Hans (2020) Inductive Reasoning With Difference-Making Conditionals. NMR 2020 - 18th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning. pp. 83-92.

Shafiei, Mohammad and Mesgari, Ahmad (2020) On Kant and Husserl on Transcendental Logic. [Preprint]

Srinivasan, Radhakrishnan (2024) Do arbitrary constants exist? A logical objection. [Preprint]

Srinivasan, Radhakrishnan (2023) Logical foundations of physics. Resolution of classical and quantum paradoxes in the finitistic paraconsistent logic NAFL. [Preprint]

Steeger, Jer (2017) Betting on Quantum Objects. [Preprint]

Szabó, Máté (2017) Kalmár's Argument Against the Plausibility of Church's Thesis. [Preprint]

Szabó, Máté (2021) Péter on Church's Thesis, Constructivity and Computers. [Preprint]


Tanswell, Fenner Stanley (2016) Saving Proof from Paradox: Gödel’s Paradox and the Inconsistency of Informal Mathematics. [Preprint]

Tanswell, Fenner Stanley and Larvor, Brendan and Rittberg, Colin Jakob (2024) Kneebone and Lakatos: at the roots of a dialectical philosophy of mathematics. [Preprint]

Teh, Nicholas and Kapulkin, Chris (2018) BJPS Book Review of "Categories for the Working Philosopher". BJPS Book Review of "Categories for the Working Philosopher".

Toader, Iulian D. (2024) Rules and Meaning in Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Toader, Iulian Danut (2024) Distribution can be Dropped: Reply to Rumfitt. [Preprint]

Torza, Alessandro (2021) Quantum metametaphysics. Synthese. ISSN 1573-0964

Torza, Alessandro (2017) Quantum metaphysical indeterminacy and worldly incompleteness. Synthese, 197. pp. 4251-4264. ISSN 1573-0964


Tsementzis, Dimitris and Halvorson, Hans (2016) Foundations and Philosophy. [Preprint]


Van Fraassen, Bas C. (2024) Probabilities of Conditionals: Three Easy Pieces. [Preprint]

Van Fraassen, Bas C. (2020) Supervenience, Logic, and Empirical Content: Commentary on Hans Halvorson, The Logic in Philosophy of Science. [Preprint]

Venturi, Giorgio (2019) Genericity and Arbitrariness. [Preprint]


Weber, Keith (2019) The role of syntactic representations in set theory. [Preprint]

Williamson, Jon (2024) Where do we stand on maximal entropy? [Preprint]

Williamson, Timothy (2018) Supervaluationism and good reasoning. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (3). pp. 521-537. ISSN 2171-679X

Winstanley, M. A. (2021) A Psychological Theory of Reasoning as Logical Evidence—a Piagetian Perspective. [Preprint]

warenski, lisa (2009) Naturalism, Fallibilism, and the A Priori. Philosophical Studies, 142 (3). pp. 403-426. ISSN 0031-8116


Yuan, Yongfeng (2019) Are synthetic a priori propositions informative? [Preprint]


Zhao, Kino (2018) A statistical learning approach to a problem of induction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Zhao, Kino (2018) A statistical learning approach to a problem of induction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Zhou, Nongjian (2024) Digital Analysis of Logical Equivalences. [Preprint]

Zhou, Nongjian (2024) A Digital Calculation Method for Propositional Logic. [Preprint]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 23:38:46 2025 EDT.