Items where Subject is "General Issues > Decision Theory"
Group by: Creators | Item Type Number of items at this level: 357. AAHMED, Arif (2010) CAUSAL DECISION THEORY IS FALSE. UNSPECIFIED. Abrams, Marshall (2016) Imprecise probability and biological fitness. In: UNSPECIFIED. Ackermans, Lennart B. (2024) Sleeping Beauty: Why Everyone Should Be a Thirder. [Preprint] Ackermans, Lennart B. (2024) A double-halfer embarrassment: Response to Pust. [Preprint] Adlam, Emily (2024) Against Self-Location. [Preprint] Afroogh, Saleh (2020) De Dicto Cognitive Reason Contextualism. [Preprint] Ahmed, Arif (2010) Smokers and psychos: Egan cases don't work. [Preprint] Ahmed, Arif and Caulton, Adam (2014) Causal Decision Theory and EPR correlations. [Preprint] Ahmed, Arif and Price, Huw (2011) Arntzenius on “Why ain’cha rich?”. [Preprint] Ahmed, Arif (2019) Frankfurt Cases and the Newcomb Problem. Philosophical Studies. ISSN 0031-8116 Ahmed, Arif (2016) Lara Buchak's Risk and Rationality. BJPS Review of Books. Ahmed, Arif (2018) Rationality and Future Discounting. Topoi. Ahmed, Arif and Salow, Bernhard (2017) Don't look now. [Preprint] Armendt, Brad (2012) Pragmatic Interests and Imprecise Belief. [Preprint] Armendt, Brad (2009) Stakes and Beliefs. [Preprint] Arntzenius, Frank (2007) No Regrets. [Preprint] Arntzenius, Frank (2007) No Regrets. [Preprint] Arntzenius, Frank and Elga, Adam and Hawthorne, John (2004) Bayesianism, Infinite Decisions, and Binding. [Preprint] Arvan, Marcus and Bright, Liam Kofi and Heesen, Remco (2022) Jury Theorems for Peer Review. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. ISSN 1464-3537 Azhar, Feraz and Guth, Alan H. and Namjoo, Mohammad Hossein (2021) A Bayesian View on the Dr. Evil Scenario. BBRADLEY, RICHARD (2023) CHANCE AS A GUIDE TO LIFE: THE OTHER PRINCIPAL PRINCIPLE. [Preprint] Babic, Boris (2020) Approximate Coherentism and Luck. [Preprint] Babic, Boris (2018) A Theory of Epistemic Risk. [Preprint] Babic, Boris and Gaba, Anil and Tsetlin, Ilia and Winkler, Robert (2021) Normativity, Epistemic Rationality, and Noisy Statistical Evidence. [Preprint] Baccelli, Jean (2017) Do Bets Reveal Beliefs? [Preprint] Baccelli, Jean (2021) Expected Utility in 3D. Reflections on the Foundations of Statistics: Essays in Honor of Teddy Seidenfeld. Baccelli, Jean (2023) Interpersonal Comparisons of What? The Journal of Philosophy. ISSN 0022-362X Baccelli, Jean (2019) Moral Hazard, the Savage Framework, and State-dependent Utility. [Preprint] Baccelli, Jean (2023) Ordinal Utility Differences. Social Choice and Welfare. Baccelli, Jean (2019) The Problem of State-Dependent Utility: A Reappraisal. [Preprint] Baccelli, Jean (2018) Risk Attitudes in Axiomatic Decision Theory – A Conceptual Perspective. [Preprint] Baccelli, Jean (2023) The Sure-Thing Principle. Journal of Mathematical Economics. Baccelli, Jean and Mongin, Philippe (2021) Can Redescriptions of Outcomes Salvage the Axioms of Decision Theory? Philosophical Studies. ISSN 0031-8116 Baccelli, Jean and Mongin, Philippe (2016) Choice-Based Cardinal Utility. [Preprint] Baccelli, Jean and Schollmeyer, Georg and Jansen, Christoph (2021) Risk Aversion over Finite Domains. Theory and Decision. Baccelli, Jean and Stewart, Rush T. (2020) Support for Geometric Pooling. The Review of Symbolic Logic. Bacciagaluppi, Guido (2020) Quantum Mechanics, Emergence, and Decisions. [Preprint] Baker, David (2006) Measurement Outcomes and Probability in Everettian Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint] Barrett, Jeffrey A. (2014) Description and the Problem of Priors. Erkenntins, 79 (6). pp. 1343-1353. Barrett, Jeffrey A. (2014) On the Coevolution of Theory and Language and the Nature of Successful Inquiry. Erkenntnis, 79 (4). pp. 821-834. Barrett, Jeffrey A. (2015) On the Evolution of Truth. [Preprint] Barrett, Jeffrey A. and VanDrunen, Jacob (2021) Language Games and the Emergence of Discourse. [Preprint] Bartelborth, Thomas (2020) The rehabilitation of deductive reasoning. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (2). pp. 139-154. ISSN 2171-679X Bartha, Paul (2006) How to put self-locating information in its place. In: UNSPECIFIED. Bartol, Jordan and Linquist, Stefan (2015) How do Somatic Markers Feature in Decision Making? [Preprint] Baumgartner, Michael and Glynn, Luke (2013) Introduction to Special Issue on 'Actual Causation'. Erkenntnis. Berkovitz, Joseph (2019) On de Finetti's instrumental philosophy of probability. [Preprint] Betz, Gregor (2009) VARIETIES OF POSSIBILITY: HOW ITERATED MODALITIES SOLVE A METHODOLOGICAL DILEMMA OF SIMULATING UNDER UNCERTAINTY. In: UNSPECIFIED. Bevers, Brett (2011) Can Many-Worlds Survive a Quantum Doomsday. [Preprint] Bodanza, Gustavo Adrián (2015) Abstract Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence. Problems of Interpretation and Adequacy of Semantics for Decision Making. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (3). pp. 395-414. ISSN 2171-679X Bovens, Luc and Hartmann, Stephan (2005) Utilitarianism, Degressive Proportionality and the Constitution of a Federal Assembly. [Preprint] Bovens, Luc and Hartmann, Stephan (2006) Welfare, Voting and the Constitution of a Federal Assembly. [Preprint] Boyer-Kassem, Thomas (2016) Scientific expertise, risk assessment, and majority voting. In: UNSPECIFIED. Bradley, Richard and Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2014) Aggregating Causal Judgments. Philosophy of Science, 81 (4). pp. 491-515. Bradley, Seamus (2017) Richard Bradley's Decision Theory with a Human Face. BJPS Review of Books. Bright, Liam Kofi and Dang, Haixin and Heesen, Remco (2018) A Role for Judgment Aggregation in Coauthoring Scientific Papers. Erkenntnis, 83 (2). pp. 231-252. ISSN 0165-0106 Broessel, Peter and Eder, Anna-Maria and Huber, Franz (2013) Evidential Support and Instrumental Rationality. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 87 (2). pp. 279-300. Broessel, Peter and Huber, Franz (2014) Bayesian Confirmation: A Means With No End. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. Buchak, Lara (2012) Risk and Tradeoffs. In: UNSPECIFIED. Burock, Marc (2019) Temporal Logic and Selection in the Sleeping Beauty Problem. [Preprint] Butterfield, J. (2011) Review of 'Many Worlds? Everett, Quantum Theory and Reality'. Philosophy (Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy), 86 (337). pp. 451-463. ISSN : 0031-8191 CCRUPI, Vincenzo and NELSON, Jonathan and MEDER, Björn and CEVOLANI, Gustavo and TENTORI, Katya (2018) Generalized information theory meets human cognition: Introducing a unified framework to model uncertainty and information search. [Preprint] Caamaño-Alegre, María (2021) On Glasses Half Full or Half Empty. Understanding Framing Effects in Terms of Default Implicatures. [Preprint] Callender, Craig (2021) Is Discounting for Tense Rational? [Preprint] Callender, Craig (2018) The Normative Standard for Future Discounting. [Preprint] Callender, Craig (2023) Temporal Neutrality Implies Exponential Temporal Discounting. Philosophy of Science, 90 (5). Cavalcanti, Eric G. (2009) Causation, decision theory, and Bell's theorem: a quantum analogue of the Newcomb problem. [Preprint] Chen, Eddy Keming and Rubio, Daniel (2020) Surreal Decisions. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 100 (1). pp. 54-74. Chua, Eugene Y. S. and Chen, Eddy Keming (2024) Decoherence, Branching, and the Born Rule in a Mixed-State Everettian Multiverse. [Preprint] Céspedes, Esteban (2013) Overdetermination in Intuitive Causal Decision Theory. Hoeltje, M.; Spitzley, T.; Spohn, W. (eds.). Was dürfen wir glauben? Was sollen wir tun? Sektionsbeiträge des achten internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie e.V.. Céspedes, Esteban (2011) Preemption and a Dilemma for Causal Decision Theory. UNSPECIFIED. Céspedes, Esteban (2011) Preemption and a Dilemma for Causal Decision Theory. SICSS 2011. Céspedes, Esteban (2013) There are replicas and replicas. [Preprint] DDavey, Kevin (2023) Igor Douven, The Art of Abduction. BJPS Review of Books. Dawidowicz, Edward and Jackson, Vairzora and Bryant, Thomas E and Adams, Martin (2003) The Right Information… and Intelligent Nodes. In: UNSPECIFIED. Delabre, Laurent (2008) Sleeping Beauty: Debate on a Paradox. [Preprint] Desmond, Hugh (2021) Expert Communication and the Self-Defeating Codes of Scientific Ethics. American Journal of Bioethics, 21 (1). Destefano, Mariela and Velázquez Coccia, Fernanda (2018) Double-process theories: a unified cognitive architecture? THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (1). pp. 61-76. ISSN 2171-679X Dewar, Neil and Fletcher, Samuel C. and Hudetz, Laurenz (2019) Extending List's Levels. Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy. pp. 63-81. ISSN 978-3-030-30896-4 Dieks, Dennis (2005) Reasoning About the Future: Doom and Beauty. [Preprint] Dietrich, Franz (2008) The premises of Condorcet's jury theorem are not simultaneously justified. UNSPECIFIED. Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2015) Mentalism versus behaviourism in economics: a philosophy-of-science perspective. [Preprint] Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2014) Probabilistic Opinion Pooling. [Preprint] Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2016) Reason-based choice and context-dependence: An explanatory framework. Economics and Philosophy. Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2013) Reasons for (prior) belief in Bayesian epistemology. Synthese, 190 (5). pp. 787-808. ISSN 1573-0964 Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2008) The aggregation of propositional attitudes: towards a general theory. [Preprint] Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2024) Dynamically rational judgment aggregation. Social Choice and Welfare. Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2018) From degrees of belief to binary beliefs: Lessons from judgment-aggregation theory. The Journal of Philosophy, 115 (5). pp. 225-270. ISSN 0022-362X Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2017) Probabilistic opinion pooling generalised. Part one: general agendas. Social Choice and Welfare. Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2017) Probabilistic opinion pooling generalised. Part two: the premise-based approach. Social Choice and Welfare. Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2017) What Matters and How it Matters: A Choice-Theoretic Representation of Moral Theories. The Philosophical Review, 126 (4). pp. 421-479. Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2023) The impossibility of non-manipulable probability aggregation. [Preprint] Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2019) The relation between degrees of belief and binary beliefs: A general impossibility theorem. [Preprint] Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian and Bradley, Richard (2016) Belief revision generalized: A joint characterization of Bayes' and Jeffrey's rules. Journal of Economic Theory, 162. pp. 352-371. Dowe, David and Gardner, Steve and Oppy, Graham (2006) "Bayes Not Bust! Why Simplicity is no problem for Bayesians". [Preprint] de Canson, Chloé (2024) The Nature of Awareness Growth. Philosophical Review, 123 (1). pp. 1-32. de Canson, Chloé (2022) Why Subjectivism? [Preprint] EEarman, John (2021) Implementing David Lewis' Principal Principle: A Program for Investigating the Relation between Credence and Chance. [Preprint] Earman, John (2021) A User's Guide to the Surprise Exam Paradoxes. [Preprint] Egan, Andy and Elga, Adam (2005) I Can’t Believe I’m Stupid. [Preprint] Elga, Adam (2002) Defeating Dr. Evil with self-locating belief. [Preprint] Elga, Adam (2007) How to disagree about how to disagree. [Preprint] Elga, Adam (2006) Reflection and Disagreement. [Preprint] Elga, Adam (2012) The puzzle of the unmarked clock and the new rational reflection principle. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin C. and Dickson, Michael (2011) Distinguishing Risk and Uncertainty in Risk Assessments of Emerging Technologies. [Preprint] Esmaeili, Shahin and HajiAliAkbari, Mahdi (2021) Robert Nozick on Prisoner's Dilemma. [Preprint] Esteves, Luis Gustavo and Izbicki, Rafael and Stern, Julio Michael and Stern, Rafael Bassi (2019) Pragmatic Hypotheses in the Evolution of Science. Entropy, 21 (883). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1099-4300 Eva, Benjamin (2023) Comparative Learning. [Preprint] Eva, Benjamin and Hartmann, Stephan (2020) The Logic of Partial Supposition. [Preprint] Eva, Benjamin and Shear, Ted and Fitelson, Branden (2020) Four Approaches to Supposition. [Preprint] Evangelidis, Basil (2023) Impacts, symmetries and decisions: the quest for habitable worlds. [Preprint] FFallis, Don and Lewis, Peter J. (2017) Toward a Formal Analysis of Deceptive Signaling. [Preprint] Fernandes, Alison (2024) The Branchpoint Proposal and the Role of Counterfactuals. [Preprint] Finkelstein, J. (2008) Sleeping Beauty: theme and variations. [Preprint] Finkelstein, Jerry (2009) Has the Born rule been proven? [Preprint] Fischer, Enno (2024) No-Lose Theorems and the Pursuitworthiness of Experiments. [Preprint] Fischer, Enno (2021) Three Concepts of Actual Causation. Freeborn, David and O'Connor, Cailin (2024) Industrial Distraction. [Preprint] Freeborn, David Peter Wallis (2024) Rational Factionalization for Agents with Probabilistically Related Beliefs. [Preprint] Fritts, Megan and Cabrera, Frank (2024) Modeling Action: Recasting the Causal Theory. Analytic Philosophy. ISSN 2153-960X GGabriel, Nathan and O'Connor, Cailin (2024) Can Confirmation Bias Improve Group Learning? [Preprint] Gaifman, Haim and Liu, Yang (2016) A Simpler and More Realistic Subjective Decision Theory. [Preprint] Gil Sanchez, Michał and Gyenis, Zalán and Wronski, Leszek (2022) Nonclassical probability, convex hulls, and Dutch Books. [Preprint] Greaves, Hilary (2007) On the Everettian epistemic problem. [Preprint] Greaves, Hilary (2006) Probability in the Everett interpretation. [Preprint] Greaves, Hilary (2004) Understanding Deutsch's probability in a deterministic multiverse. [Preprint] Greaves, Hilary and Myrvold, Wayne (2008) Everett and evidence. [Preprint] Greaves, Hilary and Wallace, David (2006) Justifying conditionalisation: Conditionalisation maximizes expected epistemic utility. [Preprint] Greaves, Hilary and Wallace, David (2005) Justifying conditionalization: Conditionalization maximizes expected epistemic utility. [Preprint] Grenier, Olivier and Barton, Adrien (2021) Une ontologie dispositionnelle du risque. Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 8 (2). pp. 58-69. ISSN 2295-8029 Groisman, Berry (2007) The end of Sleeping Beauty’s nightmare. [Preprint] Groisman, Berry (2007) The end of Sleeping Beauty’s nightmare. [Preprint] Groisman, Berry and Hallakoun, Na'ama and Vaidman, Lev (2013) The measure of existence of a quantum world and the Sleeping Beauty Problem. [Preprint] HHarbecke, Jens Rational Choice Theory between Causation and Explanation. UNSPECIFIED. Hartmann, Stephan and Martini, Carlo and Sprenger, Jan (2009) Consensual Decision-Making Among Epistemic Peers. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Meijs, Wouter (2009) Walter the Banker: The Conjunction Fallacy Reconsidered. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Meijs, Wouter (2009) Walter the Banker: The Conjunction Fallacy Reconsidered. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Meijs, Wouter (2010) Walter the Banker: The Conjunction Fallacy Reconsidered. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Pigozzi, Gabriella and Sprenger, Jan (2007) Reliable Methods of Judgment Aggregation. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Pigozzi, Gabriella and Sprenger, Jan (2009) Reliable Methods of Judgment Aggregation. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Sprenger, Jan (2008) Judgment Aggregation and the Problem of Tracking the Truth. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Sprenger, Jan (2009) Judgment Aggregation and the Problem of Tracking the Truth. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Sprenger, Jan (2009) The Weight of Competence under a Realistic Loss Function. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan (2017) Prospect Theory and the Wisdom of the Inner Crowd. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Rafiee Rad, Soroush (2018) Anchoring in Deliberations. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Rafiee Rad, Soroush (2016) Voting, Deliberation and Truth. [Preprint] Heesen, Remco (2015) How Much Evidence Should One Collect? Philosophical Studies, 172 (9). pp. 2299-2313. Heesen, Remco (2014) Three Ways To Become An Academic Superstar. [Preprint] Heesen, Remco (2017) Academic Superstars: Competent or Lucky? Synthese, 194 (11). pp. 4499-4518. ISSN 0039-7857 Heesen, Remco (2017) Communism and the Incentive to Share in Science. Philosophy of Science, 84 (4). pp. 698-716. Heesen, Remco (2019) The Credit Incentive to Be a Maverick. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 76. pp. 5-12. ISSN 00393681 Heesen, Remco (2024) Cumulative Advantage and the Incentive to Commit Fraud in Science. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 75 (3). pp. 561-586. ISSN 1464-3537 Heesen, Remco (2018) Expediting the Flow of Knowledge Versus Rushing into Print. [Preprint] Heesen, Remco (2017) The Incentive to Share in the Intermediate Results Game. [Preprint] Heesen, Remco (2022) The Necessity of Commensuration Bias in Grant Peer Review. Ergo, 8 (39). pp. 423-443. ISSN 2330-4014 Heesen, Remco (2018) When Journal Editors Play Favorites. Philosophical Studies, 175 (4). pp. 831-858. ISSN 0031-8116 Heesen, Remco (2018) Why the Reward Structure of Science Makes Reproducibility Problems Inevitable. The Journal of Philosophy, 115 (12). pp. 661-674. ISSN 0022-362X Heesen, Remco and Bright, Liam Kofi (2020) Is Peer Review a Good Idea? The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. ISSN 1464-3537 Heesen, Remco and Bright, Liam Kofi and Zucker, Andrew (2019) Vindicating Methodological Triangulation. Synthese, 196 (8). pp. 3067-3081. ISSN 1573-0964 Heesen, Remco and Romeijn, Jan-Willem (2019) Epistemic Diversity and Editor Decisions: A Statistical Matthew Effect. Philosophers' Imprint, 19 (39). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1533-628X Heesen, Remco and Romeijn, Jan-Willem (2023) Measurement Invariance, Selection Invariance, and Fair Selection Revisited. Psychological Methods, 28 (3). pp. 687-690. ISSN 1082-989X Heesen, Remco and Rubin, Hannah and Schneider, Mike D. and Woolaston, Katie and Bortolus, Alejandro and Chukwu, Emelda E. and Kaufer, Ricardo and Mitova, Veli and Schwenkenbecher, Anne and Schwindt, Evangelina and Slanickova, Helena and Sogbanmu, Temitope O. and Hewitt, Chad L. (2024) A Model of Faulty and Faultless Disagreement for Post-Hoc Assessments of Knowledge Utilization in Evidence-Based Policymaking. Scientific Reports, 14. p. 18495. ISSN 2045-2322 Heesen, Remco and van der Kolk, Pieter (2016) A Game-Theoretic Approach to Peer Disagreement. Erkenntnis, 81 (6). pp. 1345-1368. ISSN 0165-0106 Heilmann, Conrad (2014) A New Interpretation of the Representational Theory of Measurement. In: UNSPECIFIED. Herfeld, Catherine and Doehne, Malte (2017) The Diffusion of Scientific Innovations: A Role Typology. [Preprint] Heydon, Emily (2022) Exploring an Evolutionary Paradox: An Analysis of the "Spite Effect" and the "Nearly Neutral Effect" in Synergistic Models of Finite Populations. In: UNSPECIFIED. Huang, Alice Chao-Wei (2022) A Normative Comparison of Threshold Views Through Computer Simulations. [Preprint] Huang, Linus Ta-Lun and Bich, Leonardo and Bechtel, William (2021) Model Organisms for Studying Decision-Making: a Phylogenetically Expanded Perspective. Philosophy of Science. ISSN 1539-767X Huber, Franz (2008) Assessing Theories, Bayes Style. Synthese, 161 (1). pp. 89-118. Huber, Franz (2009) Belief and Degrees of Belief. Degrees of Belief. pp. 1-33. Huber, Franz (2007) The Consistency Argument for Ranking Functions. Studia Logica, 86 (2). pp. 299-329. Huber, Franz (2014) For True Conditionalizers Weisberg's Paradox is a False Alarm. [Preprint] Huber, Franz (2008) Hempel’s Logic of Confirmation. Philosophical Studies, 139 (2). pp. 181-189. Huber, Franz (2008) Inductive Logic. Encyclopedia of American Philosophy. pp. 475-478. Huber, Franz (2007) The Logic of Theory Assessment. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 36 (5). pp. 511-538. Huber, Franz (2014) New Foundations for Counterfactuals. Synthese, 191 (10). pp. 2167-2193. Huber, Franz (2007) The Plausibility-Informativeness Theory. New Waves in Epistemology. pp. 164-191. Huber, Franz (2006) Ranking Functions and Rankings on Languages. Artificial Intelligence, 170 (4-5). pp. 462-471. Huber, Franz (2012) Review of Wolfgang Spohn, The Laws of Belief: Ranking Theory and Its Philosophical Applications (Oxford University Press 2012). Philosophy of Science. pp. 584-588. Huber, Franz (2014) What Should I Believe About What Would Have Been the Case? Journal of Philosophicl Logic. Huber, Franz (2014) What is the Permissibility Solution a Solution of? -- A Question for Kroedel. [Preprint] Huber, Franz (2023) Causality, Counterfactuals, and Belief. More Means-End Philosophy. [Preprint] Huber, Franz (2024) Intervening is Conditioning. [Preprint] IIsaac, Alistair (2013) Model Uncertainty and Policy Choice: A Plea for Integrated Subjectivism. In: UNSPECIFIED. KKarpus, Jurgis and Radzvilas, Mantas (2015) Team Reasoning and a Rank-Based Function of Team's Interests. [Preprint] Karpus, Jurgis and Radzvilas, Mantas (2017) Team Reasoning and a Measure of Mutual Advantage in Games. [Preprint] Kelley, Mikayla (2023) A Contextual Accuracy Dominance Argument for Probabilism. [Preprint] Kierland, Brian and Monton, Bradley (2005) How to Predict Future Duration from Present Age. [Preprint] Kierland, Brian and Monton, Bradley (2003) Minimizing Inaccuracy for Self-Locating Beliefs. [Preprint] Kim, Bryce (2014) The Halfers are right in the end: Sleeping Beauty problem. [Preprint] Koberinski, Adam and Dunlap, Lucas and Harper, William L. (2017) Do the EPR Correlations Pose a Problem for Causal Decision Theory? Synthese. ISSN 1573-0964 Künstler, Raphaël (2012) Aggregating Judgement in Scientifc Practice. [Preprint] LLaCroix, Travis (2022) The Linguistic Blind Spot of Value-Aligned Agency, Natural and Artificial. [Preprint] Landes, Juergen (2014) Strictly Proper Scoring Rules. In: UNSPECIFIED. Lee, Carole J. (2020) The Reference Class Problem for Credit Valuation in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED. Lehrer, Ehud and Shmaya, Eran (2005) A Subjective Approach to Quantum Probability. [Preprint] Lehtinen, Aki (2007) A farewell to IIA. In: UNSPECIFIED. Lewis, Peter J. (2009) Credence and self-location. [Preprint] Lewis, Peter J. and Fallis, Don (2019) Accuracy, conditionalization, and probabilism. [Preprint] Linquist, Stefan and Bartol, Jordan (2012) Two Myths About Somatic Markers. [Preprint] List, Christian (2008) Group Communication and the Transformation of Judgments: An Impossibility Result. 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ISSN 0048-3931 Marcoci, Alexandru and Nguyen, James (2017) Objectivity, Ambiguity, and Theory Choice. [Preprint] Marcon, Laura and Francés-Gómez, Pedro and Faillo, Marco (2020) Does impartial reasoning matter in economic decisions? An experimental result about distributive (un)fairness in a production context. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (2). pp. 217-233. ISSN 2171-679X Martínez, Manolo (2019) Usefulness Drives Representations to Truth -- A Family of Counterexamples to Hoffman’s Interface Theory of Perception. [Preprint] Maudlin, Tim (2021) Credence—and Chance—Without Numbers (and with the Euclidean Property). [Preprint] Maxwell, Nicholas (2022) Steven Pinker Defends a Damagingly Irrational Conception of Reason. Metascience. pp. 1-4. ISSN 0815-0796 Mayo-Wilson, Conor and Wheeler, Gregory (2016) Scoring Imprecise Credences: A Mildly Immodest Proposal. 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