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Number of items: 351.


-Preprint Volume-, (2012) PSA 2012. In: UNSPECIFIED.

-Preprint Volume-, (2012) Seventh Quadrennial Fellows Conference of the Center for Philosophy of Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Afriat, Alexander (2012) Logic of gauge. [Preprint]

Afriat, Alexander (2012) Shortening the gauge argument. [Preprint]

Afriat, Alexander (2012) Topology, holes and sources. International journal of theoretical physics, 52 (3). pp. 1007-1012.

Allamel-Raffin, Catherine (2012) From Intersubjectivity to Interinstrumentality: The example of Surface Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Allori, Valia (2012) On the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Allori, Valia (2012) Primitive Ontology and the Structure of Fundamental Physical Theories. [Preprint]

Allori, Valia and Goldstein, Sheldon and tumulka, roderich and Zanghi, Nino (2012) Predictions and Primitive Ontology in Quantum Foundations: A Study of Examples. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science-forthcoming.

Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni (2012) Phenomenology of Philosophy of Science: OPERA data. [Preprint]

Andersen, Holly (2012) Mechanisms: what are they evidence for in evidence-based medicine? Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 18. pp. 992-999.

Andersen, Holly (2012) When to expect violations of causal faithfulness and why it matters. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Andrei , Rodin (2012) Axiomatic Method and Category Theory. [Preprint]

Andréka, Hajnal and Madarász, Judit X. and Németi, István and Székely, Gergely (2012) A logic road from special to general relativity. [Preprint]

Arenhart, Jonas R.B. and Krause, Décio (2012) Why non-individuality? A discussion on individuality, identity, and cardinality in the quantum context. [Preprint]

Armendt, Brad (2012) Pragmatic Interests and Imprecise Belief. [Preprint]


Bacciagaluppi, Guido (2012) Insolubility Theorems and EPR Argument. [Preprint]

Bacciagaluppi, Guido (2012) Non-equilibrium in Stochastic Mechanics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 361. 012017/1-012017/12.

Bacelar Valente, Mario (2012) The relativity of simultaneity and presentism. [Preprint]

Baedke, Jan (2012) Causal explanation beyond the gene: manipulation and causality in epigenetics. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (2). pp. 153-174. ISSN 2171-679X

Bain, Jonathan (2012) Emergence in Effective Field Theories. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Baker, David John (2012) Identity, Superselection Theory and the Statistical Properties of Quantum Fields. [Preprint]

Barany, Michael Jeremy (2012) “That small and unsensible shape”: Visual Representations of the Euclidean Point in Sixteenth-Century Print. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 148-159. ISSN 1913-0465

Barker, Matthew J. and Velasco, Joel D. (2012) Deep Conventionalism about Evolutionary Groups. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bartol, Jordan (2012) Re-Examining the Gene in Personalized Genomics.

Bechtel, William (2012) From molecules to behavior and the clinic: Integration in Chronobiology. [Preprint]

Bechtel, William (2012) Understanding Biological Mechanisms: Using Illustrations from Circadian Rhythm Research. [Preprint]

Bechtel, William and Abrahamsen, Adele (2012) Thinking Dynamically About Biological Mechanisms: Networks of Coupled Oscillators. [Preprint]

Beisbart, Claus and Norton, John D. (2012) Why Monte Carlo Simulations are Inferences and not Experiments. [Preprint]

Belnap, Nuel and Müller, Thomas (2012) CIFOL: Case-intensional first order logic. (I) Toward a theory of sorts. [Preprint]

Ben-Menahem, Yemima (2012) Poincare's impact on 20th century philosophy of science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Berkovitz, Joseph (2012) On Supernatural Miracles and Laws of Nature. Toronto Journal of Theology, 28 (1). pp. 145-152.

Beumer, Koen (2012) A Matter of Scale: The Visual Representation of Nanotechnologies. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 65-74. ISSN 1913 0465

Bich, Leonardo (2012) Complex emergence and the living organization: an epistemological framework for biology. Synthese, 185 (2). pp. 215-232. ISSN 1573-0964

Bich, Leonardo and Arnellos, Argyris (2012) Autopoiesis, Autonomy and Organizational Biology: Critical Remarks on “Life After Ashby”. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 19 (4). pp. 75-103. ISSN 0907-0877

Bich, Leonardo and Bocchi, Gianluca (2012) Emergent Processes as Generation of Discontinuities. Methods, Models, Simulations and Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change.. pp. 135-146.

Bich, Leonardo and Damiano, Luisa (2012) Life, Autonomy and Cognition: An Organizational Approach to the Definition of the Universal Properties of Life. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 42 (5). pp. 389-397. ISSN 2948-2976

Birch, Jonathan (2012) Robust Processes and Teleological Language. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. ISSN 1879-4912

Bird, Alexander (2012) What can cognitive science tell us about scientific revolutions? THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (3). pp. 293-321. ISSN 2171-679X

Bouatta, Nazim and Butterfield, Jeremy (2012) On emergence in gauge theories at the 't Hooft limit. [Preprint]

Bourrat, Pierrick (2012) Time and Fitness in Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bradie, Michael (2012) The Moral Lives of Animals. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Brading, Katherine (2012) Physically locating the present: a case of reading physics as a contribution to philosophy. [Preprint]

Brading, Katherine (2012) Presentism as an empirical hypothesis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Brigandt, Ingo (2012) Intelligent Design and the Nature of Science: Philosophical and Pedagogical Points. [Preprint]

Brown, Matthew J. (2012) Values in Science beyond Underdetermination and Inductive Risk. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Buchak, Lara (2012) Risk and Tradeoffs. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bursten, Julia R. (2012) Reconsidering Explanation: Lessons from Nanosynthesis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Butterfield, Jeremy (2012) On Time in Quantum Physics. [Preprint]

Butterfield, Jeremy (2012) Under-determination in Cosmology: an Invitation. [Preprint]

Bärenz, Manuel (2012) General Covariance and Background Independence in Quantum Gravity. University of Cambridge.


Caamaño, María (2012) Moulines. 2011. El desarrollo moderno de la Filosofía de la Ciencia. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (3). pp. 397-400. ISSN 2171-679X

Calosi, Claudio and Fano, Vincenzo and Graziani, Pierluigi and Tarozzi, Gino (2012) Statistical VS Wave Realism in the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Caponigro, Michele and Giannetto, Enrico (2012) Epistemic vs Ontic Classification of quantum entangled states? [Preprint]

Cappelli, Andrea and Castellani, Elena and Colomo, Filippo and Di Vecchia, Paolo (2012) The birth of string theory: Introduction and synopsis. The birth of string theory.

Carusi, Annamaria (2012) Making the Visual Visible in Philosophy of Science. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 106-114. ISSN 1913 0465

Casini, Lorenzo (2012) Causation: Many Words, One Thing? THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (2). pp. 203-219. ISSN 2171-679X

Caulton, Adam (2012) Discerning "indistinguishable" quantum systems. [Preprint]

Chakrabarty, Manjari (2012) Popper's Contribution to the Philosophical Study of Artifacts. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chirimuuta, Mazviita (2012) Psychophysical Methods and the Evasion of Introspection. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Christian, Joy (2012) Macroscopic Observability of Spinorial Sign Changes under 2pi Rotations. [Preprint]

Christian, Joy (2012) On the Origins of Quantum Correlations. [Preprint]

Colanero, Klaus (2012) Decoherence and definite outcomes. [Preprint]

Crespo, Ricardo (2012) Mill. 2010. La lógica de las ciencias morales. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (1). pp. 122-125. ISSN 2171-679X

Cuffaro, Michael (2012) Many Worlds, the Cluster-state Quantum Computer, and the Problem of the Preferred Basis. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 43 (1). pp. 35-42. ISSN 1355-2198

Currie, Adrian (2012) Narratives & Mechanisms. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Dagg, Joachim (2012) The Paradox of Sexual Reproduction and the Levels of Selection: Can Sociobiology Shed a Light? Philosophy and Theory in Biology, 4 (201306). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1949-0739

David, Rey (2012) Similarity Assessments, Spacetime, and the Gravitational Field: What Does the Metric Tensor Represent in General Relativity? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Dawid, Richard and Hartmann, Stephan and Sprenger, Jan (2012) The No Alternatives Argument. [Preprint]

De Donato-Rodríguez, Xavier and Arroyo-Santos, Alfonso (2012) The structure of idealization in biological theories: the case of the Wright-Fisher model. Journal General Philosophy of Science.

De Winter, Jan (2012) How to Make the Research Agenda in the Health Sciences Less Distorted. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (1). pp. 75-93. ISSN 2171-679X

Devitt, Michael (2012) Whither Experimental Semantics? THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (1). pp. 5-36. ISSN 2171-679X

Dieks, Dennis (2012) Is There a Unique Physical Entropy? Micro versus Macro. [Preprint]

Dieks, Dennis (2012) The Physics and Metaphysics of Time. [Preprint]

Dieks, Dennis and Lubberdink, Andrea (2012) How Classical Particles Emerge from the Quantum World. Foundations of Physics, 41 (6). pp. 1051-1064.

Dissard, Laurent (2012) Seeing the Past from Nowhere: Images and Science in Archaeology. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 24-33. ISSN 1913 0465

Doppelt, Gerald (2012) Does Structural Realism Provide the Best Explanation of the Predictive Success of Science? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Dorato, Mauro (2012) How to combine and not to combine physics and metaphysics. [Preprint]

Dorato, Mauro (2012) Mathematical biology and the existence of biological laws. Probabilities, Laws and Structure. pp. 109-121.


Dorato, Mauro (2012) Presentism/Eternalism and Endurantism/Perdurantism: why the unsubstantiality of the first debate implies that of the second1. [Preprint]

Douglas, Heather (2012) The Value of Cognitive Values. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Downes, Stephen M. (2012) How Much Work Do Scientific Images Do? Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 115-130. ISSN 1913 0465

Ducheyne, Steffen (2012) Scientific Representations as Limiting Cases. Erkenntnis, 76 (1). pp. 73-89.

Duncan, Anthony and Janssen, Michel (2012) (Never) Mind your p's and q's: Von Neumann versus Jordan on the Foundations of Quantum Theory. [Preprint]

During, Elie (2012) On the Intrinsically Ambiguous Nature of Space-Time Diagrams. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 160-171. ISSN 1913-0465


Eberhardt, Frederick (2012) Experimental Indistinguishability of Causal Structures. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Elay, Shech (2012) What is the “Paradox of Phase Transitions?”. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Elga, Adam (2012) The puzzle of the unmarked clock and the new rational reflection principle. [Preprint]

Elliott, Kevin (2012) Epistemic and Methodological Iteration in Scientific Research. [Preprint]

Elliott, Kevin (2012) Selective Ignorance and Agricultural Research. [Preprint]

Elliott, Kevin and Willmes, David (2012) Cognitive Attitudes and Values in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Elliott-Graves, Alkistis (2012) Abstract and Complete. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ennis, Robert H (2012) Analysis and Defense of Sole Singular Causal Claims. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Eraña, Ángeles (2012) Quesada, ed. 2009. Cuestiones de Teoría del Conocimiento. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (1). pp. 119-122. ISSN 2171-679X

Eronen, Markus (2012) No Levels, No Problems: Downward Causation in Neuroscience. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Esfeld, Michael (2012) Ontic structural realism and the interpretation of quantum mechanics. [Preprint]

Esfeld, Michael and Lazarovici, Dustin and Hubert, Mario and Dürr, Detlef (2012) The ontology of Bohmian mechanics. [Preprint]


Fagan, Melinda B. (2012) The stem cell uncertainty principle. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Feest, Uljana (2012) Phenomenal Experiences, First-Person Methods, and the Artificiality of Experimental Data. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fernández Castro, Víctor (2012) Gomila. 2012. Verbal Minds. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (3). pp. 394-397. ISSN 2171-679X

Fischer, Robert (2012) TRUE Is False and Why It Matters. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Flannery, Maura C. (2012) Flatter than a Pancake: Why Scanning Herbarium Sheets Shouldn't Make Them Disappear. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 225-232. ISSN 1913-0465

Fletcher, Erica H. (2012) Bodies in a Zone of Indistinction: A History of the Biomedicalization of Pregnancy in Prison. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fraser, Doreen (2012) SSB: QSM vs. QFT. [Preprint]

Freytes, Hector and de Ronde, Christian and Domenech, Graciela (2012) The square of opposition in orthomodular logic. Around and beyond the square of opposition. pp. 193-201.

Friederich, Simon (2012) Interpreting Heisenberg interpreting quantum states. [Preprint]

Friederich, Simon (2012) Pristinism under Pressure---Ruetsche on the Interpretation of Quantum Theories. [Preprint]

Friederich, Simon (2012) A philosophical look at the Higgs mechanism. [Preprint]

Frigg, Roman (2012) What is Statistical Mechanics? [Preprint]


Gambini, Rodolfo and Pullin, Jorge (2012) Three principles for canonical quantum gravity. [Preprint]

Gao, Shan (2012) Comment on "Distinct Quantum States Can Be Compatible with a Single State of Reality". [Preprint]

Gao, Shan (2012) An Exceptionally Simple Argument Against the Many-worlds Interpretation: Further Consolidations. [Preprint]

Gao, Shan (2012) Explaining Holographic Dark Energy. [Preprint]

Gao, Shan (2012) Is the electron's charge 2e? A problem of the de Broglie-Bohm theory. [Preprint]

Gao, Shan (2012) On Uffink's alternative interpretation of protective measurements. [Preprint]

Gao, Shan (2012) On the invariance of the speed of light. [Preprint]

Gao, Shan (2012) On the origin of gravity. [Preprint]

Garson, Justin (2012) Broken Mechanisms: Function, Pathology, and Natural Selection. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Gauderis, Tjerk and Van de Putte, Frederik (2012) Abduction of Generalizations. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (3). pp. 345-363. ISSN 2171-679X

Gerig, Austin (2012) The Doomsday Argument in Many Worlds. [Preprint]

Giovanelli, Marco (2012) Erich Kretschmann as a Proto-Logical-Empiricist: Adventures and Misadventures of the Point-Coincidence Argument. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. ISSN 13552198

Giovanelli, Marco (2012) The Forgotten Tradition. How the Logical Empiricists missed the Philosophical Significance of the work of Riemann, Christoffel and Ricci. Erkenntnis, 78 (6). pp. 1219-1257. ISSN 0165-0106

Giovanelli, Marco (2012) Talking at Cross-Purposes. How Einstein and Logical Empiricists never Agreed on what they were Disagreeing about. [Preprint]

Giuseppe, Iurato (2012) A πάρεργα und παραλειπŏμενα of J-M. Lévy-Leblond ''On the Conceptual Nature of the Physical Constants''. [Preprint]

Glynn, Luke (2012) REVIEW OF Getting Causes from Powers, by Stephen Mumford and Rani Lill Anjum. Mind, 121 (484). pp. 1099-1106.

Goodwin, William (2012) Visual Representations of Structure and the Dynamics of Scientific Modeling. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 131-141. ISSN 1913-0465

Gross, Ari and Louson, Eleanor (2012) Visual Representation and Science: Editors' Introduction. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1913 0465

Grüne-Yanoff, Till (2012) Appraising Non-Representational Models. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Gyenis, Zalán and Rédei, Miklós (2012) Defusing Bertrand's Paradox. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Haber, Matthew H. (2012) Multilevel Lineages and Multidimensional Trees: The Levels of Lineage and Phylogeny Reconstruction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Halvorson, Hans (2012) Ruetsche on the pristine and adulterated in quantum field theory. Metascience. pp. 1-7. ISSN 0815-0796

Harker, David (2012) Inference to the Best Explanation and the Importance of Peculiarly Explanatory Virtues. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hartner, Daniel (2012) From Desire to Subjective Value: On the Neural Mechanisms of Moral Motivation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Healey, Richard (2012) Quantum Meaning. [Preprint]

Healey, Richard (2012) Quantum decoherence in a pragmatist view: Part I. [Preprint]

Healey, Richard (2012) Quantum decoherence in a pragmatist view: Resolving the measurement problem. [Preprint]

Held, Carsten (2012) Incompatibility of standard completeness and quantum mechanics. [Preprint]

Helgeson, Casey (2012) Why you have one trait rather than another: The failure of the explanatory-chain stragegy. [Preprint]

Hellman, Geoffrey and Shapiro, Stewart (2012) The Classical Continuum without Points. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hennig, Christian (2012) Mayo & Spanos, eds. 2009. Error and Inference. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (2). pp. 245-247. ISSN 2171-679X

Hentschel, Klaus (2012) The Stuttgart Database of Scientific Illustrators 1450–1950: Making the Invisible Hands Visible. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 182-191. ISSN 1913-0465

Hochstein, Eric (2012) Minds, models and mechanisms: a new perspective on intentional psychology. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 24 (4). pp. 547-557.

Hofer-Szabó, Gábor and Vecsernyés, Péter (2012) Bell inequality and common causal explanation in algebraic quantum field theory. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Holik, Federico and Decio , Krause and Ignacio, Gómez (2012) Quantum Logical Structures For Identical Particles. [Preprint]

Houkes, Wybo and Zwart, Sjoerd D. (2012) Transfer and templates in scientific modeling. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hoyningen-Huene, Paul (2012) Philosophical Elements in Thomas Kuhn’s Historiography of Science. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (3). pp. 281-292. ISSN 2171-679X

Huber, Franz (2012) Review of Wolfgang Spohn, The Laws of Belief: Ranking Theory and Its Philosophical Applications (Oxford University Press 2012). Philosophy of Science. pp. 584-588.

Huggett, Nick and Vistarini, Tiziana and Wuthrich, Christian (2012) Time in quantum gravity. [Preprint]

Huggett, Nick and Wuthrich, Christian (2012) Emergent spacetime and empirical (in)coherence. [Preprint]


Imbert, Cyrille (2012) Relevance, not Invariance, Explanatoriness, not Manipulability: Discussion of Woodward on Explanatory Relevance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Iranzo, Valeriano (2012) González. 2010. La predicción científica. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (1). pp. 117-119. ISSN 2171-679X

Iurato, Giuseppe (2012) Bachelard, Enriques and Weyl: comparing some of their ideas.

Iurato, Giuseppe (2012) On the role played by the work of Ulisse Dini on implicit function theory in the modern differential geometry foundations: the case of the structure of a differentiable manifold, 1. [Preprint]

Iurato, Giuseppe (2012) A note on Oscar Chisini mean value definition.

Ivanova, Milena and Paternotte, Cedric (2012) Theory choice, good sense and social consensus. [Preprint]


Jantzen, Benjamin (2012) Piecewise Versus Total Support: How to Deal with Background Information in Likelihood Arguments. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Jones, Nicholaos and Wolkenhauer, Olaf (2012) Diagrams as Locality Aids for Explanation and Model Construction in Cell Biology. [Preprint]

Jones-Imhotep, Edward (2012) Sound and Vision. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 191-202. ISSN 1913-0465


Karaca, Koray (2012) The Strong and Weak Senses of Theory-Ladenness of Experimentation: Theory-Driven versus Exploratory Experiments in the History of High-Energy Particle Physics. [Preprint]

Karakostas, Vassilios (2012) Realism and objectivism in quantum mechanics. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 43 (1).

Katzav, Joel and Dijkstra, Henk and de Laat, Jos (2012) Assessing climate model projections: state of the art and philosophical reflections. [Preprint]

Keeley, Brian L. (2012) What kinds of kind are the senses? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kemp, Martin (2012) “The testimony of my own eyes”: The Strange Case of the Mammal with a Beak. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 43-49. ISSN 1913 0465

Kerry, Roger and Eriksen, Thor Eirik and Lie, Svein Anders Noer and Mumford, Stephen and Anjum, Rani Lill (2012) Causation and evidence-based practice - an ontological review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 18. pp. 1006-1012. ISSN 1365-2753

Klein, Ulf (2012) Is the individuality interpretation of quantum theory wrong ? [Preprint]

Knox, Eleanor (2012) Abstraction and its Limits: Finding Space for Novel Explanation. [Preprint]

Knuuttila, Tarja and Loettgers, Andrea (2012) Synthetic Modeling and Mechanistic Account: Material Recombination and Beyond. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kochiras, H. (2012) Newton on Matter and Space in De gravitatione et aequipondio fluidorum. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Koskinen, Inkeri (2012) Critical Subjects: Participatory Research needs to Make Room for Debate. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kosolosky, Laszlo and Provijn, Dagmar (2012) William Harvey's bloody motion: Creativity in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kragh, Helge (2012) Testability and Epistemic Shifts in Modern Cosmology. [Preprint]

Kragh, Helge (2012) “The most philosophically of all the sciences”: Karl Popper and physical cosmology. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio (2012) Paraconsistent Quasi-Set Theory. [Preprint]

Krause, Décio and Arenhart, Jonas R. B. (2012) Individuality, quantum physics, and a metaphysics of non-individuals: the role of the formal. [Preprint]

Krueger, James (2012) Theoretical Health and Medical Practice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kuorikoski, Jaakko and Pöyhönen, Samuli (2012) Understanding non-modular functionality – lessons from genetic algorithms. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kusukawa, Sachiko (2012) Thomas Kirke’s Copy of Philosophical Transactions. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 1913 0465

Künstler, Raphaël (2012) Aggregating Judgement in Scientifc Practice. [Preprint]


Lam, Vincent and Esfeld, Michael (2012) A dilemma for the emergence of spacetime in canonical quantum gravity. [Preprint]

Landsman, Nicolaas P. and Reuvers, Robin (2012) A Flea on Schroedinger's Cat. [Preprint]

Larvor, Brendan (2012) How to think about informal proofs. Synthese, 187 (2). pp. 715-730. ISSN 0039-7857

Legg, Catherine (2012) The Hardness of the Iconic Must: Can Peirce’s Existential Graphs Assist Modal Epistemology? Philosophia Mathematica, 20 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0031-8019

Leuridan, Bert and Weber, Erik (2012) Causality and Explanation in the Sciences. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (2). pp. 133-136. ISSN 2171-679X

Levy, Arnon (2012) Fictional Models de Novo and de Re. [Preprint]

Lewis, Peter J. (2012) Credence for whom? [Preprint]

Lewis, Cory (2012) REVIEW: Frederick Grinnell, The Everyday Practice of Science: Where Intuition and Passion Meet Objectivity and Logic. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 242-244. ISSN 1913-0465

Ling, Maurice HT (2012) Re-creating the Philosopher’s Mind: Artificial Life from Artificial Intelligence. Human-Level Intelligence, 3. p. 1. ISSN 2219-5173

Linnebo, Oystein and Muller, F.A. (2012) On Witness-Discernibility of Elementary Particles. Erkenntnis.

Linquist, Stefan and Bartol, Jordan (2012) Two Myths About Somatic Markers. [Preprint]

Lipkin, Arkadiy (2012) The “Object Theoretic Operational” View of Natural Science. [Preprint]

Lisciandra, Chiara and Colombo, Matteo and Nilsenova, Marie (2012) Conformorality. A Study on Group Conditioning of Normative Judgment. [Preprint]

Little, Daniel (2012) Explanatory Autonomy and Coleman’s Boat. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (2). pp. 137-151. ISSN 2171-679X

Lowrie, Ian (2012) On Adaptive Optics: The Historical Constitution of Architectures for Expert Perception in Astronomy. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 203-224. ISSN 1913-0465

Luigi, Scorzato (2012) On the role of simplicity in science. Synthese. ISSN 1573-0964

Lutz, Sebastian (2012) On a Straw Man in the Philosophy of Science - A Defense of the Received View. HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, 2 (1). pp. 77-120.

Lutz, Sebastian (2012) What's Right With a Syntactic Approach to Theories and Models? [Preprint]


Machery, Edouard (2012) Expertise and Intuitions about Reference. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (1). pp. 37-54. ISSN 2171-679X

Machery, Edouard (2012) Semantic Epistemology: A Brief Response to Devitt. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (2). pp. 223-227. ISSN 2171-679X

Magnus, P.D. (2012) What scientists know is not a function of what scientists know. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mahony, Martin and Hulme, Mike (2012) The Colour of Risk: An Exploration of the IPCC’s “Burning Embers” Diagram. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 6 (1). pp. 75-89. ISSN 1913 0465

Manchak, John Byron (2012) Essay Review of David Malament, Topics in the Foundations of General Relativity and Newtonian Gravitation Theory. [Preprint]

Mansouri, Alireza and Golshani, Mehdi and Karbasizadeh, Amir Ehsan (2012) Quantum Objects. [Preprint]

Mantzavinos, C. (2012) Explanations of Meaningful Actions. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 42. pp. 224-238. ISSN 0048-3931

Marcellesi, Alexandre (2012) Is race a cause? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Marcellesi, Alexandre (2012) Is race a cause? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mario, Bacelar Valente (2012) Deconstructing van Fraassen's observable/unobservable dichotomy. [Preprint]

Martin, Joseph D (2012) Is the Contingentist/Inevitabilist Debate a Matter of Degrees? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Martínez Adame, Carmen (2012) The parallelogram law in the works of d’Alembert and Kant. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 27 (3). pp. 365-388. ISSN ISSN 2171-679X

Maxwell, Nicholas (2012) Has Science Established that the Cosmos is Physically Comprehensible? [Preprint]

Maxwell, Nicholas (2012) Unification and Revolution: A Paradigm for Paradigms. [Preprint]

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