Number of items: 678.
Abrams, Lowell and Elkind, Landon
Word Choice in Mathematical Practice: A Case Study in Polyhedra.
Aktunc, M. Emrah
Productive Theory-Ladenness in fMRI.
Albert, David Z.
How to Teach Quantum Mechanics.
Allori, Valia
Contemporary Echoes of the World Soul: Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness.
Allori, Valia
Quantum Mechanics, Time and Ontology.
Allori, Valia
Scientific Realism without the Wave-Function: An Example of Naturalized Quantum Metaphysics.
Arenhart, Jonas R. B. and Krause, Décio
Quasi-truth and defective knowledge in science: a critical examination.
Avigad, Jeremy
Reliability of mathematical inference.
Aydin, Mohseni and Cole, Williams
Truth and Conformity on Networks.
Azhar, Feraz
Effective field theories as a novel probe of fine-tuning of cosmic inflation.
Baccelli, Jean
Moral Hazard, the Savage Framework, and State-dependent Utility.
Baccelli, Jean
The Problem of State-Dependent Utility: A Reappraisal.
Bacciagaluppi, Guido
Unscrambling Subjective and Epistemic Probabilities.
Bacelar Valente, Mario
“Critique of mensurational reason”: on Høyrup’s notion of critique.
Baker, David John
On Spacetime Functionalism.
Barack, David L
Mental Machines.
Barandes, Jacob A.
Can Magnetic Forces Do Work?
Barandes, Jacob A.
Manifestly Covariant Lagrangians, Classical Particles with Spin, and the Origins of Gauge Invariance.
Baravalle, Lorenzo
Cultural evolutionary theory as a theory of forces.
Barrett, Thomas William
Structure and Equivalence.
Barton, Neil
Forcing and the Universe of Sets: Must we lose insight?
Barton, Neil and Friedman, Sy-David
Set Theory and Structures.
Barton, Neil and Ternullo, Claudio and Venturi, Giorgio
On Forms of Justification in Set Theory.
Baxter, Janella
CRISPR-Cas Changing Biology?
Bechtel, William
From Parts to Mechanisms: Research Heuristics for Addressing Heterogeneity in Cancer Genetics.
Becklloyd, Dan and Sytsma, Justin
Simulating Metaethics: Consensus and the Independence of Moral Beliefs.
Bedessem, Baptiste
Should we fund research randomly? An epistemological criticism of the lottery model as an alternative to peer-review for the funding of science.
Bedessem, Baptiste
Two conceptions of the sources of conservatism in scientific
Beebe, James and Dellsén, Finnur
Scientific Realism in the Wild: An Empirical Study of Seven Sciences and HPS.
Benitez, Federico
Selective Realism and the framework/interaction distinction: a Taxonomy of Fundamental Physical Theories.
Berkovitz, Joseph
On de Finetti's instrumental philosophy of probability.
Berkovitz, Joseph
On the Mathematical Constitution and Explanation of Physical Facts.
Boge, Florian
Quantum information vs. epistemic logic: An analysis of the Frauchiger-Renner theorem.
Boge, Florian J.
The Best of Many Worlds, or, is Quantum Decoherence the Manifestation of a Disposition?∗.
Boge, Florian J. and Grünke, Paul
Computer simulations, machine learning and the Laplacean demon: Opacity in the case of high energy physics∗.
Bokulich, Alisa
Calibration, Coherence, and Consilience in Radiometric Measures of Geologic Time.
Bokulich, Alisa
Losing Sight of the Forest for the Ψ: Beyond the Wavefunction Hegemony.
Bokulich, Alisa
Towards a Taxonomy of the Model-Ladenness of Data.
Boniolo, Giovanni and Campaner, Raffaella
Complexity and integration.
A philosophical analysis of how cancer complexity can be faced in the era of precision medicine.
Bonnin, Thomas
Evidential Reasoning in the Historical Sciences: Applying Toulmin Schemas to the case of Archezoa.
Borrelli, Arianna and Castellani, Elena
The Practice of Naturalness: A Historical-Philosophical Perspective.
Boudry, Maarten
Diagnosing pseudoscience in real life (a tribute to Sven Ove Hansson).
Boudry, Maarten and Vlerick, Michael and Edis, Taner
The end of science? On human cognitive limitations and how to overcome them.
Bourrat, Pierrick
Being Precise about Precision and One-to-one Specificity.
Bradley, Clara and Weatherall, James Owen
On Representational Redundancy, Surplus Structure, and the Hole Argument.
Brogioli, Doriano
A computational complexity approach to the definition of empirical equivalence.
Broka, Chris
The Quantum Mechanics of Two Interacting Realities.
Browning, Heather
If I Could Talk to the Animals: Measuring Subjective Animal Welfare (PhD Thesis).
Buckner, Cameron
The Comparative Psychology of Artificial Intelligences.
Buckner, Cameron
Deep Learning: A Philosophical Introduction.
Burnston, Daniel C.
Getting over Atomism: Functional Decomposition in Complex Neural Systems.
Burock, Marc
Temporal Logic and Selection in the Sleeping Beauty Problem.
Butterfield, Jeremy and Marsh, Brendan
Non-locality and quasiclassical reality in Kent's formulation of relativistic quantum theory.
Byrd, Nick
What We Can (And Can’t) Infer About Implicit Bias From Debiasing Experiments.
Byrd, Nick and Conway, Paul
Not All Who Ponder Count Costs: Arithmetic Reflection Predicts Utilitarian Tendencies, but Logical Reflection Predicts both Deontological and Utilitarian Tendencies.
Calcott, Brett
Further Clarification on Permissive and Instructive Causes.
Cambbell, Douglas Ian and Yang, Yi
Does the Solar System Compute the Laws of Motion?
Carcassi, Gabriele and Aidala, Christine A
Hamiltonian mechanics is conservation of information entropy.
Casini, Lorenzo and Baumgartner, Michael
Constitution and Causal Roles.
Casini, Lorenzo and Baumgartner, Michael
Constitution and Causal Roles.
Casini, Lorenzo and Baumgartner, Michael
Constitution and Causal Roles.
Chen, Eddy Keming
Quantum States of a Time-Asymmetric Universe: Wave Function, Density Matrix, and Empirical Equivalence.
Chen, Eddy Keming
Time's Arrow in a Quantum Universe: On the Status of Statistical Mechanical Probabilities.
Chen, Lu
Do Simple Infinitesimal Parts Solve Zeno's Paradox
of Measure?
Chen, Lu
Infinitesimal Gunk.
Chen, Lu
Intrinsic local distances: a mixed solution to Weyl’s tile argument.
Chen, Ruey-Lin and Hricko, Jonathon
Experimental Individuation and Philosophical Retail Arguments.
Chiu, Lynn and Gilbert, Scott
Niche construction and the transition to herbivory: Phenotype switching and the organization of new nutritional modes.
ChoGlueck, Christopher
Broadening the Scope of Our Understanding of Mechanisms: Lessons from the History of the Morning-After Pill.
Christian, Joy
On a Surprising Oversight by John S. Bell in the Proof of his Famous Theorem.
Chua, Eugene Y. S.
Does Von Neumann's Entropy Correspond to Thermodynamic Entropy?
Climenhaga, Nevin and DesAutels, Lane and Ramsey, Grant
Causal Inference from Noise.
Cochran, Calvin and O'Connor, Cailin
Inequity and Inequality in the Emergence of Conventions.
Coelho Mollo, Dimitri
Against Computational Perspectivalism.
Coelho Mollo, Dimitri
Are There Teleological Functions to Compute?
Coko, Klodian
Jean Perrin and the Philosophers' Stories: The Role of Multiple Determination in Determining Avogadro's Number.
Colombo, Matteo and Heinz, Andreas
Explanatory Integration, Computational Phenotypes and Dimensional Psychiatry. The case of alcohol use disorder.
Constant, Axel and Clark, Andy and Friston J, Karl
Representation Wars: Enacting an Armistice through Active Inference.
Creel, Kathleen A.
Transparency in Complex Computational Systems.
Crețu, Ana-Maria
Diagnosing Disagreements: The Authentication of the Positron 1931 - 1934.
Crețu, Ana-Maria
Perspectival Realism.
Crowther, Karen
As Below, So Before: `Synchronic' and `Diachronic' Conceptions of Spacetime Emergence.
Crowther, Karen and Linnemann, Niels and Wuthrich, Christian
What we cannot learn from analogue experiments.
Curiel, Erik
Framework Confirmation by Newtonian Abduction.
Currie, Adrian
Paleobiology and Philosophy.
Currie, Adrian
Scientific Knowledge & the Deep Past: History Matters.
Currie, Adrian
Simplicity, One-Shot Hypotheses & Paleobiological Explanation.
Currie, Adrian and Killin, Anton
From Things to Thinking: Cognitive Archaeology.
Cushman, Matthew
Anthropic Indexical Sampling and Implications for The Doomsday Argument.
Céspedes, Esteban
On contextual and ontological aspects of emergence and reduction.
Céspedes, Esteban and Fuentes, Miguel
Effective complexity: In which sense is it informative?
Darby, George and Pickup, Martin
Modelling Deep Indeterminacy.
Dardashti, Radin and Hartmann, Stephan
Assessing Scientific Theories: The Bayesian Approach.
Davis, Isaac
A Framework for Pragmatic Reliability.
Dawid, Richard and Friederich, Simon
Epistemic separability and Everettian branches---a critique of Sebens and Carroll.
De Haro, Sebastian
Theoretical Equivalence and Duality.
De Haro, Sebastian
Towards a Theory of Emergence for the Physical Sciences.
De Haro, Sebastian and van Dongen, Jeroen and Visser, Manus and Butterfield, Jeremy
Conceptual Analysis of Black Hole Entropy in String Theory.
Dellsén, Finnur
The Epistemic Impact of Theorizing: Generation Bias Implies Evaluation Bias.
Dellsén, Finnur
Rational Understanding: Toward a Probabilistic
Epistemology of Acceptability.
Dethier, Corey
Forces in A True and Physical Sense: From Mathematical Models to Metaphysical Conclusions.
Dethier, Corey
How to do Things With Theory: The Instrumental Role of Auxiliary Hypotheses in Testing.
Deulofeu, Roger and Suárez, Javier and Pérez-Cervera, Alberto
Explaining the behaviour of random ecological networks. The stability of the microbiome as a case of integrative pluralism.
Dewar, Neil
General-Relativistic Covariance.
Dewar, Neil and Eisenthal, Joshua
A Raum with a View: Hermann Weyl and the Problem of Space.
DiMarco, Marina and Khalifa, Kareem
Inquiry Tickets: Values, Pursuit, and Underdetermination.
Dieks, Dennis
Quantum Mechanics and Perspectivalism.
Dieks, Dennis
Quantum Reality, Perspectivalism and Covariance.
Dieks, Dennis and Lubberdink, Andrea
Identical quantum particles as distinguishable objects.
Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian
The relation between degrees of belief and binary beliefs: A general impossibility theorem.
Dietrich, Michael R. and Ankeny, Rachel and Crowe, Nathan and Green, Sara and Leonelli, Sabina
How to Choose Your Research Organism.
Dimitrijević, Dejan R.
Causal closure of the physical, mental causation, and physics.
Donhauser, Justin and Worley, Sara and Bradie, Michael and Bouzat, Juan
The Problem of Mooted Models for Analyses of Microbiome Causality.
Dorato, Mauro
Review of Simon Prosser's Experiencing time, OUP, 2016.
Dorato, Mauro and Wittmann, Marc
The phenomenology and cognitive neuroscience of experienced temporality.
Earman, John
Lüders conditionalization: Conditional probability, transition probability, and updating in quantum probability theory.
Ellerman, David
A Graph-theoretic Method to Define any Boolean Operation on Partitions.
Ellerman, David
Quantum Mechanics over Sets:
A pedagogical model with non-commutative finite probability theory as its quantum probability calculus.
Elliott, Edward
'Ramseyfying' Probabilistic Comparativism.
Epstein, Eric Gordon
Radical Embodied Cognitive Science and Problems of Intentionality.
Ereshefsky, Marc and Reydon, Thomas
The Grounded Functionality Account of Natural Kinds.
Esfeld, Michael
Against the disappearance of spacetime in quantum gravity.
Esfeld, Michael
From the measurement problem to the primitive ontology programme.
Esfeld, Michael
Super-Humeanism and free will.
Eva, Benjamin
Principles of Indifference.
Eva, Benjamin and Hartmann, Stephan
On the Origins of Old Evidence.
Eva, Benjamin and Hartmann, Stephan and Rafiee Rad, Soroush
Learning from Conditionals.
Evans, Peter W. and Thebault, Karim P Y
What can bouncing oil droplets tell us about quantum mechanics?
Fakie, Fakerson
Fake Cake.
Fang, Wei
Mixed-Effects Modeling and Non-Reductive Explanation.
Farr, Matt
Explaining Temporal Qualia.
Farr, Matt and Ivanova, Milena
Methods in Science and Metaphysics.
Felipe, Romero
The Division of Replication Labor.
Felline, Laura
The Measurement Problem and two Dogmas about Quantum Mechanics.
Finkelman, Leonard
Crossed Tracks: Mesolimulus, Archaeopteryx, and the Nature of Fossils.
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Modality in Physics.
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Relativistic Spacetime Structure.
Fletcher, Samuel C. and Mayo-Wilson, Conor
Evidence in Classical Statistics.
Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia
Wigner and his many friends: A new no-go result?
Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia
The correspondence principle and the understanding of decoherence.
French, Steven
From a Lost History to a New Future: Is a Phenomenological Approach to Quantum Physics Viable?
French, Steven
A Neo-Kantian Approach to the Standard Model.
French, Steven
Representation and Realism:
On Being a Structuralist All the Way (Up and) Down.
Friedman, Michael and Rittberg, Colin Jakob
The Material Reasoning of Folding Paper.
Frigg, Roman and Nguyen, James
Mirrors Without Warnings.
Gambini, Rodolfo and Pullin, Jorge
Physical requirements for models of consciousness.
Gamboa, M and Lopez Herrero, MJ
Measuring infection transmission in a stochastic SIV model with infection reintroduction and imperfect vaccine.
Gao, Shan
Are there many worlds?
Gao, Shan
Can the wave function of the universe be a law of nature?
Gao, Shan
Closing the superdeterminism loophole in Bell's theorem.
Gao, Shan
Does the PBR theorem refute Bohmian mechanics?
Gao, Shan
Is there density matrix realism?
Gao, Shan
Quantum theory is incompatible with relativity: A new proof beyond Bell's theorem and a test of unitary quantum theories.
Gao, Shan
Why mind matters in quantum mechanics.
Gao, Shan
Why special relativity?
Gao, Shan
A contradiction in Bohm's theory.
Garson, Justin and Papineau, David
Teleosemantics, Selection, and Novel Contents.
Gauch,Jr., Hugh G.
The Resources, Powers, and Limits of Science.
Giovanelli, Marco
‘Geometrization of Physics’ vs. ‘Physicalization of Geometry.’ The Untranslated Appendix to Reichenbach’s Philosophie der Raum-Zeit-Lehre.
Giovanelli, Marco
Nothing but Coincidences: The Point-Coincidence Argument and Einstein’s Struggle with the Meaning of Coordinates in Physics.
Glick, David
Pluralist Structural Realism: The Best of Both Worlds?
Glick, David
Timelike Entanglement For Delayed-Choice Entanglement Swapping.
Glick, David and Boge, Florian J.
Is the Reality Criterion Analytic?
Glymour, Clark
The Legacy of Logical Empiricism.
Gobbo, F. and Russo, F.
Epistemic diversity and the question of Lingua Franca in science and philosophy.
Goldhaber, Charles
Does perceptual psychology rule out disjunctivism in the theory of perception?
Gomes, Henrique
Gauging the boundary in field-space.
Gomes, Henrique
Holism as the significance of gauge symmetries.
Gomez-Marin, Alex
Computational neuroscience needs theoretical ethology: correcting an anthropomorphic bias.
Gomez-Marin, Alex and Arnau, Juan
The False Problem of Consciousness.
Gomez-Marin, Alex and Arnau, Juan
When the part mirrors the whole: interactions beyond simple location.
Gomez-Marin, Alex and Arnau, Juan
When the part mirrors the whole: interactions beyond simple location.
Green, Sara and Andersen, Hanne
Systems Science and the Art of Interdisciplinary Integration.
Greif, Hajo
Darwinian Dialectics.
Greif, Hajo
Exploring Minds. Modes of Modelling and Simulation in Artificial Intelligence.
Gryb, Sean and Palacios, Patricia and Thebault, Karim P Y
On the Universality of Hawking Radiation.
Gryb, Sean and Palacios, Patricia and Thebault, Karim P Y
On the Universality of Hawking Radiation.
Gueguen, Marie
On Robustness in Cosmological Simulations.
Hamidreza, Simchi
The Concept of Time: A Grand Unified Reaction Platform.
Hansson Wahlberg, Tobias
The Creation of Institutional Reality, Special Theory of Relativity, and Mere Cambridge Change.
Havstad, Joyce C
Let Me Tell You ‘Bout the Birds and the Bee-Mimicking Flies and Bambiraptor.
Healey, Richard
Beyond Bell?
Heartspring, William
A Bayesian theory of quantum gravity without gravitons.
Heartspring, William
Modal logic NL for common language.
Heartspring, William
A tautological interpretation of Godel's ontological proof.
Hewitt, Carl
For Cybersecurity, Computer Science Must Rely on Strong Types.
Hewitt, Carl
For Cybersecurity, Computer Science Must Rely on Strongly-Typed Actors.
Hewitt, Carl
For Cybersecurity, Computer Science Must Rely on Strongly-Typed Actors.
Hewitt, Carl
For Cybersecurity, Computer Science Must Rely on the Opposite of Gödel’s Results.
Heyes, Cecilia
Is morality a gadget? Nature, nurture and culture in moral development.
Heylen, Jan and Tump, Lars Arthur
The Enhanced Indispensability Argument, the Circularity Problem, and the Interpretability Strategy.
Higashi, Katsuaki
A no-go result on common cause approaches via Hardy relations.
Hochstein, Eric
Learning to Appreciate the Gray Areas: A Critical Notice of Anil Gupta’s “Conscious Experience”.
Hosack, John M.
Deductive Pluralism.
Howson, Colin
Beyond Finite Additivity.
Huttegger, Simon and Rubin, Hannah and Zollman, Kevin J.S.
Invariance and Symmetry in Evolutionary Dynamics.
Jaeger, Gregg
A Realist View of the Quantum World.
Jaksland, Rasmus
The multiple realizability of general relativity in quantum gravity.
Janas, Michael and Cuffaro, Michael E. and Janssen, Michel
Putting probabilities first. How Hilbert space generates and constrains them.
Jebari, Karim and Lundborg, Joakim
Artificial superintelligence and its limits: why AlphaZero cannot become a general agent.
Johannesson, Eric
Classical vs. Bayesian statistics.
Johns, Oliver
Validity of the Einstein Hole Argument.
Johns, Oliver Davis
Leibniz Equivalence, Newton Equivalence, and Substantivalism.
Johns, Oliver Davis
A Quantitative Version of Feynman's Static Field Momentum Example.
Johnson, Jack
Probability and Coincidence in Time Travel Scenarios.
Jones, Elizabeth
Ancient Genetics to Ancient Genomics:
Celebrity and Credibility in Data-Driven Practice.
Jurjako, Marko
Is Psychopathy a Harmful Dysfunction?
Kastner, Ruth
The "Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser" Neither Erases Nor Delays.
Kastner, Ruth
Unitary-Only Quantum Theory Cannot Consistently Describe the Use of Itself:
On the Frauchiger-Renner Paradox.
Kiessling, Michael K.-H.
The influence of gravity on the Boltzmann entropy of a closed universe.
Kimpton-Nye, Samuel
Necessary Laws and the Problem of Counterlegals.
King, Martin
Explanations and Candidate Explanations in Physics.
Korbak, Tomasz
Unsupervised learning and the natural origins of content.
Korenić, Andrej and Perović, Slobodan and Cirkovic, Milan M. and Miquel, Paul-Antoine
Symmetry breaking and functional incompleteness in biological systems.
Kostic, Daniel
General Theory of Topological Explanations and Explanatory Asymmetry.
Kostic, Daniel
Unifying the debates: mathematical and non-causal explanations.
Kurpaska, Sławomir and Tyszka, Apoloniusz
Semi-formally stated open problems on computable sets X={n \in N: \phi(n)}, where \phi(n) has the same intuitive meaning for every n \in N and the finiteness (infiniteness) of X remains conjectured.
LE BIHAN, Baptiste
From Spacetime to Space and Time: A Reply to Markosian.
LaCroix, Travis
Evolutionary Explanations of Simple Communication: Signalling Games & Their Models.
Landsman, Klaas
Quantum theory and functional analysis.
Landsman, Klaas
Randomness? What randomness?
Lane, Lorenzo and Martin, Ursula and Murray-Rust, Dave and Pease, Alison and Tanswell, Fenner
Journeys in Mathematical Landscapes: Genius or Craft?
Lange, Marc
Asymmetries as a Challenge to Counterfactual Accounts of Non-Causal Explanation.
Larroulet Philippi, Cristian
Well-Ordered Science’s Basic Problem.
Lauer, Richard
Is Social Ontology Prior to Social Scientific Methodology?
Lavis, David A.
The Question of Negative Temperatures in Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics.
Lawler, Insa
Scientific understanding and felicitous legitimate falsehoods.
Lazarovici, Dustin
On the measurement process in Bohmian mechanics (reply to Gao).
Lazarovici, Dustin
Position Measurements and the Empirical Status of Particles in Bohmian Mechanics.
Le Bihan, Baptiste
Spacetime Emergence in Quantum Gravity: Functionalism and the Hard Problem.
Lean, Christopher
Can Communities Cause?
Lean, Oliver M
Binding Specificity and Causal Selection in Drug Design.
Lean, Oliver M
Chemical Arbitrariness and the Causal Role of Molecular Adapters.
Lehet, Ellen
Induction and Explanatory Definitions in Mathematics.
Lehmkuhl, Dennis
The Equivalence Principle(s).
Lewis, Peter J.
Against “experience”.
Lewis, Peter J.
On Closing the Circle.
Lewis, Peter J. and Fallis, Don
Accuracy, conditionalization, and probabilism.
Linnemann, Niels
Interpreting GR as a guideline for theory change.
List, Christian and Pivato, Marcus
Dynamic and stochastic systems as a framework for metaphysics and the philosophy of science.
Livengood, Jonathan and Edwards, Adam
Calibrating Chromatography: How Tswett Broke the Experimenters' Regress.
Luc, Joanna and Placek, Tomasz
Interpreting non-Hausdorff (generalized) manifolds in General Relativity.
Ludwig, David and El-Hani, Charbel
Philosophy of Ethnobiology: Understanding Knowledge Integration and Its Limitations.
Lundie, Michael
Systemic functional adaptedness and domain-general cognition: broadening the scope of evolutionary psychology.
Lynch, Kate E and Parke, Emily C. and O'Malley, Maureen A.
How Causal are Microbiomes? A Comparison with the Helicobacter pylori Explanation of Ulcers.
López-Rubio, Ezequiel and Ratti, Emanuele
Data science and molecular biology: prediction and mechanistic explanation.
Machery, Edouard
What is a replication?
Martens, Niels C.M.
The (Un)detectability of Absolute Newtonian Masses.
Martínez, Manolo
Deception as Cooperation.
Martínez, Manolo
Usefulness Drives Representations to Truth -- A Family of Counterexamples to Hoffman’s Interface Theory of Perception.
Matthiessen, Dana
The Rise of Cryptographic Metaphors in Boyle and Their Use for the Mechanical Philosophy.
Maudlin, Tim and Okon, Elias and Sudarsky, Daniel
On the Status of Conservation Laws in Physics: Implications for Semiclassical Gravity.
Maxwell, Nicholas
Aim-Oriented Empiricism and the Metaphysics of Science.
Maxwell, Nicholas
A New Task for Philosophy of Science.
McConwell, Alison K
Contingency's Causality and Structural Diversity.
McCoy, C.D.
No Chances in a Deterministic World.
McCutcheon, Randall
An Eternal Con.
McCutcheon, Randall
Eva, Hartmann and Rad on Kullback-Leibler Minimization.
McCutcheon, Randall
On a Puzzle About Experts, Screening-Off and the Rarity of Defeat.
McCutcheon, Randall G.
Adams Thesis and the Local Interpretation of Conditionals.
McCutcheon, Randall G.
How to co-exist with nonexistent expectations.
McCutcheon, Randall G.
Vasudevan on Judy Benjamin.
McCutcheon, Randall G.
What the "Equal Weight View" is.
McKenzie, Alan
Levels of reality: emergent properties of a mathematical multiverse.
McLoone, Brian
Thumper the Infinitesimal Rabbit: A Fictionalist Perspective on Some "Unimaginable" Model Systems in Biology.
Meisenberg, Gerhard
Should Cognitive Differences Research Be Forbidden?
Millstein, Roberta L.
Functions and Functioning in Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic and in Ecology.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Types of Experiments and Causal Process Tracing: What Happened on the Kaibab Plateau in the 1920s.
Mitchell, Sandra D.
Instrumental Perspectivism: Is AI Machine Learning Technology like NMR Spectroscopy?
Mitsch, Chris
An Examination of Some Aspects of Howard Stein's Work.
Mizrahi, Moti
An Absurd Consequence of Stanford’s New Induction Over the History of Science: A Reply to Sterpetti.
Mizrahi, Moti
The Case Study Method in Philosophy of Science: An Empirical Study.
Mjelva, Jørn K.
The spatiotemporal problem of entanglement.
Mohammadian, Mousa
Beyond the Instinct-Inference Dichotomy: A Unified Interpretation of Peirce’s Theory of Abduction.
Mohseni, Aydin
The Limitations of Equilibrium Concepts in Evolutionary Games.
Mohseni, Aydin and O'Connor, Cailin and Rubin, Hannah
On the Emergence of Minority Disadvantage: Testing the Cultural Red King Hypothesis.
Molter, Daniel
On Mycorrhizal Individuality.
Morett, Fernando
How To Build An Auction Machine.
Morett, Fernando
The Mechanical View.
Morris, Rick
Be fruitful and multiply: Fitness and health in evolutionary mismatch and clinical research.
Mossé, Brigitte and Remy, Élisabeth
A combinatorial exploration of boolean dynamics generated by isolated and chorded circuits.
Murphy, Alice
Towards a Pluralist Account of the Imagination in Science.
Myrvold, Wayne C.
Explaining Thermodynamics: What remains to be done?
Myrvold, Wayne C.
“— It would be possible to do a lengthy dialectical number on this;”.
Nguyen, James
It’s Not a Game: Accurate Representation with Toy Models.
Nie, Chenwei
Continuing commentary: challenges or misunderstandings? A defence of the two-factor theory against the challenges to its logic.
Noichl, Maximilian
Modeling the Structure of Recent Philosophy.
North, Jill
Formulations of Classical Mechanics.
Northcott, Robert
Big data and prediction: four case studies.
Norton, John D.
Weeding Landauer's Garden.
November, Dan D
The Indifference Principle, its Paradoxes and Kolmogorov's Probability Space.
November, Dan D
Interpretive Implications of the Sample Space.
November, Dan D
Zero Probability.
Novick, Aaron and Currie, Adrian and McQueen, Eden and Brouwer, Nathan
Kon-Tiki Experiments.
O'Connor, Cailin
Methods, Models, and the Evolution of Moral Psychology.
Oldofredi, Andrea
Is Quantum Mechanics Self-Interpreting?
Oldofredi, Andrea
Some remarks on the mentalistic reformulation of the measurement problem. A reply to S. Gao.
Osimani, Barbara and Marta, Bertolaso and Roland, Poellinger and Emanuele, Frontoni
Real and Virtual Clinical Trials: a Formal Analysis.
Palacios, Patricia
Phase Transitions: A Challenge for Intertheoretic Reduction?
Park, Ilho
Correcting Credences with Chances.
Park, Seungbae
The Coherence of Evolutionary Theory with Its Neighboring Theories.
Parker, David
Psychoneural reduction: a perspective from neural circuits.
Pedroso, Makmiller
Blind Cooperation:The Evolution of Redundancy via Ignorance.
Pence, Charles H.
How Not to Fight About Theory: The Debate Between Biometry and Mendelism in Nature, 1890–1915.
Penchev, Vasil
Poincaré's conjecture proved by G. Perelman by the isomorphism of Minkowski space and the separable complex Hilbert space.
Perović, Slobodan
The Complexity-based Explanatory Strategy, Biological Levels, and the Origin of Life.
Persichetti, Alessio
The later Wittgenstein’s guide to contradictions.
Piekarski, Michał
Representations, direct perception and scientific realism.
In defence of conservative predictive processing.
Pitts, J. Brian
Conservation Laws and the Philosophy of Mind: Opening the Black Box, Finding a Mirror.
Pitts, J. Brian
Cosmological Constant Λ vs. Massive Gravitons: A Case Study in General Relativity Exceptionalism vs. Particle Physics Egalitarianism.
Pitts, J. Brian
General Relativity, Mental Causation, and Energy
Pitts, J. Brian
The Mind-Body Problem and Conservation Laws: The Growth of Physical Understanding?
Pitts, J. Brian
What Are Observables in Hamiltonian Einstein-Maxwell Theory?
Pitts, James
What Are Observables in Hamiltonian Einstein-Maxwell Theory?
Placek, Tomasz
On the modal aspects of causal sets.
Placek, Tomasz
Past, present and future modally introduced.
Polzella, Ma. Silvia and Lodeyro, Penélope
Re-evaluating Semi-Empirical Computer Simulations in Quantum Chemistry.
Porter, Brian
Teleosemantics and Tetrachromacy.
Poth, Nina and Broessel, Peter
Learning Concepts: A Learning-Theoretic Solution to
the Complex-First Paradox.
Potochnik, Angela
Review of Catherine Elgin's True Enough.
Potochnik, Angela and Sanches de Oliveira, Guilherme
Patterns in Cognitive Phenomena and Pluralism of Explanatory Styles.
Prychitko, Emily
The Causal Situationist Account of Constitutive Relevance.
Raidl, Eric
Quick Completeness for the Evidential Conditional.
Ramstead, Maxwell J. D. and Kirchhoff, Michael D. and Constant, Axel and Friston, Karl J.
Multiscale Integration: Beyond Internalism and Externalism.
Ramstead, Maxwell J. D. and Kirchhoff, Michael D. and Friston, Karl J.
A tale of two densities: Active inference is enactive inference.
Ratti, Emanuele
Phronesis and Automated Science: The Case of Machine Learning and Biology.
Read, James and Menon, Tushar
The limitations of inertial frame spacetime functionalism.
Redhead, Michael
A Simplified Version of Gödel’s Theorem.
Rivat, Sébastien and Grinbaum, Alexei
Philosophical Foundations of Effective Field Theories.
Roberts, Bryan W.
Time Reversal.
Rochefort-Maranda, Guillaume and Liu, Mo
Finding True Clusters: On the Importance of Simplicity in Science.
Roffé, Ariel Jonathan and Ginnobili, Santiago
Optimality Models and the Propensity Interpretation of Fitness.
Romero, Felipe
Philosophy of Science and The Replicability Crisis.
Ross, Lauren N.
Explanation in Contexts of Causal Complexity: Lessons from Psychiatric Genetics.
Roush, Sherrilyn
Coherence, Truthfulness, and Efficiency in Communication.
Rovelli, Carlo
Can we travel to the past? Irreversible physics along closed timelike curves.
Rovelli, Carlo
Natural discrete differential calculus in physics.
Rédei, Miklós
On the tension between physics and mathematics.
Saba, Walid
On the Winograd Schema: Situating Language Understanding in the Data-Information-Knowledge Continuum.
Saint-Mont, Uwe
Induction: a formal perspective.
Salom, Igor
The hard problem and the measurement problem: a no-go theorem and potential consequences.
Samaroo, Ryan
Friedman and Some of his Critics on the Foundations of General Relativity.
Samaroo, Ryan
Newtonian Mechanics and its Philosophical Significance.
Sartenaer, Olivier
Humeanism, Best System Laws, and Emergence.
Satta, Mark
Evil Twins and the Multiverse: Distinguishing the World of Difference between Epistemic and Physical Possibility.
Scerri, Eric
The Periodic Table and the Turn to Practice.
Scheyer, Peter
Corrupting Effectiveness: Utilitarianism and Moral Impartiality toward Future Persons in Pragmatic Evaluation of Altruistic Interventions.
Schindler, Samuel
Naturalnesss in physics: just a matter of aesthetics? Book review.
Schindler, Samuel and Saint-Germier, Pierre
Are thought experiments “disturbing”? The case of armchair physics.
Schliesser, Eric
Synthetic Philosophy.
Schneider, Mike D.
Betting on future physics.
Scholl, Raphael
Unwarranted Assumptions: Claude Bernard and the growth of the vera causa standard.
Schubbach, Arno
Judging Machines. Philosophical Aspects of Deep Learning.
Schupbach, Jonah
Conjunctive Explanations and Inference to the
Best Explanation.
Serafino, Loris
Serban, Maria and Green, Sara
Biological robustness: design, organization, and mechanisms.
Shan, Yafeng
A New Functional Approach to Scientific Progress.
Shanahan, Daniel
What might the matter wave be telling us of the nature of matter?
Shaw, Robert
Single-particle entanglement and three forms of ambiguity.
Shaw, Robert
Stern-Gerlach: conceptually clean or acceptably vague?
Sikorski, Michal and van Dongen, Noah and Sprenger, Jan
Causal Conditionals, Tendency Causal Claims and
Statistical Relevance.
Smith, Jr, James Andrew
Quine on Naturalism, Nominalism, and Philosophy's Place within Science.
Srinivasan, Radhakrishnan
Steinert-Threlkeld, Shane
Towards the Emergence of Non-trivial Compositionality.
Sterner, Beckett and Witteveen, Joeri and Franz, Nico
Alternatives to Realist Consensus in Bio-Ontologies: Taxonomic Classification as a Basis for Data Discovery and Integration.
Sterrett, S. G.
Scale Modeling (Chapter 32, _Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Engineering_).
Stinson, Catherine
From Implausible Artificial Neurons to Idealized Cognitive Models: Rebooting Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence.
Stuart, Michael T.
Towards a dual process epistemology of imagination.
Suárez, Mauricio
The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness.
Suñé, Abel and Martínez, Manolo
Real patterns and indispensability.
Swanson, Noel
On the Ostrogradski Instability; or, Why Physics Really Uses Second Derivatives.
Sytsma, Justin
The Character of Causation: Investigating the Impact of Character, Knowledge, and Desire on Causal Attributions.
Sytsma, Justin
The Effects of Single versus Joint Evaluations on Causal Attributions.
Sytsma, Justin
Structure and Norms: Investigating the Pattern of Effects for Causal Attributions.
Sytsma, Justin and Ozdemir, Eyuphan
No Problem: Evidence that Problem Intuitions Are Not Widespread.
Sytsma, Justin and Ozdemir, Eyuphan
No Problem: Evidence that the Concept of Phenomenal Consciousness is Not Widespread.
Tappenden, Paul
Everettian theory as pure wave mechanics plus a no-collapse probability postulate.
Taylor, Henry
Whales, fish and Alaskan bears: interest-relative taxonomy and kind pluralism in biology.
Teh, Nicholas and Schenkel, Alexander and Wells, Laura and Mathieu, Philippe
Homological perspective on edge modes in linear Yang-Mills theory.
Teitel, Trevor
Holes in Spacetime: Some Neglected Essentials.
Thebault, Karim P Y
The Problem of Time.
Thorn, Paul D.
A Formal Solution to Reichenbach’s Reference Class Problem.
Turner, Derek
In Defense of Living Fossils.
Vaidman, Lev
Derivations of the Born Rule.
Valentini, Antony
Foundations of statistical mechanics and the status of the Born rule in de Broglie-Bohm pilot-wave theory.
Vassallo, Antonio
Dependence Relations in General Relativity.
Vassallo, Antonio and Hoefer, Carl
The Metaphysics of Machian Frame-Dragging.
Veit, Walter
Model Pluralism.
Veit, Walter
Modeling Morality.
Veit, Walter and Dewhurst, Joe and Dolega, Krzysztof and Jones, Max and Stanley, Shaun and Frankish, Keith and Dennett, Daniel C.
The Rationale of Rationalization.
Venturi, Giorgio
Genericity and Arbitrariness.
Verhaegh, Sander
The American Reception of Logical Positivism: First Encounters (1929-1932).
Vincenzo, Crupi and Andrea, Iacona
Three ways of being non-material.
Vincenzo, Crupi and Andrea, Iacona
The evidential conditional.
Vincenzo, Crupi and Andrea, Iacona
The evidential conditional.
Vold, Karina and Schlimm, Dirk
Extended mathematical cognition: External representations with non-derived content.
Vooys, Sarah and Dick, David G.
Money and Mental Contents.
Wallace, David
Naturalness and Emergence.
Wallace, David
Observability, redundancy and modality for dynamical symmetry transformations.
Wallach, Efraim
Biases, Evidence and Inferences in the story of Ai.
Weatherall, James
Equivalence and Duality in Electromagnetism.
Weber, Keith
The role of syntactic representations in set theory.
Webermann, Michael
Classical Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies - Unifying Faraday's Law of Induction with the Principle of Relativity.
Wilce, Alexander
Dynamical states and the conventionality of (non-) classicality.
Winsberg, Eric
A modest defense of geoengineering research.
Winsberg, Eric
A modest defense of geoengineering research.
Winsberg, Eric and Oreskes, Naomi and Lloyd, Elisabeth
Severe Weather Event Attribution: Why values won’t go away.
Witas, Piotr
On the place of subjectivity in quantum theory.
Witteveen, Joeri
Natural selection and contrastive explanation.
Witteveen, Joeri
Regression explanation and statistical autonomy.
Woodward, James
Causal Attribution, Counterfactuals and Disease Interventions.
Woodward, James
Causal Complexity, Conditional Independence and Downward Causation.
Woodward, James
Causal Judgment: What Can Philosophy Learn from Experiment? What Can It Contribute to Experiment.
Woodward, James and Spohn, Wolfgang
Exchange on Spohn's Laws of Belief.
Wright, Jessey
Saving Data Analysis: Epistemic Friction and Progress in Neuroimaging Research.
Wuthrich, Christian
Time travelling in emergent spacetime.
Wuthrich, Christian
When the actual world is not even possible.
Wylie, Caitlin D.
Overcoming the underdetermination of specimens.
Yuan, Yongfeng
Are synthetic a priori propositions informative?
Zollman, Kevin J.S.
On the normative status of mixed strategies.
Zollman, Kevin J.S.
The Scientific Ponzi Scheme.
Zollman, Kevin J.S.
The theory of games as a tool for the social epistemologist.
de Ronde, Christian and Massri, Cesar
Against the Tyranny of 'Pure States' in Quantum Theory.
habgood-coote, joshua
What's the Point of Authors?
van Es, Thomas
The Embedded View, its critics, and a radically non-representational solution.
Conference or Workshop Item
Arledge, Christopher and Rynasiewicz, Robert
On Some Recent Attempted Non-Metaphysical Dissolutions of the Hole Dilemma.
Chasova, Valeriya
Direct and indirect empirical statuses compared to the Newtonian and Leibnizian interpretations of theoretical symmetries in physics.
Dougherty, John
Sizing up gauge.
Lawler, Insa and Zimmermann, Georg
Misalignment between research hypotheses and statistical hypotheses – A threat to evidence-based medicine?
Letertre, Laurie
Causal nonseparability and the structure of spacetime.
Massimi, Michela
Two kinds of exploratory models.
Miller, Michael E.
Fundamental, yet imprecise?
Norton, John D.
How NOT to Build an Infinite Lottery Machine.
Sprenger, Jan
Degree of Corroboration: An Antidote to the Replication Crisis.
Published Article or Volume
Aaby, Bendik and Ramsey, Grant
Three Kinds of Niche Construction.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Aames, Jimmy
Patternhood and Generality: A Peircean Approach to Emergence.
European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, XI (2).
Adriaens, Pieter R.
In Defence of Animal Homosexuality.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (022).
ISSN 2475-3025
Ahmed, Arif
Frankfurt Cases and the Newcomb Problem.
Philosophical Studies.
ISSN 0031-8116
Andreoletti, Mattia and Teira, David
Rules versus Standards: What Are the Costs of Epistemic Norms in Drug Regulation?
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 44 (6).
pp. 1093-1115.
ISSN 0162-2439
Anjum, Rani Lill
Donald Gillies's Causality, Probability, and Medicine.
BJPS Review of Books.
Aydinonat, N. Emrah and Köksal, Emin
Explanatory value in context: the curious case of Hotelling’s location model.
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26 (5).
pp. 879-910.
ISSN 0967-2567
Babic, Boris and Gerke, Sara and Evgeniou, Theodoros and Cohen, Glenn
Algorithms on Regulatory Lockdown in Medicine.
Bacciagaluppi, Guido
Adaptive Empiricism.
Lost in Physics and Metaphysics – Questioni di Realismo Scientifico.
pp. 99-113.
Bacelar Valente, Mario
Geometry of motion: some elements of its historical
Artefactos. Revista de estudios sobre la ciencia y la tecnología, 8 (2).
pp. 4-26.
ISSN 1989-3612
Bach, Theodore
Why the Empirical Study of Non-Philosophical Expertise Does Not Undermine the Status of Philosophical Expertise.
Erkenntnis, 86 (4).
pp. 999-1023.
Bandyopadhyay, Prasanta S. and Grunska, Nolan and Dcruz, Don and Greenwood, Mark
Are Scientific Models of Life Testable? A Lesson from
Simpson’s Paradox.
Sci, 1 (2).
ISSN 2413-4155
Barberis, Sergio Daniel
Wiring optimization explanation in neuroscience:
What is special about it?
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 89-110.
ISSN 2171-679X
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
A Critique of Olfactory Objects.
Frontiers in Psychology.
ISSN 1664-1078
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
The Value of Failure in Science: The Story of Grandmother Cells in Neuroscience.
Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Bentzen, Bruno
Frege on Referentiality and Julius Caesar in Grundgesetze Section 10.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 60 (4).
pp. 617-637.
Bich, Leonardo
The problem of functional boundaries in prebiotic and inter-biological systems.
Minati, G., Pessa E. and Abram, M. (eds) Systemics of Incompleteness and Quasi-Systems.
pp. 295-302.
Bich, Leonardo and Pradeu, Thomas and Moreau, Jean-Francois
Understanding Multicellularity: The Functional Organization of the Intercellular Space.
Frontiers in Physiology, 10 (11170).
ISSN 1664-042X
Bich, Leonardo and Pradeu, Thomas and Moreau, Jean-François
Understanding Multicellularity: The Functional Organization of the Intercellular Space.
Frontiers in Physiology, 10.
ISSN 1664-042X
Binkoski, James
Geometry, Fields, and Spacetime.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 70 (4).
pp. 1097-1117.
ISSN 1464-3537
Bird, Alexander
The aim of belief and the aim of science.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 171-193.
ISSN 2171-679X
Blanco, Daniel and Ginnobili, Santiago and Lorenzano, Pablo
The unifying power of scientific theories. An alternative proposal from structuralism to Kitcher’s explanatory pattern.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 111-131.
ISSN 2171-679X
Boesche, Tom
Reassessing Quasi-Experiments: Policy Evaluation, Induction, and SUTVA.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Bolinska, Agnes and Martin, Joseph D.
Negotiating History: Contingency, Canonicity, and Case Studies.
Elsevier Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A.
ISSN 0039-3681
Bordg, Anthony
Univalent Foundations and the UniMath Library. The Architecture of Mathematics.
in Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics, Synthese Library, 407.
Borg, AnneMarie and Frey, Daniel and Šešelja, Dunja and Straßer, Christian
Theory-Choice, Transient Diversity and the Efficiency of Scientific Inquiry.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1879-4912
Bradley, Clara
The Non-Equivalence of Einstein and Lorentz.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Brownstein, Michael and Kelly, Dan
Allen Buchanan and Russell Powell's The Evolution of Moral Progress.
BJPS Review of Books.
Brungardt, John G.
World Enough and Form: Why Cosmology Needs Hylomorphism.
pp. 1-33.
ISSN 1573-0964
Brusse, Carl and Sterelny, Kim
Jonathan Birch's The Philosophy of Social Evolution.
BJPS Review of Books.
Brusse, Carl and Sterelny, Kim
Jonathan Birch, The Philosophy of Social Evolution.
BJPS Review of Books.
Cabrera, Frank
Critical Notice of “Kevin McCain and Ted Poston (eds.), Best Explanations: New Essays on Inference to the Best Explanation”.
International Journal for the Study of Skepticism.
Cabrera, Frank
Evidence and Explanation in Cicero's On Divination.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A.
ISSN 00393681
Carvalho, Eros
An ecological approach to disjunctivism.
ISSN 1573-0964
Casacuberta, David and Estany, Anna
Convergence between experiment and theory in the processes of invention and innovation.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 373-387.
ISSN 2171-679X
Chall, Cristin
Model-Groups as Scientific Research Programmes.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1879-4912
Chall, Cristin and King, Martin and Mättig, Peter and Stöltzner, Michael
From a Boson to the Standard Model Higgs: A Case Study in Confirmation and Model Dynamics.
ISSN 0039-7857
Chen, Eddy Keming
Realism about the Wave Function.
Philosophy Compass.
Christian, Joy
Bell's Theorem Versus Local Realism in a Quaternionic Model of Physical Space.
IEEE Access, 7.
pp. 133388-133409.
Climenhaga, Nevin
The Structure of Epistemic Probabilities.
Philosophical Studies.
pp. 1-30.
ISSN 0031-8116
Colombo, Matteo
Catherine Elgin's True Enough.
BJPS Review of Books.
Conix, Stijn
Measuring evolutionary independence: A pragmatic approach to species classification.
Biology & Philosophy.
ISSN 1572-8404
Crowther, Karen
Silberstein et al., Beyond the Dynamical Universe.
BJPS Review of Books.
Cucu, Alin C. and Pitts, J. Brian
How Dualists Should (Not) Respond to
the Objection from Energy Conservation.
Mind & Matter, 17 (1).
pp. 95-121.
Céspedes, Esteban
Incommensurability, types of phenomena and relevant incompatibility.
Cinta de Moebio.
Dal Magro, Tamires and García-Pérez, Manuel J.
On Euclidean diagrams and geometrical knowledge.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 255-276.
ISSN 2171-679X
De Haro, Sebastian
The Heuristic Function of Duality.
Synthese, 196.
pp. 5169-5203.
ISSN 1573-0964
De Haro, Sebastian
Towards a Theory of Emergence for the Physical Sciences.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
De Haro, Sebastian and Butterfield, Jeremy
On symmetry and duality.
pp. 1-41.
De Haro, Sebastian and Butterfield, Jeremy
A Schema for Duality, Illustrated by Bosonization.
Foundations of Mathematics and Physics one Century after Hilbert.
Dedes, Christos
Backward Non-unitary Quantum Evolution.
International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 5.
pp. 128-140.
Dembroff, Robin
Beyond Binary: Genderqueer as Critical Gender Kind.
Philosopher's Imprint.
Deng, Natalja
One thing after another: why the passage of time is not an illusion.
pp. 3-15.
Dewar, Neil and Fletcher, Samuel C. and Hudetz, Laurenz
Extending List's Levels.
Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy.
pp. 63-81.
ISSN 978-3-030-30896-4
Dougherty, John
Large gauge transformations and the strong CP problem.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
ISSN 1355-2198
Downes, Stephen M.
Maria Kronfeldner's What’s Left of Human Nature?
BJPS Review of Books.
Drouet, Isabelle and Ferry-Danini, Juliette and Paternotte, Cedric
Review - Medical Nihilism, Jacob Stegenga, OUP, 2018.
Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 6 (1).
pp. 16-19.
ISSN 2295-8029
Drummond, Brian
Understanding quantum mechanics: a review and synthesis in precise language.
Open Physics, 17 (1).
pp. 390-437.
ISSN (Online) 2391-5471
Eder, Anna-Maria and Broessel, Peter
Evidence of Evidence as Higher-Order Evidence.
Higher-Order Evidence: New Essays..
Eder, Anna-Maria A.
Evidential Probabilities and Credences.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Efstathiou, Sophia and Nydal, Rune and Laegreid, Astrid and Kuiper, Martin
Scientific knowledge in the age of computation: Explicated, computable and manageable?
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 213-236.
ISSN 2171-679X
Elliott, Steve
Proof of Concept Research.
Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 0031-8248
Elliott, Steve
Research Problems.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 0007-0882
Elohim, David
Hyperintensional Ω-Logic.
Matteo Vincenzo D'Alfonso and Don Berkich (eds.), \textit{On the Cognitive, Ethical, and Scientific Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence}.
pp. 65-82.
Escribano Cabeza, Miguel
Jan Swammerdam and the limits of preformationism.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 423-439.
ISSN 2171-679X
Esteves, Luis Gustavo and Izbicki, Rafael and Stern, Julio Michael and Stern, Rafael Bassi
Pragmatic Hypotheses in the Evolution of Science.
Entropy, 21 (883).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1099-4300
Feintzeig, Benjamin
Reductive Explanation and the Construction of Quantum Theories.
British Journal for Philosophy of Science.
Fernández Castro, Víctor
Justification, conversation, and folk psychology.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 73-88.
ISSN 2171-679X
Fernández Pinto, Manuela
Scientific ignorance: Probing the limits of scientific research and knowledge production.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 195-211.
ISSN 2171-679X
Fernández Pinto, Manuela and Hicks, Daniel J.
Legitimizing Values in Regulatory Science.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 127 (3).
ISSN 0091-6765
Filomeno, Aldo
Stable regularities without governing laws?
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
ISSN 1355-2198
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Counterfactual Reasoning within Physical Theories.
ISSN 1573-0964
Fletcher, Samuel C.
An Invitation to Approximate Symmetry, with Three Applications to Intertheoretic Relations.
ISSN 1573-0964
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Of War or Peace? Essay Review of Statistical Inference as Severe Testing.
Philosophy of Science, 87 (4).
ISSN 1539-767X
Fletcher, Samuel C.
On the Reduction of General Relativity to Newtonian Gravitation.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 68.
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 1355-2198
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Similarity Structure and Emergent Properties.
Philosophy of Science, 87 (2).
pp. 281-301.
ISSN 1539-767X
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Stopping Rules as Experimental Design.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 9.
p. 29.
ISSN 1879-4912
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Which Worldlines Represent Possible Particle Histories?
Foundations of Physics, 50 (6).
pp. 582-599.
ISSN 0015-9018
Forgione, Luca
Kant, the transcendental designation of I, and the direct reference theory.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 31-49.
ISSN 2171-679X
Fresco, Nir and Miłkowski, Marcin
Mechanistic Computational Individuation without Biting the Bullet.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Frick, Ramiro and Bich, Leonardo and Moreno, Alvaro
An organisational approach to biological communication.
Acta Biotheoretica.
ISSN 0001-5342
Friederich, Simon
Fine-Tuning as old evidence, double-counting, and the multiverse.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 31.
pp. 363-377.
ISSN 0269-8595
Friederich, Simon
A new fine-tuning argument for the multiverse.
Foundations of Physics, 49.
pp. 1011-1021.
ISSN 0015-9018
Frigg, Roman and Werndl, Charlotte
Statistical Mechanics:A Tale of Two Theories.
The Monist.
pp. 424-438.
Furman, Katherine
Inmaculada de Melo-Martín and Kristen Intemann's The Fight against Doubt.
BJPS Review of Books.
García Zabaleta, Omar
The construction of the DSM: Genealogy of a sociopolitical product.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 441-460.
ISSN 2171-679X
Gisin, Nicolas
Indeterminism in Physics, Classical Chaos and Bohmian Mechanics.\\ Are Real Numbers Really Real?
ISSN ISSN 0165-0106
Glackin, Shane N.
Alex Broadbent's Philosophy of Medicine.
BJPS Review of Books.
Glackin, Shane N.
So language. Very Prescribe. Wow.
Revista Sofia.
Goyal, Philip
Persistence and nonpersistence as complementary models of identical quantum particles.
Gozzano, Simone
Locating and Representing Pain.
Philosophical Investigation, 42 (4).
pp. 313-332.
Haber, Matthew H.
Species in the Age of Discordance.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (021).
ISSN 2475-3025
Haber, Matthew H. and Molter, Daniel J.
Species in the Age of Discordance: Meeting Report and Introduction.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (012).
ISSN 2475-3025
Heesen, Remco
The Credit Incentive to Be a Maverick.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 76.
pp. 5-12.
ISSN 00393681
Heesen, Remco and Bright, Liam Kofi and Zucker, Andrew
Vindicating Methodological Triangulation.
Synthese, 196 (8).
pp. 3067-3081.
ISSN 1573-0964
Heesen, Remco and Romeijn, Jan-Willem
Epistemic Diversity and Editor Decisions: A Statistical Matthew Effect.
Philosophers' Imprint, 19 (39).
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 1533-628X
Hetzroni, Guy
Gauge and Ghosts.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Heylen, Jan
Apophatic Finitism and Infinitism.
Logique et Analyse, 247.
pp. 319-337.
Hildebrand, Tyler
Walter Ott and Linda Patton's Laws of Nature.
BJPS Review of Books.
Hochstein, Eric
How metaphysical commitments shape the study of psychological mechanisms.
Theory & Psychology.
pp. 1-22.
Ibarra, Andoni
Letter from the Editor.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 163-164.
ISSN 2171-679X
Jaeger, Gregg
Are Virtual Particles Less Real?
Entropy, 21.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1099-4300
Kastner, Ruth
The "Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser" Neither Erases Nor Delays.
Foundations of Physics.
Kesić, Srdjan
Rethinking the pragmatic systems biology and systems-theoretical biology divide: toward a complexity-inspired epistemology of systems biomedicine.
Medical hypotheses, 131.
p. 109316.
Khalifa, Kareem
Is Verstehen Scientific Understanding?
Philosophy of the social sciences, 49 (4).
pp. 282-306.
Klein, Ulf
From probabilistic mechanics to quantum theory.
Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations.
Klement, Rainer J. and Bandyopadhyay, Prasanta S.
Emergence and evidence: a close look at Bunge’s philosophy of medicine.
Philosophies, 4 (3).
p. 50.
ISSN 2409-9287
Künstler, Raphaël
Review - Varieties of Scientific Realism, Ed. Evandro Agazzi, 2017, Springer.
Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 6 (1).
pp. 20-23.
ISSN 2295-8029
LaCroix, Travis
On Salience and Signalling in Sender-Receiver Games: Partial Pooling, Learning, and Focal Points.
ISSN 1573-0964
LaCroix, Travis
Using Logic to Evolve More Logic: Composing Logical Operators via Self-Assembly.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Labarca, Martín Gabriel and Martínez González, Juan Camilo
On the membership of group 3 of the periodic table: A new approach.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 297-310.
ISSN 2171-679X
Landgrebe, Jobst and Smith, Barry
Making AI meaningful again.
ISSN 1573-0964
Laplane, Lucie and Duluc, Dorothée and Bikfalvi, Andreas and Larmonier, Nicolas and Pradeu, Thomas
Beyond the tumour microenvironment.
International Journal of Cancer, 145 (10).
pp. 2611-2618.
ISSN 0020-7136
Laplane, Lucie and Mantovani, Paolo and Adolphs, Ralph and Chang, Hasok and Mantovani, Alberto and McFall-Ngai, Margaret and Rovelli, Carlo and Sober, Elliott and Pradeu, Thomas
Opinion: Why science needs philosophy.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (10).
pp. 3948-3952.
ISSN 0027-8424
Laplane, Lucie and Mantovani, Paolo and Adolphs, Ralph and Chang, Hasok and Mantovani, Alberto and McFall-Ngai, Margaret and Rovelli, Carlo and Sober, Elliott and Pradeu, Thomas
Why science needs philosophy.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (10).
pp. 3948-3952.
Le Bihan, Soazig
Partial truth versus felicitous falsehoods.
ISSN 1573-0964
Lenay, Charles
Technical innovation in human science: Examples in cognitive technologies.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 389-403.
ISSN 2171-679X
Lopez, Cristian
Roads to the past: how to go and not to go backward in time in quantum theories.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 9 (27).
ISSN 1879-4912
Ludwig, David and Weiskopf, Dan
Ethnoontology: Ways of world‐building across cultures.
Philosophy Compass.
Lusk, Greg
Eric Winsberg's Philosophy and Climate Science.
BJPS Review of Books.
Lutz, Sebastian
Generalizing Empirical Adequacy II: Partial Structures.
ISSN 0039-7857
Mantzavinos, C.
A Dialogue on Understanding.
Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 49.
pp. 307-322.
ISSN 0048-3931
Mantzavinos, C.
The Nature of Science. A Dialogue.
Synthese, 196.
pp. 775-793.
ISSN 1573-0964
Martens, Niels C.M.
Machian Comparativism about Mass.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Martens, Niels C.M.
The Metaphysics of Emergent Spacetime Theories.
Philosophy Compass, 14 (7).
Martin, Joseph D
Cultural Scaffolding and Technological Change: A Preliminary Framework.
Beyond the Meme: Development and Structures in Cultural Evolution (Minnesota Studies in Philosophy of Science), 20.
pp. 425-444.
Martínez, Sergio F.
What is innovation? New lessons from biology.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 343-355.
ISSN 2171-679X
Martínez González, Juan Camilo and Fortin, Sebastian and Lombardi, Olimpia
Why molecular structure cannot be strictly reduced to quantum mechanics.
Foundations of Chemistry, 21 (1).
pp. 31-45.
ISSN 1386-4238
Maxwell, Nicholas
The Urgent Need for Social Wisdom.
The Cambridge Handbook of Wisdom.
pp. 754-780.
ISSN 978-1-10870034-4
McCoy, C.D.
Did the Universe Have a Chance?
Philosophy of Science, 86 (5).
pp. 1262-1272.
McCoy, C.D.
Epistemic Justification and Methodological Luck in Inflationary Cosmology.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 70 (4).
pp. 1003-1028.
Meehan, Alexander
A New Problem for Quantum Mechanics.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Meincke, Anne Sophie
Chauncey Maher's Plant Minds.
BJPS Review of Books.
Meyns, Chris
‘Data’ in the Royal Society's Philosophical Transactions, 1665–1886.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science.
ISSN 0035-9149
Militello, Guglielmo
Motility Control of Symbionts and Organelles by the Eukaryotic Cell: the Handling of the Motile Capacity of Individual Parts Forges a Collective Biological Identity.
Frontiers in Psychology.
Miller, Ryan
Perennial Symmetry Arguments: Aristotle’s Heavenly Cosmology and Noether’s First Theorem.
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 93.
Mitchell, Sandra D.
Perspectives, Representation, and Integration.
Understanding Perspectivism: Scientific Challenges and Methodological Prospects.
pp. 178-203.
Miłkowski, Marcin
Fallible Heuristics and Evaluation of Research Traditions. The Case of Embodied Cognition.
Ruch Filozoficzny, 75 (2).
pp. 223-236.
ISSN 0035-9599
Mohammadian, Mousa
Abduction – the Context of Discovery + Underdetermination = Inference to the Best Explanation.
ISSN 1573-0964
Molter, D
Bivalent Selection and Graded Darwinian Individuality.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Molter, Daniel
Bueno et al.'s Individuation, Process, and Scientific Practices.
BJPS Review of Books.
Morris, Rebecca
Do mathematical explanations have instrumental value?
ISSN 1573-0964
Mozersky, M. Joshua
Nominalism, Contingency, and Natural Structure.
Synthese, 198.
pp. 5281-5296.
ISSN 1573-0964
Nash, Erin
Cailin O’Connor and James Owen Weatherall's The Misinformation Age.
BJPS Review of Books.
Nguyen, James
The limitations of the Arrovian consistency of domains with a fixed preference.
Theory and Decision.
Nickles, Thomas
The crowbar model of method and its implications.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 357-372.
ISSN 2171-679X
Nuño de la Rosa, Laura and Villegas, Cristina
Chances and Propensities in Evo-devo.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Oldofredi, Andrea and Esfeld, Michael
Observability, Unobservability and the Copenhagen Interpretation in Dirac's Methodology of Physics.
Quanta, 8 (1).
pp. 68-87.
Olmos, Paula
An argumentative approach on abduction and on the weighing of explanatory hypotheses.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 5-30.
ISSN 2171-679X
Thomas Kuhn's Theory of Rationality.
Manuscrito, 42 (3).
pp. 1-46.
ISSN 0100-6045
Park, Seungbae
The Absolute and Relative Pessimistic Inductions.
Park, Seungbae
Can Mathematical Objects Be Causally Efficacious?
Park, Seungbae
Constructive Empiricism in a Social World: Reply to Richard Healey.
Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 8 (10).
pp. 146-154.
Park, Seungbae
The Descriptive and Normative Versions of Scientific Realism and Pessimism.
Park, Seungbae
The Exemplar Approach to Science and Religion.
Park, Seungbae
How to Formulate Scientific Realism and Antirealism.
Park, Seungbae
How to Overcome Antirealists’ Objections to Scientific Realism.
Park, Seungbae
In Defense of Realism and Selectivism from Lyons’s Objections.
Foundations of Science.
Park, Seungbae
Localism vs. Individualism for the Scientific Realism Debate.
Park, Seungbae
Localism vs. Individualism for the Scientific Realism Debate.
Park, Seungbae
New Objections to the Problem of Unconceived Alternatives.
Park, Seungbae
Scientific Realism and the Future Development of Science.
Park, Seungbae
Surrealism Is Not an Alternative to Scientific Realism.
Patton, Lydia
New Water in Old Buckets: Hypothetical and Counterfactual Reasoning in Mach’s Economy of Science”.
Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence.
ISSN 978-3-030-04377-3
Peden, William
Ivan Moscati's Measuring Utility.
BJPS Review of Books.
Pence, Charles H.
Locating Uncertainty in Stochastic Evolutionary Models: Divergence Time Estimation.
Biology & Philosophy, 34.
p. 21.
ISSN 1572-8404
Pernu, Tuomas K. and Helanterä, Heikki
Social evolution and the two elements of causation.
Oikos, 128.
pp. 905-911.
Pirozelli, Paulo
Three problems with Kuhn's concept of "crisis".
Enunciação, 4 (2).
ISSN 2526-110X
Politi, Vincenzo
Guest editor’s introduction.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 167-170.
ISSN 2171-679X
Politi, Vincenzo
The interdisciplinarity revolution.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 237-252.
ISSN 2171-679X
Poth, Nina Laura and Brössel, Peter
Learning Concepts: A Learning-Theoretic Solution to the Complex-First Paradox.
Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 0031-8248
Potters, Jan
Heuristics versus Norms: On the Relativistic Responses to the Kaufmann Experiments.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 66.
pp. 69-89.
ISSN 1355-2198
Potters, Jan
Stabilization of phenomenon and meaning: On the London & London episode as a historical case in philosophy of science.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 9.
ISSN 1879-4912
Povich, Mark
The Narrow Ontic Counterfactual Account of Distinctively Mathematical Explanation.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Pradeu, Thomas
Immunology and individuality.
eLife, 8.
ISSN 2050-084X
Pradeu, Thomas
Philosophy of CRISPR-Cas: Introduction to Eugene Koonin’s target paper and commentaries.
Biology & Philosophy, 34 (1).
ISSN 0169-3867
Pradeu, Thomas
Philosophy of Immunology.
Pradeu, Thomas and Moreau, Jean-Francois
CRISPR-Cas immunity: beyond nonself and defence.
Biology & Philosophy, 34 (1).
ISSN 0169-3867
Quinn, Aleta
Diagnosing Discordance: Signal in Data, Conflict in Paradigms.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (17).
ISSN 2475-3025
Quinn, Aleta
Diagnosing Discordance: Signal in Data, Conflict in Paradigms.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (017).
ISSN 2475-3025
Ramsey, Grant and Durand, Pierre
The Nature of Programmed Cell Death.
Biological Theory, 14.
pp. 30-41.
ISSN 1555-5550
Ritson, Sophie
Probing novelty at the LHC: Heuristic appraisal of disruptive experimentation.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
ISSN 13552198
Rivat, Sébastien
Renormalization Scrutinized.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
ISSN 1355-2198
Romero, Esther and Soria, Belén
Semantic content and compositional context-sensitivity.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 51-71.
ISSN 2171-679X
Rondeau, Elena and Larmonier, Nicolas and Pradeu, Thomas and Bikfalvi, Andreas
Characterizing causality in cancer.
eLife, 8.
ISSN 2050-084X
Rosaler, Joshua and Harlander, Robert
Naturalness, Wilsonian Renormalization, and 'Fundamental Parameters' in Quantum Field Theory.
Ross, Lauren N.
Multiple Realizability from a Causal Perspective.
Rovelli, Carlo
Neither Presentism nor Eternalism.
Foundations of Physics, 49 (12).
pp. 1325-1335.
ISSN 0015-9018
Rubin, Mark
The Costs of HARKing.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Ruhmkorff, Samuel
K. Brad Wray's Resisting Scientific Realism.
BJPS Review of Books.
Ruyant, Quentin
The Inductive Route towards Necessity.
Acta Analytica.
Salimkhani, Kian
Explaining Unification in Physics Internally.
ISSN 1573-0964
Salis, Fiora
The New Fiction View of Models.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Sambrotta, Mirco
Scientific Models and Metalinguistic Negotiation.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 277-295.
ISSN 2171-679X
Scerri, Eric
Can Quantum Ideas Explain Chemistry’s Greatest Icon?
Nature Magazine, 565.
pp. 557-558.
Scerri, Eric
Five ideas in chemical education that must die,.
Foundations of Chemistry, 21.
pp. 61-69.
ISSN 1386-4238
Seifert, Vanessa A.
The role of idealisations in describing an isolated molecule.
Foundations of Chemistry.
pp. 15-29.
ISSN 1386-4238
Shanahan, Daniel
Reality and the Probability Wave.
International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 5.
pp. 51-68.
Shech, Elay
John Wright's An Epistemic Foundation for Scientific Realism.
BJPS Review of Books.
Simons, Massimiliano
Bruno Latour and the secularization of science.
Perspectives on Science, 27 (6).
pp. 925-954.
ISSN 1063-6145
Slavov, Matias
Book review: The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli.
European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 15 (1).
pp. 71-75.
Smortchkova, Joulia
Carrie Figdor's Pieces of Mind.
BJPS Review of Books.
Sprenger, Jan
Conditional Degree of Belief and Bayesian Inference.
Philosophy of Science, 87 (2).
pp. 319-335.
ISSN 1539-767X
Stacey, Blake
Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin, Federico Holik and Cristian López, eds. 2017. What is Quantum Information?
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 149-151.
ISSN 2171-679X
Sterkenburg, Tom F.
The Meta-Inductive Justification of Induction.
Sterkenburg, Tom F.
The Meta-Inductive Justification of Induction: The Pool of Strategies.
Philosophy of Science.
Stern, Julio Michael
The New Logic of Willard Van Orman Quine and its Significance for the Success of Logic in Brazil.
Logic and Logical Philosophy, 28.
pp. 789-793.
ISSN 1425-3305
Sturm, Thomas
Scientific innovation: A conceptual explication and a dilemma.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 321-341.
ISSN 2171-679X
Sturm, Thomas and Nickles, Thomas
Guest editors’ introduction.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 317-320.
ISSN 2171-679X
Sullivan, Emily
Understanding from Machine Learning Models.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Sullivan, Emily
Universality Caused:
The case of renormalization group explanation.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 9 (36).
ISSN 1879-4912
Suárez, Javier and Deulofeu, Roger
Equilibrium explanation as structural non-mechanistic explanations: The case of long-term bacterial persistence in human hosts.
Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy, 38 (3).
pp. 95-120.
ISSN 0210-1602
Suárez, Javier and Triviño, Vanessa
A metaphysical approach to holobiont individuality: Holobionts as emergent individuals.
Quaderns de Filosofia, 6 (1).
pp. 59-76.
Suárez, Mauricio and Pero, Francesca
The Representational Semantic Conception.
Philosophy of Science, 86 (2).
pp. 344-365.
Szabó, László E.
Intrinsic, extrinsic, and the constitutive a priori.
Foundations of Physics.
ISSN 1572-9516
Tappenden, Paul
Everett's Multiverse and the World as Wavefunction.
Quantum Reports, 1 (1).
pp. 119-129.
Teira, David
Placebo trials without mechanisms: How far can they go?
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 77.
p. 101177.
ISSN 13698486
Thalabard, Emile
Compte rendu critique: Émergence et détermination causale.
Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 6 (1).
pp. 24-30.
ISSN 2295-8029
Tricard, Julien
L’énigme de Goodman face à l’indistinction nomologique.
Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 6 (1).
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 2295-8029
Trpin, Borut
Jeffrey Conditionalization: Proceed with Caution.
Philosophical Studies.
pp. 1-28.
ISSN 0031-8116
Tȃrziu, Gabriel
Some Concerns Regarding Explanatory Pluralism: The Explanatory Role of Optimality Models.
Filozofia Nauki, 27 (4).
pp. 95-113.
ISSN 12306894
Uygun Tunc, Duygu
Transformative Communication as Semiotic Scaffolding of Cognitive Development.
The American Journal of Semiotics, 35 (1-2).
pp. 117-154.
ISSN 0277-7126
Vassend, Olav Benjamin
Justifying the Norms of Inductive Inference.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Vellend, Mark
The Behavioral Economics of Biodiversity Conservation Scientists.
Philosophical Topics, 47 (1).
pp. 219-237.
ISSN 2154-154X
Viger, Christopher and Hoefer, Carl and Viger, Daniel
The philosopher’s paradox: How to make a coherent decision in the Newcomb Problem.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 407-421.
ISSN 2171-679X
Ward, Zina B.
Registration Pluralism and the Cartographic Approach to Data Aggregation Across Brains.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Weatherall, James and O'Connor, Cailin
Conformity in Scientific Networks.
Weinberger, Naftali
Reintroducing Dynamics into Static Causal Models.
Wilhelm, Isaac
Typical: A Theory of Typicality and Typicality Explanations.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Witteveen, Joeri
Biological markets, cooperation, and the evolution of morality.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Zach, Martin
Conceptual Analysis in the Philosophy of Science.
Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 11 (2).
Zafiris, Elias and Karakostas, Vassilios
Category-Theoretic Interpretative Framework of the Complementarity Principle in Quantum Mechanics.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 58.
pp. 4208-4234.
ISSN 0020-7748
Zamora Bonilla, Jesús
The market for scientific lemons, and the marketization of science.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 133-145.
ISSN 2171-679X
de Ronde, Christian and Freytes, Hector and Sergioli, Giuseppe
Quantum Probability: a reliable tool for an agent or a reliable source of reality?
ISSN 1573-0964
de Ronde, Christian and Massri, Cesar
Against the Tyranny of 'Pure States' in Quantum Theory.
Foundations of Science.
ISSN 1233-1821
Šešelja, Dunja
Some lessons from simulations of scientific disagreements.
ISSN 0039-7857
Open Access Book
Love, Alan C. and Wimsatt, William C., eds.
Beyond the Meme: Development and Structure in Cultural Evolution.
Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 22
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN.
ISBN 9781452964690
Varenne, Franck
From Models to Simulations.
History and Philosophy of Technoscience
Routledge, London.
ISBN 978-1138065215
Miller, Ryan
The Mereology of Emergence.
Norton, Joshua
The Hole Argument Against Everything (uncut).
Foundations of Physics.
Sant'Anna, Adonai and Bueno, Otávio and de França, Márcio
Follow the Flow: sets, relations, and categories as special cases of functions with no domain.
Pradeu, Thomas
Immunology and individuality.
eLife, 8.
Pradeu, Thomas
Philosophy of CRISPR-Cas: Introduction to Eugene Koonin’s target paper and commentaries.
Biology & Philosophy, 34 (1).
p. 16.
Rondeau, Elena and Larmonier, Nicolas and Pradeu, Thomas and Bikfalvi, Andreas
Philosophy of Biology: Characterizing causality in cancer.
eLife, 8.
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