Number of items at this level: 552.
Aemañ.Berenguer, Rafael-Andrés
Philosophical lesson from the controversy on the consistency of classic electrodynamics.
Afriat, Alexander
Duhem, Quine and the other dogma.
Afriat, Alexander
Duhem, Quine and the other dogma.
Afriat, Alexander
Logic of gauge.
Afriat, Alexander
The optico-mechanical analogy: an axiomatic approach.
Allori, Valia
How to Make Sense of Quantum Mechanics(and More):Fundamental Physical Theories and Primitive Ontology.
Allori, Valia
On the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics.
Allori, Valia
Primitive Ontology and the Structure of Fundamental Physical Theories.
Antoniou, Antonis and Thebault, Karim P Y
Theories Without Models: Uncontrolled Idealizations in Particle Physics.
Arsiwalla, Xerxes
Qualia and the Formal Structure of Meaning.
Baravalle, Lorenzo
Cultural evolutionary theory as a theory of forces.
Baron, Samuel and Le Bihan, Baptiste
Spacetime Quietism in Quantum Gravity.
Barrett, Thomas William
Spacetime Structure.
Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans
Morita Equivalence.
Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans
Quine's Conjecture on Many-Sorted Logic.
Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans
Glymour and Quine on Theoretical Equivalence.
Barrett, Jeffrey A. and Goldbring, Isaac
Everettian Mechanics with Hyperfinitely Many Worlds.
Barrett, Thomas William
Coordinates, Structure, and Classical Mechanics: A review of Jill North's Physics, Structure, and Reality.
Barrett, Thomas William
Equivalent and Inequivalent Formulations of Classical Mechanics.
Barrett, Thomas William
Structure and Equivalence.
Barrett, Thomas William
What Do Symmetries Tell Us About Structure?
Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans
From Geometry to Conceptual Relativity.
Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans
Mutual Translatability, Equivalence, and the Structure of Theories.
Barrett, Thomas William and Manchak, JB
Can We Recover Spacetime Structure from Privileged Coordinates?
Barrett, Thomas William and Manchak, JB
On Coordinates and Spacetime Structure.
Barrett, Thomas William and Manchak, JB
On Privileged Coordinates and Kleinian Methods.
Barrett, Thomas William and Manchak, JB
What Do Privileged Coordinates Tell Us About Structure?
Barroso Rojo, Milagros Maribel
A Framework for Inductive Reasoning in Model-Based Science.
Bartlett, Steven James
Inescapable Ambiguity and Framework-relativity.
Bevers, Brett
Can Many-Worlds Survive a Quantum Doomsday.
Biener, Zvi
Hobbes on the Order of Sciences: A Partial Defense of the Mathematization Thesis.
Bod, Rens
Explaining New Phenomena in Terms of Previous Phenomena.
Boon, Mieke and Orozco, Mariana and Sivakumar, Kishore
Epistemological and educational issues in teaching practice-oriented scientific research: Roles for philosophers of science.
Brading, Katherine and Crull, Elise
Epistemic Structural Realism and Poincare's Philosophy of Science.
Bradley, Clara
The Extended Hamiltonian Is Not Trivial.
Bradley, Clara
The Relationship Between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics: The Irregular Case.
Bradley, Clara and Weatherall, James Owen
On Representational Redundancy, Surplus Structure, and the Hole Argument.
Brigandt, Ingo
Beyond Reduction and Pluralism: Toward an Epistemology of Explanatory Integration in Biology.
Brigandt, Ingo
Do We Need a 'Theory' of Development?
Bueno, Otavio
Weyl and von Neumann: Symmetry, Group Theory, and Quantum Mechanics.
Burnston, Daniel C.
Getting over Atomism: Functional Decomposition in Complex Neural Systems.
Bursten, Julia
Surface Tension: Conceptual Challenges in Modeling Nanoscale Material Surfaces.
Butterfield, Jeremy
The Rotating Discs Argument Defeated.
Butterfield, Jeremy
The Rotating Discs Argument Defeated.
Butterfield, Jeremy
On Dualities and Equivalences Between Physical Theories.
Butterfield, Jeremy and Gomes, Henrique
Functionalism as a Species of Reduction.
Callaway, H.G.
Fundamental Physics, Partial Models and Time’s Arrow.
Callender, Craig and Cohen, Jonathan
There Is No Special Problem About Scientific Representation.
Callender, Craig
Humean Laws of Nature: The End of the Good Old Days.
Caulton, Adam
The Role of Symmetry in the Interpretation of Physical Theories.
Caulton, Adam and Butterfield, Jeremy
On Kinds of Indiscernibility in Logic and Metaphysics.
Caulton, Adam
Hume’s dictum as a guide to ontology.
Chen, Eddy Keming
The Intrinsic Structure of Quantum Mechanics.
Childers, Konner
Duality and Categorical Equivalence: A Look at Gauge/Gravity.
Chis-Ciure, Robert
The Transcendental Deduction of Integrated Information Theory: Connecting the Axioms, Postulates, and Identity Through Categories.
Cocco, Lorenzo
The ontology of a theory.
Cordes, Moritz
The Constituents of an Explication.
Crowther, Karen
Defining a crisis: The roles of principles in the search
for a theory of quantum gravity.
Cuffaro, Michael E.
Information Causality, the Tsirelson Bound, and the 'Being-Thus' of Things.
Cuffaro, Michael E.
Universality, Invariance, and the Foundations of Computational Complexity in the light of the Quantum Computer.
Cuffaro, Michael E. and Hartmann, Stephan
The Open Systems View.
Culka, M.
A Probabilistic Modelling Approach for Rational Belief in
Meta-Epistemic Contexts.
Curiel, Erik
Are Classical Black Holes Hot or Cold?
Curiel, Erik
Classical Black Holes Are Hot.
Curiel, Erik
Classical Mechanics is Lagrangian; It Is Not Hamiltonian.
Curiel, Erik
Kinematics, Dynamics, and the Structure of Physical Theory.
Curiel, Erik
On the Existence of Spacetime Structure.
Curiel, Erik
On the Formal Consistency of Theory and Experiment, with Applications to Problems in the Initial-Value Formulation of the Partial-Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics.
Curiel, Erik
On the Propriety of Physical Theories as a Basis for Their Semantics.
Curiel, Erik
A Primer on Energy Conditions.
Curiel, Erik
A Simple Proof of the Uniqueness of the Einstein Field Equation
in All Dimensions.
Curiel, Erik
Why Rigid Designation Cannot Stand on Scientific Ground.
Curiel, Erik
Framework Confirmation by Newtonian Abduction.
Curiel, Erik
Framework Confirmation by Newtonian Abduction.
Curiel, Erik
Schematizing the Observer and the Epistemic Content of Theories.
Céspedes, Esteban
On contextual and ontological aspects of emergence and reduction.
Céspedes, Esteban and Fuentes, Miguel
Effective complexity: In which sense is it informative?
Damiano, Anselmi
The correspondence principle in quantum field theory and quantum gravity.
De Haro, Sebastian and Teh, Nicholas and Butterfield, Jeremy
Comparing Dualities and Gauge Symmetries.
De Haro, Sebastian
On Empirical Equivalence and Duality.
De Haro, Sebastian
On Inter-Theoretic Relations and Scientific Realism.
De Haro, Sebastian
Theoretical Equivalence and Duality.
De Haro, Sebastian
Towards a Theory of Emergence for the Physical Sciences.
De Haro, Sebastian and Butterfield, Jeremy
A Schema for Duality, Illustrated by Bosonization.
Dellsén, Finnur
Are there really no such things as theories?
Dewar, Neil
Algebraic structuralism.
Dewar, Neil
Book review: There Are No Such Things As Theories (by Steven French).
Dewar, Neil
Interpretation and equivalence; or, equivalence and interpretation.
Dewar, Neil
On Absolute Units.
Dewar, Neil
On translating between logics.
Dewar, Neil
Ramsey equivalence.
Dieks, Dennis and van Dongen, Jeroen and de Haro, Sebastian
Emergence in Holographic Scenarios for Gravity.
Domenech, Graciela and Holik, Federico and Krause, Décio
Quasi-spaces an the foundation of quantum mechanics.
Dorato, Mauro
Philosophy of Physics between Objectivism and Conventionalism.
Dorato, Mauro
The physical world as a blob: is OSR really realism?
Ducheyne, Steffen
Kant and Whewell on Bridging Principles between Metaphysics and Science.
Ducheyne, Steffen
Lessons From Galileo: The Pragmatic Model of Shared Characteristics of Scientific Representation.
Ducheyne, Steffen
Mathematical Models in Newton’s Principia: A New View of the “Newtonian Style”.
Dunlap, Lucas
On the Common Structure of the Primitive Ontology Approach and the Information-Theoretic Interpretation of Quantum Theory.
Décio, Krause and Otávio, Bueno
Scientific Theories, Models, and the Semantic Approach.
Earley, Joseph E.
Three Concepts of Chemical Closure and their Epistemological Significance.
Earman, John
Quantum Bayesianism Assessed.
Earman, John
Trace-Free Gravitational Theory (aka Unimodular Gravity) for Philosophers.
Earman, John
Why √-1? The Role of Complex Structure in Quantum Physics.
Earman, John
Quantum Physics in Non-Separable Hilbert Spaces.
Ellerman, David
Quantum Mechanics over Sets:
A pedagogical model with non-commutative finite probability theory as its quantum probability calculus.
Ellia, Francesco and Chis-Ciure, Robert
Consciousness and Complexity: Neurobiological Naturalism and Integrated Information Theory.
Eynck, Tim Oliver and Lyre, Holger and Rummell, Nicolai von
A versus B! Topological nonseparability and the Aharonov-Bohm effect.
Faye, Jan
Models, Theories, and Language.
Fleming, Gordon N.
Response to Pashby: Time operators and POVM observables in quantum mechanics.
Fletcher, Samuel C.
What Counts as a Newtonian System?
The View from Norton’s Dome.
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Modality in Physics.
Fletcher, Samuel C.
On Surplus Structure Arguments.
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Similarity Structure on Scientific Theories.
Fraser, Doreen
Quantum Field Theory: Underdetermination, Inconsistency, and Idealization.
Fraser, Doreen
Freeborn, David Peter Wallis
Effective Theory Building and Manifold Learning.
French, Steven
Realism and Its Representational Vehicles.
French, Steven
Symmetry, Structure and the Constitution of Objects.
French, Steven
Identity Conditions, Idealisations and Isomorphisms: A Defence of the Semantic Approach.
French, Steven
Imagination in Scientific Practice.
French, Steven
Representation and Realism:
On Being a Structuralist All the Way (Up and) Down.
Frigg, Roman
Models and Fiction.
Frigg, Roman and Nguyen, James
Models and Representation.
Fuchs, Christian
Science as a Self-Organizing Meta-Information System.
Gao, Shan
An Exceptionally Simple Argument Against the Many-worlds Interpretation: Further Consolidations.
Gao, Shan
Can particle configurations represent measurement results in Bohm's theory?
Giere, Ronald N
An Agent-Based Conception of Models and Scientific Representation.
Giovanelli, Marco
"But One Must not Legalize the Mentioned Sin". Phenomenological vs. Dynamical Treatment of Rods and Clocks in Einstein's Thought.
Giovanelli, Marco
Like Thermodynamics before Boltzmann. On the Emergence of Einstein’s Distinction between Constructive and Principle Theories.
Giunti, Marco
Emulation, Reduction, and Emergence in Dynamical Systems.
Gomes, Henrique and Butterfield, Jeremy
Geometrodynamics as Functionalism about Time.
Gomes, Henrique and Butterfield, Jeremy
How to Choose a Gauge? The case of Hamiltonian Electromagnetism.
Gomes, Henrique and Butterfield, Jeremy
How to Choose a Gauge? The case of Hamiltonian Electromagnetism.
Goodwin, William
How do Structural Formulas Embody the Theory of Organic Chemistry?
Goodwin, William Mark
Scientific Understanding and Synthetic Design.
Goyal, Philip
Derivation of Classical Mechanics in an Energetic Framework via Conservation and Relativity.
Grim, Patrick and Seidl, Frank and McNamara, Calum and Astor, Isabell and Diaso, Caroline
The Punctuated Equilibrium of Scientific Change: A Bayesian Network Model.
Grim, Patrick and Seidl, Frank and McNamara, Calum and Rago, Hinton and Astor, Isabell and Diaso, Caroline and Ryner, Peter
Scientific Theories as Bayesian Nets: Structure and Evidence Sensitivity.
Grinbaum, Alexei
Reconstruction of quantum theory.
Groisman, Berry
What is Dialectic? Some remarks on Popper’s criticism.
Halvorson, Hans
Scientific Theories.
Halvorson, Hans
What scientific theories could not be.
Halvorson, Hans
The semantic view, if plausible, is syntactic.
Halvorson, Hans and Tsementzis, Dimitris
Categories of scientific theories.
Halvorson, Hans
Objective description in physics.
Hamidreza, Simchi
The Concept of Time: A Grand Unified Reaction Platform.
Harrington, James
Instants and Instantaneous Velocity.
Haueis, Philipp
The Death of the Cortical Column? Patchwork structure and conceptual retirement in neuroscientific practice.
Haueis, Philipp
Descriptive multiscale modeling in data-driven neuroscience.
Haueis, Philipp
A Generalized Patchwork Approach to Scientific Concepts.
Haueis, Philipp and Kästner, Lena
Mechanistic Inquiry and Scientific Pursuit: The Case of Visual Processing.
Healey, Richard
Pragmatist Quantum Realism.
Hemmo, Meir and Shenker, Orly
A Dilemma for Davidson’s Anomalous Monism.
Hemmo, Meir and Shenker, Orly R.
Why Functionalism Is a Form of ‘Token-Dualism’.
Henderson, Leah
Inference to the Best Explanation, Bayesianism and the problem of logical constraints.
Henderson, Leah
On the mutual exclusivity of competing hypotheses.
Hetzroni, Guy and Read, James
How to Teach General Relativity.
Hoehn, Philipp
Reflections on the information paradigm in quantum and gravitational physics.
Holder, Justin
The Structure of an Unknowable System.
Hubert, Mario
Understanding Physics: ‘What?’, ‘Why?’, and ‘How?’.
Hudetz, Laurenz
Definable Categorical Equivalence.
Hudetz, Laurenz
The semantic view of theories and higher-order languages.
Hunt, Josh and Carcassi, Gabriele and Aidala, Christine A
Hamiltonian Privilege.
Iurato, Giuseppe
On some historical aspects of the theory of Riemann zeta function.
Iurato, Giuseppe
The emergence of resonance dual models: a first look at some early historical prolegomena of a related formal technique.
Jacobs, Caspar
Invariance, Intrinsicality, and Perspicuity.
Jacobs, Caspar
Stating Maths-First Realism, or: How to Say Things with Models.
Jaimes Martinez, Juan Carlos / JC and Loguercio, Leandro Lopes / LL
Does nature learn? Information integration and rare events in systems of increasing complexity.
Johannesson, Eric
On the indispensability of theoretical terms and entities.
Johns, Oliver Davis
Is Electromagnetic Field Momentum Due to the Flow of Field Energy?
Karaca, Koray
The Construction of the Higgs Mechanism and the Emergence of the Electroweak Theory.
Karaca, Koray
The Strong and Weak Senses of Theory-Ladenness of Experimentation: Theory-Driven versus Exploratory Experiments in the History of High-Energy Particle Physics.
Kastner, Ruth
Is There Really "Retrocausation" in Time-Symmetric Approaches to Quantum Mechanics?
Ketland, Jeffrey
Empirical Adequacy and Ramsification.
Ketland, Jeffrey
Equivalent Axiomatizations of Euclidean Geometry.
Ketland, Jeffrey
Foundations of Applied Mathematics I.
Ketland, Jeffrey
Length Abstraction in Euclidean Geometry.
Ketland, Jeffrey
Standard Formalization.
Klevgard, Paul A.
Special Relativity: A Reexamination of the Second
Postulate and of Space Contraction and Time Dilation.
Koberinski, Adam
Framework generalization: Structuring searches for new physics.
Koberinski, Adam
The breakdown of effective field theory in particle physics: Lessons for understanding intertheoretic relations.
Koberinski, Adam and Fraser, Doreen
Frameworks in physics: Abstractness, generality, and the role of metaphysics.
Koberinski, Adam and Fraser, Doreen
Renormalization group methods and the epistemology of effective field theories.
Krause, Decio
Entity, but no Identity.
Krause, Decio and Arenhart, Jonas R. B.
A logical account of superpositions.
Krause, Decio and Feitosa, Hercules de Araujo
Algebraic aspects of quantum indiscernibility.
Krause, Décio
The Mathematics of Non-Individuality.
Krause, Décio
Paraconsistent Quasi-Set Theory.
Krause, Décio and Arenhart, Jonas R. B.
Is identity really so fundamental?
Krause, Décio and Arenhart, Jonas R. B.
Presenting Nonreflexive Quantum Mechanics: Formalism and Metaphysics.
Krause, Décio and Arenhart, Jonas R. B. and da Costa, Newton C. A.
Ontology and the mathematization of the scientific enterprise.
Krause, Décio and Coelho, Antonio M. N.
Identity, Indiscernibility, and Philosophical Claims.
Krause, Décio
Do `classical' space and time provide identity to quantum particles?
Krause, Décio
Does Newtonian space provide identity to quantum systems?
Lam, Vincent and Wuthrich, Christian
No categorial support for radical ontic structural realism.
Laurenz, Hudetz
Linear structures, causal sets and topology.
LeBrun, Alex
What are Empirical Consequences? On Dispensability and Composite Objects.
Lean, Christopher
General Unificatory Theories in Community Ecology.
Lee, Chanwoo
The Structuralist Approach to Underdetermination.
Lehmkuhl, Dennis
Mass-Energy-Momentum: Only there because of Spacetime?
Lehmkuhl, Dennis
The Metaphysics of Super-Substantivalism.
Lipkin, Arkadiy
The “Object Theoretic Operational” View of Natural Science.
List, Christian
Levels: descriptive, explanatory, and ontological.
Liu, Chuang
Variations on A Theme by Duhem.
Lorenzano, Pablo and Díez, José
Scientific Explanation as Ampliative, Specialized Embedding:
The Case of Classical Genetics.
Lorenzetti, Lorenzo
Functionalism, Reductionism, and Levels of Reality.
Lorenzetti, Lorenzo
The Justification Gap Problem for Theory Reduction.
Lorenzetti, Lorenzo
Two Forms of Functional Reductionism in Physics.
Luque, Víctor
One equation to rule them all: A philosophical analysis of the Price Equation.
Lutz, Sebastian
Auxiliary Assumptions, Unification, and Intelligent Design: A Defense of Contrastive Testability.
Lutz, Sebastian
Choosing the Analytic Component of Theories.
Lutz, Sebastian
Criteria of Empirical Significance: A Success Story.
Lutz, Sebastian
Empirically Adequate but Observably False Theories.
Lutz, Sebastian
Empiricism and Intelligent Design II: Analyzing Intelligent Design.
Lutz, Sebastian
Generalizing Empirical Adequacy I: Multiplicity and Approximation.
Lutz, Sebastian
On a Contrastive Criterion of Testability I: Defining Contrastive Testability.
Lutz, Sebastian
On a Contrastive Criterion of Testability II: The Material Inadequacy of Contrastive Testability.
Lutz, Sebastian
Quasi-Truth as Truth of a Ramsey Sentence.
Lutz, Sebastian
The Semantics of Scientific Theories.
Lutz, Sebastian
What Was the Syntax-Semantics Debate in the Philosophy of Science About?
Lutz, Sebastian
What's Right With a Syntactic Approach to Theories and Models?
Lutz, Sebastian and Hartmann, Stephan
Conventional and Objective Invariance: Debs and Redhead on Symmetry.
Lutz, Sebastian
Armchair Philosophy Naturalized.
Lutz, Sebastian
Newman’s Objection is Dead; Long Live Newman’s Objection!
Lutz, Sebastian
On French on Theories and Representation.
Lutz, Sebastian
On Hempel on Hempel.
Lutz, Sebastian
The Received View and Its Images.
Lutz, Sebastian
Two Constants in Carnap’s View on Scientific Theories.
Lyre, Holger and Eynck, Tim Oliver
Curve It, Gauge It, or Leave It? Practical Underdetermination in Gravitational Theories.
Macías-Bustos, Moisés and Martínez-Ordaz, María del Rosario
Understanding Defective Theories: The case of Quantum Mechanics and non-individuality.
Maimon, Amber and Hemmo, Meir
Does Neuroplasticity Support the Hypothesis of Multiple Realizability?
Manchak, JB and Barrett, Thomas William
A Hierarchy of Spacetime Symmetries: Holes to Heraclitus.
March, Eleanor
Categorical equivalence and the kinematics-dynamics distinction.
Marsland III, Robert and Brown, Harvey R. and Valente, Giovanni
Ambiguities in order-theoretic formulations of thermodynamics.
Martínez-Ordaz, María del Rosario
Is there anything special about the ignorance involved in big data practices?
Martínez-Ordaz, María del Rosario
The ignorance behind inconsistency toleration.
Martínez-Ordaz, María del Rosario
A methodological shift in favor of (some) paraconsistency in the sciences.
Matthews, Lucas J.
On mechanistic reasoning in unexpected places: the case of population genetics.
Maxwell, Nicholas
Aim-Oriented Empiricism: David Miller's Critique.
Maxwell, Nicholas
Comprehensibility rather than Beauty.
Maxwell, Nicholas
Has Science Established that the Cosmos is Physically Comprehensible?
Maxwell, Nicholas
A Mug's Game? Solving the Problem of Induction with Metaphysical Presuppositions.
Maxwell, Nicholas
Non-Empirical Requirements Scientific Theories Must Satisfy: Simplicity, Unification, Explanation, Beauty.
Maxwell, Nicholas
Maxwell, Nicholas
Maxwell, Nicholas
Scientific Metaphysics.
Maxwell, Nicholas
Misunderstanding Understanding Scientific Progress.
Maxwell, Nicholas
Relativity Theory may not have the last Word on the Nature of Time: Quantum Theory and Probabilism.
Maxwell, Nicholas
What Lakatos Overlooked: A Metaphysical “Hard Core” of Unity for Science.
McCabe, Gordon
How to create a universe.
McCabe, Gordon
Mathematics and explanation in astronomy and astrophysics.
McCabe, Gordon
The Structure and Interpretation of Cosmology.
Meadows, Toby
The Halvorson Examples.
Meier, Thomas
A logical Reconstruction of Leonard Bloomfield's Linguistic Theory.
Michele, Luchetti
Coordination in theory extension:
How Reichenbach can help us understand endogenization in evolutionary biology.
Miller, Michael
Haag's theorem, apparent inconsistency, and the empirical adequacy of quantum field theory.
Miller, Michael
Mathematical Structure and Empirical Content.
Miłkowski, Marcin
Cognitive Artifacts and Their Virtues in Scientific Practice.
Miłkowski, Marcin
Cognitive Artifacts and Their Virtues in Scientific Practice.
Muller, F.A.
Reflections on a Revolution at Stanford.
Murgueitio Ramírez, Sebastián and Hall, Geoffrey
Symmetries and Representation.
Nefdt, Ryan M.
Inferentialism and Structuralism: A Tale of Two Theories.
Nefdt, Ryan M.
Structural Realism and Generative Grammar.
Negro, Niccolo
(Dis)confirming theories of consciousness and their predictions.
Nguyen, James
Scientific representation and theoretical equivalence.
Nguyen, James and Teh, Nicholas J. and Wells, Laura
Why surplus structure is not superfluous.
Novick, Rose and Haueis, Philipp
Conceptual Patchworks and Conceptual Housekeeping.
O'Loughlin, Ian and McCallum, Kate
The aesthetics of theory selection and the logics of art.
Ovidiu Cristinel, Stoica
The prince and the pauper. A quantum paradox of Hilbert-space fundamentalism.
Panjwani, Raja and Lehtinen, Aki
Soundness Analysis: Justifying Deductive Reasoning in Model-Based Sciences.
Pence, Charles H. and Ramsey, Grant
How to do digital philosophy of science.
Pipa, Francisco
An Indeterminacy-based Ontology for Quantum Theory.
Pombo, Claudia
Differentiation with stratification: a principle of theoretical physics in the tradition of the memory art.
Potochnik, Angela
Our World Isn't Organized into Levels.
Proszewska, Agnieszka M.
Goals shape means. A pluralist response to the problem of formal representation in ontic structural realism.
Raja, Vicente and Valluri, Dinesh and Baggs, Edward and Chemero, Anthony and Anderson, Michael L.
The Markov Blanket Trick: On the Scope of the Free Energy Principle and Active Inference.
Read, James
The interpretation of string-theoretic dualities.
Read, James and Le Bihan, Baptiste
The Landscape and the Multiverse: What's the Problem?
Rickles, Dean and Castellani, Elena
Introduction to Special Issue on Dualities.
Rivat, Sébastien
Wait, Why Gauge?
Rodin, Andrei
Models of HoTT and the Constructive View of Theories.
Rodin, Andrei and Krupski, Vladimir
Knowing-How and the Deduction Theorem.
Rosenstock, Sarita and Barrett, Thomas William and Weatherall, James Owen
On Einstein Algebras and Relativistic Spacetimes.
Rovelli, Carlo
Aristotle's physics.
Rovelli, Carlo
Why Gauge?
Samaroo, Ryan
Friedman's Thesis.
Samaroo, Ryan
On Identifying Background-Structure in Classical Field Theories.
Samaroo, Ryan
There is No Conspiracy of Inertia.
Samaroo, Ryan
Friedman and Some of his Critics on the Foundations of General Relativity.
Samaroo, Ryan
Newtonian Mechanics and its Philosophical Significance.
Samaroo, Ryan
The Principle of Equivalence as a Criterion of Identity.
Sarma, Gopal
Reductionism and the Universal Calculus.
Saunders, Simon
Physics and Leibniz's Principles.
Saunders, Simon
The Everett interpretation: structure.
Saunders, Simon
Saunders, Simon
Rethinking Newton's Principia.
Schindler, Samuel
Beyond footnotes: Lakatos’s meta-philosophy and the history of science.
Schindler, Samuel
Theoretical Virtues: do scientists think what philosophers think they ought to think?
Schindler, Samuel
A coherentist conception of ad hoc hypotheses.
Schliesser, Eric
Synthetic Philosophy.
Schneider, Mike D.
A (strictly) contemporary perspective on trans-Planckian censorship.
Scholz, Erhard
Weyl's search for a difference between `physical'
and `mathematical' automorphisms.
Schwarz, Giacomo
Philosophical Aspects of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking.
Scorzato, Luigi
A simple model of scientific progress - with examples.
Scorzato, Luigi
Reliability and Interpretability in Science and Deep Learning.
Scorzato, Luigi
Science and Illusions.
Scoular, Spencer
The Universal Arrow of Time.
Seevinck, M.P.
Can quantum theory and special relativity peacefully coexist?
Seevinck, M.P. and Uffink, J.
Not throwing out the baby with the bathwater: Bell's condition of local causality
mathematically 'sharp and clean'.
Seevinck, Michael Patrick
Holism, Physical Theories and Quantum Mechanics.
Stern, Julio Michael and Pereira, Carlos Alberto de Braganca and Lauretto, Marcelo de Souza and Esteves, Luis Gustavo and Izbicki, Rafael and Stern, Rafael Bassi and Diniz, Marcio Alves and Borges, Wagner de Souza
The e-value and the Full Bayesian Significance Test: Logical Properties and Philosophical Consequences.
Sterrett, S
Theory of Dimensions.
Sterrett, S. G.
Relations Between Units and Relations Between Quantities.
Stoica, Ovidiu Cristinel
Asking physics about physicalism, zombies, and consciousness.
Stoica, Ovidiu Cristinel
Does quantum mechanics require "conspiracy"?
Stoica, Ovidiu Cristinel
World Theory.
Suárez, Mauricio
Scientific Representation.
Szabo, Mate
On Field's Nominalization of Physical Theories.
Tasdan, Ufuk I and Thebault, Karim P Y
Spacetime Conventionalism Revisited.
Teh, Nicholas and Lal, Raymond
Categorical Generalization and Physical Structuralism.
Teh, Nicholas and Tsementzis, Dimitris
Theoretical Equivalence in Classical Mechanics and its relationship to Duality.
Teitel, Trevor
What Theoretical Equivalence Could Not Be.
Terekhovich, Vladislav E.
Modal approaches in metaphysics and quantum mechanics.
Thebault, Karim P Y
Symmetry, Ontology and the Problem of Time: On the Interpretation and Quantisation of Canonical Gravity.
Thebault, Karim P.Y.
Quantization as a guide to ontic structure.
Thebault, Karim P Y
Flipping Arrows.
Thomson-Jones, Martin
Missing Systems and the Face Value Practice.
Thomson-Jones, Martin
Models and the Semantic View.
Van Fraassen, Bas C.
Supervenience, Logic, and Empirical Content: Commentary on Hans Halvorson, The Logic in Philosophy of Science.
Veit, Walter
Confidence Levels or Degrees of Sentience?
Veit, Walter
Evolutionary Game Theory and Interdisciplinary Integration.
Veit, Walter
The Origins of Consciousness or the War of the Five Dimensions.
Vickers, Peter
Can Partial Structures Accommodate Inconsistent Science?
Vickers, Peter
Theory Eliminativism as a Methodological Tool.
Vickers, Peter John
Was Newtonian Cosmology Really Inconsistent?
Villegas, Cristina and Love, Alan C. and Nuño de la Rosa, Laura and Brigandt, Ingo and Wagner, Günter P.
Conceptual Roles of Evolvability across Evolutionary Biology: Between Diversity and Unification.
Visokolskis, Sandra and Gerván, Héctor Horacio
Applied versus Situated Mathematics in Ancient Egypt: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice.
Wallace, David
Learning to Represent: Mathematics-first accounts of representation and their relation to natural language.
Waters, C. Kenneth
Okasha's Unintended Argument for Toolbox Theorizing.
Waters, C. Kenneth
Shifting Attention From Theory to Practice in Philosophy of Biology.
Weatherall, James Owen
Are Newtonian Gravitation and Geometrized Newtonian Gravitation Theoretically Equivalent?
Weatherall, James Owen
Are Newtonian Gravitation and Geometrized Newtonian Gravitation Theoretically Equivalent?
Weatherall, James Owen
Inertial motion, explanation, and the foundations of classical spacetime theories.
Weatherall, James
Equivalence and Duality in Electromagnetism.
Weatherall, James Owen
Conservation, Inertia, and Spacetime Geometry.
Weatherall, James Owen
Theoretical Equivalence in Physics.
Weatherall, James Owen
Understanding Gauge.
Weatherall, James Owen
Why Not Categorical Equivalence?
Wilson, Mark
Determinism and the Mystery of the Missing Physics.
Winstanley, M. A.
Modelling the Psychological Structure of
Wolf, William J. and Read, James
Respecting Boundaries: Theoretical Equivalence and Structure Beyond Dynamics.
Wu, Jingyi and Weatherall, James Owen
Between a Stone and a Hausdorff Space.
Wuthrich, Christian
The structure of causal sets.
Yaghmaie, Aboutorab
Reflexive, Symmetric and Transitive Scientific Representations.
Yee, Adrian K.
Econophysics (Making Sense of a Chimera).
Zahedi, Ramin (A.)
On Discrete Physics (Digital Philosophy/Digital Cosmology) and the Cellular Automaton: A Perfect Mathematical Deterministic Structure for Reality – as A Huge Computational Simulation.
da Costa, Newton C. A. and Krause, Décio
Logical and Philosophical Remarks on Quasi-Set Theory.
de Haro, Sebastian and Butterfield, Jeremy
A Schema for Duality, Illustrated by Bosonization.
wilson, mark
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Formalism.
Conference or Workshop Item
Barrett, Thomas William
On the Structure of Classical Mechanics.
Belot, Gordon
Symmetry and Equivalence.
Bezerra, Valter Alnis
Networks in contemporary philosophy of science: tracking
the history of a theme between metaphor and structure.
Birk, Elisabeth
The Use of Examples.
Boccignone, Giuseppe and Cordeschi, Roberto
Bayesian models and simulations in cognitive science.
Boyer, Thomas
Coexistence of several interpretations of quantum mechanics and the fruitfulness of scientific works.
Brading, Katherine and Landry, Elaine
A minimal construal of scientific structuralism.
Cei, Angelo
Structural Distinctions. Entities, structures and changes in science.
Chua, Eugene
The Verdict is Out: Against the Internal View of the Gauge/Gravity Duality.
Craig, David
A Theory of Theories.
Cunningham, Thomas
To Save the Semantic View: An Argument for Returning to Suppes' Interpretation.
Dardashti, Radin and Dawid, Richard and Gryb, Sean and Thebault, Karim P Y
On the Empirical Consequences of the AdS/CFT Duality.
David, Rey
Similarity Assessments, Spacetime, and the Gravitational Field: What Does the Metric Tensor Represent in General Relativity?
De Haro, Sebastian
Spacetime and Physical Equivalence.
Dewar, Neil
Equivalence and Convention.
Dewar, Neil
Supervenience, Reduction, and Translation.
Dulani, Saakshi
Not the Measurement Problem's Problem: Black Hole Information Loss with Schrödinger's Cat.
Fleming, Gordon N.
Response to Pashby: Time operators and POVM observables in
quantum mechanics.
Friedman, Michael
Carnap on Theoretical Terms: Structuralism without Metaphysics.
Frost-Arnold, Greg and Magnus, P.D.
The Identical Rivals Response to Underdetermination.
GIlton, Marian J. R.
Viewing quantum charge from the classical vantage point.
Goodwin, William
Grosholz, Emily / R
Reference and Analysis in the Study of Time.
Haber, Matthew H.
Multilevel Lineages and Multidimensional Trees: The Levels of Lineage and Phylogeny Reconstruction.
Hagar, Amit
Length Matters (I) - The Einstein--Swann Correspondence and the Constructive Approach to the Special Theory of Relativity.
Hagar, Amit
Length Matters (I): The Einstein-Swann Correspondence and the Constructive Approach to STR.
Haueis, Philipp
Revising scientific concepts with multiple meanings: beyond pluralism and eliminativism.
Hemmo, Meir and Shenker, Orly R.
A physicalist account of multiple realizability in the special sciences.
Hoehn, Philipp A
Quantum theory from rules on information acquisition.
Hoyningen-Huene, Paul and Lohse, Simon
Emergence: Postulates and Candidates.
Hunt, Josh
Understanding and Equivalent Reformulations.
Leitgeb, Hannes
New Life for Carnap's Aufbau?
Lutz, Sebastian
Empirical Adequacy in the Received View.
Lyre, Holger
Is Structural Underdetermination Possible?
MacKinnon, Edward
The Standard Model as a Philosophical Challenge.
Magnus, P.D.
Background Theories and Total Science.
Otsuka, Jun
The Causal Homology Concept.
Otsuka, Jun
Species as models.
Pashby, Thomas
Understanding Russell's Response to Newman.
Pietsch, Wolfgang
Aspects of theory-ladenness in data-intensive science.
Pietsch, Wolfgang
Big Data – The New Science of Complexity.
Powers, Jack
Atrazine Research and Criteria of Characterizational Adequacy.
Psillos, Stathis
Choosing the Realist Framework.
Rosaler, Joshua
Reduction as an A Posteriori Relation.
Schurz, Gerhard
Structural Correspondence, Indirect Reference, and Partial Truth: Phlogiston Theory and Newtonian Mechanics.
Shenker, Orly R.
A reductive physicalist account of the autonomy of psychology.
Stemeroff, Noah and Dyer, Charles
On the differential calculus and mathematical constraints.
Vickers, Peter John
Bohr's Theory of the Atom: Content, Closure and Consistency.
Votsis, Ioannis
Making Contact with Observations.
Votsis, Ioannis
The Upward Path to Structural Realism.
(In Press)
Wuthrich, Christian
Challenging the Spacetime Structuralist.
Zenker, Frank and Gärdenfors, Peter
Communication, Rationality, and Conceptual Changes in Scientific Theories.
Published Article or Volume
Accorinti, Hernán Lucas and Martínez, Juan Camilo
About the Independence of Models with respect to Theories: a case study of quantum chemistry.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 31 (2).
pp. 225-245.
ISSN 2171-679X
Allori, Valia
Primitive Ontology in a Nutshell.
International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 1 (3).
pp. 107-122.
Allori, Valia
Quantum Mechanics and Paradigm Shifts.
Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon
The paradox of scientific expertise: A perspectivist approach to knowledge asymmetries.
Fachsprache - International Journal of Specialized Communication , XXXIV (3–4).
pp. 152-167.
Babic, Joshua and Cocco, Lorenzo
Mandersian Relationism: Space, Modality and Equivalence.
Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1539-767X
Baker, Mark Robert and Linnemann, Niels and Smeenk, Chris
Noether's first theorem and the energy-momentum tensor ambiguity problem.
The Physics and Philosophy of Noether's Theorems.
Baravalle, Lorenzo and Luque, Víctor J.
Towards a Pricean foundation for cultural evolutionary theory.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 37 (2).
pp. 209-231.
ISSN 2171-679X
Barroso, Maribel
Reevaluating Inductive Reasoning: A Contemporary Approach Based on William Whewell's Induction.
RHV - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso (27).
pp. 97-118.
ISSN eISSN 0719-4242
Batterman, Robert
Autonomy of Theories: An Explanatory Problem.
Batterman, Robert
Philosophical Implications of Kadanoff's work on the Renormalization Group.
Journal of Statistical Physics.
Bich, Leonardo and Mossio, Matteo and Ruiz-Mirazo, Kepa and Moreno, Alvaro
Biological regulation: controlling the system from within.
Biology & Philosophy.
Bird, Alexander
The aim of belief and the aim of science.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2).
pp. 171-193.
ISSN 2171-679X
Blanco, Daniel and Ginnobili, Santiago and Lorenzano, Pablo
The unifying power of scientific theories. An alternative proposal from structuralism to Kitcher’s explanatory pattern.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 111-131.
ISSN 2171-679X
Bordg, Anthony
Univalent Foundations and the UniMath Library. The Architecture of Mathematics.
in Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics, Synthese Library, 407.
Bradley, Clara
The Non-Equivalence of Einstein and Lorentz.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Castellani, Elena
Galilean Particles: An Example of Constitution of Objects.
Interpreting Bodies. Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics.
pp. 181-194.
Climenhaga, Nevin
Evidence and Inductive Inference.
The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence, edited by Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn.
Climenhaga, Nevin
Inference to the Best Explanation Made Incoherent.
Journal of Philosophy.
Climenhaga, Nevin
The Structure of Epistemic Probabilities.
Philosophical Studies.
pp. 1-30.
ISSN 0031-8116
Cocco, Lorenzo and Babic, Joshua
A system of axioms for Minkowski spacetime.
Journal of Philosophical Logic.
Crowther, Karen and Linnemann, Niels
Renormalizability, fundamentality and a final theory: The role of UV-completion in the search for quantum gravity.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Curiel, Erik
On the Existence of Spacetime Structure.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Cáceres Vázquez, Emilio and Saborido, Cristian
Did the bacterium really kill the colonel? Systemic view, inter-level causation, and levels of quasi-decompositionality in mechanistic explanations.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (1).
pp. 129-148.
ISSN 2171-679X
Céspedes, Esteban
Incommensurability, types of phenomena and relevant incompatibility.
Cinta de Moebio.
De Donato-Rodríguez, Xavier and Arroyo-Santos, Alfonso
The structure of idealization in biological theories: the case of the Wright-Fisher model.
Journal General Philosophy of Science.
De Haro, Sebastian
Towards a Theory of Emergence for the Physical Sciences.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
De Haro, Sebastian and Butterfield, Jeremy
On symmetry and duality.
pp. 1-41.
De Haro, Sebastian and Butterfield, Jeremy
A Schema for Duality, Illustrated by Bosonization.
Foundations of Mathematics and Physics one Century after Hilbert.
Destefano, Mariela and Velázquez Coccia, Fernanda
Double-process theories: a unified cognitive architecture?
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (1).
pp. 61-76.
ISSN 2171-679X
Dewar, Neil and Fletcher, Samuel C. and Hudetz, Laurenz
Extending List's Levels.
Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy.
pp. 63-81.
ISSN 978-3-030-30896-4
Dieks, Dennis and van Dongen, Jeroen and de Haro, Sebastian
Emergence in Holographic Scenarios for Gravity.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
ISSN 1355-2198
Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian
What Matters and How it Matters: A Choice-Theoretic Representation of Moral Theories.
The Philosophical Review, 126 (4).
pp. 421-479.
Eder, Anna-Maria and Lawler, Insa and van Riel, Raphael
Philosophical Methods Under Scrutiny: Introduction to the Special Issue "Philosophical Methods".
Ellerman, David
A Fundamental Duality in the Exact Sciences: The Application to Quantum Mechanics.
Foundations (MDPI), 4 (2).
pp. 175-204.
Elliott, Steve
Proof of Concept Research.
Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 0031-8248
Ezenarro Arriola, Enetz
What Bourbaki Has and Has Not Given Us.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (1).
pp. 25-40.
ISSN 2171-679X
Federico, Holik and Cesar, Massri and Angel, Plastino and Manuel, Sáenz
Generalized probabilities in statistical theories.
Quantum Reports.
Fernández, Ainhoa
Luis Fernández Moreno. 2016. The Reference of Natural Kind Terms.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (2).
pp. 262-264.
ISSN 2171-679X
Fletcher, Samuel C.
Similarity Structure and Emergent Properties.
Philosophy of Science, 87 (2).
pp. 281-301.
ISSN 1539-767X
Frigg, Roman
Models and Fiction.
Synthese, 172 (2).
pp. 251-268.
Frigg, Roman
Models and Theories.
Models and Theories.
Frigg, Roman and Nguyen, James
Modelling Nature. An Opinionated Introduction to Scientific Representation.
Giovanelli, Marco
"But One Must not Legalize the Mentioned Sin". Phenomenological vs. Dynamical Treatment of Rods and Clocks in Einstein's Thought.
Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 48.
pp. 20-44.
ISSN 13552198
Giovanelli, Marco
Like Thermodynamics before Boltzmann. On the Emergence of Einstein’s Distinction between Constructive and Principle Theories.
Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 71.
pp. 118-157.
ISSN 13552198
Harp, Randall and Khalifa, Kareem
Why Pursue Unification? A Social-Epistemological Puzzle.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (3).
pp. 431-447.
ISSN 2171-679X
Helbig, Phillip
Sonne und Mond, or, the good, the bad, and the ugly: comments on the debate between MOND and ΛCDM.
The Observatory, 140 (1279).
pp. 225-247.
ISSN 0029-7704
Hochstein, Eric
Giving up on Convergence and Autonomy: Why the Theories of Psychology and Neuroscience are Codependent as well as Irreconcilable.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
pp. 1-10.
Ivanova , Milena
Friedman's Relativised A Priori and Structural Realism: In Search of Compatibility.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science , 25.
Jacobs, Caspar
Are Models Our Tools Not Our Masters?
Synthese, 202 (121).
ISSN 1573-0964
Karakostas, Vassilios and Zafiris, Elias
Contextual Semantics in Quantum Mechanics from a Categorical Point of View.
Synthese, 194 (3).
pp. 847-886.
ISSN 0039-7857
Karakostas, Vassilios and Zafiris, Elias
On the Structure and Function of Scientific Perspectivism in Categorical Quantum Mechanics.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Kesić, Srdjan
Rethinking the pragmatic systems biology and systems-theoretical biology divide: toward a complexity-inspired epistemology of systems biomedicine.
Medical hypotheses, 131.
p. 109316.
Ketland, Jeffrey
Bases for Structures and Theories I.
Logica Universalis, 14.
pp. 357-381.
Ketland, Jeffrey
Bases for Structures and Theories II.
Logica Universalis, 14.
pp. 461-479.
Ketland, Jeffrey
Computation and Indispensability.
Logic and Logical Philosophy, 30.
Le Bihan, Soazig
Defending the Semantic View: What it takes.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
Lee, Jong Gwan and McShea, Daniel W.
Operationalizing Goal Directedness: An Empirical Route to Advancing a Philosophical Discussion.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 12 (005).
ISSN 2475-3025
Legg, Catherine
Argument-Forms Which Turn Invalid Over
Infinite Domains: Physicalism as Supertask?
Contemporary Pragmatism, 5 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 9042024852
Lemoine, Maël
Trois conceptions sémantiques des théories en médecine.
Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 1 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 2295-8029
Liefke, Kristina and Hartmann, Stephan
Intertheoretic Reduction, Confirmation, and Montague’s Syntax-Semantics Relation.
Journal of Logic, Language and Information, t.a..
List, Christian
A quadrilemma for theories of consciousness.
The Philosophical Quarterly.
Liston, Michael
Mark Wilson's Physics Avoidance.
BJPS Review of Books.
Luigi, Scorzato
On the role of simplicity in science.
ISSN 1573-0964
Luk, Robert
Understanding scientific study via process modeling.
Foundations of Science, 15 (1).
pp. 49-78.
ISSN 1233-1821
Lutz, Sebastian
Artificial Language Philosophy of Science.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1879-4912
Lutz, Sebastian
On a Straw Man in the Philosophy of Science - A Defense of the Received View.
HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, 2 (1).
pp. 77-120.
Lutz, Sebastian
Partial Model Theory as Model Theory.
Ergo, 2 (22).
pp. 563-580.
ISSN 2330-4014
Lutz, Sebastian
Generalizing Empirical Adequacy II: Partial Structures.
ISSN 0039-7857
Maxwell, Nicholas
What’s Wrong With Aim-Oriented Empiricism?
Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum, 3 (2).
pp. 5-31.
ISSN 2228-2009
McSweeney, Michaela
The Cost of Closure: Logical Realism, Anti-Exceptionalism, and Theoretical Equivalence.
ISSN 1573-0964
Miller, Michael
The origins of Schwinger's Euclidean Green's functions.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 50.
pp. 5-12.
Miller, Ryan
Perennial Symmetry Arguments: Aristotle’s Heavenly Cosmology and Noether’s First Theorem.
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 93.
Mitchell, Sandra D.
The landscape of integrative pluralism.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 38 (3).
pp. 261-297.
ISSN 2171-679X
Nešić, Janko
Towards a Neutral-Structuralist Theory of Consciousness and Selfhood.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
Niiniluoto, Ilkka
Unification and Confirmation.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 31 (1).
pp. 107-123.
ISSN 2171-679X
Ongaro, Giulio and Hardman, Doug and Deschenaux, Ivan
Why the extended mind is nothing special but is central.
Pero, Francesca and Suárez, Mauricio
Varieties of Misrepresentation and Homomorphism.
European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
pp. 1-20.
Pineda-Oliva, David
Defending the motivational theory of desire.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (2).
pp. 243-260.
ISSN 2171-679X
Pitts, J. Brian
Equivalent Theories Redefine Hamiltonian Observables to Exhibit Change in General Relativity.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 34.
ISSN 1361-6382, Print ISSN 0264-9381
Pradeu, Thomas and Jaeger, Sébastien and Vivier, Eric
The speed of change: towards a discontinuity theory of immunity?
Nature Reviews Immunology, 13.
pp. 764-769.
Ritchey, Tom
On a Morphology of Theories of Emergence.
Acta Morphologica Generalis, 3 (3).
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 2001-2241
Rosaler, Joshua
Ehrenfest Theorems, Deformation Quantization, and the Geometry of Inter-Model Reduction.
Generalized Ehrenfest Relations, Deformation Quantization, and the Geometry of Inter-Model Reduction.
Rosaler, Joshua and Harlander, Robert
Naturalness, Wilsonian Renormalization, and 'Fundamental Parameters' in Quantum Field Theory.
Roush, Sherrilyn
Testability and Candor.
Synthese, 145 (2).
pp. 233-275.
ISSN 1573-0964
Roush, Sherrilyn
Testability and the Unity of Science.
The Journal of Philosophy, 101 (11).
pp. 555-573.
ISSN 0022-362X
Rubin, Mark
The Costs of HARKing.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Ruyant, Quentin
The Debates on Scientific Realism.
Modal Empiricism: Interpreting Science Without Scientific Realism.
pp. 1-12.
Ruyant, Quentin
Symmetries, Indexicality and the Perspectivist Stance.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 21-39.
ISSN 0269-8595
Ruyant, Quentin
Symmetries, Indexicality and the Perspectivist Stance.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 34 (1).
pp. 21-39.
ISSN 0269-8595
Ruyant, Quentin
True Griceanism: Filling the Gaps in Callender and Cohen’s Account of Scientific Representation.
Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1539-767X
Ruyant, Quentin and Guay, Alexandre
Lagrangian possibilities.
Synthese, 203.
ISSN 1573-0964
Saunders, Simon
Branch-counting in the Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477.
Saunders, Simon
The Negative Energy Sea.
Philosophy of Vacuum.
pp. 65-109.
ISSN 9780198244493
Scerri, Eric
A new response to Wray and an attempt to widen the conversation,.
Substantia, 7 (1).
pp. 35-43.
Schindler, Samuel
Peter Achinstein's Speculation.
BJPS Review of Books.
Schupbach, Jonah N.
The Possibility of Coherentism and the Stringency of Ceteris Paribus Conditions.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (1).
pp. 43-52.
ISSN 2171-679X
Sebastián, Miguel Ángel
Consciousness and Theory of Mind: a Common Theory?
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 31 (1).
pp. 73-89.
ISSN 2171-679X
Stern, Julio Michael
Constructive Verification, Empirical Induction, and Falibilist Deduction: A Threefold Contrast.
Information, 2 (4).
pp. 635-650.
ISSN 2078-2489
Stern, Julio Michael
The New Logic of Willard Van Orman Quine and its Significance for the Success of Logic in Brazil.
Logic and Logical Philosophy, 28.
pp. 789-793.
ISSN 1425-3305
Sterrett, S. G.
Sounds Like Light: Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity and Mach's Work in Acoustics and Aerodynamics.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 29 (1).
pp. 1-35.
ISSN 1355-2198
Suárez, Mauricio
Scientific Representation: A Bibliography.
Oxford Bibliographies Online.
Suárez, Mauricio and Pero, Francesca
The Representational Semantic Conception.
Philosophy of Science, 86 (2).
pp. 344-365.
Szabo, Laszlo E.
Mathematical Facts in a Physicalist Ontology.
Parallel Processing Letters , 22.
1240009-(12 pages).
Szabo, Laszlo E.
Meaning, Truth, and Physics.
In G. Hofer-Szabó, L. Wronski (eds.) Making it Formally Explicit.
Szabo, Laszlo E.
Physicalism Without the Idols of Mathematics.
Foundations of Science.
Szabó, László E.
Intrinsic, extrinsic, and the constitutive a priori.
Foundations of Physics.
ISSN 1572-9516
Tajer, Diego
Logical Disagreement and Aggregation.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (1).
pp. 63-87.
ISSN 2171-679X
Teh, Nicholas and Kapulkin, Chris
BJPS Book Review of "Categories for the Working Philosopher".
BJPS Book Review of "Categories for the Working Philosopher".
Teira Serrano, David
Adolfo García de la Sienra. 2019. A Structuralist Theory of Economics.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (2).
pp. 287-289.
ISSN 2171-679X
Terekhovich, Vladislav E.
Probabilistic and Geometric Languages in the Context of the Principle of Least Action.
Philosophy of Science, 52 (2).
pp. 108-120.
Thyssen, Pieter and Wenmackers, Sylvia
Degrees of freedom.
ISSN 1573-0964
Van Dyck, Maarten
Constructive Empiricism Without Underdetermination.
Images of Empiricism: essays on science and stances, with a reply by Bas C. van Fraassen.
pp. 11-33.
Van der Merwe, Ragnar
How pluralistic is pluralism really? A case study of Sandra Mitchell’s Integrative Pluralism.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 38 (3).
pp. 319-338.
ISSN 2171-679X
Vos, Bobby
Integrated HPS? Formal vs Historical Approaches to Philosophy of Science.
Synthese, 199.
pp. 14509-14533.
ISSN 1573-0964
Vos, Bobby
Structuralism and the Quest for Lost Reality.
Journal for General Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 0925-4560
Votsis, Ioannis and Schurz, Gerhard
Editors' Introduction.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (1).
pp. 7-9.
ISSN 2171-679X
Votsis, Ioannis
Ad Hoc Hypotheses and the Monsters within.
Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence.
pp. 299-313.
Votsis, Ioannis
Philosophy of Science and Information.
The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Information.
pp. 249-262.
Weber, Marcel
Representing Genes: Classical Mapping Techniques
and the Growth of Genetical Knowledge.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 29 (2).
pp. 295-315.
ISSN 1369-8486
Williamson, Timothy
Supervaluationism and good reasoning.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (3).
pp. 521-537.
ISSN 2171-679X
Zafiris, Elias and Karakostas, Vassilios
A Categorial Semantic Representation of Quantum Event Structures.
Foundations of Physics, 43 (9).
pp. 1090-1123.
ISSN 1572-9516
Zafiris, Elias and Karakostas, Vassilios
Category-Theoretic Interpretative Framework of the Complementarity Principle in Quantum Mechanics.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 58.
pp. 4208-4234.
ISSN 0020-7748
Bartlett, Steven James
Willamette University, Salem, OR.
Bitbol, Michel
Frigg, Roman
Scientific Representation and the Semantic View of Theories.
Frisch, Mathias
Discussion Note: Conceptual Problems in Classical Electrodynamics.
Le Bihan, Soazig
Understanding Quantum Phenomena.
Liu, Chuang
Approximations, Idealizations, and Models in Statistical Mechanics.
Liu, Chuang
Laws and Models in a Theory of Idealization.
Luk, Robert
Principle Theory or Constructive Theory?
Lutz, Sebastian
Criteria of Empirical Significance: Foundations, Relations, Applications.
Zeno Institute of Philosophy, Utrecht University.
Muller, F.A.
Refutability Revamped: How Quantum Mechanics Saves the Phenomena.
Rodin, Andrei
Axiomatic Architecture of Scientific Theories.
Rynasiewicz, Robert and Steinert-Threlkeld, Shane and Suri, Vivek
Mathematical Existence De-Platonized: Introducing Objects of Supposition in the Arts and Sciences.
Shenker, Orly R.
Science: Freedom and Reason, Comments on Mara Beller's 'Quantum Dialogue'.
Suárez, Mauricio
Scientific Representation: Against Similarity and Isomorphism.
Taylor, Peter
The Relation Between Classical and Quantum Mechanics.
Wilson, Jessica
Metaphysical Emergence: Weak and Strong.
unpublished stable ms..
Wright, Cory
Eliminativist Undercurrents in the New Wave Model of Psychoneural Reduction.
van Fraassen, Bas C.
Structure: its shadow and substance.
This list was generated on Wed Jan 15 04:15:37 2025 EST.