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Abrams, Lowell and Elkind, Landon (2019) Word Choice in Mathematical Practice: A Case Study in Polyhedra. [Preprint]

Acuña, Pablo (2013) On the Empirical Equivalence Between Special Relativity and Lorentz's Ether Theory. [Preprint]

Acuña, Pablo and Dieks, Dennis (2013) Another Look at Empirical Equivalence and Underdetermination of Theory Choice. [Preprint]

Adam, Matthias (2005) Integrating research and development: the emergence of rational drug design in the pharmaceutical industry. [Preprint]

Adam, Matthias (2009) Multi-level complexities in technological development: Competing strategies for drug discovery. [Preprint]

Aemañ.Berenguer, Rafael-Andrés (2024) Philosophical lesson from the controversy on the consistency of classic electrodynamics. [Preprint]

Afriat, Alexander (2008) How Weyl stumbled across electricity while pursuing mathematical justice. [Preprint]

Afriat, Alexander (2007) A priori prejudice in Weyl's unintended unification of gravitation and electricity. [Preprint]

Afriat, Alexander (2007) A priori prejudice in Weyl's unintended unification of gravitation and electricity. [Preprint]

Alexandra, Karakas and Adam Tamas, Tuboly (2024) Materializing values. [Preprint]

Allen, Colin and Murdock, Jaimie (2020) LDA Topic Modeling: Contexts for the History & Philosophy of Science. [Preprint]

Altschuler, Eric (2020) Study of the Impact of Past Scientific Research on Current Research. [Preprint]

Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni (2012) Phenomenology of Philosophy of Science: OPERA data. [Preprint]

Antoniou, Antonis and Fay, Jonathan (2025) Whence the desire to close the Universe? [Preprint]

Arroyo, Raoni Wohnrath and de Ronde, Christian (2022) Realistic From Far But Far From Realism: Withering Scientific Realism in the Quantum Case. [Preprint]

Atkinson, David (2001) Experiments and Thought Experiments in Natural Science. [Preprint]

Atmanspacher, Harald and Primas, Hans (1995) The Hidden Side of Wolfgang Pauli. [Preprint]

Bacciagaluppi, Guido (2021) The statistical interpretation: Born, Heisenberg and von Neumann, 1926-27. [Preprint]

Beard, Alex and Colombo, Matteo and Wright, Cory (2017) The Heuristic Identity Theory and Brain Reward Function: A Case of Mistaken Identity Theory. [Preprint]

Bechtel, William (2013) Investigating Neural Representations: The Tale of Place Cells. [Preprint]

Bhalla-Ladd, India (2024) Typing Physics: The Essential Role of Typists in Intra-Scientific Communication. [Preprint]

Biener, Zvi (2016) De Gravitatione Reconsidered: The Changing Significance of Empirical Evidence for Newton's Metaphysics of Space. [Preprint]

Biener, Zvi (2004) Galileo's First Science: The Science of Matter. [Preprint]

Bogen, Jim (2006) Causally Productive Activities. [Preprint]

Bogen, Jim (2000) 'Two as Good as One Hundred'--Poorly Replicated Evidence is Some 19th Century Neuroscientific Research. [Preprint]

Bokulich, Alisa (2019) Calibration, Coherence, and Consilience in Radiometric Measures of Geologic Time. [Preprint]

Bolinska, Agnes (2018) Synthetic versus Analytic Approaches to Protein and DNA Structure Determination. [Preprint]

Bollhagen, Andrew (2021) The Inchworm Episode: Reconstituting the Phenomenon of Kinesin Motility. [Preprint]

Borrelli, Arianna and Castellani, Elena (2019) The Practice of Naturalness: A Historical-Philosophical Perspective. [Preprint]

Boyd, Nora Mills (2018) Evidence Enriched. [Preprint]

Braat, Michiel and Engelen, Jan and van Gemert, Ties and Verhaegh, Sander (2020) The Rise and Fall of Behaviorism: The Narrative and the Numbers. [Preprint]

Brown, Harvey R (2001) The origins of length contraction: I. The FitzGerald-Lorentz deformation. [Preprint]

Bursten, Julia and Kendig, Catherine (2024) Digging deep in the sociality of interaction: knowledge-making in agricultural science. [Preprint]

Bursten, Julia R.S. and Strandmark, Matthew (2021) Better Learning Through History: Using Archival Resources to Teach Healthcare Ethics to Science Students. [Preprint]

Callaerts, Nephtali and Hocquet, Alexandre and Wieber, Frederic (2023) “Conducted properly, published incorrectly”: the evolving status of gel electrophoresis images along instrumental transformations in times of reproducibility crisis. [Preprint]

Castellani, Elena (2016) Duality and 'particle' democracy. [Preprint]

Castellani, Elena (2011) Early string theory as a challenging case study for philosophers. [Preprint]

Castellani, Elena (2023) Convergence strategies for theory assessment. [Preprint]

Castellani, Elena (2025) From symmetry to supersymmetry to supergravity. [Preprint]

Castellani, Elena (2018) Scientific Methodology: A View from Early String Theory. [Preprint]

Catton, Philip (2001) The Most Measured Understanding of Spacetime. [Preprint]

Cei, Angelo (2020) The Epistemic Structural Realist Program on Scientific Change. Some Interference. [Preprint]

Cei, Angelo (2020) Problems of Electrodynamics. A special relativistic interlude. [Preprint]

Chen, Ruey-Lin and Hricko, Jonathon (2019) Experimental Individuation and Philosophical Retail Arguments. [Preprint]

Chua, Eugene Y. S. (2021) Degeneration and Entropy. [Preprint]

Cirkovic, Milan M. (2024) The Man in the High Garden: An Epicurean Virtual History. [Preprint]

Coko, Klodian (2019) Jean Perrin and the Philosophers' Stories: The Role of Multiple Determination in Determining Avogadro's Number. [Preprint]

Coko, Klodian (2018) Towards a Mutually Beneficial Integration of History and Philosophy of Science: The Case of Jean Perrin. [Preprint]

Colaço, David (2018) Rip it up and start again: The rejection of a characterization of a phenomenon. [Preprint]

Copeland, Samantha M (2017) On serendipity in science: discovery at the intersection of chance and wisdom. [Preprint]

Cretu, Ana-Maria (2024) Human Computers as Instruments. [Preprint]

Crețu, Ana-Maria (2019) Diagnosing Disagreements: The Authentication of the Positron 1931 - 1934. [Preprint]

Crowther, Karen (2018) Defining a crisis: The roles of principles in the search for a theory of quantum gravity. [Preprint]

Currie, Adrian (2015) Philosophy of Science and the Curse of the Case Study. [Preprint]

Currie, Adrian and Walsh, Kirsten (2018) Frameworks for Historians and Philosophers. [Preprint]

Dardashti, Radin (2021) No-go Theorems: What are they good for? [Preprint]

Dawid, Richard (2020) The Role of Meta-Empirical Theory Assessment in the Acceptance of Atomism. [Preprint]

Demin, Maxim (2020) Introductory Textbooks in the Philosophy of Science: the Transformation of the Study Curriculum From 1937 to 2017. [Preprint]

Dewar, Neil and Eisenthal, Joshua (2019) A Raum with a View: Hermann Weyl and the Problem of Space. [Preprint]

Dieks, Dennis (2017) Mechanisms, Explanation and Understanding in Physics. [Preprint]

Dietrich, Michael R. and Millstein, Roberta L. (2007) The Role of Causal Processes in the Neutral and Nearly Neutral Theories. [Preprint]

Dorato, Mauro (2014) Dynamical versus structural explanations in scientific revolutions. [Preprint]

Driessen, Alfred (2018) Achilles, the Tortoise and Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2006) Galileo’s Interventionist Notion of “Cause”. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2007) The General Scholium: Some Notes on Newton's Published and Unpublished Endeavours. [Preprint]


Ducheyne, Steffen (2008) Kant and Whewell on Bridging Principles between Metaphysics and Science. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2006) Lessons From Galileo: The Pragmatic Model of Shared Characteristics of Scientific Representation. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2005) Mathematical Models in Newton’s Principia: A New View of the “Newtonian Style”. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2004) Newton's Idea and Practice of Unification. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2010) The Status of Hypothesis and Theory. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2010) Testing Universal Gravitation in the Laboratory, or the Significance of Research on the mean Density of the Earth and Big G, 1798-1898: Changing Pursuits and long-term methodological-experimental Continuity. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2009) Understanding (in) Newton’s Argument for Universal Gravitation. [Preprint]

Ducheyne, Steffen (2009) Whewell’s Tidal Researches: Scientific Practise and Philosophical Methodology. [Preprint]

Earman, John (2023) As Revealing in the Breach as in the Observance: von Neumann's Uniqueness Theorem. [Preprint]

Elliott, Kevin (2008) Varieties of Exploratory Experimentation in Nanotoxicology. [Preprint]

Engelen, Jan and Verhaegh, Sander and Collignon, Loura and Pannu, Gurpreet (2022) A Bibliometric Analysis of the Cognitive Turn in Psychology. [Preprint]

Favela, Luis H. (2020) The Dynamical Renaissance in Neuroscience. [Preprint]

Fraser, Doreen (2021) Review of Mark Wilson, Physics Avoidance. [Preprint]

Fraser, Doreen (2018) The development of renormalization group methods for particle physics: Formal analogies between classical statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. [Preprint]

Fraser, Doreen (2018) The non-miraculous success of formal analogies in quantum theories. [Preprint]

Fraser, James D. and Rejzner, Kasia (2024) Perturbative Expansions and the Foundations of Quantum Field Theory. [Preprint]

Freeborn, David and O'Connor, Cailin (2024) Industrial Distraction. [Preprint]

Gandenberger, Gregory (2009) Producing a Robust Body of Data with a Single Technique. [Preprint]

Gao, Shan (2021) Why Bell's Everett (?) theory is wrong. [Preprint]

Gasco, Enrico (2016) The concept of relativity in Mach. [Preprint]

Giere, Ronald (2010) Contingency, Conditional Realism, and the Evolution of the Sciences. [Preprint]

Giovanelli, Marco (2020) Like Thermodynamics before Boltzmann. On the Emergence of Einstein’s Distinction between Constructive and Principle Theories. [Preprint]

Giovanelli, Marco (2019) Nothing but Coincidences: The Point-Coincidence Argument and Einstein’s Struggle with the Meaning of Coordinates in Physics. [Preprint]

Giulini, Domenico (2006) What is (not) wrong with scalar gravity? [Preprint]

Giuseppe, Iurato (2012) A πάρεργα und παραλειπŏμενα of J-M. Lévy-Leblond ''On the Conceptual Nature of the Physical Constants''. [Preprint]

Goodwin, William (2008) Visual Representations in Science. [Preprint]

Greif, Hajo (2019) Darwinian Dialectics. [Preprint]

Griffiths, Paul and Tabery, James (2008) Behavioral Genetics and Development: Historical and Conceptual Causes of Controversy. [Preprint]

Grüne-Yanoff, Till (2007) The Explanatory Potential of Artificial Societies. [Preprint]

Guralp, Genco (2020) Calibrating the Universe: the Beginning and End of the Hubble Wars. [Preprint]

Gyenis, Balazs (2017) Maxwell and the normal distribution: A colored story of probability, independence, and tendency toward equilibrium. [Preprint]

Haueis, Philipp and Kästner, Lena (2022) Mechanistic Inquiry and Scientific Pursuit: The Case of Visual Processing. [Preprint]

Havstad, Joyce C (2020) Complexity Begets Crosscutting, Dooms Hierarchy (Another Paper on Natural Kinds). [Preprint]

Havstad, Joyce C (2019) Let Me Tell You ‘Bout the Birds and the Bee-Mimicking Flies and Bambiraptor. [Preprint]

Heesen, Remco (2015) The Young-(Helmholtz)-Maxwell Theory of Color Vision. [Preprint]

Herfeld, Catherine and Doehne, Malte (2017) The Diffusion of Scientific Innovations: A Role Typology. [Preprint]

Hijmans, Sarah (2021) Analogy and Composition in Early Nineteenth-Century Chemistry: The Case of Aluminium. [Preprint]

Hricko, Jonathon (2023) Comparative success and empirical progress without approximate truth. [Preprint]

Hubert, Mario and Malfatti, Federica (2022) Towards Ideal Understanding. [Preprint]

Iurato, Giuseppe (2014) On some historical aspects of the theory of Riemann zeta function. [Preprint]

Iurato, Giuseppe (2012) On the role played by the work of Ulisse Dini on implicit function theory in the modern differential geometry foundations: the case of the structure of a differentiable manifold, 1. [Preprint]

Iurato, Giuseppe (2013) Some historical aspects concerning the rise of the first exact measurements of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. [Preprint]

Iurato, Giuseppe (2014) The emergence of resonance dual models: a first look at some early historical prolegomena of a related formal technique. [Preprint]

Jacoby, Franklin (2020) Data Identity and Perspectivism. [Preprint]

Jalloh, Mahmoud (2024) Calibrating The Theory of Model Mediated Measurement: Metrological Extension, Dimensional Analysis, and High Pressure Physics. [Preprint]

Jalobeanu, Dana (2017) ‘Borders,’ ‘Leaps’ and ‘Orbs of Virtue:’ A Contextual Reconstruction of Francis Bacon’s Extension Related Concepts. [Preprint]

Jalobeanu, Dana (2016) Disciplining experience: Francis Bacon's experimental series and the art of experimenting. [Preprint]

Jalobeanu, Dana (2016) Francis Bacon's "Perceptive" Instruments. [Preprint]

Jones, Elizabeth (2019) Ancient Genetics to Ancient Genomics: Celebrity and Credibility in Data-Driven Practice. [Preprint]

Kantorovich, Aharon (2013) Evolutionary Epistemology: Random Change in Science. [Preprint]

Kao, Molly (2017) Old Evidence in the Development of Quantum Theory. [Preprint]

Kao, Molly (2017) Unification beyond justification: a strategy for theory development. [Preprint]

Karaca, Koray (2011) The Construction of the Higgs Mechanism and the Emergence of the Electroweak Theory. [Preprint]

Karaca, Koray (2012) The Strong and Weak Senses of Theory-Ladenness of Experimentation: Theory-Driven versus Exploratory Experiments in the History of High-Energy Particle Physics. [Preprint]

Kostyrka, Gladys (2015) Disease ecology and the concept of emerging infectious disease: its impact on the epidemiology of rabies virus, 1990s-2010s. [Preprint]

Kostyrka, Gladys (2015) Interspecies transmission and viral epidemics: integration of molecular and ecological approaches in the epidemiology of two RNA viruses (1989-2010s). [Preprint]

Kozlov, Anatolii and Stuart, Michael T. (2024) Scientific Experimental Articles are Modernist Stories. [Preprint]

Kragh, Helge (2010) When is a prediction anthropic? Fred Hoyle and the 7.65 MeV carbon resonance. [Preprint]

Krohs, Ulrich (2022) Darwin’s empirical claim and the janiform character of fitness proxies. [Preprint]

Kuby, Daniel (2018) Feyerabend's Reevaluation of Scientific Practice: Quantum Mechanics, Realism and Niels Bohr. [Preprint]

Lamm, Ehud (2016) Big Dreams for Small Creatures: Ilana and Eugene Rosenberg’s path to the Hologenome Theory. [Preprint]

Lehmkuhl, Dennis (2019) The Equivalence Principle(s). [Preprint]

Lehmkuhl, Dennis and Röken, Christian and Doboszewski, Juliusz (2023) On Penrose's Analogy between Curved Spacetime Regions and Optical Lenses. [Preprint]

Lehner, Christoph Albert and Uffink, Jos (2025) Schrödinger, Szilard, and the emergence of the EPR argument. [Preprint]


Livengood, Jonathan and Edwards, Adam (2019) Calibrating Chromatography: How Tswett Broke the Experimenters' Regress. [Preprint]

Luchetti, Michele (2018) Constitutive elements in science beyond physics: the case of the Hardy–Weinberg principle. [Preprint]

Luchetti, Michele (2020) From successful measurement to the birth of a law: Disentangling coordination in Ohm's scientific practice. [Preprint]

Luchetti, Michele (2022) The quantification of intelligence in nineteenth-century craniology: An epistemology of measurement perspective. [Preprint]

Ludwig, David (2013) Mediating Objects. Scientific and Public Functions of Models in Nineteenth-Century Biology. [Preprint]

Ludwig, David (2013) A Rediscovery of Scientific Collections as Material Heritage? [Preprint]

MacKinnon, Edward (2002) The Language of Classical Physics. [Preprint]

Machery, Edouard (2014) Experimental Philosophy of science. [Preprint]

Matthiessen, Dana (2022) Empirical Techniques and the Accuracy of Scientific Representations. [Preprint]

Matthiessen, Dana (2019) The Rise of Cryptographic Metaphors in Boyle and Their Use for the Mechanical Philosophy. [Preprint]

Maxwell, Nicholas (2023) What Lakatos Overlooked: A Metaphysical “Hard Core” of Unity for Science. [Preprint]

Meisenberg, Gerhard (2019) Should Cognitive Differences Research Be Forbidden? [Preprint]

Midwinter, Charles and Janssen, Michel (2012) Kuhn Losses Regained: Van Vleck from Spectra to Susceptibilities. [Preprint]

Mikki, Said (2021) Russell's The Analysis of Matter as the First Book on Quantum Gravity. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2007) Concepts of Drift and Selection in “The Great Snail Debate” of the 1950s and Early 1960s. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2007) Distinguishing Drift and Selection Empirically: “The Great Snail Debate” of the 1950s. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2015) Re-examining the Darwinian Basis for Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2019) Types of Experiments and Causal Process Tracing: What Happened on the Kaibab Plateau in the 1920s. [Preprint]

Millstein, Roberta L. (2023) The coevolution of descriptive and evaluative beliefs in Aldo Leopold's thinking. [Preprint]

Mitsch, Chris (2022) Hilbert-Style Axiomatic Completion: On von Neumann and Hidden Variables in Quantum Mechanics. [Preprint]

Mizrahi, Moti (2015) Historical Inductions: New Cherries, Same Old Cherry-Picking. [Preprint]

Mizrahi, Moti (2013) Kuhn’s Incommensurability Thesis: What’s the Argument? [Preprint]

Mizrahi, Moti (2013) What is Scientific Progress? Lessons from Scientific Practice. [Preprint]

Mizrahi, Moti (2019) The Case Study Method in Philosophy of Science: An Empirical Study. [Preprint]

Mizrahi, Moti (2025) Kuhnian History of Science and the “Great Man” of Science Model. [Preprint]

Morett, Fernando (2014) The Vera Causa Principle in the 18th Century Moral Philosophy. [Preprint]

Morett, Fernando (2016) Is Everyone Self-Interested? Hume versus Mandeville. [Preprint]

Murgueitio Ramírez, Sebastián (2024) Galileo's Ship and the Relativity Principle. [Preprint]

Murgueitio Ramírez, Sebastián (2020) On how Epistemological Letters changed the foundations of quantum mechanics. [Preprint]

Mussgnug, Alexander and Leonelli, Sabina (2024) A critical framing of data for development: Historicizing data relations and AI. [Preprint]

Nappo, Francesco (2021) Close Encounters with Scientific Analogies of the Third Kind. [Preprint]

Norsen, Travis (2010) Scientific Cumulativity and Conceptual Change: The Case of 'Temperature'. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2005) Atoms, Entropy, Quanta: Einstein’s Miraculous Argument of 1905. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2012) Chasing the Light: Einstein's Most Famous Thought Experiment. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2006) Discovering the Relativity of Simultaneity How did Einstein take "The Step"? [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2004) Einstein’s Investigations of Galilean Covariant Electrodynamics prior to 1905. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2007) Einstein’s Miraculous Argument of 1905: The Thermodynamic Grounding of Light Quanta. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2004) How Hume and Mach Helped Einstein Find Special Relativity. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2022) Chance Combinatorics: The Theory that History Forgot. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2018) Einstein’s Conflicting Heuristics: The Discovery of General Relativity. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2022) How Analogy Helped Create the New Science of Thermodynamics. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2016) How Einstein Did Not Discover. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2022) Lotteries, Bookmaking and Ancient Randomizers: Local and Global Analyses of Chance. [Preprint]

Norton, John D. (2014) A Material Defense of Inductive Inference. [Preprint]

Novick, Aaron and Scholl, Raphael (2017) Presume It Not: True Causes in the Search for the Basis of Heredity. [Preprint]

Nugayev, Rinat (2016) Why did Einstein's Programme Supersede Abraham's and Nordstrom's? [Preprint]

O'Malley, Maureen (2008) Exploratory experimentation and scientific practice: Metagenomics and the proteorhodopsin case. [Preprint]

O'Malley, Maureen A. and Parke, Emily C. (2018) Microbes, mathematics, and models. [Preprint]

Oldofredi, Andrea (2023) Orthodox or Dissident? The Evolution of Bohm’s Ontological Reflections in the 1950s. [Preprint]

Osimani, Barbara and Marta, Bertolaso and Roland, Poellinger and Emanuele, Frontoni (2019) Real and Virtual Clinical Trials: a Formal Analysis. [Preprint]

Osimani, Barbara and Poellinger, Roland (2020) Osimani B., Poellinger R. (2020) A Protocol for Model Validation and Causal Inference from Computer Simulation. In: Bertolaso M., Sterpetti F. (eds) A Critical Reflection on Automated Science. Human Perspectives in Health Sciences and Technology, vol 1. Springer, Cham. [Preprint]

P.D., Magnus and Craig, Callender (2004) Realist Ennui and the Base Rate Fallacy. [Preprint]

Parker, Matthew W. (2008) Philosophical Method and Galileo's Paradox of Infinity. [Preprint]

Patton, Lydia (2018) “Kuhn, Pedagogy, and Practice: A Local Reading of Structure”. [Preprint]

Pence, Charles H. (2011) “Describing our Whole Experience”: The Statistical Philosophy of W.F.R. Weldon. [Preprint]

Pence, Charles H. (2013) The Early History of Chance in Evolution. [Preprint]

Pence, Charles H. (2019) How Not to Fight About Theory: The Debate Between Biometry and Mendelism in Nature, 1890–1915. [Preprint]

Pence, Charles H. (2024) The Modern Synthesis and “Progress” in Evolution: A View from the Journal Literature. [Preprint]

Pence, Charles H. (2022) Of Stirps and Chromosomes: Generality Through Detail. [Preprint]

Pence, Charles H. (2023) Origin’s Chapter IX and X: From Old Objections to Novel Explanations: Darwin on the Fossil Record. [Preprint]

Pence, Charles H. (2021) W.F.R. Weldon Changes His Mind. [Preprint]

Pence, Charles H. (2022) Whatever Happened to Reversion? [Preprint]

Perovic, Slobodan (2018) Egalitarian Paradise or Factory Drudgery? Organizing Knowledge Production in High Energy Physics (HEP) Laboratories. [Preprint]

Perry, Stephen (2021) What is "Applied Mathematics" Anyway? How the History of Fluid Mechanics Demonstrates the Role of Concepts in Applied Mathematics. [Preprint]

Petkov, Vesselin (2017) Might have Minkowski discovered the cause of gravitation before Einstein? [Preprint]

Pinto de Oliveira, J. C. and Oliveira, Amelia J. (2013) Kuhn, Sarton, and the history of science. [Preprint]

Pitts, J. Brian (2016) Einstein's Physical Strategy, Energy Conservation, Symmetries, and Stability: "but Grossmann & I believed that the conservation laws were not satisfied". [Preprint]

Pitts, J. Brian (2015) Space-time Philosophy Reconstructed via Massive Nordström Scalar Gravities? Laws vs. Geometry, Conventionality, and Underdetermination. [Preprint]

Pitts, J. Brian (2019) Cosmological Constant Λ vs. Massive Gravitons: A Case Study in General Relativity Exceptionalism vs. Particle Physics Egalitarianism. [Preprint]

Pitts, J. Brian (2016) Einstein's Equations for Spin 2 Mass 0 from Noether's Converse Hilbertian Assertion. [Preprint]

Pitts, J. Brian (2019) The Mind-Body Problem and Conservation Laws: The Growth of Physical Understanding? [Preprint]

Rescher, Nicholas (2011) LEIBNIZ’S MACHINA DECIPHRATORIA. [Preprint]

Rickles, Dean (2010) Quantum Gravity Meets &HPS. [Preprint]

Rivat, Sébastien (2025) How Theoretical Terms Effectively Refer. [Preprint]

Roberts, Bryan W. (2009) How Galileo dropped the ball and Fermat picked it up. [Preprint]

Rosa, Rodolfo (2008) The Merli-Missiroli-Pozzi Two-Slit Electron Interference Experiment. [Preprint]

Ross, Lauren N. (2018) The Doctrine of Specific Etiology. [Preprint]

Rovelli, Carlo (2013) Aristotle's physics. [Preprint]

Rovelli, Carlo (2016) Review of Andrew Gregory's “Anaximander, a re-assessment”, Bloomsbury 2016. [Preprint]

Rovelli, Carlo and Heilbron, John (2023) Matrix Mechanics Mis-Prized: Max Born's Belated Nobelization. [Preprint]

Rubbens, Peter (2014) Evaluation of the OPERA Collaboration and the Faster than Light Neutrino Anomaly. [Preprint]

Ruiz de Olano, Pablo and Dawid, Richard and McCoy, C.D. (2025) Non-Empirical Physics from a Historical Perspective: New Pathways in History and Philosophy of Physics. [Preprint]

Rynasiewicz, Robert (2013) Review of William L. Harper, Isaac Newton's Scientific Method. [Preprint]

Räz, Tim (2015) Gone Till November: A disagreement in Einstein scholarship. [Preprint]

Räz, Tim (2016) The Volterra Principle Generalized. [Preprint]

Sanduk, Mohammed (2012) Growth of science under the social influence in Arabic-Islamic and Western Civilisations, 700-1900 (Statistical Models). [Preprint]

Saunders, Simon (2020) The Concept 'Indistinguishable'. [Preprint]

Scerri, Eric (2022) A commentary on Weisberg’s critique of the ‘structural conception’ of chemical bonding. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2009) Bogen and Woodward’s data-phenomena distinction, forms of theory-ladenness, and the reliability of data. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2008) How to Discern a Physical Effect from Background Noise: The Discovery of Weak Neutral Currents. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2013) The Kuhnian mode of HPS. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2013) Kuhnian theory-choice, the GWS model, and the neutral current. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2013) Novelty, coherence, and Mendeleev's periodic table. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2014) Scientific discovery: that-what’s and what-that’s. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2012) Theory-laden experimentation. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2024) Beyond footnotes: Lakatos’s meta-philosophy and the history of science. [Preprint]

Schindler, Samuel (2017) A coherentist conception of ad hoc hypotheses. [Preprint]

Schliesser, Eric (2009) From Adam Smith to Darwin; some neglected evidence. [Preprint]

Schliesser, Eric (2010) HUME’S ATTACK ON NEWTON’S PHILOSOPHY. [Preprint]

Schliesser, Eric (2012) Newton and Spinoza: On Motion and Matter (and God, of Course). [Preprint]

Schliesser, Eric (2012) Newton’s Philosophy of Time. [Preprint]

Schliesser, Eric (2010) The Surprising Weberian Roots to Milton Friedman’s Methodology. [Preprint]

Schliesser, Eric and Smith, George E. (2000) Huygens's 1688 Report to the Directors of the Dutch East India Company on the Measurement of Longitude at Sea and the Evidence it Offered Against Universal Gravity. [Preprint]

Scholl, Raphael (2014) Inference to the Best Explanation in the Catch-22: How much autonomy for Mill’s method of difference? [Preprint]

Scholl, Raphael (2018) Scenes from a Marriage: On the confrontation model of history and philosophy of science. [Preprint]

Scholl, Raphael (2016) Spot the difference: Causal contrasts in scientific diagrams. [Preprint]

Schwitzgebel, Eric (2001) Why Did We Think We Dreamed in Black and White? [Preprint]

Seidenfeld, Teddy (1998) P's in a Pod: some recipes for cooking Mendel's data. [Preprint]

Serpico, Davide and Lynch, Kate E. and Porter, Theodore M. (2022) New Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Quantitative Genetics. [Preprint]

Shan, Yafeng (2021) Beyond Mendelism and Biometry. [Preprint]

Shan, Yafeng (2018) Kuhn's "Wrong Turning" and Legacy Today. [Preprint]

Shan, Yafeng (2023) Science is more than knowing. [Preprint]

Stacewicz, Paweł and Kubiak, Adam P. and Greif, Hajo (2024) Was Turing a (Computational) Mechanist? [Preprint]

Stein, Howard (2014) Further Considerations on Newton's Methods. [Preprint]

Stein, Howard (2014) How does physics bear upon metaphysics; and why did Plato hold that philosophy cannot be written down? [Preprint]

Stein, Howard (2014) Nevvtonus ab quibusdam nævibus vindicatus. [Preprint]

Stein, Howard (2014) Newton: Philosophy of Inquiry and Metaphysics of Nature. [Preprint]

Stein, Howard (2014) On Metaphysics and Method in Newton. [Preprint]

Stein, Howard (2014) Physics and Philosophy Meet: the Strange Case of Poincaré. [Preprint]

Stemeroff, Noah (2024) The Notorious Man-in-the-Street: Hermann Weyl and the Problem of Knowledge. [Preprint]

Stern, Julio Michael (2022) Ethical Dilemmas in Natural Theology and Valid Inference in Clinical Trials. [Preprint]

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Conference or Workshop Item

Badino, Massimiliano (2016) How to Make Selective Realism More Selective (and More Realist Too). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Baily, Charles (2008) Atomic Modeling in the Early 20th Century: 1904-1913. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Barberousse, Anouk (2007) A Case of Irrationality? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Blanc, Floriane (2007) Analyzing an aspect of the inaugural lectures of the Paris Museum of Natural History: An appropriate concept of representation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Blanc, Floriane (2007) Analyzing an aspect of the inaugural lectures of the Paris Museum of Natural History: An appropriate concept of representation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Blum, Alexander and Jähnert, Martin (2024) Real virtuality and actual transitions: Historical reflections on virtual entities before Quantum Field Theory. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Borrelli, Arianna (2024) The eye stays in the picture: Virtual images in early modern and modern optics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Broeks, Daphne and Knuuttila, Tarja and De Regt, Henk (2024) Understanding, virtually: How does the synthetic cell matter? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Castellani, Elena (2009) Dualities and intertheoretic relations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Cei, Angelo (2004) Structural Distinctions. Entities, structures and changes in science. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Chua, Eugene (2022) T Falls Apart: On the Status of Classical Temperature in Relativity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Doppelt, Gerald (2012) Does Structural Realism Provide the Best Explanation of the Predictive Success of Science? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Easton, Patricia (2010) The Father of Cartesian Empiricism: Robert Desgabets on the physics and metaphysics of blood transfusion. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ehberger, Markus (2024) How to study virtual entities historically? A proposal. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fagan, Melinda (2009) Collaboration, toward an integrative philosophy of scientific practice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Franklin, Allan (2008) Are the Laws of Physics Inevitable? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fraser, Doreen (2022) Justifying the use of purely formal analogies in physics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Geerdt, Magiels (2007) Jan IngenHousz, or why don't we know who discovered photosynthesis? In: UNSPECIFIED.


Hagar, Amit (2007) Length Matters (I) - The Einstein--Swann Correspondence and the Constructive Approach to the Special Theory of Relativity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hagar, Amit (2007) Length Matters (I): The Einstein-Swann Correspondence and the Constructive Approach to STR. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Harlander, Robert and Martinez, Jean-Philippe and Steinle, Friedrich and Wüthrich, Adrian (2024) Preface: Virtual entities in science. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Hricko, Jonathon (2016) How and How Not to Be Whiggish About 'Phlogiston'. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Jackson, John (2008) Definitional Argument in Evolutionary Psychology and Cultural Anthropology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kao, Molly (2013) Unification and the quantum hypothesis in 1900--1913. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kersten, Luke and Davis, Laura (2015) From Word to Practice: Eugenic Language in Sterilization Legislation in North America (1905-1945). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kosolosky, Laszlo and Provijn, Dagmar (2012) William Harvey's bloody motion: Creativity in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ladyman, James (2009) Structural Realism versus Standard Scientific Realism: The Case of Phlogiston and Dephlogisticated Air. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lewowicz, Lucía (2011) The term phlogiston and the notion of "failure to refer". In: UNSPECIFIED.

Martinez, Jean-Philippe (2024) Virtuality in modern physics in the 1920s and 1930s: Meaning(s) of an emerging notion. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Miller, David Marshall (2007) Using Representations of Space to Study Early Modern Physical Science: An Example of Philosophy in the Service of History. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Millstein, Roberta L. (2015) Is Aldo Leopold's 'Land Community' an Individual? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Miyake, Teru (2014) Reference Models: Using Models to Turn Data into Evidence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Miyake, Teru (2010) Underdetermination in Geophysics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Northcott, Robert (2014) Opinion polling and election predictions. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Northcott, Robert and Alexandrova, Anna (2014) Armchair Science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Norton, John D. (2012) Einstein as the Greatest of the Nineteenth Century Physicists. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Norton, John D. (2007) History of Science and the Material Theory of Induction: Einstein’s Quanta, Mercury’s Perihelion. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Nyrup, Rune (2014) Pursuing and accepting hypotheses: a Peircean view of IBE. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Persson, Johannes and Vareman, Niklas and Wallin, Annika and Wahlberg, Lena and Sahlin, Nils-Eric (2016) Science and proven experience: a Swedish variety of evidence-based medicine? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Rittberg, Colin Jakob (2018) Intellectual Humility in Mathematics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Schindler, Samuel (2007) Model, Theory, and Evidence in the Discovery of the DNA Structure. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Schliesser, Eric (2010) “Gravity as a relational quality of matter in Newton’s Treatise:”. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Schurz, Gerhard (2009) Structural Correspondence, Indirect Reference, and Partial Truth: Phlogiston Theory and Newtonian Mechanics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Shekeris, Haris (2010) Of communities and individuals as regards scientific knowledge. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Slowik, Edward (2024) Emergent Spatial Ontologies in the Early Modern Period. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Steinle, Friedrich (2024) How to conceive virtual entities: Peirce's proposal. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Tschaepe, Mark (2013) Guessing, Economy, Epidemiology: The HIV/AIDS Hypothesis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Tulodziecki, Dana (2016) Against Selective Realism(s). In: UNSPECIFIED.

Van Dyck, Maarten (2004) The Paradox of Conceptual Novelty and Galileo’s Use of Experiments. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Vickers, Peter John (2008) Bohr's Theory of the Atom: Content, Closure and Consistency. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Votsis, Ioannis (2007) Making Contact with Observations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Votsis, Ioannis (2007) Making Contact with Observations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Votsis, Ioannis (2009) Saving the Intuitions: Polylithic Reference. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Walsh, Kirsten (2014) Phenomena in Newton's Principia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wilson, Joseph (2024) The ghost in the machine: Metaphors of the ‘virtual’ and the ‘artificial’ in post-WW2 computer science. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Wolfe, Charles T. (2015) The discreet charm of eighteenth-century vitalism and its avatars. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Worrall, John (2009) Underdetermination, Realism and Empirical Equivalence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Yeh, Hsiao-Fan and Chen, Ruey-Lin (2018) Intervention as both Test and Exploration: Reexamining the PaJaMo Experiment based on Aims and Modes of Interventions. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Zwier, Karen R. (2012) An Epistemology of Causal Inference from Experiment. In: UNSPECIFIED.

shea, william (2007) Galileo Then and Now. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Published Article or Volume

Abir-Am, Pnina Geraldine (2014) García-Sancho. 2012. Biology, Computing, and the History of Molecular Sequencing; From Proteins to DNA, 1945-2000. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 29 (3). pp. 433-436. ISSN 2171-679X

Andersen, Holly (2014) The Development of the ‘Specious Present’ and James’ Views on Temporal Experience. Subjective Time: the philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience of temporality, ed. Lloyd and Arstila. pp. 25-42.

Andersen, Holly and Grush, Rick (2009) A Brief History of Time Consciousness: Historical Precursors to James and Husserl. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 47 (2). pp. 277-307. ISSN

Anta, Javier (2021) The epistemic schism of statistical mechanics. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (3). pp. 399-419. ISSN 2171-679X

Ateş, M. Efe (2022) Pioneers of the ice age models: a brief history from Agassiz to Milankovitch. History of Geo- and Space Sciences, 13 (1). pp. 23-37. ISSN 2190-5029

Barwich, Ann-Sophie (2021) Fishing for Genes: How the Largest Gene Family in the Mammalian Genome was Found (and Why Idiosyncrasy in Exploration Matters). Perspectives on Science, 29 (4).

Barwich, Ann-Sophie (2018) How to be rational about empirical success in ongoing science: The case of the quantum nose and its critics. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.

Barwich, Ann-Sophie (2019) The Value of Failure in Science: The Story of Grandmother Cells in Neuroscience. Frontiers in Neuroscience.

Barwich, Ann-Sophie and Bschir, Karim (2017) The Manipulability of What? The History of G-Protein Coupled Receptors. Biology & Philosophy. ISSN 1572-8404

Barwich, Ann-Sophie and Bschir, Karim (2017) The Manipulability of What? The History of G-Protein Coupled Receptors. Biology & Philosophy. ISSN 1572-8404

Barwich, Ann-Sophie and Rodriguez, Matthew (2020) Fashion fades, Chanel No.^^5 remains: Epistemology between Style and Technology. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 43 (4).

Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo (2025) Rediscovering Bernard and Cannon: Restoring the Broader Vision of Homeostasis Eclipsed by the Cyberneticists. Philosophy of Science. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0031-8248

Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo (2024) Situating homeostasis in organisms: maintaining organization through time. The Journal of Physiology, 602 (22). pp. 6003-6020.

Bedessem, Baptiste (2020) Sciences participatives : enjeux épistémologiques. Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 7 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2295-8029

Bhatta, Varun (2024) The Controversy about Interference of Photons. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 106. pp. 146-154. ISSN 00393681

Biener, Zvi and Smeenk, Chris (2009) Cotes’ Queries: Newton’s Empiricism and Conceptions of Matter.

Biener, Zvi (2017) The Certainty, Modality, and Grounding of Newton’s Laws. The Monist, 100 (3). pp. 311-325.

Bolinska, Agnes and Martin, Joseph D. (2019) Negotiating History: Contingency, Canonicity, and Case Studies. Elsevier Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. ISSN 0039-3681

Brendel, Oliver (2021) The relationship between plant growth and water consumption : a history from the classical four elements to modern stable isotopes. Annals of Forest Science, 78 (47). pp. 1-16.

Burnston, Daniel (2024) Mazviita Chirimuuta, The Brain Abstracted. BJPS Review of Books.

Cabrera, Frank (2019) Evidence and Explanation in Cicero's On Divination. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. ISSN 00393681

Cappelli, Andrea and Castellani, Elena and Colomo, Filippo and Di Vecchia, Paolo (2012) The birth of string theory: Introduction and synopsis. The birth of string theory.

Chen, Ruey-Lin and Hricko, Jonathon (2023) Experimental criteria for accessing reality: Perrin’s experimental demonstration of atoms and molecules. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 13 (1). ISSN 1879-4912

Chukwu, Emelda E. and Woolaston, Katie and Kaufer, Ricardo and Bortolus, Alejandro and Hewitt, Chad L. and Schwindt, Evangelina and Sogbanmu, Temitope O. and Schwenkenbecher, Anne and Rubin, Hannah and Slanickova, Helena and Schneider, Mike D. and Heesen, Remco and Mitova, Veli (2024) Examining Self-Described Policy-Relevant Evidence Base for Policymaking: An Evidence Map of COVID-19 Literature. BMJ Public Health, 2 (2). e000694. ISSN 2753-4294

Cuffaro, Michael E. (2023) Review of Slobodan Perović's From Data to Quanta -- Niels Bohr's Vision of Physics. Philosophy of Science. ISSN 1539-767X

Cáceres Vázquez, Emilio and Saborido, Cristian (2018) Did the bacterium really kill the colonel? Systemic view, inter-level causation, and levels of quasi-decompositionality in mechanistic explanations. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (1). pp. 129-148. ISSN 2171-679X

De Haro, Sebastian (2020) Science and Philosophy: A Love-Hate Relationship. Foundations of Science, 25. pp. 297-314. ISSN 1233-1821

Dhein, Kelle (2023) The cognitive map debate in insects: A historical perspective on what is at stake. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 98. pp. 62-79. ISSN 00393681

Dong, Zili (2024) Wright’s path analysis: Causal inference in the early twentieth century. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 39 (1). pp. 67-88. ISSN 2171-679X

Donhauser, Justin (2016) Theoretical ecology as etiological from the start. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 60. 67 - 76.

Duarte Calvo, Antonio (2017) The Methodology of Abduction in the Case of the Discovery of the Megatherium. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (2). pp. 191-209. ISSN 2171-679X

Efstathiou, Sophia and Nydal, Rune and Laegreid, Astrid and Kuiper, Martin (2019) Scientific knowledge in the age of computation: Explicated, computable and manageable? THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (2). pp. 213-236. ISSN 2171-679X

Eichberg, Stephanie (2014) J. MOSCOSO. 2012. Pain: A Cultural History. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 29 (2). pp. 316-318. ISSN 2171-679X

Escribano Cabeza, Miguel (2019) Jan Swammerdam and the limits of preformationism. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3). pp. 423-439. ISSN 2171-679X

Escribano Cabeza, Miguel (2021) W. Harvey’s conception of epigenesis. An organicist reading. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (3). pp. 421-437. ISSN 2171-679X

Espinosa Aldama, Mariana and Casanueva López, Mario (2023) Theoretical lattices and formal concept analysis, tools for metatheoretic structuralism. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 38 (1). pp. 45-66. ISSN 2171-679X

Fagan, Melinda B. (2015) Crucial Stem Cell Experiments? Stem Cells, Uncertainty, and Single-Cell Experiments. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (2). pp. 183-205. ISSN 2171-679X

Feest, Uljana (2024) Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Split and Splice. BJPS Review of Books.

Ferreirós, José and García-Pérez, Manuel J. (2008) ¿“Natural” y “Euclidiana”? Reflexiones sobre la geometría práctica y sus raíces cognitivas. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (2). pp. 325-344. ISSN 2171-679X

Fontes da Costa, Palmira (2007) Anatomical Expertise and the Hermaphroditic Body. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). pp. 78-85. ISSN 1913 046

Fraser, Doreen and Koberinski, Adam (2016) The Higgs mechanism and superconductivity: A case study of formal analogies. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. ISSN 1355-2198

Fraser, James D. (2021) The Twin Origins of Renormalization Group Concepts. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 89. pp. 114-128. ISSN 00393681

Frey, Daniel and Šešelja, Dunja (2018) What Is the Epistemic Function of Highly Idealized Agent-Based Models of Scientific Inquiry? Philosophy of the Social Sciences.

Galison, Peter and Doboszewski, Juliusz and Elder, Jamee and Martens, Niels C.M. and Ashtekar, Abhay and Enander, Jonas and Gueguen, Marie and Kessler, Elizabeth A. and Lalli, Roberto and Lesourd, Martin and Marcoci, Alexandru and Murgueitio Ramírez, Sebastián and Natarajan, Priyamvada and Nguyen, James and Reyes-Galindo, Luis and Ritson, Sophie and Schneider, Mike D. and Skulberg, Emilie and Sorgner, Helene and Stanley, Matthew and Thresher, Ann C. and van Dongen, Jeroen and Weatherall, James Owen and Wu, Jingyi and Wüthrich, Adrian (2023) The Next Generation Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration: History, Philosophy, and Culture. Galaxies, 11 (32).

García, Pío (2024) Thought experiments in the Jefferson-Turing controversy: A Kuhnian perspective. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 39 (1). pp. 43-65. ISSN 2171-679X

García Zabaleta, Omar (2019) The construction of the DSM: Genealogy of a sociopolitical product. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3). pp. 441-460. ISSN 2171-679X

García-Barranquero, Pablo (2017) María A. Blasco y Mónica G. Salomone. 2016. Morir joven, a los 140. El papel de los telómeros en el envejecimiento y la historia de cómo trabajan los científicos para conseguir que vivamos más y mejor. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (1). pp. 131-133. ISSN 2171-679X

Gasco, Enrico (2020) Einstein's Wonder. Proceedings of the XL SISFA Conference, 2021. pp. 125-131.

Gasco, Enrico (2005) Mach's Principle: the original Einstein's considerations (1907-12). Il Principio di Mach: le prime considerazioni di Einstein (1907-12), 13 (1). pp. 75-92.

Gasco, Enrico (2003) Mach's contribution to the origin of Inertia. Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, 2004 (12). pp. 17-34.

Gasco, Enrico (2024) An information analysis of the ‘Physical Object’ concept in Copernican Revolution. XLIII SISFA proceedings. pp. 45-52.

Gasco, Enrico (2022) The model of thin shell in General Relativity. Proceedings of the SISFA 42nd Annual Conference. pp. 183-189.

Gautheron, Lucas and Omodei, Elisa (2023) How research programs come apart: The example of supersymmetry and the disunity of physics. Quantitative Science Studies, 4 (3). pp. 671-699.

Gervais, Raoul (2017) Phenomenological understanding and electric eels. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3). pp. 293-302. ISSN 2171-679X

Giovanelli, Marco (2023) Appearance and Reality: Einstein and the Early Debate on the Reality of Length Contraction. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 13 (42). ISSN 1879-4912

Giovanelli, Marco (2023) Coordination, Geometrization, Unification. An Overview of the Reichenbach-Einstein Debate on the Unified Field Theory Program. Philosophers and Einstein Relativity The Earl Philosophical Reception of the Relativistic Revolution. pp. 147-192.

Giovanelli, Marco (2020) Like Thermodynamics before Boltzmann. On the Emergence of Einstein’s Distinction between Constructive and Principle Theories. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 71. pp. 118-157. ISSN 13552198

Giovanelli, Marco (2024) The practice of principles: Planck's vision of a relativistic general dynamics. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 78. pp. 305-360. ISSN 0003-9519

Hahn, Andre M. (2016) Can a History of Photosynthesis be Grand? Philosophy and Theory in Biology, 8. ISSN 1949-0739

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Hocquet, Alexandre and Wieber, Frederic (2021) Epistemic issues in computational reproducibility: software as the elephant in the room. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. ISSN 1879-4912

Hocquet, Alexandre and Wieber, Frederic (2017) “Only the Initiates Will Have the Secrets Revealed”: Computational Chemists and the Openness of Scientific Software. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 39 (4). pp. 40-58. ISSN 1058-6180

Hricko, Jonathon (2018) Retail Realism, the Individuation of Theoretical Entities, and the Case of the Muriatic Radical. Individuation, Process, and Scientific Practices. pp. 259-278.

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