Items where Subject is "General Issues > Science and Society"
Group by: Creators | Item Type Jump to: Preprint | Conference or Workshop Item | Published Article or Volume | Open Access Book | Other Number of items at this level: 529. PreprintAckermans, Lennart B. (2022) Causal bias in measures of inequality of opportunity. [Preprint] Akagi, Mikio (2023) Structural microaggressions for explaining outcome gaps. [Preprint] Alexandrova, Anna and Fabian, Mark (2021) Democratising Measurement: or Why Thick Concepts Call for Coproduction. [Preprint] Andersen, Holly (2023) Trueing. [Preprint] Barboianu, Catalin (2024) Metatheoretical and epistemological investigation of the criteria of adequacy and optimisation of science communication to the general public. [Preprint] Bhalla-Ladd, India (2024) Typing Physics: The Essential Role of Typists in Intra-Scientific Communication. [Preprint] Biddle, Justin and Leuschner, Anna (2015) Climate Skepticism and the Manufacture of Doubt: Can Dissent in Science be Epistemically Detrimental? [Preprint] Biddle, Justin (2018) “Antiscience Zealotry”? Values, Epistemic Risk, and the GMO Debate. [Preprint] Birch, Jonathan (2017) Animal Cognition and Human Values. [Preprint] Boyer-Kassem, Thomas and Imbert, Cyrille (2015) Scientific collaboration: do two heads need to be more than twice better than one? [Preprint] Bravo, Pedro (2025) Grouping approaches to PFAS and industry funding: a case study on the findings of a recent panel of experts. [Preprint] Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter (2022) The Importance of End-of-Life Welfare. [Preprint] Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter (2022) Longtermism and Animals. [Preprint] Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter (2021) The Measurement Problem of Consciousness. [Preprint] Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter (2022) More than Zombies: Considering the Animal Subject in De-Extinction. [Preprint] Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter (2023) Review of Jeff Sebo’s Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animals Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and other Catastrophes. [Preprint] Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter (2022) The Sentience Shift in Animal Research. [Preprint] Bschir, Karim and Lohse, Simon (2022) Pandemics, Policy, and Pluralism: A Feyerabend-Inspired Perspective on COVID-19. [Preprint] Bursten, Julia and Kendig, Catherine (2024) Digging deep in the sociality of interaction: knowledge-making in agricultural science. [Preprint] Callender, Craig (2024) When Is It Okay to Ban Research (Funding)? [Preprint] ChoGlueck, Christopher (2019) Broadening the Scope of Our Understanding of Mechanisms: Lessons from the History of the Morning-After Pill. [Preprint] ChoGlueck, Christopher (2018) The Error's in the Gap: Synthesizing Accounts for Societal Values in Science. [Preprint] Cirkovic, Milan M. (2022) The Information Catastrophe and Space Settlement. [Preprint] Cirkovic, Milan M. (2017) Is Contact a Process? [Preprint] Cirkovic, Milan M. (2018) Post-postbiological evolution? [Preprint] Cirkovic, Milan M. (2018) Space colonization remains the only long-term option for humanity: A reply to Torres. [Preprint] Cirkovic, Milan M. (2022) The nutshell kings: Why is human space settlement controversial in the first place? [Preprint] Coates, Matthew (2024) Does it Harm Science to Suppress Dissenting Evidence? [Preprint] Coninx, Sabrina (2023) The Dark Side of Niche Construction: Challenges in Modern Medicine & Healthcare. [Preprint] Coninx, Sabrina and Stilwell, Peter (2023) Chronic Pain, Enactivism, & the Challenges of Integration. [Preprint] Contessa, Gabriele (2021) It Takes a Village to Trust Science: Towards a (Thoroughly) Social Approach to Social Trust in Science. [Preprint] Copeland, Samantha M (2017) On serendipity in science: discovery at the intersection of chance and wisdom. [Preprint] Currie, Adrian (2018) Existential Risk, Creativity & Well-Adapted Science. [Preprint] Céspedes, Esteban (2021) A positivist criticism of positivist growth theory. [Preprint] Danne, Nicholas (2021) A Dialogue on the Ethics of Science: Henri Poincaré and Pope Francis. [Preprint] De Fabrizio, Livio (2020) Physics Does It Better: So Why Be Afraid of Philosophy? [Preprint] De Langhe, Rogier and Greiff, Matthias (2009) Standards and the distribution of cognitive labour. [Preprint] Dellsén, Finnur (2021) Consensus versus Unanimity: Which Carries More Weight? [Preprint] Dellsén, Finnur (2019) The Epistemic Impact of Theorizing: Generation Bias Implies Evaluation Bias. [Preprint] Dellsén, Finnur (2022) Scientific Progress: By-Whom or For-Whom? [Preprint] Dellsén, Finnur (2018) When Expert Disagreement Supports the Consensus. [Preprint] Dellsén, Finnur and Baghramian, Maria (2020) Disagreement in Science: Introduction to the Special Issue. [Preprint] Desmond, Hugh (2021) In Service to Others: A New Evolutionary Perspective on Human Enhancement. [Preprint] DiMarco, Marina and Khalifa, Kareem (2021) Sins of Inquiry: How to Criticize Scientific Pursuits. [Preprint] Due, Austin (2024) Is There a ‘Best’ Way for Patients to Participate in Pharmacovigilance? [Preprint] Dunlap, Lucas and Corris, Amanda and Jacquart, Melissa and Biener, Zvi and Potochnik, Angela (2021) Divergence of Values and Goals in Participatory Research. [Preprint] ENOMOTO, Takuto (2024) Engineering the concept of ELSI and RRI. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2011) Direct and Indirect Roles for Values in Science. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2010) Direct and Indirect Roles for Values in Science. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2013) Douglas on Values: From Indirect Roles to Multiple Goals. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2013) Ethical and Societal Values in Nanotoxicology. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2010) Ignorance, Uncertainty, and the Development of Scientific Language. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2012) Selective Ignorance and Agricultural Research. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin and McKaughan, Daniel (2013) Non-Epistemic Values and the Multiple Goals of Science. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin C. and Dickson, Michael (2011) Distinguishing Risk and Uncertainty in Risk Assessments of Emerging Technologies. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2024) Characterizing the Value-Free Ideal: From a Dichotomy to a Multiplicity. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2023) Navigating Dissent by Managing Value Judgments: The Case of Lyme Disease. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2018) Roles for Socially Engaged Philosophy of Science in Environmental Policy. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin (2020) A Taxonomy of Transparency in Science. [Preprint] Elliott, Kevin and Korf, Rebecca (2024) Values in science: What are values, anyway? [Preprint] Ellman, Jonathan (2022) Physical Economics. [Preprint] Esfeld, Michael (2022) From the open society to the closed society: reconsidering Popper on natural and social science. [Preprint] Everth, Thomas and Gurney, Laura (2022) Emergent Realities: Diffracting Barad within a quantum-realist ontology of matter and politics. [Preprint] FRANCIS, NORBERT (2024) The evolution of communication and language in the voices of nature. [Preprint] Fehr, Carla and Jones, Janet (2022) Culture, exploitation, and the epistemic approach to diversity. [Preprint] Freeborn, David and O'Connor, Cailin (2024) Industrial Distraction. [Preprint] Gallacher, John and Webster, Chris (2022) High Quality Research Environments. [Preprint] Gallacher, John and Webster, Chris (2022) High Quality Research Environments. [Preprint] Gandon, Sébastien (2022) Jean Nicod: familial background and pacifist commitment. [Preprint] Garrido Wainer, Juan Manuel and Hirmas Montecinos, Natalia and Trujillo Osorio, Nicolás (2022) The policy of testing hypotheses in Chilean science. The role of a hypothesis-driven research funding programme in the installation of a hypothesis-driven experimental system in visual neuroscience. [Preprint] Gonçalves, Bernardo (2021) Can machines think? The controversy that led to the Turing test. [Preprint] Green, Sara and Andersen, Hanne and Danielsen, Kristian and Emmeche, Claus and Joas, Christian and Johansen, Mikkel Willum and Nagayoshi, Caio and Witteveen, Joeri and Sørensen, Henrik Kragh (2021) Adapting practice-based philosophy of science to teaching of science students. [Preprint] Greif, Hajo (2019) Darwinian Dialectics. [Preprint] Guo, Yuanlin and Ludwig, David (2021) Philosophy of Science in China: Politicized, De-politicized, and Re-politicized. [Preprint] Halpern, Megan and Elliott, Kevin (2022) Science as Experience: A Deweyan Model of Science Communication. [Preprint] Hancox-Li, Leif (2020) Robustness in Machine Learning Explanations: Does It Matter? [Preprint] Harnagel, Audrey (2018) A Mid-Level Approach to Modeling Scientific Communities. [Preprint] Hartmann, Stephan and Rafiee Rad, Soroush (2018) Anchoring in Deliberations. [Preprint] Havstad, Joyce C (2021) Sensational Science, Archaic Hominin Genetics, and Amplified Inductive Risk. [Preprint] Heesen, Remco (2018) Expediting the Flow of Knowledge Versus Rushing into Print. [Preprint] Hicks, Daniel (2015) Epistemological Depth in a GM Crops Controversy. [Preprint] Hicks, Daniel J. and Stapleford, Thomas A. (2016) The Virtues of Scientific Practice: MacIntyre, Virtue Ethics, and the Historiography of Science. [Preprint] Himmelreich, Johannes and Alexander, J. McKenzie and Thompson, Christopher (2014) Epistemic landscapes, optimal search and the division of cognitive labor. [Preprint] Hughes, Claude and Hughes, Gavin (2021) A Pre-Birth Guide to Personhood: How Genetic, Epigenetic and Developmental Milieu Factors Influence Pre-Fertilization, Embryonic, Fetal and Neonatal Attributes of Future Individual Humans. [Preprint] Irzik, Gürol and Kurtulmus, Faik (2018) Well-Ordered Science and Public Trust in Science. [Preprint] Jalloh, Mahmoud (2024) Bridgman and the Normative Independence of Science: An Individual Physicist in the Shadow of the Bomb. [Preprint] Jones, Elizabeth (2019) Ancient Genetics to Ancient Genomics: Celebrity and Credibility in Data-Driven Practice. [Preprint] Kaaronen, Roope Oskari (2018) Exploration and Exploitation in Scientific Inquiry: Towards a Society of Explorers. [Preprint] Karola, Stotz and Griffiths, Paul E. (2007) Biohumanities: Rethinking the relationship between biosciences, philosophy and history of science, and society. [Preprint] Kish Bar-On, Kati (2024) Mathematics and Society Reunited: The Social Aspects of Brouwer’s Intuitionism. [Preprint] Kitcher, Philip (2018) So ... who is your audience? [Preprint] Koskinen, Inkeri (2022) How institutional solutions meant to increase diversity in science fail. [Preprint] Koskinen, Inkeri (2022) Participation and Objectivity. [Preprint] Koskinen, Inkeri (2022) Reactivity as a tool in emancipatory activist research. [Preprint] Kurtulmus, Faik (2021) The Democratization of Science. [Preprint] Kõiv, Riin (2023) Genetically caused trait is an interactive kind. [Preprint] LaCroix, Travis (2023) Autism and the Pseudoscience of Mind. [Preprint] Lamm, Ehud (2016) Exposing Medical Pseudo-Science May Be Unethical. [Preprint] Larroulet Philippi, Cristian (2019) Well-Ordered Science’s Basic Problem. [Preprint] Leaney, Vikky (2021) Playing with the metaphysical foundations of a self-related ethnographic study (autoethnography). [Preprint] Leonelli, Sabina (2023) Philosophy of Open Science. [Preprint] Leão, T.P. (2021) In defense of punk science. [Preprint] Lisciandra, Chiara (2024) Citation Metrics: A Philosophy of Science Perspective. [Preprint] Lohse, Simon and Bschir, Karim (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic: A case for epistemic pluralism in public health policy. [Preprint] Ludwig, David (2013) A Rediscovery of Scientific Collections as Material Heritage? [Preprint] Ludwig, David (2018) How Race Travels. Relating Local and Global Ontologies of Race. Philosophical Studies. [Preprint] Ludwig, David (2021) Introduction: Reimagining Epistemology and Philosophy of Science from a Global Perspective. [Preprint] Ludwig, David (2017) "Letting go of 'Natural Kind'. Towards a Multidimensional Framework of Non-Arbitrary Classification" Philosophy of Science. [Preprint] Ludwig, David (2023) Science and Justice: Beyond the New Orthodoxy of Value-Laden Science Preprint. [Preprint] Ludwig, David (2023) Science and Justice: Beyond the New Orthodoxy of Value-Laden Science Preprint. [Preprint] Ludwig, David and Banuoku, Daniel Faabelangne and Boogaard, Birgit and El-Hani, Charbel and Guri, Bernard Yangmaadome and Kramm, Matthias and Renck, Vitor and Ressiore C, Adriana and Robles-Pineros, Jairo and Turska, Julia J. (2023) Southern Ontologies. Reorienting Agendas in Social Ontology. [Preprint] Ludwig, David and El-Hani, Charbel and Gatti, Fabio and Kendig, Catherine and Kramm, Matthias and Neco, Lucia and Nieves Delgado, Abigail and Poliseli, Luana and Renck, Vitor and Ressiore C, Adriana and Reyes-Galindo, Luis and Rickard, Thomas Loyd and De La Rosa, Gabriela and Turska, Julia J. and Vergara-Silva, Francisco and Wilson, Rob (2023) Transdisciplinary Philosophy of Science: Meeting the Challenge of Indigenous Expertise. [Preprint] López Corredoira, Martín (2008) Sociology of Modern Cosmology. [Preprint] Machery, Edouard (2025) Science Without Trust. [Preprint] Malinowska, Joanna Karolina and Żuradzki, Tomasz (2022) Towards the multileveled and processual conceptualisation of racialised individuals in biomedical research. [Preprint] Mantzavinos, C. (2020) Institutions and Scientific Progress. [Preprint] Massimi, Michela (2024) From the Right to Science as an epistemic-cultural human right to the Right to Expertise. [Preprint] Massimi, Michela (2022) A human-right approach to scientific progress. The deontic framework. [Preprint] Maxwell, Nicholas (2008) Do We Need a Scientific Revolution? [Preprint] Maxwell, Nicholas (2005) The Enlightenment, Popper and Einstein. [Preprint] Maxwell, Nicholas (2004) In Defence of Seeking Wisdom. [Preprint] Maxwell, Nicholas (2004) A Revolution for Science and the Humanities: From Knowledge to Wisdom. [Preprint] Maxwell, Nicholas (2009) Are Universities Undergoing an Intellectual Revolution? [Preprint] Meisenberg, Gerhard (2019) Should Cognitive Differences Research Be Forbidden? [Preprint] Meloni, Maurizio (2013) Moralizing biology: the appeal and limits of the new compassionate view of nature. [Preprint] Mendoza-De Los Santos, Oscar Eliezer (2024) Science, Society and Virtue: Scientific Neutrality and Social Engagement in 21st century. [Preprint] Mohseni, Aydin and O'Connor, Cailin and Weatherall, James Owen (2022) The Best Paper You'll Read Today: Media Biases and the Public Understanding of Science. [Preprint] Montague, Michael (2023) Towards a Grand Unified Threat Model of Biotechnology. [Preprint] Mussgnug, Alexander and Leonelli, Sabina (2024) A critical framing of data for development: Historicizing data relations and AI. [Preprint] Northcott, Robert (2022) Reflexivity and fragility. [Preprint] Northcott, Robert (2018) The efficiency question in economics. [Preprint] O'Connor, Cailin (2018) The Natural Selection of Conservative Science. [Preprint] O'Connor, Cailin and Weatherall, James Owen (2020) Modeling How False Beliefs Spread. [Preprint] O'Connor, Cailin and Weatherall, James Owen (2017) Scientific Polarization. [Preprint] Parke, Emily C and Hikuroa, Daniel (2024) Against Defending Science: Asking Better Questions About Indigenous Knowledge and Science. [Preprint] Peruzzi, Edoardo and CEVOLANI, Gustavo (2024) The gatekeeper’s dilemma: Daubert standard, economic experts and judicial reasoning. [Preprint] Pinto de Oliveira, J. C. (2014) History of science and history of art: An introduction to Kuhn's theory. [Preprint] Pitts, J. Brian (2019) The Mind-Body Problem and Conservation Laws: The Growth of Physical Understanding? [Preprint] Plaisance, Kathryn and Elliott, Kevin (2020) A Framework for Analyzing Broadly Engaged Philosophy of Science. [Preprint] Politi, Vincenzo (2021) Formal models of the scientific community and the value-ladenness of science. [Preprint] Politi, Vincenzo (2024) The Value-Free Ideal, the Autonomy Thesis, and Cognitive Diversity. [Preprint] Politi, Vincenzo (2024) Who ought to look towards the horizon? A qualitative study on the collective social responsibility of scientific research. [Preprint] Politi, Vincenzo (2024) The collective responsibilities of science: towards a normative framework. [Preprint] Popa, Elena (2024) Values in Public Health: An Argument from Trust. [Preprint] Potochnik, Angela and Cartieri, Francis (2013) Toward Philosophy of Science’s Social Engagement. [Preprint] Pradeu, Thomas and Lemoine, Maël and Khelfaoui, Mahdi and Gingras, Yves (2021) Philosophy in Science: Can philosophers of science permeate through science and produce scientific knowledge? [Preprint] Psillos, Stathis (2016) Tolstoy’s argument: realism and the history of science. [Preprint] Ratti, Emanuele (2024) Machine Learning and the Ethics of Induction. [Preprint] Reutlinger, Alexander (2020) What is Epistemically Wrong with Research Affected by Sponsorship Bias? The Evidential Account. [Preprint] Rifkin, Maximiliana Jewett and Garson, Justin (2023) Sex By Design: A New Account of the Animal Sexes. [Preprint] Russo, Federica and Schliesser, Eric and Wagemans, Jean H.M. (2022) Connecting ethics and epistemology of AI. [Preprint] Saborido, Cristian and Zamora Bonilla, Jesús (2024) Diseases as Social Problems. [Preprint] Sample, Matthew (2016) Silent Performances: Are Repertoires Really Post-Kuhnian? [Preprint] Schipani, Vanessa (2024) Journalism and Public Trust in Science. [Preprint] Schliesser, Eric (2011) Four Species of Reflexivity and History of Economics in Economic Policy Science. [Preprint] Schliesser, Eric (2022) Review Essay of Levy, Neil. Bad Beliefs: Why They Happen to Good People. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022 forthcoming in International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. [Preprint] Schneider, Mike D. and De Baerdemaeker, Siska (2023) Cosmology and Empire. [Preprint] Shavit, Ayelet (2021) Communal Philosophy? A Possible Framework for Science-Society Interaction. [Preprint] Smith, Adam C. (2024) Science Policy Advising & Political Legitimacy: A Feminist Public Reason Account. [Preprint] Spiegel, Irina (2022) On a Mental Viewpoint Concerning Aggregative Normativity. [Preprint] Spurrett, David Jon (1999) Lyotard and the Postmodern Misunderstanding of Physics. [Preprint] Spurrett, David Jon (1999) Review article of: Cilliers, P. (1998) Complexity and postmodernism: Understanding complex systems, London: Routledge. [Preprint] Stamenkovic, Philippe (2023) On the (lack of) usefulness of professional philosophy of science. [Preprint] Stern, Julio Michael (2022) Ethical Dilemmas in Natural Theology and Valid Inference in Clinical Trials. [Preprint] Stuart, Michael T. and Sargeant, Hannah (2023) Inclusivity in the Education of Scientific Imagination. [Preprint] Taverna, Giorgio Salavatore (2023) Can organic intellectuals help to better communicate controversial scientific findings to the public opinion? A hint from geo-engineering. [Preprint] Thoma, Johanna M. (2014) The Epistemic Division of Labor Revisited. [Preprint] Thoma, Johanna (2023) Merely Means Paternalist? Prospect Theory and 'Debiased' Welfare Analysis. [Preprint] Todt, Oliver and Luján, José Luis (2020) Health claim regulation for public health: individual choice or libertarian paternalism? [Preprint] Trpin, Borut (2021) Against methodological gambling. [Preprint] Uchii, Soshichi (2000) The Responsibility of the Scientist. [Preprint] Uchii, Soshichi (1999) Sherlock Holmes and Probabilistic Induction. [Preprint] Van Bouwel, Jeroen (2022) Strengthening the Epistemic Case against Epistocracy and for Democracy. [Preprint] Veit, Walter (2018) Cognitive Enhancement and the Threat of Inequality. [Preprint] Veit, Walter (2021) Does Birth Matter? [Preprint] Veit, Walter (2021) Model Diversity and the Embarrassment of Riches. [Preprint] Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather (2022) Feminism and Enhancement. [Preprint] Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather (2021) Has the Socio-Political Role of Neuroethics Been Neglected? [Preprint] Ventura, Rafael (2022) Publish without Bias, or Perish without Replications. [Preprint] Ventura, Rafael (2022) Structural Inequality in Collaboration Networks. [Preprint] Verweij, Marco and Ney, Steven and Thompson, Michael (2022) Cultural Theory’s Contributions to Climate Science: Reply to Hansson. [Preprint] Virmajoki, Veli (2021) The Philosophy of the Future of Science. [Preprint] Virmajoki, Veli (2021) Understanding Futures of Science. Connecting Causal Layered Analysis and the Philosophy of Science. [Preprint] Visokolskis, Sandra and Gerván, Héctor Horacio (2021) Applied versus Situated Mathematics in Ancient Egypt: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. [Preprint] Vučković, Aleksandra and Sikimić, Vlasta (2022) How to Fight Linguistic Injustice in Science: Equity Measures and Mitigating Agents. [Preprint] Walstad, Allan (2002) Science As a Market Process. [Preprint] Ward, Zina B. (2022) Disagreement and Values in Science. [Preprint] Ward, Zina B. and Creel, Kathleen A. (2024) To Hedge or Not to Hedge: Scientific Claims and Public Justification. [Preprint] Weatherall, James Owen and O'Connor, Cailin (2018) Do as I Say, Not as I Do, or, Conformity in Scientific Networks. [Preprint] Weatherall, James Owen and O'Connor, Cailin (2020) Endogenous Epistemic Factionalization. [Preprint] Weatherall, James Owen and O'Connor, Cailin (2023) Fake News! [Preprint] Weinberg, Justin and Elliott, Kevin (2012) Science, Expertise, and Democracy. [Preprint] Weinberger, Naftali (2024) Discrimination Through the Lens of Philosophy of Science. [Preprint] Weinberger, Naftali (2022) Path-Specific Discrimination. [Preprint] Weinberger, Naftali (2022) Signal Manipulation and the Causal Analysis of Racial Discrimination. [Preprint] Wieber, Frederic and Hocquet, Alexandre (2018) Computational Chemistry as Voodoo Quantum Mechanics : Models, Parameterization, and Software. [Preprint] Wilholt, Torsten (2021) Epistemic Interests and the Objectivity of Inquiry. [Preprint] Wu, Jingyi (2023) Better than Best: Epistemic Landscapes and Diversity of Practice in Science. [Preprint] Wu, Jingyi and O'Connor, Cailin (2023) How Should We Promote Transient Diversity in Science? [Preprint] Wylie, Caitlin D. (2019) Overcoming the underdetermination of specimens. [Preprint] Yee, Adrian K. and Hayakawa, Kenji (2023) Medical Epistemology Meets Economics: How (Not) To GRADE Universal Basic Income Research. [Preprint] Yu, Li-an (2022) Distributing Epistemic and Practical Risks: A Comparative Study of Communicating Earthquake Damages. [Preprint] de Melo-Martín, Inmaculada (2024) A Closer Look to the Problem of Scientific Misinformation. [Preprint] neto, celso (2023) The Risks of Biological Races. [Preprint] İrzik, Gürol and Kurtulmus, Faik (2018) What is Epistemic Public Trust in Science? [Preprint] Conference or Workshop ItemAkagi, Mikio and Gooding, Frederick W. (2021) Microaggressions and Objectivity: Experimental Measures and Lived Experience. In: UNSPECIFIED. Beck, Pieter (2022) Learning in the world: Van Musschenbroek's lessons for the philosophy of experimentation. In: UNSPECIFIED. Blanc, Floriane (2007) Analyzing an aspect of the inaugural lectures of the Paris Museum of Natural History: An appropriate concept of representation. In: UNSPECIFIED. Blee, Kathleen M. (2011) Does Gender Matter in the United States Far-Right? In: UNSPECIFIED. Boyer-Kassem, Thomas (2016) Scientific expertise, risk assessment, and majority voting. In: UNSPECIFIED. Branch, T.Y. and Douglas, Heather (2023) Rethinking the Conceptual Space for Science in Society after the VFI. In: UNSPECIFIED. Brigandt, Ingo (2015) Social Values Influence the Adequacy Conditions of Scientific Theories: Beyond Inductive Risk. In: UNSPECIFIED. Cordero, Alberto (2004) CONTEMPORARY NATIVISM, SCIENTIFIC TEXTURE, AND THE MORAL LIMITS OF FREE INQUIRY. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished) Elliott, Kevin and Willmes, David (2012) Cognitive Attitudes and Values in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED. Elliott, Kevin (2022) Open Science for Non-Specialists: Making Open Science Meaningful Outside the Scientific Community. In: UNSPECIFIED. Fletcher, Erica H. (2012) Bodies in a Zone of Indistinction: A History of the Biomedicalization of Pregnancy in Prison. In: UNSPECIFIED. Franco, Paul L. (2018) Speech Act Theory and the Multiple Aims of Science. In: UNSPECIFIED. Goodwin, William (2009) Global Climate Modeling as Applied Science. In: UNSPECIFIED. Hicks, Daniel and Elliott, Kevin (2018) A Framework for Understanding Wishful Thinking. In: UNSPECIFIED. Hitchen, S.A. (2014) Adapting our Language: The Problem (?) of Teleological Language in the Philosophy of Biology. In: UNSPECIFIED. Jackson, John (2008) Definitional Argument in Evolutionary Psychology and Cultural Anthropology. In: UNSPECIFIED. Keren, Arnon (2014) Science and Informed, Counterfactual, Democratic Consent. In: UNSPECIFIED. Khosrowi, Donal (2016) Trade-offs between Epistemic and Moral Values in Evidence-Based Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED. Knox, Bennett (2022) The Institutional Definition of Psychiatric Condition and the Role of Well-Being in Psychiatry. In: UNSPECIFIED. Lacey, Hugh (2004) On the Interplay of the Cognitive and the Social in Scientific Practices. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished) Le Bihan, Soazig and Amadi, Iheanyi (2016) Epistemically Detrimental Dissent: Contingent Enabling Factors v. Stable Difference Makers. In: UNSPECIFIED. Lee, Eun Ah and Brown, Matthew J. (2016) Connecting Inquiry and Values in Science Education: An Approach based on John Dewey’s Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED. Lengbeyer, Lawrence (2016) Defending limited non-deference to science experts. In: UNSPECIFIED. Leonelli, Sabina (2021) Open Science and Epistemic Diversity: Friends or Foes? In: UNSPECIFIED. Martini, Carlo (2010) Consensus Formation in Networked Groups. In: UNSPECIFIED. Myrvold, Wayne C. (2016) Context of Communication: What Philosophers can Contribute. In: UNSPECIFIED. Navin, Mark (2013) Disgust, Contamination, and Vaccine Refusal. In: UNSPECIFIED. Psillos, Stathis (2015) Evidence: Wanted, alive or dead. In: UNSPECIFIED. Rogier, De Langhe and Matthias, Greiff (2009) Standards and the distribution of cognitive labour. In: UNSPECIFIED. Ruphy, Stephanie (2014) Which forms of limitation of the autonomy of science are epistemologically acceptable (and politically desirable)? In: UNSPECIFIED. Ruphy, Stéphanie and Bedessem, Baptiste (2016) Serendipity: an Argument for Scientific Freedom? In: UNSPECIFIED. Salmon, Merrilee (2018) The Role of (Scientific) Experts in a Democracy. In: UNSPECIFIED. Sargent, Rose-Mary (2008) Philosophy of Science in the Public Interest: Useful Knowledge and the Common Good. In: UNSPECIFIED. Schmaus, Warren (2010) Science and the Social Contract in Renouvier. In: UNSPECIFIED. Schmaus, Warren (2008) Two Concepts of Social Situatedness in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED. Schmaus, Warren (2008) Two Concepts of Social Situatedness in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED. Schroeder, S. Andrew (2018) A Better Foundation for Public Trust in Science. In: UNSPECIFIED. Schroeder, S. Andrew (2016) Using Democratic Values in Science: an Objection and (Partial) Response. In: UNSPECIFIED. Schuld, Dawna (2006) White Cube and Black Box: Irwin, Turrell, and the return of the subject to art and psychology in the 1960s. In: UNSPECIFIED. Shavit, Ayelet and Kolumbus, Anat and Ellison, Aaron M. (2016) Two Roads Diverge in a Wood: Indifference to the Difference Between ‘Diversity’ and ‘Heterogeneity’ Should Be Resisted on Epistemic and Moral Grounds. In: UNSPECIFIED. Sheredos, Benjamin (2009) Embodied Delusions and Intentionality. In: UNSPECIFIED. Sheredos, Benjamin (2009) Embodied Delusions and Intentionality. In: UNSPECIFIED. Spencer, Quayshawn (2016) In Defense of the Actual Metaphysics of Race. In: UNSPECIFIED. Published Article or VolumeAbi-Rached, Joelle M. (2011) Robert A. Aronowitz. Unnatural History: Breast Cancer and American Society. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 5 (1). pp. 79-82. ISSN 1913-0465 Adriaens, Pieter R. (2019) In Defence of Animal Homosexuality. Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (022). ISSN 2475-3025 Agapitos, Julia (2010) Eileen Crist and H. Bruce Rinker, eds. Gaia in Turmoil: Climate Change, Biodepletion and Earth Ethics in an Age of Crisis. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 4 (1). pp. 286-288. ISSN 1913-0465 Agassi, Joseph (2007) On the Ethics of Medical Care under Resource Constraints. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1). ISSN 1913-0465 Aikin, Scott and Harbour, Michael and Talisse, Robert (2010) Evolution, Intelligent Design and Public Education: A Comment on Thomas Nagel. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 3 (1). 35 - 40. ISSN 1913-0465 Alai, Mario (2018) How Deployment Realism withstands Doppelt's Criticisms. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 9 (1). pp. 122-135. ISSN 1913-0465 Arabatzis, Theodore (2018) Engaging philosophically with the history of science: two challenges for scientific realism. 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