Number of items at this level: 661.
Andrews, Mel
Making Reification Concrete: A Response to Bruineberg et al.
Andrews, Mel
The Math is not the Territory: Navigating the Free Energy Principle.
Arroyo-Santos, Alfonso and Olson, Mark E. and Vergara-Silva, Francisco
Practice-oriented controversies and borrowed epistemic credibility in current evolutionary biology: phylogeography as a case study.
Arroyo-Santos, Alfonso and Olson , Mark E and Vergara-Silva, Francisco
“Practice-Oriented Controversies and Borrowed Epistemic Credibility in Current Evolutionary Biology: Phylogeography as a Case Study.
Artiga, Marc
Bacterial Communication.
Au, Yin Chung
Epistemic values of quantity and variety of evidence in biological mechanism research.
Austin, Christopher J.
Aristotelian Essentialism: Essence in the Age of Evolution.
Austin, Christopher J.
The Dispositional Genome: Primus Inter Pares.
Austin, Christopher J.
A Biologically Informed Hylomorphism.
Austin, Christopher J.
Evo-Devo: A Science of Dispositions.
Austin, Christopher J.
The Ontology of Organisms: Mechanistic Modules or Patterned Processes?
Austin, Christopher J.
Organisms, Activity, and Being: On the Substance of Process Ontology.
Austin, Christopher J.
Recent Work in The Philosophy of Biology.
Austin, Christopher J. and Nuño de la Rosa, Laura
Dispositional Properties in Evo-Devo.
Ayala, Francisco
What the Biological Sciences Can and Cannot Contribute to Ethics.
Babcock, Gunnar
Teleology and function in non-living nature.
Babcock, Gunnar and McShea, Daniel W.
Goal directedness and the field concept.
Barack, David L
What Is Foraging?
Bartlett, Steven James
Inescapable Ambiguity and Framework-relativity.
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
Imaging the living brain: Reductionism revisited in times of dynamical systems.
Barwich, Ann-Sophie and Firestein, Stuart and Dietrich, Michael R.
Wider than the Sky: An Alternative to “Mapping” the World onto the Brain.
Batterman, Robert and Green, Sara
Steel and bone: Mesoscale modeling and middle-out strategies in physics and biology.
Baxter, Janella
When is it Safe to Edit the Human Germline.
Bechtel, William
Diagrammatic reasoning.
Bechtel, William
Enriching the Strategies for Creating Mechanistic Explanations in Biology.
Bechtel, William and Bollhagen, Andrew
Active Biological Mechanisms: Transforming Energy into Motion in Molecular Motors.
Birch, Jonathan
Gene mobility and the concept of relatedness.
Birch, Jonathan
Animal Cognition and Human Values.
Birch, Jonathan and Browning, Heather
Neural Organoids and the Precautionary Principle.
Bocchi, Federica
Biodiversity Skepticism and Measurement Practices.
Bocchi, Federica and Bokulich, Alisa and Castillo Brache, Leticia and Grand-Pierre, Gloria and Watkins, Aja
Are We in a Sixth Mass Extinction?
The Challenges of Answering and Value of Asking.
Bogen, Jim
Regularities and Causality; Generalizations and Causal Explanations.
Bokulich, Alisa
Understanding Scientific Types: Holotypes, Stratotypes, and Measurement Prototypes.
Bonnin, Thomas
Evidential Reasoning in the Historical Sciences: Applying Toulmin Schemas to the case of Archezoa.
Bourrat, Pierrick and Lu, Qiaoying
Dissolving the Missing Heritability Problem.
Brigandt, Ingo
Beyond Reduction and Pluralism: Toward an Epistemology of Explanatory Integration in Biology.
Brigandt, Ingo
The Epistemic Goal of a Concept: Accounting for the Rationality of Semantic Change and Variation.
Brigandt, Ingo
The Role a Concept Plays in Science - The Case of Homology.
Brigandt, Ingo
The Role a Concept Plays in Science - The Case of Homology.
Brigandt, Ingo
The 'Role' a Concept Plays in Science - The Case of Homology.
Brigandt, Ingo
An alternative to Kitcher's theory of conceptual progress and his account of the change of the gene concept.
Brigandt, Ingo
Explanation of Molecular Processes Without Tracking Mechanism Operation.
Brigandt, Ingo and Villegas, Cristina and Love, Alan C. and Nuño de la Rosa, Laura
Evolvability as a Disposition: Philosophical Distinctions, Scientific Implications.
Brown, Rachael L.
Mapping Out the Landscape: A Multi-dimensional Approach to Behavioural Innovation.
Browning, Heather
Assessing Measures of Animal Welfare.
Browning, Heather
If I Could Talk to the Animals: Measuring Subjective Animal Welfare (PhD Thesis).
Browning, Heather
The problem of interspecies welfare comparisons (preprint).
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Animal Welfare Science, Performance Metrics, and Proxy Failure: A Commentary on John et al.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Evolutionary Biology Meets Consciousness.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Freedom and Animal Welfare.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
The Importance of End-of-Life Welfare.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Longtermism and Animals.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
The Measurement Problem of Consciousness.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
More than Zombies: Considering the Animal Subject in De-Extinction.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Optimism about measuring animal feelings.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Positive Wild Animal Welfare.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Regulating Possibly Sentient Human Cerebral Organoids.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Review of Jeff Sebo’s Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animals Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and other Catastrophes.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
The Sentience Shift in Animal Research.
Burian, Richard
Selection Does Not Operate Primarily on Genes.
Burnston, Daniel C.
Getting over Atomism: Functional Decomposition in Complex Neural Systems.
Buskell, Andrew and Currie, Adrian
Uniqueness in the Life Sciences: How Did the Elephant Get its Trunk?
Byron (formerly Baker), Jason M.
Whence philosophy of biology?
Calcott, Brett and Griffiths, Paul E. and Pocheville, Arnaud
Signals that make a Difference.
Canali, Stefano and Ratti, Emanuele
Between quantity and quality: competing views on the role of Big Data for causal inference.
Chiu, Lynn and Gilbert, Scott
Niche construction and the transition to herbivory: Phenotype switching and the organization of new nutritional modes.
ChoGlueck, Christopher
Broadening the Scope of Our Understanding of Mechanisms: Lessons from the History of the Morning-After Pill.
Christie, Joshua R. and Wilkinson, Zachary and Gawronski, Stefan A. and Griffiths, Paul E.
Concepts of function in biology and biomedicine.
Cofnas, Nathan
Innateness as genetic adaptation: Lorenz redivivus (and revised).
Colaço, David and Bickle, John and Walters, Bradley
When should researchers cite study differences in response to a failure to replicate?
Colombo, Matteo and Wright, Cory
First principles in the life sciences: The free-energy principle, organicism, and mechanism.
Corris, Amanda
An enactive-developmental systems framing of cognizing systems.
Cristian, Saborido and Manuel, Heras-Escribano
Affordances and Organizational Functions.
Currie, Adrian
The Argument from Surprise.
Currie, Adrian
Convergence as Evidence.
Currie, Adrian
Ethnographic Analogy, the Comparative Method, and Archaeological Special Pleading.
Currie, Adrian
Hot-Blooded Gluttons: Dependency, Coherence & Method in the Historical Sciences.
Currie, Adrian
Marsupial Lions & Methodological Omnivory:
Function, Success and Reconstruction in Paleobiology.
Currie, Adrian
Mass Extinctions as Major Transitions.
Currie, Adrian
The Mystery of the Triceratops's Mother: How to be a realist about the species category.
Currie, Adrian
Paleobiology and Philosophy.
Currie, Adrian
Simplicity, One-Shot Hypotheses & Paleobiological Explanation.
Currie, Adrian
Venomous Dinosaurs and Rear-Fanged Snakes: Homology and Homoplasy Characterized.
Currie, Adrian and Sterelny, Kim
In defence of story-telling.
Currie, Adrian and Turner, Derek
Scientific Knowledge of the Deep Past.
Currie, Adrian and Walsh, Kirsten
Newton on Islandworld: ontic-driven explanations of scientific method.
Dengsø, Mads and Robertson, Ian and Constant, Axel
Markov blankets and the preformationist assumption.
Dietrich, Michael R. and Ankeny, Rachel and Crowe, Nathan and Green, Sara and Leonelli, Sabina
How to Choose Your Research Organism.
Dong, Zili and Cai, Weixin and Zhao, Shimin
Simpson's Paradox Beyond Confounding.
Donhauser, Justin and Worley, Sara and Bradie, Michael and Bouzat, Juan
The Problem of Mooted Models for Analyses of Microbiome Causality.
Dupré, John and Leonelli, Sabina
Process epistemology in the COVID-19 Era: Rethinking the research process to avoid dangerous forms of reification.
Díez, José and Suárez, Javier
How do networks explain? A neo-Hempelian approach to network explanations of the ecology of the microbiome.
Ehsani, Sepehr
Examining Part–Part Interactions toward Improving Mechanistic Explanations in Cell Biology.
Ehsani, Sepehr
Generalizations for Cell Biological Explanations: Distinguishing between Principles and Laws.
Ehsani, Sepehr
Principled Mechanistic Explanations in Biology: A Case Study of Alzheimer's Disease.
Elliott, Tyler A. and Linquist, Stefan and Gregory, T. Ryan
Conceptual and empirical challenges of ascribing functions to transposable elements.
Elliott-Graves, Alkistis
Generality and Causal Interdependence in Ecology.
Elliott-Graves, Alkistis
What are general models about?
Farrell, Margaret
What would imaginary ancestors do?
Favela, Luis H. and Chemero, Anthony
Explanatory Pluralism: A Case Study from the Life Sciences.
Fehr, Carla and Jones, Janet
Culture, exploitation, and the epistemic approach to diversity.
Francken, J.C. and Slors, M. and Craver, C.F.
Cognitive Ontology and the Search for Neural Mechanisms: Three Foundational Problems.
Freeborn, David Peter Wallis
Sloppy Models, Renormalization Group Realism, and the Success of Science.
French, Steven
Shifting to Structures in Physics and Biology: A Prophylactic for Promiscuous Realism.
Ganson, Todd
A role for representations in inflexible behavior.
Garson, Justin
Against Organizational Functions.
Gilead, Amihud
Singularity and Uniqueness: Why Is Our Immune System Subject to Psychological and Cognitive Traits?
Goldwasser, Seth
Standard Aberration: Cancer Biology and the Modeling Account of Normal Function.
Gomez-Marin, Alex
Computational neuroscience needs theoretical ethology: correcting an anthropomorphic bias.
Gomez-Marin, Alex
Evolution and what the intellect makes of it.
Gough, Joe
Cognitive science meets the mark of the cognitive: Putting the horse before the cart.
Gough, Joe
‘Mind’ and ‘mental’: extended, pluralistic, eliminated.
Green, Sara
A philosophical evaluation of adaptationism as a heuristic strategy.
Green, Sara
Cancer beyond genetics:
On the practical implications of downward causation.
Green, Sara
Scale-dependency and Downward Causation in Biology.
Green, Sara and Andersen, Hanne
Systems Science and the Art of Interdisciplinary Integration.
Green, Sara and Batterman, Robert
Making sense of top-down causation: Universality and functional equivalence in physics and biology.
Green, Sara and Dietrich, Michael R. and Leonelli, Sabina and Ankeny, Rachel
‘Extreme’ Organisms and the Problem of Generalization:
Interpreting the Krogh Principle.
Griffiths, Paul
Function, Homology and Character Individuation.
Griffiths, Paul and Tabery, James
Behavioral Genetics and Development: Historical and Conceptual Causes of Controversy.
Griffiths, Paul E
Function, Homology and Character Individuation.
Griffiths, Paul E.
Instinct in the ‘50s: The British Reception of Konrad Lorenz’s Theory of Instinctive Behavior.
Griffiths, Paul Edmund
Function, Homology and Character Individuation.
Griffiths, Paul Edmund
In what sense does 'nothing make sense except in the light of evolution'?
Griffiths, Paul E.
What are biological sexes?
Guala, Francesco
Reciprocity: weak or strong? What punishment experiments do (and do not) demonstrate.
Han, HyeJeong
Taking model pursuit seriously.
Havstad, Joyce C
Sensational Science, Archaic Hominin Genetics,
and Amplified Inductive Risk.
Hazelwood, Caleb
Reciprocal Causation and Biological Practice.
Heesen, Remco
The Young-(Helmholtz)-Maxwell Theory of Color Vision.
Heine, Kyle and Shech, Elay
Roles of mitonuclear ecology and sex in conceptualizing evolutionary fitness.
Helgeson, Casey
Why you have one trait rather than another: The failure of the explanatory-chain stragegy.
Helman, Daniel
Finding or Creating a Living Organism? Past and Future Thought Experiments in Astrobiology Applied to Artificial Intelligence.
Hermida, Margarida
Natural Selection of Independently Originated Life Clades.
Hermida, Margarida and Ladyman, James
Living Objects.
Herring, John
Cooperative Equilibrium in Biosphere Evolution: Reconciling Competition and Cooperation in Evolutionary Ecology.
Hoffman, Kate Nicole
Justifying Nature-based Solutions.
Hu, Ignophi
On apples and ageing.
Hueck, Christoph
Cognizing the Vital Principle of the Organism by Interpreting the Four Aristotelian Causes in a Kantian Perspective – an Outline.
Hueck, Christoph
Empirical Vitalism – Observing an Organism’s Formative Power within an Active and Co-Constitutive Relation between Subject and Object.
Illari, Phyllis and Russo, Federica
Information channels and biomarkers of disease.
Ivani, Silvia and Sprenger, Jan
Challenging the Dichotomy of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Values: Feminist Values and Evolutionary Psychology.
Jantzen, Benjamin and Danks, David
Biological Codes and Topological Causation.
Jantzen, Benjamin C.
Symmetry and Causation: A General Theory of Biological Individuality.
Jeler, Ciprian
Multi-level selection and the issue of environmental homogeneity.
Jeler, Ciprian
Trait-centered vs. fitness-centered definitions of natural selection.
Jeler, Ciprian
Two kinds of drift?
Jiang, Yihan
The Metaphysics of Mechanisms: An Ontic Structural Realist Perspective.
Jones, Elis
Exploring the socio-ecology of science: the case of coral reefs.
Jones, Elizabeth
Ancient Genetics to Ancient Genomics:
Celebrity and Credibility in Data-Driven Practice.
Kaiser, Marie I. and Müller, Caroline
What Is an Animal Personality?
Kaiser, Marie I. and Suárez, Javier
Metaphysics of Scientific Practice.
Karola, Stotz and Griffiths, Paul E.
Biohumanities: Rethinking the relationship between biosciences, philosophy and history of science, and society.
Kasirzadeh, Atoosa
A new role for mathematics in empirical sciences.
Kelley, David
Philosophy Moves.
Kesić, Srdjan
Toward a more general understanding of Bohr’s complementarity: Insights from modeling of ion channels.
Khan, Saira
The limits of our explanation: a case study in Myxococcus xanthus cooperation.
Killin, Anton and Currie, Adrian
Musical pluralism and the science of music.
Kinney, David and Kempes, Christopher
Epistemology and Anomaly Detection in Astrobiology.
Kirchhoff, Michael and Kiverstein, Julian and Robertson, Ian
The Literalist Fallacy & the Free Energy Principle: Model-building, Scientific Realism and Instrumentalism.
Kirchhoff, Michael and van Es, Thomas
A Universal Ethology Challenge to the Free Energy Principle: Species of Inference and Good Regulators.
Kiverstein, Julian and Kirchhoff, Michael
Scientific Realism about Friston blankets without Literalism.
Korenić, Andrej and Perović, Slobodan and Cirkovic, Milan M. and Miquel, Paul-Antoine
Symmetry breaking and functional incompleteness in biological systems.
Kostic, Daniel
Topological Explanations: An Opinionated Appraisal.
Kostic, Daniel
Unifying the debates: mathematical and non-causal explanations.
Kostic, Daniel and Hilgetag, Claus and Tittgemeyer, Marc
Unifying the essential concepts of biological networks: biological insights and philosophical foundations.
Kostyrka, Gladys
Disease ecology and the concept of emerging infectious disease: its impact on the epidemiology of rabies virus, 1990s-2010s.
Kostyrka, Gladys
Interspecies transmission and viral epidemics: integration of molecular and ecological approaches in the epidemiology of two RNA viruses (1989-2010s).
Kranke, Nina
Do concepts of individuality account for individuation practices in studies of host-parasite systems? A modelling account of biological individuality.
Kranke, Nina
Explanatory Integration and Integrated Explanations in Darwinian Medicine and Evolutionary Medicine.
Kranke, Nina
Two Kinds of Historical Explanation in Evolutionary Biology.
Kuhlmann, Meinard
Mechanisms in Dynamically Complex Systems.
Laplane, Lucie
Cancer stem cells modulate patterns and processes of evolution in cancers.
Lean, Oliver M
Are Bio-ontologies Metaphysical Theories?
Lee, Jonny and Calvo, Paco
The potential of plant action potentials.
Leonelli, Sabina
What Distinguishes Data from Models?
Leonelli, Sabina and Tempini, Niccolo
Where Health and Environment Meet: The Use of Invariant Parameters for Big Data Analysis.
Levy, Arnon and Currie, Adrian
Model Organisms are not (Theoretical) Models.
Lewis, Cory
The Domain Relativity of Evolutionary Contingency.
Linquist, Stefan
Which evolutionary model best explains the culture of honour?
Linquist, Stefan and Cottenie, Karl and Elliott, Tyler and Saylor, Brent and Kremer, Stefan and Gregory, T. Ryan
Applying ecological models to communities of genetic elements: the case of neutral theory.
Linquist, Stefan and Saylor, Brent and Cottenie, Karl and Elliott, Tyler A. and Kremer, Stefan C. and Gregory, T. Ryan
Distinguishing ecological from evolutionary approaches to transposable elements.
Liu, Ying
Design Explanation in Systems Biology and Design Principles.
Livengood, Jonathan and Edwards, Adam
Calibrating Chromatography: How Tswett Broke the Experimenters' Regress.
Lohse, Simon
Questionable Research Practices and the Reproducibility Crisis in Animal-Based Biomedicine: A New Perspective.
Lohse, Simon and Wasmer, Martin S. and Reydon, Thomas A. C.
Integrating Philosophy of Science
Into Research on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in the Life Sciences.
Longy, Françoise
Artifacts and Organisms: A Case for a New Etiological Theory of Functions.
Lorenzano, Pablo and Díez, José
Scientific Explanation as Ampliative, Specialized Embedding:
The Case of Classical Genetics.
Lu, Qiaoying and Bourrat, Pierrick
The Evolutionary Gene and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis.
Ludwig, David
"Letting go of 'Natural Kind'. Towards a Multidimensional Framework of Non-Arbitrary Classification" Philosophy of Science.
Ludwig, David and El-Hani, Charbel
Philosophy of Ethnobiology: Understanding Knowledge Integration and Its Limitations.
Machery, Edouard
Experimental Philosophy of science.
Makineni, Vamsi and Sarkar, Sahotra
‘Biodiversity’ as a Primarily Normative and Inseparable Thick Concept.
Malaterre, Christophe
Are self-organizing biochemical networks emergent?
Malaterre, Christophe
Can synthetic biology shed light on the origin of life?
Malaterre, Christophe
Lifeness signatures and the roots of the tree of life.
Malaterre, Christophe
On what it is to fly can tell us something about what it is to live.
Malaterre, Christophe
Organicism and Reductionism in Cancer Research: Towards a Systemic Approach.
Martínez, Manolo
Deception as Cooperation.
Martínez, Manolo
Usefulness Drives Representations to Truth -- A Family of Counterexamples to Hoffman’s Interface Theory of Perception.
Matthews, Lucas J.
On mechanistic reasoning in unexpected places: the case of population genetics.
Matthiessen, Dana
Causal Concepts Guiding Model Specification in Systems Biology.
Matthiessen, Dana
Crystallizing Techniques: Sample Preparations, Technical Knowledge, and the Characterization of Blood Crystals, 1840-1909.
Matthiessen, Dana
Mechanistic Explanation in Systems Biology: Cellular Networks.
Maxwell, Matthew J. and Sober, Elliott
Gradualism, Natural Selection, and the Randomness of Mutation – Fisher, Kimura, and Orr, Connecting the Dots.
McConwell, Alison and Currie, Adrian
Gouldian Arguments & the Sources of Contingency.
McConwell, Alison K
Contingency's Causality and Structural Diversity.
McLoone, Brian and Grützner, Cassandra and Stuart, Michael T.
Counterpossibles in Science: An Experimental Study.
Meincke, Anne Sophie
Autopoiesis, Biological Autonomy and the Process View of Life.
Meincke, Anne Sophie
The Disappearance of Change: Towards a Process Account of Persistence.
Meneganzin, Andra and Killin, Anton
Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Reconsidering Neanderthal Aesthetic Capacity.
Meynell, Letitia and Lopez, Andrew
Gendering Animals.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Concepts of Drift and Selection in “The Great Snail Debate” of the 1950s and Early 1960s.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Distinguishing Drift and Selection Empirically: “The Great Snail Debate” of the 1950s.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Environmental Ethics.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Exploring the Status of Population Genetics: The Role of Ecology.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Hsp90-Induced Evolution: Adaptationist, Neutralist, and Developmentalist Scenarios.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Natural Selection and Causal Productivity.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Natural Selection as a Population-Level Causal Process.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Probability in Biology: The Case of Fitness.
Millstein, Roberta L. and Skipper, Robert A.
Population Genetics.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Debunking Myths About Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Functions and Functioning in Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic and in Ecology.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Is Aldo Leopold's ‘Land Community’ an Individual?
Millstein, Roberta L.
Types of Experiments and Causal Process Tracing: What Happened on the Kaibab Plateau in the 1920s.
Monsó, Susana and Saborido, Cristian
Animal medicine.
Montague, Michael
Towards a Grand Unified Threat Model of Biotechnology.
Monton, Bradley
Design Inferences in an Infinite Universe.
Morris, Rick
Be fruitful and multiply: Fitness and health in evolutionary mismatch and clinical research.
Morris, Rick
Stranger in a strange land: an optimal-environments account of evolutionary mismatch.
Morrow, Katie H.
Neutral and Niche Theory in Community Ecology: A Framework for Comparing Model Realism.
Mossé, Brigitte and Remy, Élisabeth
A combinatorial exploration of boolean dynamics generated by isolated and chorded circuits.
Munoz, François and huneman, philippe
From the neutral theory to a comprehensive and multiscale theory of ecological equivalence.
Nemati, Nedah
Rethinking Neuroscientific Methodology: Lived Experience in Behavioral Studies.
Nematipour, Behzad
Fitness, Reproductive Success and Functions.
Nematipour, Behzad and Krohs, Ulrich and Bračić, Marko
Cognitive bias in animal behavior science: A philosophical perspective.
Nersessian, Nancy and MacLeod, Miles
Rethinking Ethnography for Philosophy of Science.
Neto, Celso and Meynell, Letitia
Scaffold: A Causal Concept for Evolutionary Explanations.
Newman, Stuart A.
Inherency and agency in the origin and evolution of biological functions.
Nešić, Janko
Ecological-enactive account of autism spectrum disorder.
Nieves Delgado, Abigail and Ludwig, David and El-Hani, Charbel
Pluralist Ethnobiology: Between Philosophical Reflection and
Transdisciplinary Action.
Noichl, Maximilian
How localized are computational templates? A machine learning approach.
Novick, Aaron and Scholl, Raphael
Presume It Not: True Causes in the Search for the Basis of Heredity.
O'Connor, Cailin
Evolving to Generalize: Trading Precision for Speed.
O'Connor, Cailin
Samir Okasha's Agents and Goals in Evolution, a Review.
Okasha, Samir
Does the anti-essentialist consensus about species rest on a mistake?
Okasha, Samir
Goal Attributions in Biology: objective fact, anthropomorphic bias, or valuable heuristic?
Okasha, Samir
The Major Transitions in Evolution: a philosophy-of-science perspective.
Okasha, Samir
On the very idea of biological individuality.
Osimani, Barbara and Marta, Bertolaso and Roland, Poellinger and Emanuele, Frontoni
Real and Virtual Clinical Trials: a Formal Analysis.
Osimani, Barbara and Poellinger, Roland
Osimani B., Poellinger R. (2020) A Protocol for Model Validation and Causal Inference from Computer Simulation. In: Bertolaso M., Sterpetti F. (eds) A Critical Reflection on Automated Science. Human Perspectives in Health Sciences and Technology, vol 1. Springer, Cham.
Otsuka, Jun
Ontology, Causality, and Methodology of Evolutionary Research Programs.
Palacios, Patricia and Colombo, Matteo
Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and the Free Energy Principle in Biology.
Parke, Emily
Trivial, interesting, or overselling? The microbiome and 'what it means to be human'.
Parke, Emily C
Characterizing life: four dimensions and their relevance to origin of life research.
Parke, Emily C
Dimensions of life definitions.
Parke, Emily C. and Plutynski, Anya
Going big by going small: trade-offs in microbiome explanations of cancer.
Pedroso, Makmiller
The costs of too much cooperation.
Pence, Charles H. and Ramsey, Grant
How to do digital philosophy of science.
Perović, Slobodan
The Complexity-based Explanatory Strategy, Biological Levels, and the Origin of Life.
Plutynski, Anya
How is Cancer Complex?
Plutynski, Anya
Sometimes You Ride the Pegasus, Sometimes You Take the Road: Mitchell on Laws in Biology.
Plutynski, Anya and Bertolaso, Marta
What and How do Cancer Systems Biologists Explain?
Poliseli, Luana
The emergence of scientific understanding in current ecological research practice.
Porter, Brian
Teleosemantics and Tetrachromacy.
Potiron, Aline
Different Kinds of Data: Samples and the Relational Framework.
Potochnik, Angela
Biological Explanation.
Potochnik, Angela
Our World Isn't Organized into Levels.
Potochnik, Angela
What Constitutes an Explanation in Biology?
Powell, Alexander
Biological mechanisms: a case study in conceptual plasticity.
Pradeu, Thomas
The Organism in Developmental System Theory (DST).
Pradeu, Thomas
What is an organism? An immunological answer.
Prieto, Guido I. and Fábregas-Tejeda, Alejandro
Representing with model organisms: A refined DEKI account.
Ramsey, Grant
Can altruism be unified?
Ramsey, Grant and De Block, Andreas
Is cultural fitness hopelessly confused?
Ramsey, Grant
Trait bin and trait cluster accounts of human nature.
Ramsey, Grant
What Is human nature for?
Ramsey, Grant
What is animal culture?
Ramsey, Grant and Deem, Michael
Empathy and the Evolutionary Emergence of Guilt.
Ramstead, Maxwell J. D. and Kirchhoff, Michael D. and Friston, Karl J.
A tale of two densities: Active inference is enactive inference.
Ratti, Emanuele
Phronesis and Automated Science: The Case of Machine Learning and Biology.
Reutlinger, Alexander and Saatsi, Juha
Introduction: Scientific Explanation Beyond Causation.
Riemann, Ritsaart and Lynch, Kate E. and Gawronski, Stefan A. and Chan, Jack and Griffiths, Paul E.
Classifying Genetic Essentialist Biases using Large Language Models.
Rifkin, Maximiliana Jewett and Garson, Justin
Sex By Design: A New Account of the Animal Sexes.
Roffé, Ariel Jonathan
Dynamic Homology and Circularity in Cladistic Analysis.
Roffé, Ariel Jonathan and Ginnobili, Santiago
Optimality Models and the Propensity Interpretation of Fitness.
Ross, Lauren N.
Causal Control: A Rationale for Causal Selection.
Ross, Lauren N. and Woodward, James
Koch’s Postulates: An Interventionist Perspective.
Ross, Lauren N.
Causal Constraints in the Life and Social Sciences.
Ross, Lauren N.
Causal concepts in biology: How pathways differ from mechanisms and why it matters.
Ross, Lauren N.
Causal selection and the pathway concept.
Ross, Lauren N.
The Doctrine of Specific Etiology.
Ross, Lauren N.
Explanation in Biology.
Rouse, Joseph
Niches and Niche Construction in Biology and Scientific Practice.
Ruse, Michael
The Biological Sciences Can Act as a Ground for Ethics.
Sander Oest, Sebastian
Life–Mind Continuity: Untangling Categorical, Extensional, and Systematic Aspects.
Sapienza, Carmen
Selection Does Operate Primarily on Genes: In Defense of the Gene as the Unit of Selection.
Sarkar, Sahotra
Defining 'Biodiversity'; Assessing Biodiversity.
Sartori, Lorenzo
Model Organisms as Scientific Representations.
Schindler, Samuel
Mechanistic explanation: asymmetry lost.
Schlaepfer, Guillaume and Weber, Marcel
Thought Experiments in Biology.
Schliesser, Eric
Synthetic Philosophy.
Scholl, Raphael
Unwarranted Assumptions: Claude Bernard and the growth of the vera causa standard.
Serban, Maria and Green, Sara
Biological robustness: design, organization, and mechanisms.
Shan, Yafeng
Kuhn's "Wrong Turning" and Legacy Today.
Sharlow, Mark
Phonetic Possibility and Modal Logic.
Shech, Elay
The Mitonuclear Compatibility Species Concept, Intrinsic Essentialism, and Natural Kinds.
Sheredos, Benjamin and Bechtel, William
Imagining Mechanisms with Diagrams.
Sims, Matthew
A Continuum of Intentionality: linking biogenic and anthropogenic approaches to cognition.
Sims, Matthew and Kiverstein, Julian
Externalized memory in slime mould and the extended (non-neuronal) mind.
Skillings, Derek
Holobionts and the ecology of organisms - Multi-species communities or integrated individuals?
Skipper, Robert
The Persistence of the R.A. Fisher-Sewall Wright Controversy.
Skipper, Robert and Millstein, Roberta
Thinking About Evolutionary Mechanisms: Natural Selection.
Slater, Matthew
Natural Kindness.
Sterner, Beckett and Witteveen, Joeri and Franz, Nico
Alternatives to Realist Consensus in Bio-Ontologies: Taxonomic Classification as a Basis for Data Discovery and Integration.
Stotz, Karola and Griffiths, Paul E.
Biohumanities: Rethinking the relationship between biosciences, philosophy and history of science, and society.
Stotz, Karola and Griffiths, Paul E.
Biological Information, causality and specificity – an intimate relationship.
Stuart, Michael T.
The Qualitative Study of Scientific Imagination.
Stuart, Michael T.
Scientists are Epistemic Consequentialists about Imagination.
Stuart, Michael T. and Kozlov, Anatolii
Moving Targets and Models of Nothing: A New Sense of Abstraction for Philosophy of Science.
Suárez, Javier
What is the Nature of Stem Cells? A Unified Dispositional Framework.
Suárez, Javier and Boem, Federico
Technology-Driven Surrogates and the Perils of Epistemic Misalignment: An Analysis from Contemporary Microbiome Science.
Suárez, Mauricio
The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness.
Swaim, Daniel
What Is Narrative Possibility?
Tabery, James
Biometric and Developmental Gene-Environment Interaction: Looking Back, Moving Forward.
Tabery, James
Looking Back on Lancelot's Laughter: The Lancelot Thomas Hogben Papers.
Tabery, James
R.A. Fisher, Lancelot Hogben, and the Origin(s) of Genotype-Environment Interaction.
Tamborini, Marco
Exploring the Transition: Biology, Technology, and Epistemic Activities.
Taylor, Henry
Whales, fish and Alaskan bears: interest-relative taxonomy and kind pluralism in biology.
Thagard, Paul
Darwin and the Golden Rule: How To Distinguish Differences of Degree from Differences of Kind Using Mechanisms.
Thagard, Paul
Energy Requirements Undermine Substrate Independence and Mind-Body Functionalism.
Thinius, Alex and Trappes, Rose
Sex Traits and Individual Differences: Stabilising and Destabilising Binary Categories in Biological Practice.
Thompson, Evan
Could All Life Be Sentient?
Triviño, Vanessa and Suárez, Javier
Holobionts: Ecological communities, hybrids, or biological individuals? A metaphysical perspective on multispecies systems.
Tsou, Jonathan Y.
Biological Essentialism, Projectable Human Kinds, and Psychiatric Classification.
Tsou, Jonathan Y.
Social Construction, HPC kinds, and the Projectability of Human Categories.
Veigl, Sophie Juliane and Suárez, Javier and Stencel, Adrian
Rethinking Hereditary Relations: The Reconstitutor as the Evolutionary Unit of Heredity.
Veit, Walter
Agential Thinking.
Veit, Walter
Biological Normativity: A New Hope for Naturalism?
Veit, Walter
Complexity and the Evolution of Consciousness.
Veit, Walter
Defending the Pathological Complexity Thesis.
Veit, Walter
The Evolution of Knowledge during the Cambrian Explosion.
Veit, Walter
Evolutionary Game Theory and Interdisciplinary Integration.
Veit, Walter
Health, Consciousness, and the Evolution of Subjects.
Veit, Walter
Model Pluralism.
Veit, Walter
The Origins of Consciousness or the War of the Five Dimensions.
Veit, Walter
Review of Peter Godfrey-Smith’s Metazoa: Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness.
Veit, Walter
The Role of Consciousness in Adaptive Behavior: Précis of
A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
Veit, Walter
Samir Okasha’s Philosophy.
Veit, Walter
Scaffolding Natural Selection.
Veit, Walter
What to make of intransitive preferences?
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Darwinian and Autopoietic Views of the Organism.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Developmental Programming, Evolution, and Animal Welfare: A Case for Evolutionary Veterinary Science.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Extending animal welfare science to include wild animals.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Hominin Life History, Pathological Complexity, and the Evolution of Anxiety.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Life, Mind, Agency: Why Markov Blankets Fail the Test of Evolution.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
On the Evolutionary Origins of the Bifocal Stance.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Perspectival pluralism for animal welfare.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Phenomenology Applied to Animal Health and Suffering.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Polygenic Scores and Social Science.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
The Scaffolded Evolution of Human Communication.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Two Kinds of Conceptual Engineering.
Veit, Walter and Gascoigne, Samuel J L and Salguero-Gómez, Rob
Evolution, Complexity, and Life History Theory.
Veit, Walter and Milan, Ney
Metaphors in Arts and Science.
Velasco, Joel
Species concepts should not conflict with evolutionary history, but often do.
Verpooten, Jan
Behavioural ecology of sexual autonomy and the case of protection against risky courtship.
Verpooten, Jan
Complex vocal learning and three-dimensional mating environments.
Villalobos, Mario
Exo-autopoietic bodies: The quest for the theoretical identity of living beings.
Villegas, Cristina and Love, Alan C. and Nuño de la Rosa, Laura and Brigandt, Ingo and Wagner, Günter P.
Conceptual Roles of Evolvability across Evolutionary Biology: Between Diversity and Unification.
Waters, C. Kenneth
Causes that Make a Difference.
Waters, C. Kenneth
The Nature and Context of Exploratory Experimentation: An Introduction to Three Case Studies of Exploratory Research.
Waters, C. Kenneth
No General Structure.
Waters, C. Kenneth
Ask Not "What is an Individual?".
Watkins, Aja
Development and Microbiology.
Weber, Marcel
Indeterminism in Neurobiology.
Weber, Marcel
Modeling the Biologically Possible: Evolvability as a Modal Concept.
Weber, Marcel
The Reduction of Classical Experimental Embryology to Molecular Developmental Biology: A Tale of Three Sciences.
Weckström, Markus
Natural Law, the Modeling Relation, and Two Roots of Perspectivism.
Weisberg, Michael and Reisman, Kenneth
The Robust Volterra Principle.
Werndl, Charlotte
Do Microbes Question Standard Thinking in the Philosophy of Biology? Critical Notice of John Dupré "Processes of Life – Essays in the Philosophy of Biology".
Werndl, Charlotte
Probability, Indeterminism and Biological Processes.
Wilkins, John S.
The Concept and Causes of Microbial Species.
Wilkins, John S. and Nelson, Gareth J.
Trémaux on species: A theory of allopatric speciation (and punctuated equilibrium) before Wagner.
Winsberg, Eric
Putting Races on the Ontological Map
A close look at Spencer’s ‘new biologism’ of race.
Witteveen, Joeri
Naming and contingency: the type method of biological taxonomy.
Witteveen, Joeri
Regression explanation and statistical autonomy.
Wolfe, Charles T.
Do organisms have an ontological status?
Woodward, James
Causation in Biology: Stability, Specificity, and the Choice of Levels of Explanation.
Yeh, Hsiao-Fan and Chen, Ruey-Lin
Intervention as both Test and Exploration: Reexamining the PaJaMo Experiment based on Aims and Modes of Interventions.
Zach, Martin
A Complementary Account of Scientific Modelling: Modelling Mechanisms in Cancer Immunology.
Zach, Martin
Revisiting abstraction and idealization: How not to criticize mechanistic explanation in molecular biology.
Zakharova, Daria
The Epistemology of AI-driven Science: The Case of AlphaFold.
huneman, philippe
Evolutionary theory in philosophical focus.
van Dijk, Peter J.
Gregor Mendel’s meeting with Pope Pius IX: the truth in the story.
van Es, Thomas and Hipólito, Inês
Co-constructing Markov blankets: tricky solutions.
van Es, Thomas and Kirchhoff, Michael D.
Between pebbles and organisms: Weaving autonomy into the Markov blanket.
van Woerkum, Bas
The Evolution of Episodic-Like Memory: The Importance of Biological and Ecological Constraints.
Conference or Workshop Item
Abrams, Marshall
Coherence, Muller’s Ratchet, and the Maintenance of Culture.
Abrams, Marshall
How Do Natural Selection and Random Drift Interact?
Andersen, Holly
When to expect violations of causal faithfulness and why it matters.
Beisbart, Claus
Kant’s Characterization of Natural Ends.
Bogen, Jim
The Hodgkin-Huxley Equations and the Concrete Model; Comments on Craver, Schaffner, and Weber.
Brigandt, Ingo
Social Values Influence the Adequacy Conditions of Scientific Theories: Beyond Inductive Risk.
Brigandt, Ingo
Typology now: Homology and developmental constraints explain evolvability.
Broeks, Daphne and Knuuttila, Tarja and De Regt, Henk
Understanding, virtually: How does the synthetic cell matter?
Browning, Heather
Validating indicators of subjective animal welfare (preprint).
Burnston, Daniel
Real Patterns in Biological Explanation.
Bursten, Julia and Dhein, Kelle
Multiscale Modeling in Neuroethology: The Significance of the Mesoscale.
Bzovy, Justin
Aristotelian Species Pluralism.
Casini, Lorenzo
How to Model Mechanistic Hierarchies.
Casini, Lorenzo
How to Model Mechanistic Hierarchies.
Charbonneau, Mathieu
Populations without Reproduction.
Chen, Ruey-Lin
Individuating Genes as Types or Individuals:
Philosophical Implications on Individuality, Kinds, and Gene Concepts.
Coates, Matthew
Multilayer Networks and the Evolution of Risky Cooperation.
Currie, Adrian
Narratives & Mechanisms.
Ereshefsky, Marc
Psychological Categories as Homologies: Lessons from Ethology.
Eronen, Markus
Robust Realism for the Life Sciences.
Fazekas, Peter and Kertesz, Gergely
Are higher mechanistic levels causally autonomous?
Fenton-Glynn, Luke
Ceteris Paribus Laws and Minutis Rectis Laws.
Garson, Justin
Edmond Goblot’s (1858-1935) Selected Effects Theory of Function: A Reappraisal.
Gildenhuys, Peter
Probability in Classical Population Genetics.
Goldwasser, Seth
Finding Normality in Abnormality: On the Ascription of Normal Function to Cancer.
Greenlee, Chelsie
Credentialed Fictions and the Sex Binary.
Griffiths, Paul Edmund
The Phenomena of Homology.
Haber, Matthew H.
Multilevel Lineages and Multidimensional Trees: The Levels of Lineage and Phylogeny Reconstruction.
Hamilton, Andrew and Haber, Matt
Coherence, Consistency, and Cohesion: Clade Selection in Okasha and Beyond.
(In Press)
Hermida, Margarida and Ladyman, James
Physical Explanation and the Autonomy of Biology.
Heydon, Emily
Exploring an Evolutionary Paradox: An Analysis of the "Spite Effect" and the "Nearly Neutral Effect" in Synergistic Models of Finite Populations.
Hitchen, S.A.
Adapting our Language: The Problem (?) of Teleological Language in the Philosophy of Biology.
Jackson, John
Definitional Argument in Evolutionary Psychology and Cultural Anthropology.
Jamniczky, Heather
Biological Pluralism and Homology.
Kaiser, Marie I.
On the Limits of Causal Modeling: Spatially-Structurally Complex Phenomena.
Kendig, Catherine
An ontogenetic-ecological conception of species: a new approach to an old idea.
Keyser, Vadim
Effects and Artifacts: Robustness Analysis and the Production Process.
Koskinen, Rami
Synthetic Biology and the Search for Alternative Genetic Systems: Taking How-Possibly Models Seriously.
Kronfeldner, Maria E.
"If there is nothing beyond the organic ...": Heredity and Culture at the Boundaries of Anthropology in the Work of Alfred L. Kroeber.
Kunz, Werner and Werning, Markus
The Biological Species as a Gene-Flow Community. Species Essentialism Does Not Imply Species Universalism.
Kurth, Charlie
Are Emotions Psychological Constructions?
Linquist, Stefan
Against Lawton’s contingency thesis, or, why the reported demise of community ecology is greatly exaggerated.
Love, Alan
Functional Homology and Homology of Function: Biological Concepts and Philosophical Consequences.
Mann, Rebecca C.
How an Agential Account of Biological Individuality Can Come Apart from Concepts of the Organism.
Matthen, Mohan
Defining Vision: What Homology Thinking Contributes.
Maxwell, Matthew J.
Fitness, Mutational Load, and Eugenics.
Millstein, Roberta L.
How the Concept of 'Population' Resolves Concepts of 'Environment'.
Millstein, Roberta L.
Is Aldo Leopold's 'Land Community' an Individual?
Millstein, Roberta L.
Types of Experiments and Causal Process Tracing:
What Happened on the Kaibab Plateau in the 1920s?
Millstein, Roberta L.
Understanding Leopold’s Concept of ‘Interdependence’
for Environmental Ethics and Conservation Biology.
Nanay, Bence
Can Cumulative Selection Explain Adaptation?
(In Press)
Northcott, Robert
Innateness and Science.
Northcott, Robert and Alexandrova, Anna
Armchair Science.
O'Malley, Maureen A. and Brigandt, Ingo and Love, Alan C. and Crawford, John W. and Gilbert, Jack A. and Knight, Rob and Mitchell, Sandra D. and Rohwer, Forest
Multilevel Research Strategies and Biological Systems.
Odenbaugh, Jay
Human Nature, Anthropology, and the Problem of Variation.
Oftedal, Gry
Heritability and Genetic Causation.
Schaffner, Kenneth
Theories, Models, and Equations in Biology: The Heuristic Search for Emergent Simplifications in Neurobiology.
Schmaus, Warren
Evolutionary and Neuroscience Approaches to the Study of Cognition.
Sharma, Kriti
After Interaction: Why Interdependence is Hard to Think About and How to Do it Anyway.
Shavit, Ayelet and Kolumbus, Anat and Ellison, Aaron M.
Two Roads Diverge in a Wood: Indifference to the Difference Between ‘Diversity’ and ‘Heterogeneity’ Should Be Resisted on Epistemic and Moral Grounds.
Shenker, Orly R.
A reductive physicalist account of the autonomy of psychology.
Sheredos, Benjamin and Burnston, Daniel and Abrahamsen, Adele and Bechtel, William
Why do biologists use so many diagrams?
Sheredos, Benjamin and Bechtel, William
Constructing diagrams to understand phenomena and mechanisms.
Silberstein, Michael and Chemero, Tony
Constraints on Localization and Decomposition as Explanatory Strategies in the Biological Sciences.
Swaim, Daniel G.
The Roles of Possibility and Mechanism in Narrative Explanation.
Tabery, James
Difference Mechanisms.
Valde, Katherine
When Will Scientific Disagreement Bear Fruit?: A Case Study About Angiosperm Origins.
Verpooten, Jan
Why did art behavior evolve? A cultural sensory exploitation hypothesis.
Vieland, Veronica J
Measurement of Statistical Evidence: Picking Up Where Hacking (et al.) Left Off.
Weber, Marcel
Behavioral Traits, the Intentional Stance, and Biological Functions.
Weber, Marcel
Causes without Mechanisms: Experimental Regularities, Physical Laws, and Neuroscientific Explanation.
Weber, Marcel
Indeterminism in Neurobiology: Some Good and Some Bad News.
Weber, Marcel
Causal Specificity, Biological Possibility and Non-parity about Genetic Causes.
Weber, Marcel
On the Incompatibility of Dynamical Biological Mechanisms and Causal Graph Theory.
Wiegman, Isaac
Evidential Criteria of Homology for Comparative Pscyhology.
Winning, Jason
Open-Ended Control vs. Closed-Ended Control: Limits of Mechanistic Explanation.
Wolfe, Charles T.
Why was there no controversy over Life in the Scientific Revolution?
Published Article or Volume
Aaby, Bendik and Ramsey, Grant
Three Kinds of Niche Construction.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Andersen, Holly
Mechanisms, Laws, and Regularities.
Philosophy of Science, 78 (2).
pp. 325-331.
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
Fishing for Genes: How the Largest Gene Family in the Mammalian Genome was Found (and Why Idiosyncrasy in Exploration Matters).
Perspectives on Science, 29 (4).
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
The Value of Failure in Science: The Story of Grandmother Cells in Neuroscience.
Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Bauer, Mark
Normative Characterization in Biological and Cognitive Explanations.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (2).
pp. 271-286.
ISSN 2171-679X
Baxter, Janella
Kolja Ehrenstein, Causal Pluralism in the Life Sciences.
BJPS Review of Books.
Bechtel, William
Mechanists must be holists too: Perspectives from Circadian Biology.
Journal of the History of Biology.
Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo
Eating and Cognition in Two Animals without Neurons: Sponges and Trichoplax.
Biological Theory.
ISSN 1555-5550
Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo
Grounding cognition: heterarchical control mechanisms in biology.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376 (1820).
ISSN 0962-8436
Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo
Organisms Need Mechanisms; Mechanisms Need Organisms.
New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction.
pp. 85-108.
Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo
Situating homeostasis in organisms: maintaining organization through time.
The Journal of Physiology, 602 (22).
pp. 6003-6020.
Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo
Using neurons to maintain autonomy: Learning from C. elegans.
BioSystems, 232.
ISSN 0303-2647
Bich, Leonardo
Complex emergence and the living organization: an epistemological framework for biology.
Synthese, 185 (2).
pp. 215-232.
ISSN 1573-0964
Bich, Leonardo and Moreno, Alvaro
The role of regulation in the origin and synthetic modelling of minimal cognition.
Bich, Leonardo and Mossio, Matteo and Ruiz-Mirazo, Kepa and Moreno, Alvaro
Biological regulation: controlling the system from within.
Biology & Philosophy.
Bich, Leonardo
Autonomous Systems and the Place of Biology Among Sciences. Perspectives for an Epistemology of Complex Systems.
Multiplicity and Interdisciplinarity. Essays in Honor of Eliano Pessa.
pp. 41-57.
Bich, Leonardo
Biological Organization.
Elements in the Philosophy of Biology Series.
Bich, Leonardo
Integrating multicelular systems: Physiological control and degrees of biological individuality.
Acta Biotheoretica, 72 (1).
ISSN 0001-5342
Bich, Leonardo
Interactive Models in Synthetic Biology: Exploring Biological and Cognitive Inter-Identities.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (682).
ISSN 1664-1078
Bich, Leonardo
Organisational teleology 2.0: Grounding biological purposiveness in regulatory control.
Bich, Leonardo
Robustness and autonomy in biological systems: how regulatory mechanisms enable functional integration, complexity and minimal cognition through the action of second-order control constraints.
Biological Robustness. Emerging Perspectives from within the Life Sciences.
pp. 123-147.
Bich, Leonardo
The problem of functional boundaries in prebiotic and inter-biological systems.
Minati, G., Pessa E. and Abram, M. (eds) Systemics of Incompleteness and Quasi-Systems.
pp. 295-302.
Bich, Leonardo and Arnellos, Argyris
Autopoiesis, Autonomy and Organizational Biology: Critical Remarks on “Life After Ashby”.
Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 19 (4).
pp. 75-103.
ISSN 0907-0877
Bich, Leonardo and Bechtel, William
Control Mechanisms:
Explaining the Integration and Versatility of Biological Organisms.
Adaptive Behavior.
Bich, Leonardo and Bechtel, William
Mechanism, autonomy and biological explanation.
Biology & Philosophy, 36 (53).
ISSN 1572-8404
Bich, Leonardo and Bechtel, William
Organization needs organization: Understanding integrated control in living organisms.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 93.
pp. 96-106.
ISSN 0039-3681
Bich, Leonardo and Bocchi, Gianluca
Emergent Processes as Generation of Discontinuities.
Methods, Models, Simulations and Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change..
pp. 135-146.
Bich, Leonardo and Damiano, Luisa
Life, Autonomy and Cognition: An Organizational Approach to the Definition of the Universal Properties of Life.
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 42 (5).
pp. 389-397.
ISSN 2948-2976
Bich, Leonardo and Damiano, Luisa
Order in the Nothing: Autopoiesis and the Organizational Characterization of the Living.
Physics of Emergence and Organization.
pp. 343-373.
Bich, Leonardo and Damiano, Luisa
Theoretical and Artificial Construction of the Living: Redefining the Approach from an Autopoietic Point of View.
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 34.
pp. 459-464.
ISSN 2948-2976
Bich, Leonardo and Frick, Ramiro
Synthetic Modelling of Biological Communication: A Theoretical and Operational Framework for the Investigation of Minimal Life and Cognition.
Complex Systems, 27 (3).
pp. 267-287.
ISSN 0891-2513
Bich, Leonardo and Green, Sara
Is defining life pointless? Operational definitions at the frontiers of Biology.
ISSN 1573-0964
Bich, Leonardo and Mossio, Matteo and Soto, Ana
Glycemia Regulation: From Feedback Loops to Organizational Closure.
Frontiers in Physiology, 11 (69).
ISSN 1664-042X
Bich, Leonardo and Pradeu, Thomas and Moreau, Jean-Francois
Understanding Multicellularity: The Functional Organization of the Intercellular Space.
Frontiers in Physiology, 10 (11170).
ISSN 1664-042X
Bich, Leonardo and Skillings, Derek
There are no intermediate stages: An organizational view on development.
Organization in Biology.
pp. 241-262.
Bitbol, Michel
The Tangled Dialectic of Body and Consciousness: A Metaphysical Counterpart of Radical Neurophenomenology.
Constructivist Foundations.
Bolker, Jessica
Ankeny and Leonelli, Model Organisms.
BJPS Review of Books.
Brown, Rachael L.
Proximate Versus Ultimate Causation and Evo-Devo.
Nuno de la Rosa L., Müller G. (eds) Evolutionary Developmental Biology.
Brusse, Carl and Sterelny, Kim
Jonathan Birch, The Philosophy of Social Evolution.
BJPS Review of Books.
Buzzoni, Marco and Tesio, Luigi and Stuart, Michael T.
Holism and Reductionism in the Illness/Disease Debate.
From Electrons to Elephants and Elections: Saga of Content and Context.
pp. 743-778.
ISSN 978-3-030-92192-7
Cabrera, Frank
Cladistic Parsimony, Historical Linguistics and Cultural Phylogenetics.
Mind and Language, 32 (1).
pp. 65-100.
Calcott, Brett
A Roomful of Robovacs: How to Think About Genetic Programs.
Philosophical Perspectives on the Engineering Approach in Biology: Living Machines?.
Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto and Menéndez, Lumila Paula and Laciny, Alice and Bobadilla, Hernán and Bravo Morante, Guillermo and Carmen, Esther and Dorninger, Christian and Fabris, Flavia and Grunstra, Nicole D.S. and Schnorr, Stephanie and Stuhlträger, Julia and Villanueva Hernández, Luis Alejandro and Jakab, Manuel and Sarto-Jackson, Isabella and Caniglia, Guido
Diversity lost: COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment.
Science of The Total Environment, 756.
p. 144014.
Currie, Adrian
Sabina Leonelli's Data-centric Biology.
BJPS Review of Books.
Cáceres Vázquez, Emilio and Saborido, Cristian
Intervals of Quasi-Decompositionality and Emergent Properties.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (1).
pp. 89-108.
ISSN 2171-679X
Dagg, Joachim
On Recognising the Paradox of Sex.
Philosophy and Theory in Biology, 8.
ISSN 1949-0739
Deem, Michael and Ramsey, Grant
Guilt by association?
Philosophical Psychology.
Desjardins, Eric and Donhauser, Justin and Barker, Gillian
Ecological Historicity, Functional Goals, and Novelty in the Anthropocene.
Environmental Values.
Deulofeu, Roger and Suárez, Javier
Pluralism and Complexity Without Integration? A Critical Appraisal of Mitchell’s Integrative Pluralism.
Deulofeu, Roger and Suárez, Javier
Pluralism and complexity without integration? A critical appraisal of Mitchell’s integrative pluralism.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 38 (3).
pp. 299-317.
ISSN 2171-679X
DiFrisco, James and Ramsey, Grant
Adaptationism and Trait Individuation.
Philosophy of Science, 90 (5).
pp. 1234-1243.
Donhauser, Justin
Invisible disagreement: an inverted qualia argument for realism.
Philosophical Studies, 174 (3).
pp. 593-606.
Donhauser, Justin
Making Ecological Values Make Sense: Toward More Operationalizable Ecological Legislation.
Ethics and the Environment, 21 (2).
pp. 1-25.
Doolittle, W. Ford
Speciation without Species: A Final Word.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (014).
ISSN 2475-3025
Dorato, Mauro
Mathematical biology and the existence of biological laws.
Probabilities, Laws and Structure.
pp. 109-121.
El-Hani, Charbel and Ludwig, David and Poliseli, Luana
Beyond the divide between indigenous and academic knowledge: Causal and mechanistic explanations in a Brazilian fishing community.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 91.
pp. 296-306.
Elliott, Steve
Proof of Concept Research.
Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 0031-8248
Elliott, Steve
Research Problems.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 0007-0882
Eronen, Markus
Robust Realism for the LIfe Sciences.
ISSN 1573-0964
Escribano Cabeza, Miguel
Jan Swammerdam and the limits of preformationism.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 423-439.
ISSN 2171-679X
Escribano Cabeza, Miguel
W. Harvey’s conception of epigenesis. An organicist reading.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (3).
pp. 421-437.
ISSN 2171-679X
Fagan, Melinda B.
Crucial Stem Cell Experiments? Stem Cells, Uncertainty, and Single-Cell Experiments.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (2).
pp. 183-205.
ISSN 2171-679X
Ferner, Adam
Nicholson and Dupré, Everything Flows.
BJPS Review of Books.
Ferner, Adam and Pradeu, Thomas
Ontologies of Living Beings.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 9 (4).
Franco, Marco P. Vianna and Molnár, Orsolya and Dorninger, Christian and Laciny, Alice and Treven, Marco and Weger, Jacob and da Motta e Albuquerque, Eduardo and Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto and Villanueva Hernandez, Luis-Alejandro and Jakab, Manuel and Marizzi, Christine and Menéndez, Lumila Paula and Poliseli, Luana and Bobadilla, Hernán
Diversity Regained: Precautionary Approaches to COVID-19 as a Phenomenon of the Total Environment.
Science of The Total Environment, 825.
p. 154029.
Frick, Ramiro and Bich, Leonardo and Moreno, Alvaro
An organisational approach to biological communication.
Acta Biotheoretica.
ISSN 0001-5342
Fábregas-Tejeda, Alejandro and Grant, Ramsey
Driftability and niche construction.
Synthese, 204 (162).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 1573-0964
Gelfert, Axel
Models in Search of Targets: Exploratory Modelling and the Case of Turing Patterns.
Philosophy of Science: Between the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities.
pp. 245-269.
Glackin, Shane N.
Couch and Pfeifer's The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher.
BJPS Review of Books.
Grant, Ramsey and Cristina, Villegas
Developmental Channeling and Evolutionary Dappling.
Philosophy of Science.
pp. 1-18.
Greslehner, Gregor P.
Not by structures alone: can the immune system recognize microbial functions?
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 84.
p. 101336.
Greslehner, Gregor P.
The "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" in biology and the fallacy from complexity.
Gabriele M. Mras, Paul Weingartner & Bernhard Ritter (eds.) Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society Volume XXVI. Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. Contributions of the 41st International Wittgenstein Symposium.
pp. 70-72.
Greslehner, Gregor P.
The vaccinologist's "dirty little secret": a better understanding of structure‑function relationships of viral immunogens might advance rational HIV vaccine design.
Archives of Virology.
Greslehner, Gregor P. and Boem, Federico and Chiu, Lynn and Konsman, Jan Pieter
Philosophical perspectives on neuroendocrine-immune interactions: the building block model and complementary ecological approaches.
Neuroendocrine-Immune System Interactions. Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology, vol 13.
Greslehner, Gregor P. and Lemoine, Maël
A dual decomposition strategy of both microbial and phenotypic components for a better understanding of causal claims.
Guay, Alexandre and Pradeu, Thomas
To Be Continued: The Genidentity of Physical and Biological Processes.
Individuals Across the Sciences.
pp. 317-347.
Haber, Matthew H.
Species in the Age of Discordance.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (021).
ISSN 2475-3025
Hahn, Andre M.
Can a History of Photosynthesis be Grand?
Philosophy and Theory in Biology, 8.
ISSN 1949-0739
Hazelwood, Caleb
Review of Observing Evolution by Bruce S. Grant.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Hazelwood, Caleb
The Species Category as a Scientific Kind.
Hey, Spencer Phillips
Judging Quality and Coordination in Biomarker Diagnostic Development.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (2).
pp. 207-227.
ISSN 2171-679X
Hochstein, Eric
Why One Model is Never Enough: A Defense of Explanatory Holism.
Biology & Philosophy, 32.
pp. 1105-1125.
ISSN 1572-8404
Holt, Louisa Jane and Holm, Sune
Alvaro Moreno and Matteo Mossio. 2015. Biological autonomy: a philosophical and theoretical enquiry.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3).
pp. 392-395.
ISSN 2171-679X
Huang, Linus Ta-Lun and Bich, Leonardo and Bechtel, William
Model Organisms for Studying Decision-Making: a Phylogenetically Expanded Perspective.
Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1539-767X
Ioannidis, Stavros and Psillos, Stathis
In Defense of Methodological Mechanism: The Case of Apoptosis.
ISSN 1572-8390
Jeler, Ciprian
A note against the use of “belonging to” properties
in multilevel selection theory.
Acta Biotheoretica.
ISSN 0001-5342
Kesić, Srdjan
Rethinking the pragmatic systems biology and systems-theoretical biology divide: toward a complexity-inspired epistemology of systems biomedicine.
Medical hypotheses, 131.
p. 109316.
Kistler, Max
Espèces naturelles, profil causal et constitution multiple.
Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 3 (1).
pp. 17-30.
ISSN 2295-8029
Laimann, Jessica
Capricious kinds.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Laplane, Lucie and Duluc, Dorothée and Bikfalvi, Andreas and Larmonier, Nicolas and Pradeu, Thomas
Beyond the tumour microenvironment.
International Journal of Cancer, 145 (10).
pp. 2611-2618.
ISSN 0020-7136
Laplane, Lucie and Duluc, Dorothée and Larmonier, Nicolas and Pradeu, Thomas and Bikfalvi, Andreas
The Multiple Layers of the Tumor Environment.
Trends in Cancer, 4 (12).
pp. 802-809.
ISSN 24058033
Laplane, Lucie and Mantovani, Paolo and Adolphs, Ralph and Chang, Hasok and Mantovani, Alberto and McFall-Ngai, Margaret and Rovelli, Carlo and Sober, Elliott and Pradeu, Thomas
Why science needs philosophy.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (10).
pp. 3948-3952.
Lee, Jong Gwan and McShea, Daniel W.
Operationalizing Goal Directedness: An Empirical Route to Advancing a Philosophical Discussion.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 12 (005).
ISSN 2475-3025
Lemoine, Maël and Pradeu, Thomas
Dissecting the Meanings of “Physiology” to Assess the Vitality of the Discipline.
Physiology, 33 (4).
pp. 236-245.
ISSN 1548-9213
Leonelli, Sabina
Process-Sensitive Naming: Trait Descriptors and the Shifting Semantics of Plant (Data) Science.
Philosophy, theory and practice in biology, 14.
Liu, Katherine E
Rethinking Causation in Cancer with Evolutionary Developmental Biology.
Biological Theory.
Longino, Helen
"Interaction: A Case for Ontological Pluralism".
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 45 (3).
pp. 432-445.
Ludwig, David
Does Cognition Still Matter in Ethnobiology?
Ethnobiology Letters.
Ludwig, David and Weiskopf, Dan
Ethnoontology: Ways of world‐building across cultures.
Philosophy Compass.
Malaterre, Christophe
Microbial diversity and the “lower-limit” problem of biodiversity.
Biology and Philosophy, 28.
pp. 219-239.
Mann, Stephen Francis and Pain, Ross and Kirchhoff, Michael
Free Energy: A User's Guide.
Biology & Philosophy.
ISSN 1572-8404
Martens, Niels C.M.
Dark Matter Realism.
Foundations of Physics, 52 (1).
ISSN 0015-9018
Martínez, Sergio F.
What is innovation? New lessons from biology.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 343-355.
ISSN 2171-679X
Meincke, Anne Sophie
Chauncey Maher's Plant Minds.
BJPS Review of Books.
Menatti, Laura and Bich, Leonardo and Saborido, Cristian
Health and environment from adaptation to adaptivity: a situated relational account.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 44 (38).
Meneganzin, Andra and Ramsey, Grant and DiFrisco, James
What is a trait? Lessons from the human chin.
JEZ-B Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 342 (2).
pp. 65-75.
Militello, Guglielmo and Bich, Leonardo and Moreno, Alvaro
Functional Integration and Individuality in Prokaryotic Collective Organisations.
Acta Biotheoretica.
ISSN 0001-5342
Millstein, Roberta L.
Darwin's Explanation of Races by Means of Sexual Selection.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 43.
pp. 627-633.
ISSN 1369-8486
Millstein, Roberta L.
Thinking about populations and races in time.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 52.
pp. 5-11.
ISSN 1369-8486
Millstein, Roberta L.
Defending a Leopoldian basis for biodiversity: a response to Newman, Varner, and Linquist.
Biology & Philosophy, 35 (12).
ISSN 1572-8404
Mitra, Piyali
Philosophical Ruminations about Embryo Experimentation with Reference to Reproductive Technologies in Jewish “Halakhah”.
IAFOR Journal of Ethics, Religion & Philosophy, 3 (2).
ISSN 21870624
Molter, Daniel J
On the ontology of vernal orange slime.
Mushroom: The journal of Wild Mushrooming, 28 (4).
pp. 6-10.
ISSN 0740-8161
Moreno, Alvaro and Suárez, Javier
Plurality of explanatory strategies in biology: Mechanisms and Networks.
Methodological Prospects for Scientific Research.
pp. 141-165.
Mossio, Matteo and Bich, Leonardo
ISSN 1573-0964
Mossio, Matteo and Bich, Leonardo and Moreno, Alvaro
Emergence, closure and inter-level causation in biological systems.
Erkenntnis, 78 (2).
pp. 153-178.
ISSN 0165-0106
Nathan, Marco J.
Pluralism is the Answer! What is the Question?
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (015).
ISSN 2475-3025
Ndhlovu, Andrew and Durand, Pierre and Ramsey, Grant
Programmed cell death as a black queen in microbial communities.
Molecular Ecology.
pp. 1-10.
O'Connor, Cailin
The Evolution of Vagueness.
Erkenntnis, 79 (4).
pp. 707-727.
ISSN 0165-0106
O'Connor, Cailin
Evolving Perceptual Categories.
Philosophy of Science, 81 (5).
pp. 110-121.
Osimani, Barbara
Causing something to be one way rather than another: Genetic Information, causal specificity and the relevance of linear order.
Kybernetes, 43 (6).
pp. 865-881.
Osimani, Barbara
Hunting side effects and explaining them: should we reverse evidence hierarchies upside down? Topoi.
Topoi, 33.
pp. 295-312.
Papale, François
Compte Rendu De Rencontres De Venise – Regards Sur l’épistémologie à l’intention Des Curieux En Sciences Du Vivant. Boudjeltia Et Vanhaeberbeek (dir.), Hermann Éditeurs, Paris, 2019.
Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 7 (2).
pp. 7-11.
ISSN 2295-8029
Park, Seungbae
An Evolutionary Account of Cyclic Shifts in Women’s Mate Preferences.
Parke, Emily C.
Experiments, Simulations, and Epistemic Privilege.
Philosophy of Science, 81 (4).
pp. 516-536.
Pedroso, Makmiller
Forming Lineages by Sticking Together.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (016).
ISSN 2475-3025
Pence, Charles H.
David Livingstone Smith's How Biology Shapes Philosophy.
BJPS Review of Books.
Plutynski, A
William Provine (1942-2015).
Philosophy and Theory in Biology, 7.
ISSN 1949-0739
Plutynski, Anya
Sometimes you ride the Pegasus, sometimes you take the road: Mitchell on laws in biology.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 38 (3).
pp. 373-388.
ISSN 2171-679X
Polger, Thomas
Peter Godfrey-Smith's Other Minds.
BJPS Review of Books.
Pontarotti, Gaëlle
Extended inheritance as reconstruction of extended organization: the paradigmatic case of symbiosis.
Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences, 3 (1).
pp. 93-102.
ISSN 2295-8029
Pradeu, Thomas
Immunology and individuality.
eLife, 8.
ISSN 2050-084X
Pradeu, Thomas
Organisms or biological individuals? Combining physiological and evolutionary individuality.
Biology and Philosophy, 31 (6).
pp. 797-817.
Pradeu, Thomas
The many faces of biological individuality.
Biology and Philosophy, 31 (6).
pp. 761-773.
Pradeu, Thomas and Daignan‐Fornier, Bertrand and Ewald, Andrew and Germain, Pierre‐Luc and Okasha, Samir and Plutynski, Anya and Benzekry, Sébastien and Bertolaso, Marta and Bissell, Mina and Brown, Joel S. and Chin‐Yee, Benjamin and Chin‐Yee, Ian and Clevers, Hans and Cognet, Laurent and Darrason, Marie and Farge, Emmanuel and Feunteun, Jean and Galon, Jérôme and Giroux, Elodie and Green, Sara and Gross, Fridolin and Jaulin, Fanny and Knight, Rob and Laconi, Ezio and Larmonier, Nicolas and Maley, Carlo and Mantovani, Alberto and Moreau, Violaine and Nassoy, Pierre and Rondeau, Elena and Santamaria, David and Sawai, Catherine M. and Seluanov, Andrei and Sepich‐Poore, Gregory D. and Sisirak, Vanja and Solary, Eric and Yvonnet, Sarah and Laplane, Lucie
Reuniting philosophy and science to advance cancer research.
Biological Reviews.
ISSN 1464-7931
Pradeu, Thomas and Du Pasquier, Louis
Immunological memory: What's in a name?
Immunological Reviews, 283 (1).
pp. 7-20.
ISSN 01052896
Quinn, Aleta
Diagnosing Discordance: Signal in Data, Conflict in Paradigms.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 11 (017).
ISSN 2475-3025
Raerinne, Jani and Baedke, Jan
Exclusions, Explanations, and Exceptions: On the Causal and Lawlike Status of the Competitive Exclusion Principle.
Philosophy and Theory in Biology, 7.
ISSN 1949-0739
Ramsey, Grant
The Causal Structure of Evolutionary Theory.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
Ramsey, Grant and Durand, Pierre
The Nature of Programmed Cell Death.
Biological Theory, 14.
pp. 30-41.
ISSN 1555-5550
Robles-Pineros, Jairo and Ludwig, David and Baptista, Geilsa Costa Santos and Molina-Andrade, Adela
Intercultural science education as a trading zone between traditional and academic knowledge.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological & Biomedical Sciences.
Ronai, Isobel and Greslehner, Gregor P. and Boem, Federico and Carlisle, Judith and Stencel, Adrian and Suárez, Javier and Bayir, Saliha and Bretting, Wiebke and Formosinho, Joana and Guerrero, Anna C. and Morgan, William H. and Prigot-Maurice, Cybèle and Rodeck, Salome and Vasse, Marie and Wallis, Jacqueline M. and Zacks, Oryan
"Microbiota, symbiosis and individuality summer school" meeting report.
Microbiome, 8.
p. 117.
Roughgarden, Joan
Holobiont Evolution: Mathematical Model with Vertical vs. Horizontal Microbiome Transmission.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 12 (002).
ISSN 2475-3025
Rubin, Hannah
The Debate over Inclusive Fitness as a Debate over Methodologies.
Philosophy of Science, 85 (1).
pp. 1-10.
ISSN 2365-4228
Rubin, Hannah
Genetic Models in Evolutionary Game Theory: The Evolution of Altruism.
Erkenntnis, 80 (6).
pp. 1175-1189.
ISSN 1572-8420
Rubin, Hannah
The phenotypic gambit: selective pressures and ESS methodology in evolutionary game theory.
Biology & Philosophy, 31 (4).
pp. 551-569.
ISSN 1572-8404
Räz, Tim
On the Application of the Honeycomb Conjecture to the Bee’s Honeycomb.
Philosophia Mathematica, 21 (3).
pp. 351-360.
Scerri, Eric
Book review of Eric Scerri's The Periodic table, Its Story and Its Significance, OUP, 2007.
KNowledge Organization (35).
pp. 251-255.
Scerri, Eric
Forum: Philosophy of Classification.
Knowledge Organization, 38.
pp. 9-24.
Scerri, Eric
Is it time to get real?
New Scientist.
pp. 30-31.
Scerri, Eric and Reznik, David
The tree of life and the table of the elements.
OUP Blog.
Scholl, Raphael
Causal inference, mechanisms, and the Semmelweis case.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 44 (1).
pp. 66-76.
Sober, Elliott
Fitness and the Twins.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 12 (001).
ISSN 2475-3025
Stencel, Adrian and Suárez, Javier
Do Somatic Cells Really Sacrifice Themselves? Why an Appeal to Coercion May be a Helpful Strategy in Explaining the Evolution of Multicellularity.
Biological Theory.
ISSN 1555-5550
Sterrett, S. G.
The Morals of Model-Making.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science .
Suárez, Javier
Masking, Extrinsicness, and the Nature of Dispositions: The Role of Niche Signals in Muscle Stem Cells.
Suárez, Javier
A Part-Dependent Account of Biological Individuality for Multispecies Consortia.
Artefactos. Revista de estudios sobre la ciencia y la tecnolog�a, 12 (1).
pp. 55-78.
ISSN 1989-3612
Suárez, Javier
The importance of symbiosis in philosophy of biology: an analysis of the current debate on biological individuality and its historical roots.
Symbiosis, 76 (2).
pp. 77-96.
Suárez, Javier
The stability of traits conception of the hologenome: An evolutionary account of holobiont individuality.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 42 (11).
Suárez, Javier and Stencel, Adrian
A part‐dependent account of biological individuality: why holobionts are individuals and ecosystems simultaneously.
Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 95.
pp. 1308-1324.
Suárez, Javier and Triviño, Vanessa
What Is a Hologenomic Adaptation? Emergent Individuality and Inter-Identity in Multispecies Systems.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (187).
ISSN 1664-1078
Suárez, Javier and Triviño, Vanessa
A metaphysical approach to holobiont individuality: Holobionts as emergent individuals.
Quaderns de Filosofia, 6 (1).
pp. 59-76.
Tahko, Tuomas E.
Where Do You Get Your Protein? Or: Biochemical Realization.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Thalos, Mariam
Brooks et al., Levels of Organization in the Biological Sciences.
BJPS Review of Books.
Trappes, Rose
Individual Differences, Uniqueness, and Individuality in Behavioural Ecology.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 96.
pp. 18-26.
ISSN 00393681
Triviño, Vanessa and Suárez, Javier
Holobionts: Ecological communities, hybrids, or biological individuals? A metaphysical perspective on multispecies systems.
Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Part C.
Truchetet, Marie-Elise and Pradeu, Thomas
Re-thinking our understanding of immunity: Robustness in the tissue reconstruction system.
Seminars in Immunology, 36.
pp. 45-55.
ISSN 10445323
Valković, Martina
Roughley & Bayertz, The Normative Animal?
BJPS Review of Books.
Veigl, Sophie Juliane and Suárez, Javier and Stencel, Adrian
Rethinking Hereditary Relations: The Reconstitutor as the Evolutionary Unit of Heredity.
Synthese, 200 (367).
ISSN 1573-0964
Veit, Walter
Preview of A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
Veit, Walter
Two Kinds of Biological Normativity.
Teorema, 42 (1).
pp. 77-100.
Weber, Marcel
Experimental Modeling in Biology: In Vivo Representation and Stand-ins As Modeling Strategies.
Philosophy of Science, 81 (5).
pp. 756-769.
ISSN 1539-767X
Weber, Marcel
How Objective Are Biological Functions?
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1573-0964
Wilkins, John S.
Michael Devitt, Biological Essentialism.
BJPS Review of Books.
Winning, Jason
Mechanistic Causation and Constraints: Perspectival Parts and Powers, Non-Perspectival Modal Patterns.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Witteveen, Joeri
Golden spikes, scientific types, and the ma(r)king of deep time.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 106.
pp. 70-85.
Woodward, James
From Handles to Interventions: Commentary on R.G. Collingwood, “The So-Called Idea of Causation”.
International Journal of Epidemiology.
pp. 1-6.
Open Access Book
Ankeny, Rachel and Leonelli, Sabina
Model Organisms.
Elements in the Philosophy of Biology
Cambridge University Press.
Leonelli, Sabina and Tempini, N
Data Journeys in the Sciences.
Millstein, Roberta L.
The Land Is Our Community: Aldo Leopold’s Environmental Ethic for the New Millennium.
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
ISBN 9780226834481
Ramsey, Grant
Human Nature.
Elements in the Philosophy of Biology
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
ISBN 978-1-108-71606-2
Tahko, Tuomas E.
Unity of Science.
Elements in Philosophy of Science
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781108581417
Williamson, Hugh and Leonelli, Sabina
Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development.
Earley, Joseph
Process Structural Realism, Instance Ontology, and Societal Order.
Grandpierre, Attila
The Dynamics of Time and Timelessness: Philosophy, Physics and Prospects for our Life.
Merlin, Francesca
On Griffiths and Gray's concept of expanded and diffused inheritance.
Wilkins, John S. and Nelson, Gareth J.
Trémaux on species: A theory of allopatric speciation (and punctuated equilibrium) before Wagner.
Wilson, Jessica
Metaphysical Emergence: Weak and Strong.
unpublished stable ms..
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