Number of items at this level: 593.
Abbott, Russ
Bits don’t have error bars.
Abrams, Marshall
Coherence, Muller’s Ratchet, and the Maintenance of Culture.
Adams, Marcus P
Explaining the Theory of Mind Deficit in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Adams, Fred
Global aphasia and the language of thought.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (1).
pp. 9-27.
ISSN 2171-679X
Aguilera, Mariela
Heterogeneous inferences with maps.
ISSN 1573-0964
Aguilera, Mariela
Heterogeneous inferences with maps.
ISSN 1573-0964
Aizawa, Kenneth
Some theoretical and empirical background to Fodor’s systematicity arguments.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (1).
pp. 29-43.
ISSN 2171-679X
Akagi, Mikio
Going against the Grain: Functionalism and Generalization in Cognitive Science.
Akagi, Mikio
Cognition as the sensitive management of an agent's behavior.
Philosophical Psychology.
ISSN 0951-5089
Akagi, Mikio
Representation Re-construed: Answering the Job Description Challenge with a Construal-based Notion of Natural Representation.
Akagi, Mikio
Rethinking the problem of cognition.
Synthese, 195.
pp. 3547-3570.
ISSN 1573-0964
Aktunc, M. Emrah
Productive Theory-Ladenness in fMRI.
Allen, Colin
Animal cognition and animal minds.
Alvarado, Ramón
What is Epistemic Loneliness?
Andersen, Holly
The Case of Regularity in Mechanistic Causal Explanation.
Andersen, Holly
The Development of the ‘Specious Present’ and James’ Views on Temporal Experience.
Subjective Time: the philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience of temporality, ed. Lloyd and Arstila.
pp. 25-42.
Andersen, Holly
Mental Causation.
Springer Handbook of NeuroEthics, ed. Levy and Clausen.
Andersen, Holly
The Representation of Time in Agency.
Andersen, Holly
Two Causal Mistakes in Wegner's Illusion of Conscious Will.
Andersen, Holly and Grush, Rick
A Brief History of Time Consciousness: Historical Precursors to James and Husserl.
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 47 (2).
pp. 277-307.
Andersen, Holly
The Hodgsonian account of temporal experience.
Andonovski, Nikola
Autonoesis and the Galilean science of memory: Explanation, idealization, and the role of crucial data.
Andrews, Mel
Making Reification Concrete: A Response to Bruineberg et al.
Andrews, Mel
The Math is not the Territory: Navigating the Free Energy Principle.
Antony, Louise
Not rational, but not brutely causal either: A reply to Fodor on concept acquisition.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (1).
pp. 45-57.
ISSN 2171-679X
Arslan, Aran and Zenker, Frank
Cohen’s Convention, the Seriousness of Errors, and the Body of Knowledge in Behavioral Science.
Synthese, 204.
ISSN 1573-0964
Azhar, Feraz
Polytopes as vehicles of informational content in feedforward neural networks.
Bacelar Valente, Mario
Geometric cognition: a hub-and-spoke model of geometric concepts.
Bacelar Valente, Mario
Mathematical proofs and metareasoning.
Baker, David John
``The Experience of Left and Right'' Meets the Physics of Left and Right.
Baker, David John
``The Experience of Left and Right'' Meets the Physics of Left and Right.
Barack, David L
Mental Kinematics.
Barrett, Jeffrey A. and Skyrms, Brian and Cochran, Calvin
Hierarchical Models for the Evolution of Compositional Language.
Barrett, Jeffrey A. and VanDrunen, Jacob
Language Games and the Emergence of Discourse.
Bartol, Jordan and Linquist, Stefan
How do Somatic Markers Feature in Decision Making?
Barwich, Ann-Sophie
The Value of Failure in Science: The Story of Grandmother Cells in Neuroscience.
Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Bauer, Mark
Normative Characterization in Biological and Cognitive Explanations.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (2).
pp. 271-286.
ISSN 2171-679X
Baumgartner, Michael and Glynn, Luke
Introduction to Special Issue on 'Actual Causation'.
Baumgartner, Lucien and Willemsen, Pascale and Reuter, Kevin
The polarity effect of evaluative language.
Baz, Avner
Can Contemporary Cognitive Science Coherently Accommodate Itself?
Bechtel, William
Diagrammatic reasoning.
Bechtel, William
Investigating Neural Representations: The Tale of Place Cells.
Bechtel, William and Abrahamsen, Adele
Diagrams as Vehicles for Scientific Reasoning.
Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo
Eating and Cognition in Two Animals without Neurons: Sponges and Trichoplax.
Biological Theory.
ISSN 1555-5550
Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo
Grounding cognition: heterarchical control mechanisms in biology.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376 (1820).
ISSN 0962-8436
Bechtel, William and Bich, Leonardo
Using neurons to maintain autonomy: Learning from C. elegans.
BioSystems, 232.
ISSN 0303-2647
Becklloyd, Dan and Sytsma, Justin
Simulating Metaethics: Consensus and the Independence of Moral Beliefs.
Bermúdez, José Luis and Cahen, Arnon
Fodor on multiple realizability and nonreductive physicalism: Why the argument does not work.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (1).
pp. 59-74.
ISSN 2171-679X
Bich, Leonardo and Moreno, Alvaro
The role of regulation in the origin and synthetic modelling of minimal cognition.
Bich, Leonardo
Biological Organization.
Elements in the Philosophy of Biology Series.
Bich, Leonardo
Interactive Models in Synthetic Biology: Exploring Biological and Cognitive Inter-Identities.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (682).
ISSN 1664-1078
Bich, Leonardo
Robustness and autonomy in biological systems: how regulatory mechanisms enable functional integration, complexity and minimal cognition through the action of second-order control constraints.
Biological Robustness. Emerging Perspectives from within the Life Sciences.
pp. 123-147.
Bich, Leonardo and Bechtel, William
Control Mechanisms:
Explaining the Integration and Versatility of Biological Organisms.
Adaptive Behavior.
Bich, Leonardo and Bechtel, William
Organization needs organization: Understanding integrated control in living organisms.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 93.
pp. 96-106.
ISSN 0039-3681
Bich, Leonardo and Damiano, Luisa
Life, Autonomy and Cognition: An Organizational Approach to the Definition of the Universal Properties of Life.
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 42 (5).
pp. 389-397.
ISSN 2948-2976
Bich, Leonardo and Frick, Ramiro
Synthetic Modelling of Biological Communication: A Theoretical and Operational Framework for the Investigation of Minimal Life and Cognition.
Complex Systems, 27 (3).
pp. 267-287.
ISSN 0891-2513
Bielecka, Krystyna and Miłkowski, Marcin
Representationalism and Rationality: Why Mental Representation is Real.
Birch, Jonathan
How cooperation became the norm.
Bitbol, Michel
Is Consciousness primary?
Bitbol, Michel
Science as if situation mattered.
Bitbol, Michel
The Tangled Dialectic of Body and Consciousness: A Metaphysical Counterpart of Radical Neurophenomenology.
Constructivist Foundations.
Boccignone, Giuseppe and Cordeschi, Roberto
Bayesian models and simulations in cognitive science.
Boudry, Maarten and Hofhuis, Steije
Parasites of the Mind. Why Cultural Theorists Need the Meme’s Eye View.
Boudry, Maarten and Hofhuis, Steije
Parasites of the mind. How cultural representations can subvert human interests.
Boudry, Maarten and Vlerick, Michael and Edis, Taner
The end of science? On human cognitive limitations and how to overcome them.
Brancazio, Nick
Easy Alliances: The Methodology of Minimally Cognitive Behavior (MMCB) and Basal Cognition.
Brancazio, Nick and Meyer, Russell
Minimal Model Explanations of Cognition.
Brewer, Mark
QBist Metacognition and the Limits of
A Constraint on Genuine Artificial Consciousness.
Brown, Rachael L.
Is cultural evolution always fast? Challenging the idea that cognitive gadgets would be capable of rapid and adaptive evolution.
Brown, Rachael L.
Mapping Out the Landscape: A Multi-dimensional Approach to Behavioural Innovation.
Brown, Richard and Joseph, LeDoux and David, Rosenthal
The Extra Ingredient.
Brown, Simon Alexander Burns and Boyle, Alexandria
Episodic Memory in Animals.
Browning, Heather
Assessing Measures of Animal Welfare.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Evolutionary Biology Meets Consciousness.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
Longtermism and Animals.
Browning, Heather and Veit, Walter
The Measurement Problem of Consciousness.
Buckner, Cameron
Empiricism without Magic: Transformational Abstraction in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
Buckner, Cameron
A property cluster theory of cognition.
Philosophical Psychology, 28 (3).
pp. 307-336.
Burnston, Daniel and Haueis, Philipp
Evolving Concepts of "Hierarchy" in Systems Neuroscience.
Neural Mechanisms: New Challenges in Philosophy of Neuroscience.
Burnston, Daniel C.
Getting over Atomism: Functional Decomposition in Complex Neural Systems.
Burock, Marc
Evidence for Information Processing in the Brain.
Burock, Marc
Information and the function of neurons.
Buskell, Andrew
Andy Clark's Surfing Uncertainty.
BJPS Review of Books.
Byrd, Nick
Intuitive and Reflective Responses in Philosophy.
pp. 1-62.
Byrd, Nick
What We Can (And Can’t) Infer About Implicit Bias From Debiasing Experiments.
CRUPI, Vincenzo and NELSON, Jonathan and MEDER, Björn and CEVOLANI, Gustavo and TENTORI, Katya
Generalized information theory meets human cognition:
Introducing a unified framework to model uncertainty and information search.
Cabrera, Frank
Cladistic Parsimony, Historical Linguistics and Cultural Phylogenetics.
Mind and Language, 32 (1).
pp. 65-100.
Calder, Daniel and Lee, Jonny
Nicholas Shea's Representation in Cognitive Science.
BJPS Review of Books.
Calvo, Paco and Symons, John
Radical embodiment and morphological computation: Against the autonomy of (some) special sciences.
Carls-Diamante, Sidney
The octopus and the unity of consciousness.
Cermeño-Aínsa, Sergio
Predictive coding and the strong thesis of cognitive penetrability.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 36 (3).
pp. 341-360.
ISSN 2171-679X
Charbonneau, Mathieu
Understanding cultural fidelity.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Charbonneau, Mathieu and Bourrat, Pierrick
Fidelity and the grain problem in cultural evolution.
Chart, David
Inference to the Best Explanation, Bayesianism, and Feminist Bank Tellers.
Chemero, Tony and Silberstein, Michael
After the Philosophy of Mind: Replacing Scholasticism with Science.
Chemero, Tony and Silberstein, Michael
Defending Extended Cognition.
Chirimuuta, Mazviita
Extending, Changing, and Explaining the Brain.
Clavien, Christine and Klein, Rebekka
Eager for Fairness or for Revenge? Altruism and Emotion in Neuroeconomics.
Coelho Mollo, Dimitri
Against Computational Perspectivalism.
Coelho Mollo, Dimitri
Are There Teleological Functions to Compute?
Coelho Mollo, Dimitri
Being Clear on Content: commentary on Hutto and Satne.
Cofnas, Nathan
Innateness as genetic adaptation: Lorenz redivivus (and revised).
Cofnas, Nathan
Religious authority and the transmission of abstract god concepts.
Colaço, David
Why studying plant cognition is valuable, even if plants aren’t cognitive.
Colombo, Matteo
Why Build a Virtual Brain? Large-scale Neural Simulations as Test-bed for Artificial Computing Systems.
Colombo, Matteo and Hartmann, Stephan
Bayesian Cognitive Science, Unification, and Explanation.
Colombo, Matteo and Hartmann, Stephan and van Iersel, Robert
Models, Mechanisms, and Coherence.
Colombo, Matteo and Wright, Cory
Explanatory Pluralism: An Unrewarding Prediction Error for Free Energy Theorists.
Colombo, Matteo
Bayesian cognitive science, predictive brains, and the nativism debate.
Colombo, Matteo and Elkin, Lee and Hartmann, Stephan
Bayesian Cognitive Science, Monopoly, and Neglected Frameworks.
Colombo, Matteo and Elkin, Lee and Hartmann, Stephan
Being Realist about Bayes, and the Predictive Processing Theory of Mind.
Colombo, Matteo and Weinberger, Naftali
Discovering Brain Mechanisms Using Network Analysis and Causal Modeling.
Constant, Axel and Clark, Andy and Friston J, Karl
Representation Wars: Enacting an Armistice through Active Inference.
Corris, Amanda
An enactive-developmental systems framing of cognizing systems.
Costreie, Sorin
The geometrical basis of arithmetical knowledge: Frege & Dehaene.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (2).
pp. 361-370.
ISSN 2171-679X
Crupi, Vincenzo and Hartmann, Stephan
Formal and Empirical Methods in Philosophy of Science.
Currie, Adrian and Killin, Anton and Lequin, Mathilde and Meneganzin, Andra and Pain, Ross
Past Materials, Past Minds: The Philosophy of Cognitive
Curry, Devin Sanchez
Scientific Psychology for Folk Craft: The Case of IQ.
Curry, Devin Sanchez
g as bridge model.
Danks, David
The Mathematics of Causal Capacities.
Dardis, Anthony
A structure for mental causation.
Datteri, Edoardo and Laudisa, Federico
Large-scale simulations of brain mechanisms: beyond the synthetic method.
Datteri, Edoardo
The epistemic value of brain-machine systems for the study of the brain.
De Brigard, Felipe
Luiz Pessoa, The Entangled Brain.
BJPS Review of Books.
De Villiers-Botha, Tanya
Peculiarities in Mind; Or, on the Absence of Darwin.
South African Journal of Philosophy, 30 (3).
pp. 282-302.
ISSN 0258 0136
Deem, Michael
A Flaw in the Stich-Plantinga Challenge to Evolutionary Reliabilism.
Del Pinal, Guillermo and Nathan, Marco J.
Associative Bridge Laws and the Psycho-Neural Interface.
Deng, Natalja
On 'Experiencing Time' - a response to Simon Prosser.
Inquiry: an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy.
ISSN 0020-174X
Dengsø, Mads and Robertson, Ian and Constant, Axel
Markov blankets and the preformationist assumption.
Destefano, Mariela and Velázquez Coccia, Fernanda
Double-process theories: a unified cognitive architecture?
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (1).
pp. 61-76.
ISSN 2171-679X
Dhein, Kelle
The cognitive map debate in insects: A historical perspective on what is at stake.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 98.
pp. 62-79.
ISSN 00393681
Dinh, Phuong (Phoebe) and Danks, David
Causal Pluralism in Philosophy: Empirical Challenges and Alternative Proposals.
Dolega, Krzysztof and Dewhurst, Joe
Fame in the Predictive Brain:
A deflationary approach to explaining consciousness in the
prediction error minimization framework.
Dorato, Mauro
Presentism and the experience of time.
Dorato, Mauro and Rossanese, Emanuele
Feynman's Diagrams, Pictorial Representations and Styles of Scientific Thinking.
Dupre, Gabe
Realism and Observation: The View From Generative Grammar.
Durt, Christoph and Froese, Tom and Fuchs, Thomas
Large Language Models and the Patterns of Human Language Use: An Alternative View of the Relation of AI to Understanding and Sentience.
Dusi, Giovanni
Reliabilist Epistemology Meets Bounded Rationality.
ISSN 1573-0964
E. Szabó, László
Formal Systems as Physical Objects: A Physicalist Account of Mathematical Truth.
Elber-Dorozko, Lotem
Manipulation is key – On why non-mechanistic explanations in the cognitive sciences also describe relations of manipulation and control.
ISSN 1573-0964
Elber-Dorozko, Lotem and Shagrir, Oron
Integrating computation into the mechanistic hierarchy in the cognitive and neural sciences.
Ellerman, David
On Adjoint and Brain Functors (preprint from Axiomathes).
Ellerman, David
On Concrete Universals: A Modern Treatment using Category Theory.
Ellerman, David
Brain functors: A mathematical model of intentional perception and action.
Ellman, Roger
Mental Processes -- How the Mind Arises from the Brain.
Epstein, Eric Gordon
Radical Embodied Cognitive Science and Problems of Intentionality.
Eva, Benjamin and Hartmann, Stephan
Bayesian Argumentation and the Value of Logical Validity.
The evolution of communication and language in the voices of nature.
Fabry, Regina E.
On the Epistemic Status of Literary Nonfiction in Philosophical Grief Research.
Facchin, Marco
Extended predictive minds: do Markov Blankets matter?
Facchin, Marco
Maps, simulations, spaces and dynamics: on distinguishing types of structural representations.
Facchin, Marco
Predictive processing and anti-representationalism.
Facchin, Marco
Structural Representations do not meet the job description challenge.
Facchin, Marco
Why can’t we say what cognition is (at least for the time being).
Facchin, Marco and Leonetti, Giulia
Extended animal cognition.
Facchin, Marco and Negro, Niccolò
Predictive processing and extended consciousness: why the machinery of consciousness is (probably) still in the head and the DEUTS argument won’t let it leak outside.
Facchin, Marco and Viola, Marco and Zanin, Elia
Retiring the “Cinderella view”: the spinal cord as an intrabodily cognitive extension.
Faries, Frank and Raja, Vicente
Black Boxes and Theory Deserts: Deep Networks and Epistemic Opacity in the Cognitive Sciences.
Fasce, Angelo
The Parasites of Science. A Psycho-cognitive Characterization of a Pseudo-scientific Hoax.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3).
pp. 347-365.
ISSN 2171-679X
Favela, Luis H.
The Dynamical Renaissance in Neuroscience.
Favela, Luis H. and Amon, Mary Jean and Lobo, Lorena and Chemero, Anthony
Empirical Evidence for Extended Cognitive Systems.
Cognitive Science, 45 (e13060).
pp. 1-27.
Favela, Luis H. and Machery, Edouard
The Untenable Status Quo: The Concept of Representation in the Neural and Psychological Sciences.
Fazelpour, Sina and Rubin, Hannah
Diversity and homophily in social networks.
Fedyk, Mark and Xu, Fei
Creativity as Potentially Valuable Improbable Constructions.
Feest, Uljana
Phenomenal Experiences, First-Person Methods, and the Artificiality of Experimental Data.
Feest, Uljana
Physicalism, Introspection, and Psychophysics: The Carnap/Duncker Exchange.
Feest, Uljana
Why Replication is Overrated.
Felipe, Romero
The Division of Replication Labor.
Ferner, Adam and Pradeu, Thomas
Ontologies of Living Beings.
Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, 9 (4).
Ferreirós, José and García-Pérez, Manuel J.
¿“Natural” y “Euclidiana”? Reflexiones sobre la geometría práctica y sus raíces cognitivas.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (2).
pp. 325-344.
ISSN 2171-679X
Fischer, Eugen and Engelhardt, Paul and Sytsma, Justin
Inappropriate stereotypical inferences? An adversarial collaboration in experimental ordinary language philosophy.
Fitzpatrick, Simon
Animal Morality: What is The Debate About?
Francken, J.C. and Slors, M. and Craver, C.F.
Cognitive Ontology and the Search for Neural Mechanisms: Three Foundational Problems.
Freeborn, David Peter Wallis
Rational Factionalization for Agents with Probabilistically Related Beliefs.
Fresco, Nir and Copeland, B. Jack and Wolf, Marty J.
The Indeterminacy of Computation.
Frick, Ramiro and Bich, Leonardo and Moreno, Alvaro
An organisational approach to biological communication.
Acta Biotheoretica.
ISSN 0001-5342
Frigg, Roman and Howard, Catherine
Fact and Fiction in the Neuropsychology of Art.
The Aesthetic Mind: Philosophy and Psychology (Peter Goldie and Elisabeth Schellekens (eds.)).
pp. 54-70.
Froese, Tom and Sykes, John
The pragmatics, embodiment, and efficacy of lived experience: Assessing the core tenets of Varela’s neurophenomenology.
Gamboa, J.P.
On Cognitive Modeling and Other Minds.
Gao, Shan
Quantum collapse, consciousness and superluminal communication.
Foundations of Physics Letters, 17 (2).
pp. 167-182.
Gao, Shan
What does it feel like to be in a quantum superposition?
Gao, Shan
The measurement problem revisited.
Gao, Shan
A possible quantum basis of panpsychism.
Gao, Shan
A quantum physical argument for panpsychism.
Gao, Shan
Can Bohmian brains make minds? On shadows, puppets and zombies.
Gao, Shan
Do quantum observers have minds?
Gao, Shan
Failure of psychophysical supervenience in Everett's theory.
Gao, Shan
Failure of psychophysical supervenience in many worlds.
Gao, Shan
Quantum mechanics refutes solipsism: A proof of the existence of an external world.
Gao, Shan
What is it like to be a quantum observer? And what does it imply about the nature of consciousness?
Gao, Shan
Why mind matters in quantum mechanics.
Gasparri, Luca
Phonetic Segments and the Organization of Speech.
Geerse, Roos
Semanticizing the brain: Reiteration as a key concept in understanding representation and behavior.
Geerse, Roos
Semanticizing the brain: Reiteration as a key concept in understanding representation and behavior.
Giardino, Valeria
Manipulative imagination: how to move things around in mathematics.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (2).
pp. 345-360.
ISSN 2171-679X
Glennerster, A and Stazicker, J
Perception and action without 3D coordinate frames.
Glymour, Clark
Bayes Nets and Graphical Causal Models in Psychology.
(In Press)
Glymour, Clark
Goethe to van Gelder: Comments on "Dynamical Systems" Models of Cognition.
Glymour, Clark
Helmholtz's Kant.
Glymour, Clark
Silicon Reflections.
Goldberg, Benny and Reuter, Kevin and Sytsma, Justin
The History of the Concept of Pain: How the Experts Came to be Out of Touch with the Folk.
Gonzalez-Cabrera, Ivan
A Lineage Explanation of Human Normative Guidance: The Coadaptive Model of Instrumental Rationality and Shared Intentionality.
Gonzalez-Cabrera, Ivan
Moving Beyond Dichotomies: Liao, S. Matthew (ed.), Moral brains: the neuroscience of morality, Oxford University Press, 2016.
Gonzalez-Cabrera, Ivan
On social tolerance and the evolution of human normative guidance.
González de Prado, Javier
Still Unsuccessful: The Unsolved Problems of Success Semantics.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (1).
pp. 5-22.
ISSN 2171-679X
Gonçalves, Bernardo
Can machines think? The controversy that led to the Turing test.
Gonçalves, Bernardo
Machines will think: structure and interpretation of Alan Turing’s imitation game.
The Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations of the University of São Paulo.
pp. 1-291.
Goodman, Jonathan R
The problem of opportunity.
Biology and Philosophy.
Gough, Joe
Cognitive science meets the mark of the cognitive: Putting the horse before the cart.
Gough, Joe
‘Mind’ and ‘mental’: extended, pluralistic, eliminated.
Gough, Joseph
The many theories of mind: eliminativism and pluralism in context.
Greely, Nathaniel
Epistemic feelings, metacognition, and the Lima problem.
Green, Christopher D.
Are Connectionist Models Theories of Cognition?
Green, Christopher D. and Vervaeke, John
What Kind of Explanation, If Any, Is a Connectionist Net?
Greif, Hajo
Exploring Minds. Modes of Modelling and Simulation in Artificial Intelligence.
Greif, Hajo
Likeness-Making and the Evolution of Cognition.
Griesel, Carsten
The Type-Token Distinction and the Mind and Brain Sciences.
Griffiths, Paul
Is Emotion a Natural Kind?
Griffiths, Paul E
Appraisal and Machiavellian Emotion.
Griffiths, Paul E
Evolutionary Psychology: History and Current Status.
Griffiths, Paul E.
What is Innateness?
Griffiths, Paul E. and Machery, Edouard and Linquist, Stefan
The Vernacular Concept of Innateness.
Griffiths, Paul Edmund and Machery, Edouard and Linquist, Stefan
The Vernacular Concept of Innateness.
Grossi, Giordana
Hardwiring: Innateness in the Age of the Brain.
Guest, Olivia and Martin, Andrea
Are Neurocognitive Representations 'Small Cakes'?
Gärdenfors, Peter and Lombard, Marlize
Technology made us understand abstract causality.
Gładziejewski, Paweł
Perceptual justification in the Bayesian brain: A foundherentist account.
Gładziejewski, Paweł and Miłkowski, Marcin
Structural representations: causally relevant and different from detectors.
Hacohen, Ori
What Are Neural Representations? A Cummins Functions Approach.
Haig, David and Dennett, Daniel
Haig’s ‘strange inversion of reasoning’ (Dennett) and
Making sense: information interpreted as meaning (Haig).
Halpin, John F.
Hard Problems, Interpretive Concepts, and Humean Laws.
Hartmann, Stephan and Meijs, Wouter
Walter the Banker: The Conjunction Fallacy Reconsidered.
Hartmann, Stephan
A Conversation about Modeling in Philosophy.
Hartmann, Stephan
Prospect Theory and the Wisdom of the Inner Crowd.
Hartmann, Stephan and Rafiee Rad, Soroush
Anchoring in Deliberations.
Hartner, Daniel
From Desire to Subjective Value: On the Neural Mechanisms of Moral Motivation.
Hashemi, Ataollah
How to Understand Russellian Panpsychism.
ISSN 0165-0106
Hatfield, Gary
Psychological Experiments and Phenomenal Experience in Size and Shape Constancy.
Philosophy of Science, 81 (5).
pp. 940-953.
ISSN 1539-767X
Haueis, Philipp
Beyond cognitive myopia: a patchwork approach to the concept of neural function.
Haueis, Philipp and Kästner, Lena
Mechanistic Inquiry and Scientific Pursuit: The Case of Visual Processing.
Heinzelmann, N C
Deontology Defended.
Hemmo, Meir and Shenker, Orly R.
Why Functionalism Is a Form of ‘Token-Dualism’.
Hernández-Conde, José Vicente
Life Cycle of a Concept in the Ad Hoc Cognition Framework.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3).
pp. 271-292.
ISSN 2171-679X
Heyes, Cecilia
Is morality a gadget? Nature, nurture and culture in moral development.
Hipolito, Ines and va es, Thomas
Free Energy Pragmatics: Markov blankets don't prescribe objective ontology, and that's okay.
Hochstein, Eric
Categorizing the Mental.
Philosophical Quarterly.
Hochstein, Eric
Giving up on Convergence and Autonomy: Why the Theories of Psychology and Neuroscience are Codependent as well as Irreconcilable.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
pp. 1-10.
Hochstein, Eric
Intentional Models as Essential Scientific Tools.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science,, 27 (2).
pp. 199-217.
Hochstein, Eric
Minds, models and mechanisms: a new perspective on intentional psychology.
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 24 (4).
pp. 547-557.
Hochstein, Eric
One mechanism, many models: a distributed theory of mechanistic explanation.
pp. 1-21.
Hochstein, Eric
When Does ‘Folk Psychology’ Count as Folk Psychological?
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Hochstein, Eric
How metaphysical commitments shape the study of psychological mechanisms.
Theory & Psychology.
pp. 1-22.
Hochstein, Eric
Integration without Integrated Models or Theories.
Hochstein, Eric
Learning to Appreciate the Gray Areas: A Critical Notice of Anil Gupta’s “Conscious Experience”.
Hochstein, Eric
Mechanistic Mayhem: Minding our Musings on Mechanisms.
Hochstein, Eric
When No Laughing Matter is No Laughing Matter: The Challenges in Developing a Cognitive Theory of Humor.
The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook, 2 (1).
pp. 87-110.
Hochstein, Eric
Why One Model is Never Enough: A Defense of Explanatory Holism.
Biology & Philosophy, 32.
pp. 1105-1125.
ISSN 1572-8404
Holster, Andrew
An Introduction to Pavel Tichy and Transparent Intensional Logic.
Huang, Linus Ta-Lun and Bechtel, William
A Phylogenetic Perspective on Distributed Decision-Making Mechanisms.
Huang, Linus Ta-Lun and Bich, Leonardo and Bechtel, William
Model Organisms for Studying Decision-Making: a Phylogenetically Expanded Perspective.
Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1539-767X
Hvorecký, Juraj and Miłkowski, Marcin
Theoretical virtues of cognitive extension.
Inhasz, Rafael and Stern, Julio Michael
Emergent Semiotics in Genetic Programming and the Self-Adaptive Semantic Crossover.
Isaac, Alistair
Prospects for Naturalizing Color, or ``What's blue and yellow and green all over?''.
Ivy, Spencer
The Role of Creativity in Expertise and Skilled Action.
Synthese, 200 (456).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 1573-0964
Ivy, Spencer and Mroczko-Wasowicz, Aleksandra
Framing Effects in Object Perception.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
Jones, Max
Numerals and Neural Reuse.
Jonkisz, Jakub
What Makes Behavioral Measures of Consciousness Subjective and Direct?
Keeley, Brian L.
What kinds of kind are the senses?
Kietzmann, Tim Christian
Philosophical Accounts of Causal Explanation and the Scientific Practice of Psychophysics.
Killin, Anton and Currie, Adrian
Musical pluralism and the science of music.
Kim, Hyo-eun and Poth, Nina and Reuter, Kevin and Sytsma, Justin
Where is your pain? A Cross-cultural Comparison of the Concept of Pain in Americans and South Korea.
Kirchhoff, Michael and Kiverstein, Julian and Robertson, Ian
The Literalist Fallacy & the Free Energy Principle: Model-building, Scientific Realism and Instrumentalism.
Kirchhoff, Michael and van Es, Thomas
A Universal Ethology Challenge to the Free Energy Principle: Species of Inference and Good Regulators.
Kiverstein, Julian and Kirchhoff, Michael
Scientific Realism about Friston blankets without Literalism.
Knobe, Joshua
Intentional Action in Folk Psychology.
Kominsky, Jonathan and Phillips, Jonathan and Gerstenberg, Tobias and Lagnado, David and Knobe, Joshua
Causal Superseding.
Cognition, 137.
pp. 196-209.
Kostic, Daniel
Minimal structure explanations, scientific understanding and explanatory depth.
Kostic, Daniel
Unifying the debates: mathematical and non-causal explanations.
Kugele, Sean and Neemeh, Zachariah and Kronsted, Christian and Gallagher, Shaun and Franklin, Stan
Virtually Impossible: Obstacles to Generalizing between Simulated and Real Humans.
Kukkonen, Karin
Creative Contingencies: Predictive Processing, 4E Cognition and the Case of the Novel.
Kuorikoski, Jaakko and Pöyhönen, Samuli
Understanding non-modular functionality – lessons from genetic algorithms.
Kurth, Charlie
Are Emotions Psychological Constructions?
Kästner, Lena
Identifying Causes in Psychiatry.
Larvor, Brendan
Why ‘scaffolding’ is the wrong metaphor: the cognitive usefulness of mathematical representations.
Lau, Nikki and Haggarty-Weir, Christopher
Positive Modern Eugenics and the Issue of
Correlation Between High Intelligence and Mental
Lee, Jonny
What is cognitive about ‘plant cognition’?
Lee, Jonny and Calvo, Paco
The potential of plant action potentials.
Legg, Catherine and Sant'Anna, Andre
Pragmatic Realism: Towards a Reconciliation of Enactivism and Realism.
Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences.
ISSN 1572-8676
Lenay, Charles
Technical innovation in human science: Examples in cognitive technologies.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34 (3).
pp. 389-403.
ISSN 2171-679X
Linquist, Stefan
Which evolutionary model best explains the culture of honour?
Linquist, Stefan and Bartol, Jordan
Two Myths About Somatic Markers.
Lisciandra, Chiara and Colombo, Matteo and Nilsenova, Marie
Conformorality. A Study on Group Conditioning of Normative Judgment.
List, Christian
What is it like to be a group agent?
List, Christian and Menzies, Peter
Non-Reductive Physicalism and the Limits of the Exclusion Principle.
List, Christian
Levels: descriptive, explanatory, and ontological.
Livengood, Jonathan and Sytsma, Justin
Empirical Investigations: Reflecting on Turing and Wittgenstein on Thinking Machines.
Livengood, Jonathan and Sytsma, Justin and Rose, David
Following the FAD: Folk Attributions and Theories of Actual Causation.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
ISSN 1878-5158
Ludwig, David
Extended Cognition in Science Communication.
Public Understanding of Science.
Ludwig, David
Does Cognition Still Matter in Ethnobiology?
Ethnobiology Letters.
Lundie, Michael
Systemic functional adaptedness and domain-general cognition: broadening the scope of evolutionary psychology.
Lynds, Peter
Subjective Perception of Time and a Progressive Present Moment: The Neurobiological Key to Unlocking Consciousness.
Machery, Edouard
Concepts are Not a Natural Kind.
Machery, Edouard
Experimental Philosophy of science.
Machery, Edouard
Machery, E., 2006, Review of A. Zilhao, ed., Evolution, Rationality and Cognition, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
Machery, Edouard
You Don't Know How you Think: Introspection and Language of Thought.
Machery, Edouard and Mallon, Ron and Nichols, Shaun and Stich, Stephen
Semantics, Cross-cultural Style.
Machery, Edouard
A mistaken confidence in data.
Maley, Corey
Analog and Digital, Continuous and Discrete.
Maley, Corey
Analog and Digital, Continuous and Discrete.
Martínez, Manolo
Representations are Rate-Distortion Sweet Spots.
Martínez, Manolo
Usefulness Drives Representations to Truth -- A Family of Counterexamples to Hoffman’s Interface Theory of Perception.
Marvan, Tomáš and Havlík, Marek
Is Predictive Processing a Theory of Consciousness?
Maxwell, Nicholas
Three Philosophical Problems about Consciousness and their Possible Resolution.
McCabe, Gordon
Structural realism and the mind.
McQueen, Kelvin J.
Interpretation-Neutral Integrated Information Theory.
Md Amin, Mohamed Eusuff
Cognitive Science and Human Nature.
Meijsing, Monica
Being ourselves and knowing ourselves: An adverbial account of mental representations.
Meijsing, Monica
Real people and virtual bodies: how disembodied can embodiment be?
Meijsing, Monica
Self-Consciousness and the Body.
Meisenberg, Gerhard
Should Cognitive Differences Research Be Forbidden?
Meneganzin, Andra and Killin, Anton
Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Reconsidering Neanderthal Aesthetic Capacity.
Meyer, Russell
The Nonmechanistic Option: Defending Dynamical Explanations.
Meyer, Russell and Brancazio, Nick
Putting down the revolt: Enactivism as a philosophy of nature.
Michael, John
Mirror Neurons and Social Cognition: an expanded simulationist framework.
Michael, John
Mirror Neurons and Social Cognition: an expanded simulationist framework.
Michael, John
Simulation as an epistemic tool between theory and practice: A comparison of the relationship between theory and simulation in science and folk psychology.
Michel, Matthias
The Mismeasure of Consciousness: A problem of coordination for the Perceptual Awareness Scale.
Mikhalevich, Irina
Miller, Mark and Rietveld, Erik and Kiverstein, Julian
The Predictive Dynamics of Happiness and Well-Being.
Miller Tate, Alex James
Perception, Action, and Depression.
Miłkowski, Marcin
Fallible Heuristics and Evaluation of Research Traditions. The Case of Embodied Cognition.
Ruch Filozoficzny, 75 (2).
pp. 223-236.
ISSN 0035-9599
Miłkowski, Marcin
From Computer Metaphor to Computational Modeling: The Evolution of Computationalism.
Minds and Machines, 28 (3).
pp. 515-541.
ISSN 0924-6495
Miłkowski, Marcin
The Hard Problem Of Content: Solved (Long Ago).
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 41 (1).
pp. 73-88.
ISSN 0860-150X
Miłkowski, Marcin
Integrating cognitive (neuro)science using mechanisms.
AVANT. The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard, VII (2).
pp. 45-67.
ISSN 20826710
Miłkowski, Marcin
Objections to Computationalism: A Survey.
Roczniki Filozoficzne, 66 (3).
pp. 57-75.
ISSN 00357685
Miłkowski, Marcin
Situatedness and Embodiment of Computational Systems.
Entropy, 19 (4).
p. 162.
ISSN 1099-4300
Miłkowski, Marcin
Unification Strategies in Cognitive Science.
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 48 (1).
pp. 13-33.
ISSN 2199-6059
Miłkowski, Marcin and Clowes, Robert and Rucińska, Zuzanna and Przegalińska, Aleksandra and Zawidzki, Tadeusz and Krueger, Joel and Gies, Adam and McGann, Marek and Afeltowicz, Łukasz and Wachowski, Witold and Stjernberg, Fredrik and Loughlin, Victor and Hohol, Mateusz
From Wide Cognition to Mechanisms: A Silent Revolution.
Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
ISSN 1664-1078
Montemayor, Carlos
Attention Explains the Transition to Unlimited Associative Learning Better Than Consciousness.
Moruzzi, Caterina
Measuring Creativity: An Account of Natural and Artificial Creativity.
Murray, Dylan and Sytsma, Justin and Livengood, Jonathan
God Knows (But does God Believe?).
Nefdt, Ryan M.
Structural Realism and Generative Grammar.
Nersessian, Nancy and MacLeod, Miles
Rethinking Ethnography for Philosophy of Science.
Nešić, Janko
Ecological-enactive account of autism spectrum disorder.
Nešić, Janko
Towards a Neutral-Structuralist Theory of Consciousness and Selfhood.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
Nikolic, Hrvoje
On the hard problem of consciousness: Why is physics not enough?
Northcott, Robert
Innateness and Science.
Northcott, Robert
Free will is not a testable hypothesis.
Northcott, Robert and Piccinini, Gualtiero
Conceived This Way: Innateness Defended.
Philosophers' Imprint, 18 (18).
pp. 1-16.
Norton, John D
The Metaphysics of Causation: An Empiricist Critique.
Núñez, Rafael
Praxis matemática: reflexiones sobre la cognición que la hace posible.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (2).
pp. 271-283.
ISSN 2171-679X
O'Connor, Cailin
The Evolution of Vagueness.
Erkenntnis, 79 (4).
pp. 707-727.
ISSN 0165-0106
O'Connor, Cailin
Evolving Perceptual Categories.
Philosophy of Science, 81 (5).
pp. 110-121.
O'Connor, Cailin
Games and Kinds.
O'Flanagan, Ruadhan
Okon, Elias and Sebastián, Miguel Ángel
A Consciousness-Based Quantum Objective Collapse Model.
Pantsar, Markus
Early numerical cognition and mathematical processes.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (2).
pp. 285-304.
ISSN 2171-679X
Pantsar, Markus and Fabry, Regina E.
How Not to Talk about Chatbot Mistakes.
Patel, Shivam
Towards a Conative Account of Mental Imagery.
Patton, Lydia
Helmholtz’s Physiological Psychology.
Philosophy of Mind in the Nineteenth Century.
Pedersen, Rasmus
Retrodictive and Predictive Attentional Modulation in Temporal Binding.
Pernu, Tuomas K.
The five marks of the mental.
Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1084.
Pesonen, Renne
Argumentation, cognition, and the epistemic benefits of
cognitive diversity.
Peters, Uwe
Algorithmic political bias in artificial intelligence systems.
Peters, Uwe and Krauss, Alex and Braganza, Oliver
Generalization Bias in Science.
Petracca, Enrico
Social phenomena as a challenge to the scaling-up problem.
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
Piccinini, Gualtiero
Computation Without Representation.
Piccinini, Gualtiero
Computational Modeling vs. Computational Explanation: Is Everything a Turing Machine, and Does It Matter to the Philosophy of Mind?
Piccinini, Gualtiero
Mind Gauging: Introspection as a Public Epistemic Resource.
Piccinini, Gualtiero
The Resilience of Computationalism.
Piccinini, Gualtiero
Embodied (4EA) Cognitive Computational Neuroscience.
Piccinini, Gualtiero and Hetherington, Stephen
Knowing That as Knowing How: A Neurocognitive Practicalism.
Pietsch, Wolfgang
A Causal Approach to Analogy.
Pisano, Niccolò Aimone
An Instrumentalist Take on the Models of the Free-Energy Principle.
Pokropski, Marek and Suffczynski, Piotr
First-person constraints on dynamic-mechanistic explanations in neuroscience: The case of migraine and epilepsy models.
Synthese, 202 (5).
ISSN 1573-0964
Pollock, John
What am I? Virtual Machines and the Mind/Body Problem.
Polonioli, Andrea
A Plea for Minimally Biased Empirical Philosophy.
Poth, Nina and Broessel, Peter
Learning Concepts: A Learning-Theoretic Solution to
the Complex-First Paradox.
Poth, Nina and Dolega, Krzysztof
Believing Conspiracy Theories: A Bayesian Approach to Belief Protection.
Potochnik, Angela and Sanches de Oliveira, Guilherme
Patterns in Cognitive Phenomena and Pluralism of Explanatory Styles.
Powell, Alexander
Biological mechanisms: a case study in conceptual plasticity.
Poyhonen, Samuli
What, when and how do rational analysis models explain?
Price, Huw
Time for Pragmatism.
Przywara, Pawel
'Husserl's and Carnap's Theories of Space'.
Raja, Vicente and Valluri, Dinesh and Baggs, Edward and Chemero, Anthony and Anderson, Michael L.
The Markov Blanket Trick: On the Scope of the Free Energy Principle and Active Inference.
Ramsey, Grant and Deem, Michael
Empathy and the Evolutionary Emergence of Guilt.
Ramstead, Maxwell J. D. and Kirchhoff, Michael D. and Constant, Axel and Friston, Karl J.
Multiscale Integration: Beyond Internalism and Externalism.
Ramstead, Maxwell J. D. and Kirchhoff, Michael D. and Friston, Karl J.
A tale of two densities: Active inference is enactive inference.
Randrup, Axel, Abraham
Science and Spirituality Relations Between Two Modes of Cognition: Rational-Scientific and Intuitive-Spiritual.
Rappe, Sofiia
Predictive minds can think: Addressing generality and surface compositionality of thought.
Rathkopf, Charles
Localization and Intrinsic Function.
Rathkopf, Charles
Mental Evolution: A Review of Daniel Dennett's From Bacteria To Bach and Back.
Razavi, Sepehr
What is active touch?
Synthese, 205 (2).
ISSN 1573-0964
Reagan, Andy
Does the Rational Theory of Addiction Suffer Explanatory Impotence?
Reuter, Kevin and Dustin, Phillips and Sytsma, Justin
Hallucinating Pain.
Reuter, Kevin and Sienhold, Michael and Sytsma, Justin
Putting Pain in its Proper Place.
Reuter, Kevin and Sytsma, Justin
Unfelt Pain.
Reutlinger, Alexander and Saatsi, Juha
Introduction: Scientific Explanation Beyond Causation.
Rey, David
Guest editor’s presentation.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (1).
pp. 5-7.
ISSN 2171-679X
Reynolds, Jack
Framing the Predictive Mind: Why we should think again about Dreyfus.
Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences.
ISSN 1572-8676
Richmond, Andrew
Commentary: Investigating the concept of representation in the neural and psychological sciences.
Richmond, Andrew
Computational Externalism.
Richmond, Andrew
How Computation Explains.
Richmond, Andrew
What really lives in the swamp? Kinds and the illustration of scientific reasoning.
Ritchie, J. Brendan and Kaplan, David M. and Klein, Colin
Decoding the Brain: Neural Representation and the Limits of Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Robins, Sarah
Fixed Engrams and Neural Dynamics.
Rogeau, Stephane
We Do Have Memories of the Future; We Just Cannot Make Sense of Them.
Romero, Felipe
Can the Behavioral Sciences Self-Correct? A Social Epistemic Study.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 60.
55 - 69.
Romero, Felipe
Novelty vs. Replicability: Virtues and Vices in the Reward System of Science.
Romero, Felipe
Philosophy of Science and The Replicability Crisis.
Romero, Felipe
Who Should Do Replication Labor?
Romero, Felipe
Why There Isn't Intel-Level Causation in Mechanisms.
Synthese, 192 (11).
pp. 3731-3755.
Rose, David and Livengood, Jonathan and Sytsma, Justin and Machery, Edouard
Deep Trouble for the Deep Self.
Roush, Sherrilyn
Simulation and Understanding Other Minds.
Nous - Philosophical Issues, 26.
Rudnicki, Konrad
Humans do not reason from contradictory premises. The psychological aspects of paraconsistency.
Rushing, Bruce
AI Safety Collides with the Overattribution Bias.
Ryoo, Hong Joo
On Functionalism's Context-Dependent Explanations of Mental States.
Saint-Mont, Uwe
Roads to Consciousness:
Crucial steps in mental development.
Saint-Mont, Uwe
Roads to Consciousness: Crucial steps in mental development
Sander Oest, Sebastian
Life–Mind Continuity: Untangling Categorical, Extensional, and Systematic Aspects.
Sant'Anna, Adonai and Bueno, Otavio and da Costa, Newton
A Set-Theoretic Predicate for Semantics in Natural and Formal Languages.
Sarma, Gopal P. and Hay, Nick J.
Mammalian Value Systems.
Informatica, 41 (4).
pp. 441-449.
Sarma, Gopal P. and Hay, Nick J.
Mammalian Value Systems.
Informatica, 41 (4).
pp. 441-449.
Sarto-Jackson, Isabella and Larson, Daniel O. and Callebaut, Werner
Culture, Neurobiology, and Human Behavior: New Perspectives in Anthropology.
Sauer, Tilman
Piaget, Einstein, and the Concept of Time.
Schmaus, Warren
Evolutionary and Neuroscience Approaches to the Study of Cognition.
Schupbach, Jonah N.
Is the Conjunction Fallacy tied to Probabilistic Confirmation?
Schwenkler, John and Sytsma, Justin
Reversing the Norm Effect on Causal Attributions.
Sebastián, Miguel Ángel
Consciousness and Theory of Mind: a Common Theory?
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 31 (1).
pp. 73-89.
ISSN 2171-679X
Sengupta, Rakesh
How embodied is time?
Serban, Maria and Holm, Sune
Constitutive relevance and interlevel experiments.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Serpico, Davide
What kind of kind is intelligence?
Philosophical Psychology, 31 (2).
pp. 232-252.
ISSN 0951-5089
Shagrir, Oron and Bechtel, William
Marr’s Computational Level and Delineating Phenomena.
Shenker, Orly R.
A reductive physicalist account of the autonomy of psychology.
Shkliarevsky, Gennady
Sikorski, Michal and van Dongen, Noah and Sprenger, Jan
Causal Conditionals, Tendency Causal Claims and
Statistical Relevance.
Silberstein, Michael and Chemero, Tony
Constraints on Localization and Decomposition as Explanatory Strategies in the Biological Sciences.
Sims, Matthew
A Continuum of Intentionality: linking biogenic and anthropogenic approaches to cognition.
Sims, Matthew and Kiverstein, Julian
Externalized memory in slime mould and the extended (non-neuronal) mind.
Sims, Matthew and Pezzulo, Giovanni
Modelling Ourselves: what the Free Energy Principle reveals about our implicit notions of representation.
Sims, Ric
Boundary objects, trading zones, and stigmergy: the social and the cognitive in science.
Skokowski, Paul
Observing a Superposition.
Skokowski, Paul
Sensing Qualia.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 16 (795405).
pp. 1-16.
Skyrms, Brian and Barrett, Jeffrey A.
Slezak, Peter
Philosophers, Autistics & Three Year Olds - Semantics & Intuition.
Slezak, Peter
Realizing Newcomb's Problem.
Slutsky, David
Confusion and dependence in uses of history.
ISSN 1573-0964
Smortchkova, Joulia
Carrie Figdor's Pieces of Mind.
BJPS Review of Books.
Sprevak, Mark
Predictive coding I: Introduction.
Sprevak, Mark
Predictive coding II: The computational level.
Sprevak, Mark
Predictive coding III: The algorithmic level.
Sprevak, Mark
Predictive coding IV: The implementation level.
Steinert-Threlkeld, Shane
Towards the Emergence of Non-trivial Compositionality.
Sterrett, S. G.
Bringing Up Turing's 'Child-Machine' (revised).
Sterrett, Susan G.
How Beliefs Make A Difference (PhD dissertation) SEARCHABLE pdf.
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Stinson, Catherine
From Implausible Artificial Neurons to Idealized Cognitive Models: Rebooting Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence.
Stoica, Cristi
Turing test, easy to pass; human mind, hard to understand.
Stoica, Ovidiu Cristinel
Convergence and free-will.
Stojnić, Una and Lepore, Ernest
Fodor and demonstratives in LOT.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35 (1).
pp. 75-92.
ISSN 2171-679X
Stotz, Karola and Allen, Colin
From cell-surface receptors to higher learning: a whole world of experience.
Stuart, Michael T.
Towards a dual process epistemology of imagination.
Stuckey, W. M. and Silberstein, Michael and Cifone, Michael
Reversing the Arrow of Explanation in the Relational Blockworld: Why Temporal Becoming, the Dynamical Brain and the External World Are All "In The Mind".
Sullivan, Jacqueline
Construct Stabilization and the Unity of the Mind-Brain Sciences.
Sullivan, Jacqueline
Medical Models of Mental Illness.
Sullivan, Jacqueline Anne
Coordinated Pluralism as a Means to Facilitate Integrative Taxonomies of Cognition.
Symons, John and Abumusab, Syed
Giuseppe Primiero's On the Foundations of Computing.
BJPS Review of Books.
Sytsma, Justin
Attributions of Consciousness.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 5 (6).
pp. 635-648.
ISSN 19395078
Sytsma, Justin
Folk Psychology and Phenomenal Consciousness.
Sytsma, Justin
Is phenomenal consciousness a problem for the brain sciences?
Sytsma, Justin
Phenomenological Obviousness and the New Science of Consciousness.
Sytsma, Justin
Revisiting the Valence Account.
Sytsma, Justin
The Robots of the Dawn of Experimental Philosophy of Mind.
Sytsma, Justin
Searching for Evidence of Phenomenal Consciousness in NCC Research.
Sytsma, Justin and Livengood, Jonathan
A New Perspective Concerning Experiments on Semantic Intuitions.
Sytsma, Justin and Livengood, Jonathan and Sato, Ryoji and Oguchi, Mineki
Reference in the Land of the Rising Sun: A Cross-cultural Study on the Reference of Proper Names.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 6 (2).
pp. 213-230.
ISSN 1878-5158
Sytsma, Justin and Machery, Edouard
How to study Folk Intuitions about Phenomenal Consciousness.
Sytsma, Justin and Machery, Edouard
On the Relevance of Folk Intuitions: A Reply to Talbot.
Sytsma, Justin and Machery, Edouard
Two Conceptions of Subjective Experience.
Sytsma, Justin and Machery, Edouard
The Two Sources of Moral Standing.
Sytsma, Justin
Causation, Responsibility, and Typicality.
Sytsma, Justin
Crossed Wires: Blaming Artifacts for Bad Outcomes.
Sytsma, Justin
Dennett’s Theory of the Folk Theory of Consciousness.
Sytsma, Justin
The Effects of Single versus Joint Evaluations on Causal Attributions.
Sytsma, Justin
Experiencers and the Ambiguity Objection.
Sytsma, Justin
Ordinary Meaning and Consilience of Evidence.
Sytsma, Justin
Pain Judgments and T-tests.
Sytsma, Justin
The Responsibility Account.
Sytsma, Justin
Structure and Norms: Investigating the Pattern of Effects for Causal Attributions.
Sytsma, Justin
Two Origin Stories for Experimental Philosophy.
Sytsma, Justin and Bishop, Robert and Schwenkler, John
Has the Side-Effect Effect been cancelled? (No, not yet).
Sytsma, Justin and Bishop, Robert and Schwenkler, John
Has the Side-Effect Effect been cancelled? (No, not yet.).
Sytsma, Justin and Bluhm, Roland and Willemsen, Pascale and Reuter, Kevin
Causal Attributions and Corpus Analysis.
Sytsma, Justin and Livengood, Jonathan
Causal Attributions and the Trolley Problem.
Sytsma, Justin and Livengood, Jonathan
On Experimental Philosophy and the History of Philosophy: Extended Remarks.
Sytsma, Justin and Ozdemir, Eyuphan
No Problem: Evidence that Problem Intuitions Are Not Widespread.
Sytsma, Justin and Reuter, Kevin
Experimental Philosophy of Pain.
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 34 (3).
pp. 611-628.
Sytsma, Justin and Snater, Melissa
Consciousness, Phenomenal Consciousness, and Free Will.
Sytsma, Justin and Ulatowski, Joseph and Gonnerman, Chad
All in the Family: The History and Philosophy of Experimental Philosophy.
Szirko, Mariela
Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibility' for relativistic calculations.
Tappenden, Paul
A Metaphysics for Semantic Internalism.
Tappenden, Paul
Against Semantic Externalism and Zombies.
Tappenden, Paul
Objective Probability and the Mind-Body Relation.
Thagard, Paul
Darwin and the Golden Rule: How To Distinguish Differences of Degree from Differences of Kind Using Mechanisms.
Thagard, Paul
Energy Requirements Undermine Substrate Independence and Mind-Body Functionalism.
Thinius, Alex and Trappes, Rose
Sex Traits and Individual Differences: Stabilising and Destabilising Binary Categories in Biological Practice.
Thobani, Imran
A Triviality Worry for the Internal Model Principle.
Thomas, Brochhagen
Signaling Under Uncertainty: Interpretative Alignment Without a Common Prior.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Thompson, Evan
Could All Life Be Sentient?
Thompson, Jessica A. F.
Towards a common theory of explanation for artificial and biological intelligence.
Thornburg, M. Hayden
New Work for a Theory of Emergence.
Toon, Adam
Empiricism for cyborgs.
Toribio, Josefa
Implicit Bias: from social structure to representational format.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (1).
pp. 41-60.
ISSN 2171-679X
Trnka, Radek and Lorencova, Radmila
Quantum anthropology: Man, cultures, and groups in a quantum perspective.
pp. 1-191.
ISSN 978-80-246-3526-2
Tsou, Jonathan Y.
Philosophy of Psychology and Psychiatry.
Uygun Tunc, Duygu
Transformative Communication as Semiotic Scaffolding of Cognitive Development.
The American Journal of Semiotics, 35 (1-2).
pp. 117-154.
ISSN 0277-7126
Veit, Walter
Cognitive Enhancement and the Threat of Inequality.
Veit, Walter
Complexity and the Evolution of Consciousness.
Veit, Walter
Consciousness, Complexity, and Evolution.
Veit, Walter
Defending the Pathological Complexity Thesis.
Veit, Walter
The Evolution of Knowledge during the Cambrian Explosion.
Veit, Walter
The Explanandum: Animal Consciousness and Phenomenological Complexity.
A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
pp. 24-42.
Veit, Walter
Health, Consciousness, and the Evolution of Subjects.
Veit, Walter
The Origins of Consciousness or the War of the Five Dimensions.
Veit, Walter
Preview of A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
Veit, Walter
Revisiting the Intentionality All-Stars.
Veit, Walter
The Role of Consciousness in Adaptive Behavior: Précis of
A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
The Design Space of Human Communication and the Non-Evolution of Ideography.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Evolutionary Mismatch and Anomalies in the Memory System.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Hominin Life History, Pathological Complexity, and the Evolution of Anxiety.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Life, Mind, Agency: Why Markov Blankets Fail the Test of Evolution.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Neural Networks, AI, and the Goals of Modeling.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
On the Evolutionary Origins of the Bifocal Stance.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Phenomenology Applied to Animal Health and Suffering.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Puritanical Morality and the Scaffolded Evolution of Self-Control.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
The Scaffolded Evolution of Human Communication.
Veit, Walter and Browning, Heather
Social Robots and the Intentional Stance.
Veit, Walter and Dewhurst, Joe and Dolega, Krzysztof and Jones, Max and Stanley, Shaun and Frankish, Keith and Dennett, Daniel C.
The Rationale of Rationalization.
Vernazzani, Alfredo
Psychoneural Isomorphism: From Metaphysics to robustness.
Vernazzani, Alfredo
The Structure of Sensorimotor Explanation.
Vicente, Raja and Edward, Baggs and Anthony, Chemero and Michael L., Anderson
Trick or treat: A response to commentaries on “The Markov blanket trick”.
Vidal, Javier
De Se Thoughts and Conscious Mind.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30 (1).
pp. 117-136.
ISSN 2171-679X
Viera, Gerardo
Representation without Informative Signalling.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
ISSN 1464-3537
Viera, Gerardo
The Sense of Time.
Vinding, Mikkel C.
Investigating Causal Effects of Mental Events in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Vold, Karina and Schlimm, Dirk
Extended mathematical cognition: External representations with non-derived content.
Vorobyev, Oleg Yu
Postulating the theory of experience and chance
as a theory of co~events (co~beings).
van Es, Thomas
The Embedded View, its critics, and a radically non-representational solution.
van Es, Thomas and Hipólito, Inês
Co-constructing Markov blankets: tricky solutions.
van Es, Thomas and Kirchhoff, Michael D.
Between pebbles and organisms: Weaving autonomy into the Markov blanket.
van Rooij, Iris and Wright, Cory and Wareham, Todd
Intractability and the use of heuristics in psychological explanations.
verpooten, jan and nelissen, mark
Wadle, Douglas
The Contributions of the Bodily Senses to Body Representations in the Brain.
Wadle, Douglas and Bansal, Devansh and Wellwood, Alexis
Temporal Shaping and the Event/Process Distinction.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 46.
Wagner, Roy
Cognitive stories and the image of mathematics.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 33 (2).
pp. 305-323.
ISSN 2171-679X
Wajnerman Paz, Abel
Pluralistic Mechanism.
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (2).
pp. 161-175.
ISSN 2171-679X
Wajnerman Paz, Abel
An efficient coding approach to the debate on grounded cognition.
Wallace, Rodrick
Consciousness, cognition, and the hierarchy of context: expanding the global neuronal workspace.
Wallace, Rodrick
Lurching Toward Chernobyl: Dysfunctions of Real-Time Computation.
Waller, Robyn
Weighing in on decisions in the brain: Neural representations of pre-awarenss practical intention.
Ward, Zina B.
Cognitive Variation: The Philosophical Landscape.
Philosophy Compass.
Ward, Zina B.
Muscles or Movements? Representation in the Nascent Brain Sciences.
Journal of the History of Biology.
Waskan, Jonathan
Intelligibility and the CAPE: Combatting Anti-Psychologism about Explanation.
Waskan, Jonathan
Intelligibility and the CAPE: Combatting Anti-psychologism about Explanation.
Weinberger, Naftali
Mechanisms Without Mechanistic Explanation.
Weinberger, Naftali
Near-Decomposability and the Time-Scale Relativity of Causal Representations.
Weinberger, Naftali and Allen, Colin
Static-Dynamic Hybridity in Dynamical Models of Cognition.
Weinberger, Naftali and Allen, Colin
Static-Dynamic Hybridity in Dynamical Models of Cognition.
Weiskopf, Daniel
Integrative Modeling and the Role of Neural Constraints.
Westphal, Kenneth R.
Thought Experiments, Epistemology & our Cognitive (In)Capacities.
White, Apliit
On the Recognition of Phenomena, using Empirical Correlations.
White, Apliit
The formation of absolutely possible experiences and their correlative domain.
Wiegman, Isaac
Emotional Appraisal is not Memory.
Willemsen, Pascale and Martens, Judith H.
Does Evaluative Language Provide Reasons to Act?
An Empirical Study of the Action-Guiding Potential of Evaluative Concepts.
Williams, Daniel
Is the Brain an Organ for Prediction Error Minimization?
Williams, Daniel and Montagnese, Marcella
Bayesian Psychiatry and the Social Focus of Delusions.
Wilson, Jessica
Metaphysical Emergence: Weak and Strong.
unpublished stable ms..
Wilson, Keith A.
Individuating the Senses of ‘Smell’: Orthonasal versus Retronasal Olfaction.
Witas, Piotr
On the place of subjectivity in quantum theory.
Woodward, James
Causal Perception and Causal Cognition.
Woodward, James
A Philosopher Looks at Tool Use and Causal Understanding.
Woodward, James
Causal Judgment: What Can Philosophy Learn from Experiment? What Can It Contribute to Experiment.
Woodward, James
Chapter 8: Proportionality.
Yan, Karen and Liao, Chuan-Ya
A Co-Citation Analysis of Cross-Disciplinarity in the Empirically-Informed Philosophy of Mind.
Zahorec, Michael and Bishop, Robert and Hansen, Nat and Schwenkler, John and Sytsma, Justin
Linguistic Corpora and Ordinary Language: On the Dispute between Ryle and Austin about the Use of ‘Voluntary’, ‘Involuntary’, ‘Voluntarily’, and ‘Involuntarily’.
Zakharova, Daria
The Epistemology of AI-driven Science: The Case of AlphaFold.
Zednik, Carlos
Heuristics, Descriptions, and the Scope of Mechanistic Explanation.
Zednik, Carlos
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience.
Zednik, Carlos
Mechanisms in Cognitive Science.
Zednik, Carlos
The Nature of Dynamical Explanation.
Philosophy of Science, 78 (2).
pp. 238-263.
Zednik, Carlos and Jäkel, Frank
Bayesian reverse-engineering considered as a research strategy for cognitive science.
Zhang, Zhexi
Representational Enactivism.
Zilhão, António
Incontinence, Honouring Sunk Costs, and Rationality.
Zilhão, António
Whither Rationality?
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 22:42:05 2025 EDT.